amatteroffanfics · 6 years
Origami & Tea
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationship: Love & Anguish (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Characters: Love (AMOLAD Webcomic), Anguish (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Anguish is sitting on the couch in Love’s living room, too frightened to move. Everything around him is so cute. And so breakable. He hasn’t budged since he showed up at the front door and she invited him in to sit. He’s barely even breathing. He’s terrified he might tear the heart-shaped lace doily on her coffee table, or trip while standing up and shatter the glass in her framed picture of herself and Death. Or maybe, somehow, he might leave a stain on her pink couch. His clothes are clean, but the fear of accidentally staining the fabric remains. How would he even do it? He has no idea, but he can’t stand the thought.
Love had invited him over for a tea party, and the excitement of getting to talk to her again outweighed his general unwillingness to leave his home. He knew she had tea parties often with Death, but this time she’d invited Anguish. Just him. Just the two of them. Alone. The thought has his heart racing more than it usually is, his cheeks warm, a smile creeping onto his face. She’s in the kitchen making the tea, and he wants to help, it’s only polite. But he’s too scared to leave the couch. Too scared he might break something, ruin something, and make her hate him. That thought fills him with more dread than he’s ever felt in his life, and his stomach feels like a black hole eating him from the inside out.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Shirt
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationships: Des Aeva/Leo Spindler
Characters: Des Aeva, Leo Spindler
It's not the rain on the window that wakes him, but the smell of coffee drifting through the apartment. Leo used to be indifferent to coffee, regarding it merely as the gateway between him and being fully awake, but since he's been dating Des, he's grown more appreciative of good coffee. Particularly good coffee made by Des. He yawns and reaches over to grab Des’ pillow, burying his face in it. He smells Des’ shampoo, hair gel, and cologne, smiling as the scents combine into one smell that's unmistakably Des. It’s what he smells when he stands on his tiptoes to kiss Des’ neck and when he uses Des’ products after a shower. Sometimes he smells the same shampoo or hair gel on a stranger but the scent brings him right back to Des.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Coffee
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationships: Des Aeva/Leo Spindler
Characters: Des Aeva, Leo Spindler
“So first you press here to grind the beans.” Des points out the button on the grinder and identifies all his equipment, walking Leo through each step of the process before he turns him loose and lets him make his own cup of coffee.
“You grind the beans here in the shop?” The machine he’s looking at does it automatically, he realizes, but it seems like an extra step. It gets swamped in here, he’s seen it, but each customer still gets freshly-ground beans.
“Yes, we roast the beans here too.” Des smiles and nods, “It takes longer and sometimes it means we run out of coffee during rushes and people have to wait while we roast more, but then the coffee is fresher. I don’t want to sacrifice the quality of my product for convenience.” If it took too long, then there were other coffee shops people could go to. Des didn’t want to put out a cup of coffee he wouldn’t drink himself.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
Tapas: A new episode of...
Me: !!
Tapas: A comic that isn't A Matter of Life and Death! :D
Me: D:
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Hair
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationships: Death/Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Characters: Death (AMOLAD Webcomic), Life (AMOLAD Webcomic
“Just so you know, I'm going to be mad if you mess up my hairline.” Life has a pout on his face that makes Death want to kiss him, but he refrains. Death has a sheet in his hands, and wraps it around Life’s neck, pinning it in place to catch any fallen hair. He stops to rub his fingers through the grown out fuzz around the back of Life’s head, savoring how soft it is. He has the urge to rub his face into it and nuzzle Life, but he knows he'll get a weird look if he does…
And yet, he can't resist. Death gives in and presses his face into Life’s overgrown fluff, happily rubbing his cheeks into it. Life’s hair is soft as a bunny and he's cuter than a hissing kitten, making it hard for Death to resist a great many of his urges to hug and cuddle Life.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Book
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationships: Death/Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Characters: Life (AMOLAD Webcomic), Wisdom (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Wisdom was attempting to ignore Life, who had invited himself into his library without warning and was wandering around, touching everything and leaving things just slightly off from where they were meant to be and flipping through books without actually caring what they were about, or putting them back in the correct place. If Wisdom actually watched Life’s meandering path around the library and the places where he was leaving some books (some on nearby surfaces, not even back on the shelf!), he knew he would throw him out a window. His only choice was to force himself to not pay attention and put everything back later, either after Life had left of his own free will or after Wisdom threw him out of the window, he wasn’t picky.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Reflection
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationships: Death/Life (AMOLAD Webcomic), Des Aeva/Leo Spindler
Characters: Love (AMOLAD Webcomic), Death (AMOLAD Webcomic), Des Aeva, Leo Spindler
“And here we are!” Love giggles as she and Death teleport to Earth, landing in the middle of a busy city, unseen by the walking denizens.
“Where is ‘here’?” Death asks, moving aside as a human comes too close. Should they run into him, they won’t hear him, feel him, or see him, but they’ll feel a sudden chill. He doesn’t like having any effect on their lives, even if it is as minor as a chill. He worries the brief contact will alter their lives in unknown ways.
“Paris!” Love sings happily, turning around with arms outstretched. Death smiles as he watches her dance, overjoyed to be in a city famed the world over to be dedicated to her aspect. Some yards away he sees a couple standing together, smiling at each other before leaning their heads together, enjoying simply being together. Love blows a kiss their way, and suddenly they're holding each other tighter than before, the look in their eyes deeper, more passionate. Love sighs happily as she watches them realize their feelings for one another.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Sugar
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationships: Death/Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Characters: Death (AMOLAD Webcomic), Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
“I made cupcakes with Love once. I still like to bake with her but any recipes she picks out have to be screened. She has a sweet tooth the likes of which I’ve never seen or even imagined. The first time we baked together, the recipe called for 1 ½ cups of sugar, and she wanted to double it.” Death still recalls his first bite of those pure sugar cupcakes, eyes vacant and unseeing as his teeth remember the sting, his stomach wrenching, reminding him of the gastrointestinal discomfort he'd suffered in case he gets any wild ideas about eating Love’s cupcakes again. Never again. Never again.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
One Word Prompts - Love
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Characters: Love (AMOLAD Webcomic), Anguish (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Love is always in her gardens at this time, and today is no different. She's humming to herself, a team of Cupids behind her, carrying her gardening necessities in woven baskets. There's a peony bush that has been needing her attention for a few days now and she hasn't had a moment of free time until now.
Near the brick entrance of the gardens, Anguish lurks. His back is pressed to the wall, heart pounding, sweat crawling down his face. In one hand he clutches a card he made, cut into the shape of a heart, like the adorable hearts in her eyes, he thinks to himself. Inside the card he's written I LIKE YOU, covered it with glitter, and listed reasons why he likes her below his declaration, in a bulleted list.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
Seen in A New Light
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationship: Death/Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Characters: Death (AMOLAD Webcomic), Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Life has a ridiculously large window in his bedroom. It took up at least half of the wall and offered zero privacy as there were no curtains. Life said he couldn't find curtains or a curtain rod big enough, but he didn't really want them either way. His home was further away from the other gods, near the edge of Ithis, where no one else really went. He told Death that no one else had ever come over to his place, so no one else knew about the giant window, nor did they know why he had it.
Because he lived at the edge of Ithis so far from anyone else and any other structures, there was nothing in the way of the view.
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amatteroffanfics · 6 years
The Things We Create
Fandom: A Matter of Life and Death (Webcomic)
Relationship: Death/Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
Characters: Death (AMOLAD Webcomic), Life (AMOLAD Webcomic)
He was alone when he first sat down in the field, but he could feel Death’s aura when he teleported behind him. The others used to say it was creepy, but to Life, there has always been something about him, about his aura, that drew him in. He has since decided it’s the fact they are both part of the balance. Death has always drawn him in, and if Death’s words are to be believed (Life can hardly dare to believe them, they make him so happy), Life has always drawn Death in. Without Life, there is no Death. Without Death, there is no Life.
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