No, I got it.
It was in this moment that Seth popped up, gun aimed at Buck. "No," Seth starts with a smug smirk on his face as Richard raises to his feet as well. "We got it." Richard finishes the sentence walking around the car and use the butt of his pistol to knock Buck out.
"Alright... There are going to be others in the back of the truck probably.. They think Kate is dangerous so it'll be two or four. Judging by this guy, I say two." Richard states, already working his way toward the car. They had little time to stand around talking. Richard's mind has settled on saving the girl, why? Because she was innocent. This was a classic guilty by association situation.
Richard made it to the van just as the backdoors opened, of course, the men in the back were getting curious and wanted to check on their friend. So, Richard slowly creeps up to the side of the van, Seth on the other side and once the men turn the corner, both brother's punch the officers. Richard grabs the head of the officer, using the van to slam the officer's head into a knock him out while Seth handles the other.
Inside the van, Robin had scooted herself as far back as she could, curled up with wide eyes. Scared was an understatement for what she was. Her entire world was acting as one big rollercoaster and even the strongest person has their limits. When Richard's head poked in, all Robin could bring herself to do was wave.
"Really, Richie? Were you trying to knock him out or were you trying to kill him?" Seth pipes up as they wait for Kate's arrival.
"Does it matter either way? Both ways give us the same result... You're bleeding, by the way." Richard moves from behind the van to address his brothers issues, leaving a rather confused Robin in the vehicle.
"I know I'm bleeding. Because you gave me the big one again, Richard!"
"I didn't know he was going to be big... And that you were incapable of handling someone bigger than you..."
"Richard, shut up."
#Starter between @amorclaris & @ofhersavior
“In recent new’s today, Abilene, Texas sheriff has confirmed the arrest of Ms. Katherine Fuller. notorious bank robber and well known ally to Seth and Richard Gecko.
The arrest was made earlier today after Katherine Fuller failed at crossing the Mexican border.”
Kate stopped in her tracks, bowl of cereal in her hand as the television displayed her apparent arrest. Her along with the brothers were staying in another low rent motel, trying to stay low from the law. The red headed woman blinked, swapping glances with Seth and Richard. “Care to explain, Princess?” Seth asked, arching a worried brow in her direction.
Kate was breathless, her stature frozen as she watched the television.
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Richard and Seth didn't hesitate to leave when Kate demanded. Neither of the boys would go against what Kate wanted. Richard wouldn't disrespect Kate or any female like that while Seth was... Well, a little scared of what Kate might do...
And so, they put Richard's plan into motion, the car in position, Richard and Seth hid behind it as the truck transporting Robin drove up the street. Inside the truck, Robin seemed so small compared to those in the truck with her. She would admit she was terrified, what would happen to her? Death? Prison? She wouldn't survive prison...
"E-Excuse me... But what is going to happen to me...?"
She questioned with a trembling tone but she got no answer. Everyone was too curious as to why the truck was slowly coming to a stop in the middle of the street, miles from any towns or any civilization at all.
#Starter between @amorclaris & @ofhersavior
“In recent new’s today, Abilene, Texas sheriff has confirmed the arrest of Ms. Katherine Fuller. notorious bank robber and well known ally to Seth and Richard Gecko.
The arrest was made earlier today after Katherine Fuller failed at crossing the Mexican border.”
Kate stopped in her tracks, bowl of cereal in her hand as the television displayed her apparent arrest. Her along with the brothers were staying in another low rent motel, trying to stay low from the law. The red headed woman blinked, swapping glances with Seth and Richard. “Care to explain, Princess?” Seth asked, arching a worried brow in her direction.
Kate was breathless, her stature frozen as she watched the television.
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Richard listened silently to whatever criticisms or objection the two had, not that they had much choice in the matter since his plan was pretty foolproof. When Kate shared her distaste for being the damsel he rolled his eyes.
"Yes, Kate. Because I don't think that sticking Seth in fishnets, heels and a Tutu is going to be as convincing as an actual woman... I highly doubt he's even shaved his legs in three to six months."
His tone was dripping with sarcasm as Seth opened his mouth to object. The words that came from his brother were as Richard would have expected. 'Why do I have to be the one in fucking fishnets?'
Richard then glanced to Seth, a heavy sigh escaping the mans lips as he pointed toward the map to further explain his plan without... Saying words about it.
"Because, Seth. I wouldn't fit in fishnets... Or a Tutu. Think, brother, before you speak. Now, Kate, you'll stall them for long enough to get them away from the truck. We don't want one of them thinking they will be able to make it back to the truck if they run... It'll keep us from having to kill anyone during this rescue. When you think they're close enough, pretend to be clumsy and hit your hand on the car, Seth and I will come out and make sure they stay so you can get your sister out of their truck."
#Starter between @amorclaris & @ofhersavior
“In recent new’s today, Abilene, Texas sheriff has confirmed the arrest of Ms. Katherine Fuller. notorious bank robber and well known ally to Seth and Richard Gecko.
The arrest was made earlier today after Katherine Fuller failed at crossing the Mexican border.”
Kate stopped in her tracks, bowl of cereal in her hand as the television displayed her apparent arrest. Her along with the brothers were staying in another low rent motel, trying to stay low from the law. The red headed woman blinked, swapping glances with Seth and Richard. “Care to explain, Princess?” Seth asked, arching a worried brow in her direction.
Kate was breathless, her stature frozen as she watched the television.
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Well this was news to Richard and Seth, but as soon as Richard is asked about how to get the woman out you could almost hear the cogs in his brain start working. The younger gecko stands, rifling through a few papers on the nearby table before pulling free a map and opening it up. He was silent for quite some time, fingers working to calculate a few things mentally then a pen is grabbed to write out his thoughts on the map.
"Kate didn't break any laws in the states. They can't try her there so they have to hold her at the border until transfer to the nearest police station in Mexico. Which would be here..."
He points out a circled town, the pen ink following a road all the way back to the border and an 'x' written in the middle of that road between the town and border.
"We put the car in the way of the road, Kate stands outside it looking at the engine, me and Seth behind the car hidden... They will have to stop... I hope tou see where I am going with this because if I have to explain it any more then both of you aren't as smart as I've once given you credit for."
#Starter between @amorclaris & @ofhersavior
“In recent new’s today, Abilene, Texas sheriff has confirmed the arrest of Ms. Katherine Fuller. notorious bank robber and well known ally to Seth and Richard Gecko.
The arrest was made earlier today after Katherine Fuller failed at crossing the Mexican border.”
Kate stopped in her tracks, bowl of cereal in her hand as the television displayed her apparent arrest. Her along with the brothers were staying in another low rent motel, trying to stay low from the law. The red headed woman blinked, swapping glances with Seth and Richard. “Care to explain, Princess?” Seth asked, arching a worried brow in her direction.
Kate was breathless, her stature frozen as she watched the television.
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Perhaps Robin hadn't thought this idea of hers through. That much was becoming obvious as she was being drug from her vehicle at the Mexican border. There was no fighting it either, she threw her hands up, terrified of the yelling and guns in her face.
"I don't understand what I've done! I am not her! My name is Robin Valencia! Im her twin! I got curious and I wanted to find her when I saw her on the new... Okay, I know that sounds bad bu-"
Her trembling voice is silenced by a quick and sharp yell from the officer holding her hands behind her back. The woman is lead back to a holding area to be questioned but she knew they wouldn't believe a damn word she said.
Back in the rundown motel room, Richard focused heavily on the television. The news casters explaining how the woman in custody is saying she's the twin to Kate. He didn't listen to much of what Seth and Kate were saying, he only spoke when the news casters were silent.
"We should go get her..." This was unlike Richard to say. Truthfully, he couldn't fully grasp why he even decided upon this. Part of him believed it was because she resembled Kate so much, he felt slightly obligated to protect her for that reason alone. Another part of him believed it was because she was being wrongly accused of something that wasn't her fault and the woman looked horrified.
"On one hand this could be good for Kate... If they don't believe this woman then they think they have Kate and aren't looking for her. On the other hand... I don't think Kate would be able to live with herself should this woman get imprisoned innocently..."
#Starter between @amorclaris & @ofhersavior
“In recent new’s today, Abilene, Texas sheriff has confirmed the arrest of Ms. Katherine Fuller. notorious bank robber and well known ally to Seth and Richard Gecko.
The arrest was made earlier today after Katherine Fuller failed at crossing the Mexican border.”
Kate stopped in her tracks, bowl of cereal in her hand as the television displayed her apparent arrest. Her along with the brothers were staying in another low rent motel, trying to stay low from the law. The red headed woman blinked, swapping glances with Seth and Richard. “Care to explain, Princess?” Seth asked, arching a worried brow in her direction.
Kate was breathless, her stature frozen as she watched the television.
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"Do I condone the illegal activity? No. Will I ever rat out my sister? Absolutely not. I, unlike some, understand the meaning of 'ride or die' and, as most would say, I am... In it to win it."
Robin was born mere minutes after her twin sister, Kate Fuller. Alas, their parents were not ready for twins. They gave Robin up for adoption and, years later, used Scott to fill the void they felt for their missing daughter.
Robin found a good home to live in. Her parents raised her in Las Vegas where she lived out her days until early adult hood. She survived well being a Marilyn Monroe wiatress at a cafe in her home town. It wasn't until she saw the news one day, seeing what she thought to be herself under investigation for criminal activity.
With this information, Robin questioned her parents. They told her exactly what happened, she was adopted, she had a twin sister she never knew about, an entire family she never even heard of. This, rightfully, upset her to find out leading Robin to venture out on her own in search of this long lost twin she never knew she had.
Her search landed her in Mexico and followed with deep trouble. Admittedly, she hadn't thought her adventure through and she was wrongfully imprisoned for her twins illegal activity...
Follow Robin as we continue the story.
Video by Kadigallgher on Instagram.
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