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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Watch "प्रकृति का विनाश, हमारा विनाश है" on YouTube
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Watch "आकाश से ऊंचा क्या है? धरती से भारी क्या है? आश्चर्य क्या है? कलंक क्या है?Amit kumar Shiva" on YouTube
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Watch "पांच सवाल - भगवान कहाँ-कहाँ है" on YouTube
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Watch "पांच सवाल- रावण किसका पुत्र था? रावण की माता का नाम क्या था?" on YouTube
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Navavarsh kee khushiyaan
Navvarsh means new year. Everything new, completely changed. Some are celebrating the happiness and welcome of the new year by having a picnic, some are doing it with worship and devotion, some are doing it with a grand program. We are giving the message of Happy New Year, in this way we can say - Nav Nutan Parivartan. There should be happiness, peace and prosperity from all sides, there should be an end to discrimination, high and low and every evil, there should be a spirit of cooperation and service in every person, there should be determination to face new challenges, there should be an atmosphere of peace in the family and society. Let the memorable moments of the new year be of love, faith and brotherhood in every person.
Picnic is at its peak as soon as January 2023 arrives, with the auspicious arrival of New Year, people are warmly welcoming it in their own way, some are celebrating as entertainment and some as picnic. The main attraction of New Year's happiness is picnic, which Rivers, waterfalls, canals and big reservoirs have increased the beauty, picnics are in the hearts and minds of people and youth, it is being seen everyday. In Ramgarh district of Jharkhand, the main place for picnic is Bhairavi Reservoir and the other There are Rajrappa Dham which are connected to each other. Let me tell you about it - Mata Chinnamastika temple is located at the confluence of Bhairavi river and Damodar river, the meeting of Bhairavi and Damodar river is the center of main more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Navavarsh kee khushiyaan
Navvarsh means new year. Everything new, completely changed. Some are celebrating the happiness and welcome of the new year by having a picnic, some are doing it with worship and devotion, some are doing it with a grand program. We are giving the message of Happy New Year, in this way we can say - Nav Nutan Parivartan. There should be happiness, peace and prosperity from all sides, there should be an end to discrimination, high and low and every evil, there should be a spirit of cooperation and service in every person, there should be determination to face new challenges, there should be an atmosphere of peace in the family and society. Let the memorable moments of the new year be of love, faith and brotherhood in every person.
Picnic is at its peak as soon as January 2023 arrives, with the auspicious arrival of New Year, people are warmly welcoming it in their own way, some are celebrating as entertainment and some as picnic. The main attraction of New Year's happiness is picnic, which Rivers, waterfalls, canals and big reservoirs have increased the beauty, picnics are in the hearts and minds of people and youth, it is being seen everyday. In Ramgarh district of Jharkhand, the main place for picnic is Bhairavi Reservoir and the other There are Rajrappa Dham which are connected to each other. Let me tell you about it - Mata Chinnamastika temple is located at the confluence of Bhairavi river and Damodar river, the meeting of Bhairavi and Damodar river is the center of main attraction. Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Picnic December 2022
Picnic (Vanbhoj) has become a tradition in today's life, everywhere after 15th December you see a crowd of people like Picnic December 2022. The fun and happiness that you get in a picnic is not found anywhere else.  It is the time of the end of the year, and is celebrated as a picnic to bid farewell to the previous year and welcome the arrival of the new year.. At this time there is excitement and enthusiasm inside the people, newness starts to be experienced from inside.  One feels relief from years of fatigue and stress, even if only for a short time, one feels happiness within.
 People remain busy in work and business throughout the year, so they do not get time, being busy in their work does not pay attention to it, there is no enthusiasm and enthusiasm and time is spent in improving the economic condition.  As soon as the last month of the year comes, the idea of ​​having a picnic automatically starts coming in the mind. A new enthusiasm and a ray of new hope appears from the picnic and with this hope, we think of doing something new in the new year, now looking back  Don't look back and take a lesson from last year's mistakes or take a resolution to complete the unfinished work and move forward in the new year.
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   We also decided to have a picnic, for this we chose the place of Hundru Falls located in Ranchi district of Jharkhand, this place is also the most suitable place for picnic in December 2022 because the natural shade and the view of the waterfall there are wonderful, it is such a beautiful sight.  That once seen, does not feel like leaving. Got a golden opportunity to see both i.e. Hundru Falls together and also enjoy Vanbhoj/Picnic December 2022 to the fullest. Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Karm hee jeevan hai mera vichaar
A boy, who is very poor, innocent, does not realize his poverty, the father brings something or the other for the happiness of the son, discusses it with other children and brings it, then they make fun of him, poor thing. teases by saying Your goods are cheap and we have good and expensive ones. A boy says - "His father is poor, works as a laborer and runs a house, does not earn much money, so he buys such cheap things. We all have fathers who work, get more money, that's why fathers buy good and expensive things." Let's buy." Children keep teasing him in the fair or festival, but he does not mind these things and behaves friendly with everyone. The only way is to work hard, because work is life, I think the same. The second boy says - "We study in the school, till now he has not even enrolled in the school."
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  When his father comes home in the evening, he asks him to enroll in the school. On the second day, they get enrolled in the school. He is very happy and goes to school every day, he is fast in studies, whatever subject the teacher teaches, he listens attentively and also remembers. He passes through a very pitiable condition.Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Shikshak samaaj ka darpan hai
Who is the creator of true society in true sense? Many questions will arise in your mind. What a weird thing this is. Let me tell you that which leads us from darkness to light and it is fully mature. Expertise has been achieved by telling the subject matter of any subject in a very easy and simple way. Which makes the disciples strong physically, mentally and spiritually. Makes our path of knowledge smooth and easy. With good manners, best qualities in the disciples, good character building, full of kindness towards human and all living beings, in the same true sense the teacher is the mirror of the society, he is the giver of our knowledge.
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It helps in learning and teaching any subject of the book in detail and makes that subject interesting and simple. Builds the future of the students and has a sense of dedication in selflessly grooming the personality of all children because they know that children are the backbone or pillars of the nation. Education is given by examining all these things, if it is said in true sense that teacher is the mirror of the society. They are the builders of the nation, then there should be no exaggeration in this.Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Navavarsh kee haardik shubhakaamanaen 
The preparation for the new year starts from the month of December. Everyone starts preparing for the picnic, somewhere they prepare for the party function, for this they form their own group. Everyone wishes Happy New Year according to their relatives, friends etc., gets written cards printed, wishes Happy New Year through WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc. from mobile, computer etc.
Hearty congratulations for the new year, happy new year, may your future be bright, may you always be healthy, etc. written in the card, send the card. Leaving aside last year's estrangement, we wish a very happy new year with love and brotherhood. The way we celebrate the new year with full enthusiasm, parties and celebrations, with the same enthusiasm we resolve to bring change in people. People think that The mistake that happened in the last year 2022 will not be repeated in the new year.
The first day of the new year seems as if a festival is happening in the world and in the party, the ceremony wishes each other a very happy new year and celebrates happiness. In fact, the new year communicates a new enthusiasm and energy within us. Inspires to do something new.
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According to the Gregorian calendar, the month of December 2022 is going on. This is the month of the end of the year. The new year is about to come, which is the month of churning every new year from January to December. Throughout the year, think about financial, spiritual progress, health and bitter experience of happiness and sorrow etc. or have suffered. People churn on this. What a person earns, how much he saved in that earned money and how much he lost or spent etc. Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Sachche kalaakaar
Nekchand is one of the rock garden craftsmen of modern times of India. He was not made great by birth. He had earned greatness through hard work.
Do you know how he got fame? They used useless things like junk, garbage etc. By making beautiful and adorable figures, he gave them a tangible form.
In the sixties, he was working in the Agriculture Department in Chandigarh. His salary was very less. With this salary, he used to get bread only for two times, he was satisfied with what he had. Karma was worship for him. He used to consider his work as paramount.
Fortunately, the work he was engaged in was of interest to him. He was very fond of planting new plants. They used to sow the seeds and take care of them till the plants were ready. He used to feel joy in this. Nekchand's heart used to get elated after seeing these beautiful scenes of plants growing, colorful flowers appearing in them and the plants swaying with the gusts of wind.
It is a matter of one day. It was spring time. Nekchand left home for his daily chores. He had a bag in his hand. They were walking slowly on the footpath. There used to be a garden on the way. Different types of flowers were blooming in that more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Naya eteeem kaard banaane ke tareeke
How to get a new ATM card? Today is the digital world, that's why it is necessary for every person to have an ATM card, because without it, no transaction can make the work easy, nor can we save time, it can be easily done from mobile sitting at home. Can make, so today every man is feeling the need of ATM. That's why every person must know how to make a new ATM card.
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Today, whatever transaction is being done in the digital world, it is being done through online transaction, whether it is online payment, MNREGA, pension which are the facilities provided by the state and central government, all these are through online transaction. This is happening since, that's why every person is standing in the queue to open a bank account.
     If you do not have an ATM or it is lost, broken or in the hands of a person, then first of all get the ATM card closed immediately by going to the bank or by calling the helpline number of the bank. So that your money can be more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Saadageepoorn jeevan shailee
Lifestyle is related to the art of living because life is related to good manners. How good manners should be is known by its behavior, thoughts, and way of living. We live in our home, in society, or anywhere How do they live? It is also known from their nature and habits.
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             Life style is the name of living, who run their life in a better way. Which is selfless, full of cooperation and full of simplicity. What does a person do in his life? Its accounting is with the person himself, only the knowledge of running it properly should be known and priority should be given to a simple lifestyle.
    Every person is free to live at his own level, make good use of this freedom. Take advantage of invaluable life. Respect each other, understanding of right-wrong, good-bad etc. There should be more sense of kindness and help. There should be equality in his behavior and thoughts. This is a better example of simplicity lifestyle.Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Shiv bhasm mahatmay kee katha
After listening to such a story, Narad ji said - "O father! You have told the method of wearing ashes. Now please tell some such history, in which there is an account of a sinner being freed from the effect of ashes.
Brahma ji said "O son! A devotee of Shiva named Vamdev was free from lust, anger, greed, attachment etc. He used to look at everyone equally. He did not take anything from anyone. He used to travel in the world while doing this. He used to wear ashes and was happy in every situation. Everyone used to bow down to him by seeing his greatness.
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 Hey Narad! One day they reached the forest named Krauncharanya. Only ghosts and spirits used to live in that forest. A very terrible Brahma demon also lived there. No human used to go to that forest due to fear. That Brahma demon was hungry and thirsty for many days because of his sins. Read more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Shaikshanik bhraman
On November 7, 2022, the children decided to go to Parasnath mountain for an educational excursion. I denied that it is very high. It takes guts and courage to climb there. You are too young now. If something happens in between, you will become the cause of trouble.
The children did not agree. All the teachers wanted to take them for an educational trip to some other place, but the children decided to go to Parasnath. The teachers were not satisfied with their decision. The children remained firm on their decision. Only older children were allowed to go. On 7th November 2022, Sunday, at 6.15 am, left for Parasnath's educational tour by bus.
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After traveling continuously for three hours the bus reached Madhuvan at 9.15 am. Madhuvan is situated at the foothills of Parasnath mountain. It is in Giridih district of Jharkhand in India. It is situated at a distance of twenty five kilometers from Giridih. This is the highest peak of Jharkhand. Its height is 1365 meters (4478 feet). It is a famous pilgrimage site for Jains in the world. It is also called Samed more
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amitshiva · 2 years ago
Google street view app 
Google is going to shut down Google Apps. Where is the problem due to the closure of this app? Google Apps The world's most used search engine is only Google alone.
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                   This company has created many such apps in which people's life has become very easy. People around the world are using or doing almost all the apps of Google. Here we will tell some such apps which are used to find the way. Google is going to shut down whatever apps. Explains about it in detail. Read more
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