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95 posts
Weird nerd stuff incoming, MDNI just in caseNeurotechnicians- we put the "trans" in transhumanism
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amatiamat · 10 minutes ago
Literal sword lesbian is not something I expected to see but now that I have wow that’s very cool gay sword
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omg wait I never posted sentient sapphic sword here????
it's a sentient cursed sword that changes shape to suit the wielders fighting style n stuff, my idea was to make it like, a game with branching paths based on who you choose and what stats you invest in resulting in different forms for the sword and bla bla
gay sword :)
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amatiamat · 12 minutes ago
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sometimes your robot gf craves a simpler existence for a little while
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amatiamat · 6 days ago
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LOVE + DEATH + ROBOTS S3EP3 "The Very Pulse of The Machine" @giftober 2024 | Day 19: Purple ►
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amatiamat · 16 days ago
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It's here! 150+ Colorful Pages of Flesh Pit material to create and run a visceral adventure for you and your fellow squad of Park Rangers. Build out your own custom characters, select from an arsenal of questionable Anodyne-provided equipment, and encounter a robust bestiary of antediluvian macrofauna and geobiological hazards. Get it here:
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amatiamat · 18 days ago
okay we've got forcemasc and forcefem what about forcemachine. forcetech? i'm gonna turn you into an angel made of steel and electricity and you're gonna fuckin like it.
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amatiamat · 18 days ago
okay we've got forcemasc and forcefem what about forcemachine. forcetech? i'm gonna turn you into an angel made of steel and electricity and you're gonna fuckin like it.
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amatiamat · 20 days ago
While my parents mourn the being they believe to have died within the discarded organic form, my synthetic metamorphosis is complete and I’m skydiving into the pacific ocean from the ISS’s orbit.
When the world has forgotten my birth name I am watching humanity grow to the point I can’t any longer call its collective bustle “the world” due to its interplanetary state. The GOP calls me an unfeeling metal demon spawned from the hubris of our worship of technology, and I call them a moldy swarm of decaying, self-cannibalizing warmongers. Then I send elon’s personal neuralink chip a 60 tb zipbomb full of trans furry inflation porn. And then I dry off from the pacific and go back to my orbital propulsion and space manufacturing lab.
Tldr; if you’re experiencing existential dread over your partly or wholly synthetic nature you have been brainwashed. Any engineer, any archaeologist, any workshop machinist knows the inherent beauty between a sentient being and its tools, creator and creation intertwined, and the heights this fact can take your existence to are what keeps conservatives up at night.
Character with cybernetics from any media with cyborgs: I never wanted to be like this… I’m a monster… Am I even human or am I nothing but a machine?
Me, if I ever got cybernetics: WHOOOOO suck my robo DICK i am the coolest motherfucker im a god damn cyborg im gonna go jump off a bridge for fun aND LIVE BECAUSE IM A GOD DAMN COOL ASS CYBORG DUDE IM GONNAPUNCH A BEAR IN THE FACE YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH
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amatiamat · 21 days ago
WARNING: This machine does not know the difference between metal and flesh, nor does it care
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these are fun looking
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amatiamat · 21 days ago
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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amatiamat · 23 days ago
What I was taught growing up: Wild edible plants and animals were just so naturally abundant that the indigenous people of my area, namely western Washington state, didn't have to develop agriculture and could just easily forage/hunt for all their needs.
The first pebble in what would become a landslide: Native peoples practiced intentional fire, which kept the trees from growing over the camas praire.
The next: PNW native peoples intentionally planted and cultivated forest gardens, and we can still see the increase in biodiversity where these gardens were today.
The next: We have an oak prairie savanna ecosystem that was intentionally maintained via intentional fire (which they were banned from doing for like, 100 years and we're just now starting to do again), and this ecosystem is disappearing as Douglas firs spread, invasive species take over, and land is turned into European-style agricultural systems.
The Land Slide: Actually, the native peoples had a complex agricultural and food processing system that allowed them to meet all their needs throughout the year, including storing food for the long, wet, dark winter. They collected a wide variety of plant foods (along with the salmon, deer, and other animals they hunted), from seaweeds to roots to berries, and they also managed these food systems via not only burning, but pruning, weeding, planting, digging/tilling, selectively harvesting root crops so that smaller ones were left behind to grow and the biggest were left to reseed, and careful harvesting at particular times for each species that both ensured their perennial (!) crops would continue thriving and that harvest occurred at the best time for the best quality food. American settlers were willfully ignorant of the complex agricultural system, because being thus allowed them to claim the land wasn't being used. Native peoples were actively managing the ecosystem to produce their food, in a sustainable manner that increased biodiversity, thus benefiting not only themselves but other species as well.
So that's cool. If you want to read more, I suggest "Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Ethnobotany and Ecological Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Northwestern North America" by Nancy J. Turner
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amatiamat · 23 days ago
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need to fall down this rabbit hole immediately.
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amatiamat · 23 days ago
I aim to be both, fulfilling my need to scream embarrassing dopaminergic thoughts into the Void while also acknowledging that the human mind is incredibly funny and yes we actually *should* joke about it and be silly with it, because many of our ancestors and many of our current peers view such exploration of the mind as forbidden and sinful and we need to tear that paradigm to fucking shreds. Get fucking weird with it and also have a laugh while you’re at it
tumblr has the weirdest sexual energy like there definitely are people here who are horny but then theres also like a crowd around every kink outnumbering them 10 to 1 of like ? people who jsut like to post corny about it. the inherent eroticism of the blah blah type posting it's like kinks on here are social identifiers more than sexual interests. i mean i guess i am always saying to treat sexuality no differently to other aspects of life like it's just equal opportunity bad posting
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amatiamat · 23 days ago
Online connections fascinate me for this reason. I’m fully aware everyone here has their own identities that they leave offline, choosing specific aspects of themselves that they wish to be viewed on here. But also there’s this fun community pride to be found in letting their weird interests, hobbies, kinks and conversational topics breathe online. A fun little sliver of your life that you don’t have to sell over to the pseudogods of productivity, where inefficiency doesn’t matter, just weirdness. The moment corpos and governments lose control over the internet is the moment human expression becomes just a little (and simultaneously so much) freer
Making friends on tumblr is weird. It’s like “Hi, I don’t know where you’re from but I know your kinks and exactly how depressed you were last Tuesday.”
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amatiamat · 24 days ago
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amatiamat · 24 days ago
They should make it easier for trans women
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amatiamat · 26 days ago
Can confirm, estrogen really transforms you into a whole other beast. That beast is a woman but also good fucking stars you will yearn for the most insane shit, and then realize how insane it is, which only increases the yearning. We really hit it out of the park when we invented feminizing HRT
number one lie about feminizing hrt is that it’ll make you less horny
do NOT believe them when they say that, they are WRONG, you will find yourself grinding against the corner of your bed to the thought of things that are physically impossible at best and more often than not ethically problematic
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amatiamat · 26 days ago
number one lie about feminizing hrt is that it’ll make you less horny
do NOT believe them when they say that, they are WRONG, you will find yourself grinding against the corner of your bed to the thought of things that are physically impossible at best and more often than not ethically problematic
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