amorentiah · 4 years
My heart is full today, full of indescribable, invincible sorrow, my eyes have watered, more than once, more than I would like to admit, I'm not myself, a stranger, a lost entity. Overwhelmed with rage, sadness and unknown emotions, I'm defeated today. I refuse to be saved, for I'm certain, I'll rise tomorrow or someday............
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amorentiah · 4 years
‘What are you afraid of?’
‘Everything you need to succeed is already within you.’
‘Yeah, but what if I fail?’
‘What if you won’t?’
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amorentiah · 4 years
normalize walking away from therapy that isn't doing you any good
normalize informing yourself about the effects and efficacy of psychiatric medication and deciding for yourself whether to take it
normalize disagreeing with and rejecting diagnostic labels
normalize choosing peer support and peer-led groups
normalize autonomy over our minds and bodies
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amorentiah · 4 years
it’s a new month !!!!!!! and i hope something wonderful happens in it for you !!!!!
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amorentiah · 4 years
if it wasn't homoerotic to look at someone, why would they call it "gaze" 🤨
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amorentiah · 4 years
“I think perhaps love comes from finding someone you feel utterly comfortable with, someone who makes you comfortable with yourself. It’s like…finding yourself, or maybe it’s like finding the other part of yourself.”
— Candice Proctor, Whispers of Heaven
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amorentiah · 4 years
when quarantine is over dont ask me if im free just say when and where
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amorentiah · 4 years
yall ever get so overwhelmed with the feeling of “i’m not doing enough” that you just do nothing at all
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amorentiah · 4 years
a big part of self compassion is keeping touch with your inner self. many times when you're feeling numb and empty it's when you're ignoring the pain you're going through, and on the surface everything seems fine, but if you peek inside, your inner child is scared, crying or in need of care and attention because really, the small version of you who is extremely vulnerable to pain and desperately needs reassurance and comfort will always be there. even if you have lots of reassurance from other people, you need to be there for you, and your presence is the most important and comforting for your younger self. instead of seeking distractions or always relying on someone else to tell you what to do, you need to be there for your inner child and hug them and tell them using your wisdom and optimism that everything is going to be ok, even if you don't believe in it fully, because at the end of the day it's you who understands yourself most, it's you who knows everything you've been through, it's you who knows why you acted in certain ways, it's you who can empathize best with your trauma, and it's you who can best make yourself feel heard, comforted and safe. you have the power to sit with them and talk to them with the deep kindness and understanding that they rarely received from others. you can't ignore yourself and shut everything away hoping it will resolve on its own, because if you saw your younger self upset you would want to love and comfort them instead of neglecting them. your inner child needs you, and is the version of yourself who needs the most love, kindness, understanding and care from you.
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amorentiah · 4 years
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amorentiah · 4 years
BOY could I go for some affection rn or maybe death
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amorentiah · 4 years
sharing music is a huge love language for me
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amorentiah · 4 years
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amorentiah · 4 years
How do you use your pronouns? I’m not trying to be offensive I grew up really sheltered so now I’m trying to learn >~<
you would use them in the same fashion as he / him / his / himself!
for example, "tevah spent a lot of time at work yesterday, void has to learn how to take better care of godself."
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amorentiah · 4 years
my soul aches so much for a love it's yet to meet.
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amorentiah · 4 years
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lil matt damon SNAPPED
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amorentiah · 4 years
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