The Sun Will Rise Again
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Steffanee Nikkole. 28. Writer. Graphic Artist (wannabe). Owner of 4 cats (Motley, Crue Morrison and Chevy) I'm accepting requests if you are interested in sending me ideas!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
american-satanxx · 2 years ago
Please do more animal in me Nikki sixx story
It's been two years, most likely not gonna happen. Sorry.
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
So to Hell with Good Intentions Chapter 3
Author’s note: Let me know if you wished to be tagged.
Tag list:  @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky
...2018; It: Chapter 2 set Thank God, It’s Friday. by Ice Nine Kills is playing in the background as I’m packing up my makeup kits at the end of a very long filming day. Just as I’m closing up my last kit, there is a knock on the door followed by it opening up. I look in the mirror and see Bill Skarsgard standing in the doorway. “What is this crap you’re listening to?” He questions with a smirk. “I’ve been meaning to ask you all these months.” “The band is Ice Nine Kills. They just released an album called The Silver Scream and all the songs are based off of horror movies. This song is based off of Friday the 13th. “I guess that explains why you’re listening to them then.” He laughs. “Any songs about IT?” “In fact they do.” I reply quickly, turning on IT Is the End. “This is their song about IT. But them being horror based isn’t the only reason I’m listening to them. I did makeup and special effects makeup for them for their music videos for this album. Plus my cousin is friends with them.” “All good reasons.” He muses before walking in. “So now that we’re wrapping, what are your plans next?” “Probably take a break.” I shrug. “Maybe see what my cousin is doing. Either visit him at home, in the studio or even on tour. Possibilities are endless right now since I’m in between projects.” “My offer still stands,” he states. “You’re more than welcome to come to Sweden and I can show you around.” “Been there, done that.” I laugh. “I’m gonna stay away from Sweden as much as possible. I nearly got in a fight there once on vacation. Me and Swedes don’t get along. Other than you, of course.”
There is a loud knock on the door and in comes one of our big burly security guards walking in. Steve has been my saving grace plenty of times when it comes to me forgetting my passes in the beginning of shooting. “Hey Valentine, there is someone at the gates asking for you.” He informs me, causing both me and Bill to share a look before giving the muscular man in front of us. “It’s two in the fucking morning, who the hell is out at the gate asking for me?” I ask him. “Did he give you a name?” “Patrick Bateman.” “The character from American Psycho?” Bill questions before looking at me. “Is this safe? Because he clearly gave you a wrong name.” I just laugh before grabbing my purse. “It’s fine guys, it’s my friend Spencer. Patrick Bateman is my contact name for him in my phone. Don’t ask. He's a horror movie obsessed fanboy which caused me to call him American Psycho most of the time.” “Are you going to be safe with that man?” Steve questions me. “There are scarier things in this world than Spencer Charnas, trust me.” I assure him. “I’ll follow you out Steve, it’s time for me to head back to my hotel anyway.” “Are you going to the wrap party tomorrow night?” Bill questions as he walks out with me. “Nope.” I reply. “Not much of a party person. Besides, the last wrap party nearly got both of us in trouble with our significant others.” I remind him as I lock up my trailer. “I’m going to stop by, get my shit and fly back out to L.A as soon as possible.” Bill pulls me into a hug and places a kiss on my head. “Be safe. Text me as soon as you get to your hotel. I want to make sure you get back alive.” “Again, Spencer Charnas is many things but he’s not actually a serial killer.” I assure him once again as I pull away. ** Steve and I head back to the gates just in time to see Spencer taking a picture with the other security guard. Apparently he’s a fan. “Patrick Bateman? Seriously Charnas?” I laugh, causing the lead singer to look at me; a grin forming on his lips. “I’ve got to keep you guessing, Valentine.” He walks over to me and pulls me into a back breaking hug. “I missed you.” “It’s two in the morning Spence,” I remind him. “What are you doing in Canada at two in the morning? And more importantly, how did you find me?” “Chris. He told me your location. And I wanted to fly out and surprise you, that’s all.” He shrugs. “I’m kinda attached to you and I really miss you.” My heart melts at him saying this. “Let me guess, you don’t have a hotel or anything to stay in.” I assume, earning a nod from the singer. “Follow me and you can crash at my place. It’s a five minute drive from here.” “And when we get there we can watch movies?” He suggests, playfully. “I already have a probably cold pizza in my rental car.” “Sure, you can pick.” I smile as we link arms and walk away. ** “Alright Spencer, what are we watching?” I ask him as I walk out of the bathroom. After my shower I changed into a Scream t-shirt along with short shorts. Spencer looks up at me as I pull my blue hair up in a messy bun. A smirk forms on his lips. “Are you going to answer me, American Psycho?” “Look at your shirt.” He replies. “That should give you your answer.” “Good pick.” I reply as I grab a slice of pizza and sit on the couch next to him. He pulls my legs on top of his, allowing me to lounge on the couch. Causing me to shoot him a look. “What?” He asks, looking innocent. “You’ve been working all day, you deserve to relax.” I just smile as he presses play. “How is work anyway?” “We wrapped today, so pretty fucking great.” I reply before removing my legs from his lap. I scoot over to cuddle up against him instead; this causes the man to smile softly down at me. “What? I like cuddling while watching movies.” He shakes his head, a chuckle escaping as he puts his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. “You’re not going to the wrap party?” He questions. “Do I look like the partying type, Spence?” I chuckle. “Besides, the last wrap party is why my last relationship ended.” “Did you cheat on your boyfriend with Bill Skarsgard?” He jokes, laughing only stops when he realizes I’m not laughing. He pulls away from me, looking at me; kind of shocked. “You hooked up with Pennywise? The girl afraid of clowns?” “You’re acting like I fucked Bill wearing his Pennywise gear.” I laugh. “It wasn’t my finest moment and I regret it. But honestly me and Trever were on the way out anyway. Me having sex with the demon clown only helped end it sooner.” “Have you ever cheated on anyone else?” He questions. “I’m curious.” “Nope.” I reply back quickly. “And that was the only time I ever hooked up with an actor or musician that I worked with. I don’t make it a habit to sleep with the hand that signs my paycheck.” For the rest of the night, a silence washed over us. It wasn’t a bad silence, but a silence that tells me something quickly changed between us. Not sure if that change is good or bad. It’s just different.
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
So to Hell with Good Intentions Chapter 2
If you want to be tagged, let me know
...2018; The American Nightmare music video “So what made you want to be a makeup artist?” Spencer questions me as he leans up against the doorframe leading into the makeup trailer. “Especially since you specialize in horror movies.” “Thirteen Ghost kinda made me fall for the art of special effects makeup.” I rely as I empty my kit onto my table. “I did a censored version of The Angry Princess for Halloween one year. Chris said it looked impressive, especially since I did it all by myself on my own body. It’s been history since.” “Favorite horror movie of all time?” He asks, coming into the trailer more and taking a seat in the chair. “Are you this talkative with all the makeup artists that work on your music videos?” I smirk at him. “Not usually.” He shrugs. “But it's not everyday that I get to work with October Valentine. You’re not just some makeup artist that my friend suggested. You’ve worked on big movies in the horror industry.” “You really are a fanboy.” I laugh. “But to answer your question, my favorite movie of all time has to be either Thirteen Ghosts or My Bloody Valentine.” “Newer or Classic?” “I’m assuming you’re asking for both movies.” “The fact you know there is an older version of Thirteen Ghosts is extremely attractive.” He admits with a chuckle. “I haven’t seen the original for Thirteen Ghosts but that’s because it doesn’t have Matthew Lillard in it so it’s not worth my while at the moment. And I can honestly say the original My Bloody Valentine was better. But honestly I only watch the newer one because of Jensen Ackles. I’m a huge fan of him.” “I’m surprised. I thought you’d pick movies like Scream or Halloween.” “I aim to keep people on their toes.” I giggle. “Ok, since you’re here we can talk about your vision for your version of Freddy. How do you want him to look?”
“So what are you doing besides working on music videos with us?” Spencer asks after I start sketching up ideas for him quickly. “Working on a movie.” I reply, not bothering to look up at him. “Are you going to tell me which movie?” His tone is playful and childlike, which is funny. “Why are you being so nosy?” “Just making conversation.” He throws his hands up in defense. “If it’s a crappy horror movie, just say it.” “It’s It: Chapter Two.” I reply. “I’m reprising my role as their lead makeup artist. Shitty part about that job is that I’m the one that mainly works on Pennywise’s look.” “Not a fan of clowns?” Spencer laughs I look up at him, eyes narrowing into a deathly glare. “I was either 7 or 8 when I saw the original for the first time. I’ve been terrified of clowns since. All my friends know this and torture me with this information. I had a friend blindfold me and take me to the fucking clown motel.” “Fuck, that’s harsh.” He admits. “I’d never do that to you. To be honest, your fear of clowns is something I’ll take to the grave and never use against you.” “Thanks Spencer.” I smile just as a PA comes rushing in. “Spencer, you’re needed on set.” She informs the lead singer. Spencer lets out a dramatic sigh before looking up at me. “Until next time, darling?” “Until next time, Spence.” ** “How is Ice Nine Kills treating you?” Chris asks over the phone. “More importantly, how is Spencer treating you?” “Like gentlemen.” I reply. “They’re actually pretty awesome guys. Especially Spencer.” “Not bad for a band that you barely tolerated.” Chris chuckles. “So how long are you going to be there?” “Maybe a week or two?” I reply. “We’re working on the videos on a schedule that works with my schedule for work.” “The life and times of a famous special effects makeup artist.” He muses. “What movie are you working on this time.” “It: Chapter 2.” “I thought you were terrified of clowns. Why the fuck would you work on a movie that’s a reboot of the movie that made you terrified of clowns?” “Because I worked on the first one and working with Bill Skarsgard isn’t horrible.” “He scared the piss out of you on the first movie, didn’t he?” “He’s so unsettlingly as Pennywise.” I tell my cousin. “Like gave me nightmares, unsettlingly. I almost didn't want to go back. But I never back down from a challenge. Like the current challenge I’m experiencing.” “Just don’t burn yourself out, please.” Chris pleads with me. “I know you’re doing this as a favor to me and Spencer but it’s not worth it if you can’t have fun.” “Don’t worry, I won’t push myself.” I reassure my overprotective cousin. “Plus it’s gonna be fun because of Spencer, he’s something else.” “Don’t do it.” He warns me. “Don’t do what?” “Fall for a lead singer in a band…” “Are you sure you’re just saying that because you guys are friends?” I laugh. “But don’t worry, there is no romantic love between us. We just share an unbreakable bond because of our love of horror movies.” “I know you, Toby. I know how hard you fall for something and the type of guy you fall for.” “Relax, Chris. I don’t plan on falling in love with Spencer Charnas. I promise.” “When you do fall for him I’ll be the first one to say I told you so.” I roll my eyes. “Whatever you say, Chris. Whatever you say…”
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
So to Hell with Good Intentions Chapter 1
...2017 I’m sitting in my studio going over my friend’s concept art for her next photoshoot she’s wanting to do for her next project in art school. Excess by Tricky is playing in the background as I’m thinking of ways to bring these characters to life. “She could have picked any horror movie in the world but she had to pick fucking Leprechaun.” I mutter to myself as my studio mate, Rebecca, walks in. “Hey, your cousin Chris is outside with a very attractive friend.” She informs me. “Does Chris have anything in his hands?” I question her, looking up from the concept art. “Does it matter?” She questions, shooting me a look. “Aren’t you glad to see him?” “It depends on what he has in his hands.” I chuckle. “Because if it’s stargazer lilies, he’s here out of love. But if it’s Red Bull and Gummy Bears, he’s here to ask me a favor. So which is it? Flowers or my life’s fuel?” “I’ll send him back.” She ignores the question, smirking, before walking away to grab my cousin.
To the world my cousin is a big deal. Well maybe not the world but atleast the Metal community. To them he’s known as this bad ass motherfucker named Chris Motionless. To me? He’ll always be Chris Cerulli, my annoying but loveable cousin. He’s the one that believed in me when no one else did. And I honestly owe him my career and whatever fame that goes with it. “You’re a very distrusting person, you know this right?” Chris questions as he walks towards me. A smirk is dancing on his lips and his hands remain behind his back. I look past him and see a semi familiar face. Behind him stands Spencer Charnas, the lead singer of Ice Nine Kills; a band my ex boyfriend loved and I barely tolerated. “What’s behind your back, Chris?” I question him, leaning back on my desk chair. He rolls his eyes and places a tall boy of Red Bull and a giant ass bag of my favorite type of gummy bears. “What kind of favor do you need?” I chuckle before cracking open the can. “I don’t need the favor. “He starts, “This is Spencer Charnas, he's the lead singer of…” “Ice Nine Kills.” I interrupt him. “Trever, my ex, was obsessed.” “And you?” Spencer questions, smirking. “Not really my thing.” I shrug. “Too scene for my liking.” Spencer laughs as Chris continues, “They’re coming out with an album that’s inspired by horror movies and…” “And you need my special brand of talent, correct?” “Who wouldn’t want a special effects makeup artist that has worked on movies such as Saw: The Final Chapter and Jigsaw.” Spencer states, causing me to raise my eyebrow in question. “I’m sort of a fanboy of yours. It’s so hard to believe you worked on The Final Chapter at 18.” “Flattery will get you everywhere with me.” I laugh. “And I’m assuming Red Bull and gummy bears, too?” I smile. “Is the CD out yet? Or can you give me a copy. Along with the list of songs that you’re going to be making into videos? That way I can start thinking up ideas and start drawing concept art?” “Are you agreeing to this, even before finding out what we can pay you?” He questions. “Just like that?” “Don’t sound so shocked.” I laugh. “Just because I’ve done box office hits doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do this. Honestly I couldn’t care less about a paycheck. I do it for the art and the ability to beef up my portfolio. So whenever you guys are ready, we can make music video magic.” “Told you October would do it.” Chris says, proudly. But Spencer isn’t paying attention to his fellow lead singer. His eyes are glued to me. “Thank you, October.” Spencer says. “I have a feeling this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.” “I believe you’re onto something…”
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
So to Hell with Good Intentions
October started out as a special effects makeup artist for Ice Nine Kills in 2017 leading up to their 2018 release of The Silver Scream. What she didn’t realize was how important these guys were going to be in her life...especially Spence Charnas.
fell in love with hate 'cause evil fit like a glove nowhere to run, nowhere to hide killed in the climax of debauchery, we learned the hard way
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
Haven't written anything in years. But am I going to attempt to write a Spencer Charnas fanfiction? You betcha.
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american-satanxx · 2 years ago
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postgame interviews | week 5 & week 7
↳"i love this dude right here."
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
Damn this is such a good song let me play it 78 times an hour until i hate it
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
y/n: *clears throat* we are gathered here today to…de-funeralize jason todd-
jason *lying down on his grave like he’s fucking dracula*: dude don’t sound so bored, we’re literally bringing me back to life
dick: but you’re already alive-
jason: yea but that was unofficial and i didn’t even get a welcome home party btw?? fuckin rude if you ask me
y/n: you’re saying all this shit as if you weren’t bouncing around the city killing every bitch in sight, and not to mention you didn’t even tell us you were alive, you just went all shakespeare and was like “hello brucey 🤨😏”
jason: well i didn’t wanna be boring-
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
Just because ❤️
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
Neon Noir header for anyone to use <3
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
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Ville Valo 2022
📸Mika Ranta/HS
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
What a year this week has been.
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
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The Outsiders 1983 | dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
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american-satanxx · 3 years ago
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“Wait, that’s not true! I saw the first one. I don’t really remember it, but… Sorry.”
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