amokamokamokk · 2 years
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
“Your sister is quite cunning. As far as I’m concerned.” He answered the questions in her head. Billy had always been patient with her, as Sarah had a maniacal and yet enchanting innocence within her. Her witch claws dug into his skin, though Billy felt no pain. A smirk, instead, formed on his mouth. “How fascinating.” He noted, his lips meeting hers. He began to move slowly and affectionately, enjoying his view and the warmth of her skin while the two slid in isolation from the rest of the bar. “Perhaps we could indulge, a few more times.” Billy knew within himself that he was traversing enemy territory again. It was exactly like the first time. He sees her beauty, and caves in quite conveniently, as he did before. Death looms again on him, like an old friend. Still, she was sweeter than most, tempting his very senses. “There is nothing but violence around me.” He added, smiling softly at her as he moved a hair strand behind her ear.
“Can you blame me?” He asked in a rather soft tone. For the longest time after his death, he was certain that Sarah had toyed with his heart, polished it, then burned it to pieces. He had to contend with both his morality, and his capability to trust again for years. Billy had always been lackluster, but Sarah was in a different league. She actually made him feel something. He was drunk from the high of the forbidden relationship, and it led him to a series of regrets he could never take back. “If I kill you right now, I won’t have anything else to pull me off this mind numbing existence. I hate that it’s you who make me feel, both anger and love. How ironic, so it seems.” He sighed, taking a step back from her. He could feel himself getting bewitched again, his body betraying his own discernment. Billy needed to leave since he didn’t trust both her and his senses to do the right thing. 
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“And am I not as cunning?” she asked, challenging him in a way. Sarah was growing frustrated and she wanted to convince him without force that this could work out. Chains and cages were a last resort to those she actually care for, but the more he pulled from her, the more she was ready to knock him out and lock him out. “Violence is a friend of mine,” she said between their kisses, digging her fingers further into his flesh. “And I’m afraid that you make me more violent than I already feel. I don’t want to let you go again....When Winnie...she did that to punish me for caring for someone that wasn’t a part of the family. For loving so hard and for the man she thinks belongs to her.” She sighed, shaking her head. “But you do not belong to her. You belong to me. And I am ready to make that claim.”
The moment he stepped back, she stepped closer. She wasn’t going to let him run away from her. She would be damned if this was how their night ended. Her heart danced when he confessed he didn’t want to kill her even though she was almost disappointed. To be killed by the person that consumed your every thought and desire sounded romantic to her. He loved her and she wanted to keep that so close to her heart that she would replace the words with it if she was able to. “Spend the night with me, Billy. Let us get lost in a fantasy that could be so much more if you let me in...” She grabbed his hand tenderly, a foreign concept completely for Sarah. He made her soft and sharp. She was lost in a cloud of love and lust but she also never felt more aware of herself. “Mayhaps I will run away with you after all...”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
Sarah was entirely right, which was exactly why Daisy enjoyed her company and respected her opinions so much. There was so much she could learn from her about how exactly she should go about destroying Charlie. “I know,” she whined, rolling her eyes at just the thought of giving Charlie what he wanted. “Well, she’s wrong, because you have a lot more skills than that, but the whole ruining men specialty would come in handy right about now. I don’t know how to get him to admit defeat, it’s so annoying.” Daisy knew she was close to getting him to fold, but he would never admit it to her face. It would have to be seen, but she knew her ex well enough to be satisfied with just that, if she saw it herself.
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Sarah smiled at her. It was nice to know that others thought she was capable of more. She didn’t really think that there was a lot of people out there who did, but having Daisy’s support really did help her find her voice with her sisters sometimes. She knew she wasn’t smart, but she wasn’t completely useless. “You need to beat him down a bit more. Toying at his mind every now and then is not enough. If anything, get a little physical. And then lock him up and keep him away from everything he loves until he is begging for you. He will want you and only you so badly that it will ache.” She hummed some more. “Or you could just kill whoever is in the way. That works too. Or kill him.”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
Sarah hummed as Daisy spoke. Her mind was on her, but it was also on Billy. Most of her thoughts were at him these days. He had consumed her and spat her back out and she was just into him more for it. She understood the tricky subject of exes and even though she was hardly in a position to talk, she wanted to be there for Daisy. So if that meant locking her ex up, she would do it. “Oh it’s no fun when they give it up to you so easily,” Sarah said, shaking her head. “You need to give your ex something new to take away. Something that will help him miss you more after they lose it.” She nodded her head. “I ruin men all the time. Winnie has often told me it was a hobby of mine and my only real skill.”
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continued from here for @amokamokamokk​
Daisy had told her friend a bit about Charlie, but not all of it. She wasn’t sure how much to give away while her plan was still in action, but Sarah seemed like someone who was willing and able to help her with her little problem. The blonde was just as devious as Daisy was, potentially even more so with the power her sisters had. “Locked away to be tortured is much preferred,” she agreed. “My ex. He’s literally the most frustrating prick I’ve ever met in my life, and I want to ruin him. I can’t tell if he’s handing his demise out to me on a platter or if he’s making my life a lot more difficult than I need it to be,” she explained with a groan. Charlie would sift through all the humans in Animania before he let her have her way, but the fun in it also involved waiting and watching him become increasingly lonely. “Have you ever tried to ruin a man before?”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
Billy searched her eyes for the truth. He was out for blood and moved by blood alone. His soul had been taken away from him, cursed with endless death with no destination in mind. Thus, he was angry deep down, and rightfully so. When she found an answer to his confession, his eyes kept looking, but all she gave him was her bare devotion. There was something manic in her eyes, and Billy could not help but smirk, tilting his head to examine how much of hers was his for the taking. “Thank God, you’re pretty.” He placed a hand around her delicate neck, his hand big enough to strangle her to death, so he kept an eye out for a flinch or a whimper that would suggest any retaliation from his hands. However, she stood tall with a smile etched on her face. Billy moved his hand to the side of her face, and kissed her. A mixture of rough, and soft, while he took his time tasting her.
“She’ll come after me. We both know that” He chuckled slightly, knowing how predictable her sister can be. He didn’t understand why she was doing this, or why she kept toying around with him when he knew where her loyalty lay. Still, Billy wasn’t going to complain. Having Sarah around meant a step closer to his sister, plus there was a thrill in the forbidden chase. He was intoxicatingly beautiful, and he was simply another man under her spell. “I wonder how long that forever will be.” Billy knew that it was only a matter of time till he meets her sister again, to which Sarah would have to face the truth that neither party will ever live peacefully together.
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The way Sarah allowed herself to be walked over by this man was probably a bigger problem then she allowed herself to see, but she wasn’t in the position to question the way her body reacted to him. She had lusted and starved after plenty men before, but never like him. He made her heart beat at an alarming rate. He made her want to abandon her life to chase the fantasy of them being together. She risked it all just to get his hand on her throat and his lips on hers and she was so reckless with her feeling that she didn’t give a single shit. His compliment was a bit passive aggressive and yet she melted into him more, taking his lips for whatever he wanted to give, and letting herself get lost in him more and more as he messed with her mind, body, and soul.
“And what if she doesn’t? What more could she do?” Winnie wouldn’t kill Sarah, she thinks. And Billy was already dead. What more could she really do to either of them if they did what they wanted to? “Billy....All I know is that I want to be with you....when I’m not it makes me crazy....” She traced his face with her free hand, cupping his jaw, her nails digging into his flesh. “It is madness to love you....but it is so freeing....” They were trapped in the same song and dance. While Sarah loved familiarity, she craved more of him, all of him. He has not given himself fully to her and she wanted him to more than anything. “Do you not see the way you enchant me? How you blind me? How you consume me? Kill me if it will make you feel better. I won’t fight it.” 
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
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samweaving: CHEVALIER 🎻❤️
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
continued from this. @theotherbilly​
Sarah had become obsessed with Billy once again. It was true, she often mistook obsession for love and vice versa, but out of every man she has ever given the time of day she always ran back to Billy. She had to think that meant she knew the difference this time and besides, what love had no obsession? She wanted to crawl into his skin and make a home there. She wanted to challenge him and push his buttons so that he would do it in return. She loved a deadly cat and mouse game and his kiss had her seeing stars and his words made her moan. She knew he meant it when he said he wanted to kill Winnie and while that hurt her more than she would ever show, it also gave her a bit of a thrill. A challenge she knew she would probably die trying to succeed in. Changing his mind. 
His words were laced with such a pretty venom that Sarah’s head spun and she looked at him like he was a god. Truly, she was in so deep it was hard to think straight. She never knew right from wrong on a good day and now that was completely thrown out the window. Could she truly love a man that wanted to destroy her entire world? That was the question, and she was afraid she knew the answer in such a clear way that she truly was more troubled than she thought she was. “I do,” she said in such a whisper that she almost thought she hadn’t said it out loud at all. “I won’t let you get to her without a fight, you know,” she said, not even a little sad about it. She was sure this could start an actual fight, but she knew she had to speak her truth. “Why can’t we just forget about her? You are beautiful and dangerous and we have forever....”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
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Farewell, mortal bus boy.
253 notes · View notes
amokamokamokk · 2 years
"I see you everywhere." -Max
Sarah let out a little giggle. Of course Max did. She was rather beautiful and has been told that one glance was all it took to drive a man insane for the rest of their lives. Their past just was a cherry on top with the sensation and she couldn’t help but feel both flattered and a little sad that he couldn’t feel the true weight to his words. If she were to be the reason he went mad, she would want to know it was because of everything, not just the present. “Am I in your dreams Max?” she asked with a smirk. “I hope they are wonderful dreams.” Hellish nightmares would be fine as well. “Careful with your tongue, though. You wouldn’t want me to think you were forming a little infatuation with me.” @mdennison
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
"Boys will be boys then, where are the wise men?" - daisy
Sarah shrugged. Truth be told, her mind had been so wrapped in Billy once again that she hasn’t even be seeking out other men. She found Billy to be quite wise so she was sure Daisy didn’t mean him. She wasn’t even sure if the two have ever met or if she had ever properly brought him up recently. “I am afraid that it is hard to fine a man that is both wise and fun. I have gotten fairly lucky, but I know the struggle.” She frowned. “Are you troubled, Daisy? Has a man gotten into that beautiful head of yours? Shall I lock him away so we can torture him?” @daiisyduboiis
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0 notes
amokamokamokk · 2 years
"Said, "I'm fine," but it wasn't true." - dani
Sarah tilted her head to the side as she eyed the younger girl. She wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that and why she was telling her of all people. If Sarah was observant she would have gotten it pretty quickly, but sadly, she honestly had no idea what was being implied here. “Dear child, are you ill?” She was suspicious, but not suspicious enough. “I’m not sure I can give you what you need. I can set you up an appointment with the mayor if you are troubled with something in New Salem...though she is very busy at the moment...” @daniiidenniiison
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0 notes
amokamokamokk · 2 years
👶 The first song you remember enjoying
She’s Not There by The Zombies
Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looked The way she'd act and the colour of her hair Her voice was soft and cool Her eyes were clear and bright But she's not there
0 notes
amokamokamokk · 2 years
“I’m glad I’ve turned you into a fan,” Daisy said with a smile, linking her arm in her friend’s. Sarah was an asset to the culture of Wonderland, bringing both men and women alike to the club. “I like games, you know that. This seems like a place where the two of us can win, too.” Daisy was used to a much bigger, more impressive crowd. This was maybe a little too eaay, if she was being honest. “The chase is fun and all, but it can be exhausting, you know that. Sometimes easy pickings are fun for an easy night. Wonderland can be discouraging when it gets too much work, or maybe I’ve just grown lazy.”
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“I must admit, it is hard to find a place as whimsical as Wonderland. I do wish New Salem would be more open to it. Of course, I had asked Winnie, but she turned me down.” She tried not to let it get to her that Winnie often turned down her ideas. It did though, sometimes. “Oh this is a place where we can never lose. I mean, yes, a few of these people fear me at this point, but they keep coming back for more.” She did enjoy putting fear into others. It was what made her truly feel alive when bodies were not enough. “Lazy? You? I can hardly imagine that. I think you are just bored. And I am here to fix that. Take a look around, who do you like?”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
Though Winifred was clearly the head of her sisters, Sarah was arguably the most terrifying. There was something about the craziness in her eyes that spooked Dani in a way that she hadn’t been creeped out before. “You’re a tour guide?” she asked, looking at the blonde with narrowed, skeptical eyes. It was clear that Sarah had no idea that Dani knew who she was, but maybe that was to her advantage for now. “I was just hoping to learn more about the sisters … you know, who they are, how Winifred got elected, all that. I’m just a political science student at the university in Amity Park, and I wanted more information about her campaign for a … project.”
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“A project? How divine!” Sarah had a feeling there was more to it, but she brushed that thought away quickly. Dani was supposed to have no memory of her, right? So why did she waste her time thinking anything different? Winnie was brilliant and never messed up a spell. “Winnie got elected, well, almost overnight. A turn in the election once she had her marvelous speech! It was what brought this museum to what it is today. She is a wonderful leader and has brought life to New Salem.” She gave Dani a long look. “Why aren’t you writing this down? You are going to forget it if you aren’t careful!”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
As soon as she said her name, Max felt an immediate sense of familiarity. Dani had mentioned that name recently, when she was dumping all kinds of hocus pocus on him and trying to explain why there were so many gaps in his memory. Sarah was a common name … but he also felt strange about the woman. Was this her? When asked what he ordered, he blinked a few times trying to remember what he got. Suddenly, he wasn’t very hungry. “That’s … That’s okay, actually. I just got a water,” he lied, unsure if he could trust her or not, especially if she was close with the owner. He still wasn’t 100% sure if this was the Sarah that Dani had mentioned, and he honestly still wasn’t sure he even believed her. He wanted to try to, though, which meant being extra careful in the process. Maybe he could find out something new to tell to Dani later. “That’s pretty cool that you’re best friends with the owner,” he continued casually, trying not to come off as suspicious. “Did you both grow up here?”
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Sarah was oblivious to his turmoil. She often was when it came to others. She didn’t try to be so unobservant, she just had so many things on her mind that she couldn’t be bothered to making certain things aware to her. She also was too enthralled in the thrill of speaking to the forbidden. Max really was a little cutie pie. It was a shame he had almost destroyed her family. “Just a water? Silly. There are so many good things here! Do you want some recommendations?” His question was a little weird, but Sarah took the time to think out a good lie. If she messed this up, Winnie would surely have her head. “We are...childhood friends. Went to school together. Why are you so dreadfully curious about my relationships? I would rather focus on this one. A growing friendship is always a good thing to have, don’t you think?”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
This was the first time Billy had ever seen a crowd so alive ever since he died. Sharpay’s party was filled to the brim with people of all sorts. He could tell magic was in the air, and it did make him hold his guard up high. He immediately went to the bar after allowing Marie to mingle with her acting friends. Billy once more found himself alone, asking for a glass of whiskey to start his night. He could tell some eyes were on him because he went with Kit Charming’s ex-fiance, but he couldn’t give a single shit about it. He was present for the ride and was entertaining himself as he passed some time. Billy’s eyes scanned the room as he sat in silence until he saw her. The familiar blonde danced and paraded the room, a mischievous smile etched on her face as she talked to the men before her. He kept looking at her, observing from a distance.
Before midnight came, Billy couldn’t remember how many drinks he’d had. Sure, he watched her flirt and frolic around men, but he knew that the cherry on top was his for the taking. Once the countdown started, he immediately stood up from where he sat and made his way towards her, like a vulture to its prey. He shoved other people away easily, blurring anyone from his line of sight except her. Sarah seemed to have noticed him, and she had that familiar smile on her face that burned in the back of his mind all the time. He drew her in, his hand on the back of her neck, kissing her as the clock struck midnight. “New year, new madness.” He said, pulling away with a smirk.
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Sarah had made sure to come to this party just for the simple fact that it was fun and Billy might be there. She had to admit, he was on her mind often ever since their last encounter, and his offer burned in the back of her mind no matter what she did or who she tried to use to get away from it. Her sisters surely knew something was off with her, at least that was her initial thought, but so far they have talked to her like nothing was amiss and Sarah preferred to keep it that way. Actually, keeping Billy as her little secret for now was perfect, because then she didn’t have to be chaperoned by one of her sisters when she went to parties like this. She was sure they were still lurking beyond somewhere, but Sarah was going to do the most to ignore it until she couldn’t anymore. Instead she danced and she flirted and she let herself have some fun without a single thought to it.
Of course she noticed Billy the moment he stepped in. She chose not to go to him, but for him to come to her. She made out with a few strangers, her eyes open and wandering for Billy the entire time. She danced with them, pressing her body close as she dreamed of Billy’s embrace. She waited and waited until the clock grew closer to midnight and when he finally pulled her into his embrace, she kissed him hungrily on the stroke of midnight. It was just a small taste of what she craved, and when he pulled away her eyes we wild and she was delirious with the hype of the party and Billy’s chaotic nature. “I promise to give you only that. Madness.” She giggled, her hands going to his shirt and pulling him in to her again. “Is that all you seek from me?”
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amokamokamokk · 2 years
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Samara Weaving
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