amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
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cptkitten started following you
Hello and welcome! I hope you don't come to regret following me!
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amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
Hey, alright, guys!
My ads helped me find Amelia!
But I haven’t found anyone other than her.
There are a lot of other people I know but haven’t mentioned, so it’s your guys’ job to ask me who you want to see me post next. I’ll tell you what I think of ‘em and stuff. Basically the same as my wanted ads but without the title.
So, guys.
Who do you want to se me write a little something on?
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amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
My goodness! How adorable! I knew they were getting close, but I had no idea that they would look so cute together!
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amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
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starlightblessings started following you
Thank you for following! I hope that I don't disappoint you!
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amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
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marchen-von-friedhof started following you
Oh gosh! Thank you for following! I hope I don't waste your time.
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amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
The self-proclaimed “Heartless Sorcerer-Swordsman,” Zelgadis Greywords.
He’s… really hard to miss. Blue stony skin, pointy ears, and wire-like hair. He’s a little shorter than Gourry, I think he’s 5’10” or somewhere around there. He’s kind of solitary, so if no one’s seen him I wouldn’t be surprised. He’s a decent guy, even if we first met on pretty bad terms. Very dry sense of humor.
Last seen with me and the party. He might be with Amelia, he doesn’t often let her out of his sight if he can avoid it, especially if we all get separated.
If you’ve seen him, let me know…
Oh, Miss Lina! I haven't seen him in quite some time. I hope that he's alright. The last I heard, he was headed for the Outer World in search of leads for you-know-what.
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amelia-wil-tesla-blog · 13 years
Well, I’d have to say that on the large scale, inanimate objects don’t hold a lot of value to me. I hold certain people much closer to my heart than the things I own. But if I had to choose, I would have to say that my favorite thing is the circlet that my mother wore. It is very special to me. Ordinarily it would be passed to my older sister, but when she renounced her title, I was placed next in the line of succession, so it is very exciting to think that some day I’ll wear it like my mother did!
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