August 26th, 2016: Everything has kind of just happened. I blink and suddenly there's 48 days until I leave. Nerves are building, but also some excitement. The whole Facebook page is full of questions and people getting to know each other. Tonight a group chat was created and everyone is playing the soccer and basketball games in them. I don't find myself making any immediate friends (as that's difficult to do in any situation, but especially over social media), but I have reached out to a few (bonding over our mutual love for tumblr, ironically) and gotten positive responses. I've also added a lot of people on snapchat! There is going to be a mini get together in the cities on the seventh with four ladies who are from around that area. I'm planning on attending; I just worry about what might happen. What if they don't like me? It's just going to be a process, I guess. Counting down days!
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March 30th, 2016: I was accepted into the Americorps program! I got the email at lunchtime during school - it was quite the day. I report to Sacramento on October 12th! I'm looking forward to traveling and NOT going to college right away. I'm most apprehensive about living with 10-12 people for 10 months, particularly the food part. However, everyone I have even mentioned this program to has given me nothing but support, so I have a feeling that this is the right thing to do. I hope to get a little clarity out of this program - some direction. All through high school I took human based courses (sociology, psychology, etc.) and I am looking into going into something along those lines. I think that this is going to be a great eye-opening experience that will build a lot of connections. I look forward to this! If I remember to update, I will. Until next time(:
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