Amazing Lyrics Daily
63 posts
Daily lyrics to keep you going and where they come from.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 4 years ago
Prospekt’s March
Today’s lyrics are actually a whole song. It’s short, but sweet. I also think it’s very fitting during these times.
“Smoke is rising from the houses. “People burying their dead. “I ask somebody what the time is. “The time doesn’t matter to them yet.
“People talking without speakin’ “Trying to take what they can get. “I ask you if you remember. “Prospekt, how could I forget.
“Drums. “Here it comes. “Don’t you wish that life can be as simple “As fish swimmin’ round in a barrel “When you’ve got the gun?
“Oh and I run. “Here it comes. “We’re just two little figures in a soup bowl “Tryin’ to get to any kind of control “But I wasn’t one.
“Now here I lie on my own in a separate sky “Here I lie on my own in a separate sky “I don't wanna die on my own here tonight “But here I lie on my own in a separate sky”
While you can, surround yourself with people you love and trust.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 6 years ago
Mrs Potato Head
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Melanie Martinez
“Mr. Potato Head tell me
“How did you afford her surgery?
“Do you swear you’ll stay forever
“Even if her face don’t stay together?”
Looks are shallow. It’s best to find friends and a potential life partner based on how we look past flaws and enjoy each other’s company. Being attracted is a bonus, that’s true, but having that trophy spouse may not be the best thing for everyone’s happiness.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 6 years ago
I legit had a customer yelling at me, cussing me out, loud enough for the people outside to hear. I told him if he doesn’t like it, he can get a refund and leave. I had confirmed his order and he changed his mind as I was making it and was supposedly shaming me for not being an active black-lives-matter protester.
I got in trouble because apparently I’m not supposed to ask customers to leave. I GOT FUCKING YELLED AT AND TREATED LIKE I WAS WORTHLESS. I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA PULL A GUN ON ME. FUCK YOU.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
i cant stop thinking about this vine
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Swallowed in the Sea
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Coldplay
“I could write a song “a hundred miles long “Well that’s where I belong “And you belong with me “And I could write it down “And spread it all around “Get lost and then get found “Or swallowed in the sea.”
It took me a long time to realize this is about getting swallowed in a sea of faces. Don’t get so caught up in being important that you forget who you’re already important to.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
What a Wonderful World
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Louis Armstrong.
“I hear babies cry, I watch them grow “They’ll learn much more than I’ll every know “And I think to myself ‘What a wonderful world’.”
So, maybe instead of scorning the younger generation for knowing things and wanting to support things based on their vast knowledge, perhaps we can praise them for not just accepting the teaching and bombardment of opinions from those who are older. Older doesn’t always mean wiser.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
It’s a Beautiful Day
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Michael BublĂ©.
“It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling “If we're drinking, then I'm buying “And I know there's no denying
“It's a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music's playing “And even if it started raining “You won't hear this boy complaining “'Cause I'm glad that you're the one who got away “It's a beautiful day “
Being in a relationship can be beautiful and beneficial. But, what is just as beautiful and beneficial is getting out of a relationship that isn’t going nowhere or is hurting you in any way.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Where have I been?
Like I’ve said before, I don’t listen to thousands or even hundreds of artists. And I’d like to keep this blog diverse as well as a viewer driven blog. I’m not going to pretend like I have a lot of time every day to do this and do a lot of research. I try to visit karaoke every Saturday and hear new songs and lyrics.
I’m here for you guys, and I’m driven by you guys as well. I want to know what you’re listening to. What bands and songs you find uplifting and motivational. I want to try to bring a unique message with each set of lyrics, and it’s hard to do that when you listen to a very limited set of artists. Please, feel free to send me a message with lots of songs and artists. No limit to the quantity!
I can do my best to keep a few things in my queue on any given day. And I’d love to have a hundred or maybe even a thousand songs in my queue so I can let everyone enjoy this blog for years to come.
But that won’t happen without you and the lyrics that touched you the most and help you keep going on a daily basis.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
“Powerless (Say what you want)”
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Nelly Furtado:
“ 'Cause this life is too short to live it just for you But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do So say what you want, say what you want”
It’s easy to feel like your voice doesn’t matter, and that you have no power in how you live your life. But life is too short to live by other people’s rules, so you should feel strong and confident in who you are, and say what you want. 
And for the groups who have not only their peers, but society looking down on them, I hope you all can find the courage and love in yourself and in others to help you express yourself in the ways you’ve always dreamed of. There is only one you, so live your life the way you want to. 
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
“Chasing Cars”
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Snow Patrol:
“I don't quite know How to say How I feel Those three words Are said too much They're not enough If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
When you’re in love, expressing how much you love that person can be one the hardest things to do. You don’t want to boil it down to “I love you” because it’s said too many times by people who don’t mean it. And, in the most frustrating of cases, it doesn’t even begin to express how deeply you feel for them.
And at the end of the day, the easiest solution can just be lying together and forgetting everything but the love of your life breathing right next to you.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
“If I Had You”
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Adam Lambert:
“But if I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy Yeah if I had you You y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-you If I had you”
In this day and age, people can fall into the trap of material possessions. They become dependent on them, thinking they need them to be happy. Sometimes, they forget what they need is love. They can go their whole lives thinking they are fine without it, but don’t be fooled. Just like others, they’re whole lives can be flipped upside down by that one special someone, and suddenly they’re material possessions mean nothing without them by their side.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Who Says?
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Selena Gomez
“Who says “Who says you're not perfect “Who says you're not worth it “Who says you're the only one that's hurting “Trust me “That's the price of beauty “Who says you're not pretty “Who says you're not beautiful “Who says”
Really. Who says? Some people will think you’re ugly, untalented, etc. no matter how beautiful or skilled you are. Those people are haters, and you don’t need that negativity in your life. You’ll find that life is much better when you block out the negativity.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Rodney Atkins.
“So I said, ‘Son, now where'd you learn to talk like that?’
“He said, ‘I've been watching you, dad. Ain't that cool? “I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you. “And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are. “We got cowboy boots and camo pants. “Yeah, we're just alike. Hey, ain't we, dad? “I wanna do everything you do. “So I've been watching you.’”
Take some time to remember the role models you had when you were younger. Now that you’re older, whether you want to or not, you’re going to be a role model to many younger people you encounter. If you’re disgusted with the typical celebrity role models, be a better one.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Rodney Atkins.
“Daddy when we get to heaven can I taste the milky way? “Are we going there to visit? Or are we going there to stay? “Am I gonna see my grandpa? Can I have a pair of wings? “And do you think that God can use another angel to “Help pour out the rain?”
It’s bursts of thought like this that make us realize young kids have a better sense of the world than they lead us to believe. They grasp what we do, and we can’t protect their innocence forever. So, while we shouldn’t bring these things up, we shouldn’t sugar coat it when it does come up.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Tim McGraw.
“I went skydiving “I went rocky mountain climbing “I went two point seven seconds “On a bull named Fumanchu
“And I loved deeper and I “Spoke sweeter and I “Gave forgiveness I’d been denying.
“And he said someday I hope you get the chance “To live like you were dying.”
If there’s a thousand great things you want to try, don’t wait until you’re too old to do them. Only having one life isn’t an excuse to throw it away in dangerous wild living. Live it well.
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amazing-lyrics-daily · 9 years ago
Today’s lyrics are brought to you by Phill Collins.
“And you’ll be in my heart. “Yes, you’ll be in my heart. “From this day on, now and forever more.”
You’ll never be gone to those you love and those who love you. Remember this and go in peace.
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