amanecercreciente · 5 years
What I Wouldn’t Give | Part 2: The Wrap Party
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Im Jaebeom x Female!Reader
Genre: Stylist AU. Fluff. Eventual Smut
Warnings: Some swearing.
Words: 3.8k
Concept:  A story where a heartsick, pining and ‘hopelessly in love with his stylist’ Jaebeom finds himself in an awkward situation in the house of the stylist who’s equally heart sick and hopelessly in love with him. But neither of them know… yet.
A/N: I said I’ll have the next parts out within 2 weeks and BOOM 3 days later, PART 2. Enjoy it, fam. – Chapter links will be in masterlist once all posted.
Part 1: The Right Fit Part 2: The Wrap Party Part 3: Home
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Liquid courage was exactly what Jaebeom was swirling in his glass as he watched you from the bar. Lips folded between his teeth as his eyes trailed down all the lines and curves the dress you had chosen to wear put on display. A long sleeve, high neck, waist hugging dress that hovered just above your knee and floated just mid of your thigh every time you twirled to the music. 
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amanecercreciente · 5 years
What I Wouldn’t Give | Part 1: The Right Fit
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Im Jaebeom x Female!Reader
Genre: Stylist AU. Fluff. Eventual Smut 
Warnings: Some swearing. 
Words: 3.2k
Concept:  A story where a heartsick, pining and ‘hopelessly in love with his stylist’ Jaebeom finds himself in an awkward situation in the house of the stylist who’s equally heart sick and hopelessly in love with him. But neither of them know… yet.
A/N: Please do enjoy soft, nervous Jae - one of his stronger forms. Chapter links will be in masterlist once all posted. 
Part 1: The Right Fit Part 2: The Wrap Party Part 3: Home
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You had always hated the title ‘Junior Stylist’. You hated the instant prejudice you would see in someone’s eye when you were introduced, as if you couldn’t hold a candle to someone ‘senior’. You knew your skills were bar none and your eye for detail would be the very thing that would solidify your place in this industry. So, you were patient, working under creative directors and doing scut work until your fingers bled just so you would be seen; seen as worthy. 
And one day, you got it; you got your chance. You were pulled aside by the department lead and told you had been assigned to a debuting rookie group and their leader. Working in a small team, you would lead their style direction for the duration of their contract. They would be your avenue to explore your artistry, and he would be your canvas. But Im Jaebeom proved to be a challenge; to dress and for your heart. 
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amanecercreciente · 5 years
Erotica - Epilogue - (M)
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Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader Genre: SMUT Summary: You’re a rookie porn actress on the rise and everything goes well until you get offered a role in a big-budget porn movie, starring the most famous actor in the porn industry. Words: 2515 Warning: Read at your own risk Erotica was banned from the Tumblr search engine so it appears nowhere no matter which tags I use and you can only find it in my masterlist or in your dashboard. Might as well link the previous chapters and my masterlist here lol 
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 
Im Jaebum is funny.
You wouldn’t be able to explain the past two years without wailing. He has one or two flaws, most of them involving his laziness but nothing out of the ordinary.
It’s like he was made for you.
Today is the last day of his career. Jaebum has an interview for one of these magazines you always refused to appear in and he will be done with porn forever. It’s a day to celebrate, not only because you’re both out of the porn industry, but also because it’s the beginning of a new life.
 Erotica made you earn a lot of money and allowed Jaebum to invest into an old building to transform it into an apartment complex.
So naturally, he left this job after months of struggling with the idea of dating someone who regularly has sex with other people. It was hard for Jaebum, but he had no other choice.
It’s the first serious talk you both had, right after your first official night as a couple. You ended up accepting the fact that he had to keep working until the end of his contract, just like he had to accept the fact that you too, had other things planned before quitting.
You found yourself stopping before he did and started looking for another job, while he filmed his last movies as JB the porn star.
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amanecercreciente · 5 years
Es más, cuando abrí mi blog de escribir, empecé con la idea de traducir todos mis fics al castellano, pero nunca llegué a hacerlo porque sentía que era un esfuerzo vano. Pero me has animado y ahora que tengo tiempo libre tal vez traduzca algo :D
¡Síii hazlo! Yo escribo en español y luego traduzco al inglés… principalmente porque escribir naturalmente en inglés no me resulta, obvio que tengo mayor conexión con el español por ser mi idioma materno. Y como hay más público lector de historias en inglés, lo traduzco (imperfectamente jajaja). Ahí me cuentas si traduces algo, gracias por tus mensajes :-)
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amanecercreciente · 5 years
¡Hola! Me encanta que tengas tu escenarios tanto en español como en inglés, demuestra un gran trabajo y te animo a que sigas haciéndolo porque parece que ya nos hemos resignado todos a escribir en inglés aunque no sea nuestra lengua. Un saludo, me han encantado tus historias ^^
Ay, ¡muchas gracias! Aunque he escrito muy poco sí es bastante trabajo jeje. Lo que sea que vuelva a publicar sí o sí haré en español e inglés así como lo que ya he publicado.
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amanecercreciente · 5 years
비가 내리는 밤
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Pairing: Reader x Im Jaebum Genre: Fluff
A/N: you can thank @angst7 for this lol even though idk what this actually is
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amanecercreciente · 5 years
how to survive a hearbreak ✧
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✎ jb x reader » lowkey angst, lovers to friends
✎ summary: breaking up is hard, getting over it is harder and becoming friends again was the hardest challenge you had to face yet.
✎ word count: 3.5k
✎ warnings: jaebum crying y’all, it’s emotional and shit
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Emptiness would be the best word to describe your current situation. Since you and Jaebum broke up emptiness was all around you. You were well aware that you were over and there was no way of getting back together. You broke up for the better, your relationship was slowly going to pieces and both of you couldn’t deny that so one day, a few weeks ago, the two of you sat together, both too afraid to speak the truth out loud. In the end Jaebum made the first step, just like he did when the two of you became a couple, and addressed the situation.
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
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A steamy shower is what you both need after your boyfriend gets back from working really hard promoting his group’ latest single 
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Protagonists: Im Jaebum & You
Word Count: 4.6k
Genre: NSFW – Smut – Boyfriend – Idol!verse – Romance – *Handjob* *Blowjob* *Dirty talk* *Shower Sex* – One Shot
Lys’ note: THIS IS A REPOST. I originally loved this story to pieces, but now that I repost it post-censorship, I feel… Ugh. I used to trust this website and somehow, Tumblr’s attack on this original post has me feeling “violated”. Like unsafe in my own house after a break in. Lol, wish I was being dramatic. I feel so silly. 
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You don’t even have to wonder about Jaebum being back home. As soon as you walk into your place, you immediately spot the clues attesting to his return even though all lights are off. You see them like little footprints he unconsciously left all around for you, telling the story of how tired he is after his latest promotions. His shoes were carelessly kicked off, almost a meter separates them, and you place them at their rightful place on the mat, next to yours. A glass of water is also abandoned in the middle of the usually tidy kitchen island. This makes you roll your eyes, and without even looking, you reach to grab the jacket he has the bad habit of throwing on the gray armchair next to the door. Surely enough, you find it there and turn to hang it on one of the coat hooks. This time you chuckle to yourself, Jaebum is so predictable. If his flight wasn’t delayed, you bet he’s already sound asleep in bed.
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
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don’t stop me now!
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
Hi! Can I please request #26 for Jaebeom? Thank you 💚
There you go, love 💜
Sidenote: tumblr made me lose the fic because it decided to refresh the page on its own and I’m currently trying to remain sane :)
Bias: Jaebum from GOT7
Prompt: #26  “I love Christmas more than anything” “what even more than me?”
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mature Language
Words: 1.8k
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
Yo se que tal vez te vas a enojar pero tambien quiero la verdad. Por favor... Ya no vas a escribir nada en español???
Sí planeo hacerlo !!! Es lo que más quiero, no te imaginas las veces que he abierto Word, escribo y termino borrando todo porque no me gusta u_u Tengo muchas ideas y escenarios que repito en mi cabeza, pero se me está haciendo muy difícil llevarlos a palabras. Si alguien me puede aconsejar con este writer’s block se lo agradezco JAJA :(
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
Ripped Jeans
Im Jaebumx Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Genre: Thigh Riding Smut
Summary: Jaebum had been thinking about a certain kink all day long, even when he shouldn’t have been
Author’s Note: Send all the holy water y’all have, and drink some yourself. We all need jesus. Inspired by this:
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
1. sweet raspberry lemonade in summer
Im Jaebum x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: This is the first in the series inspired by this post. I finally finished this today, listening to You Are on repeat. Hope you enjoy my sappy feelings for Jaebum and thank you for reading!
Music Recommendation 
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moodboard made by yours truly
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
I’m Drunk and I Love You (One-shot)
Bestfriend!au, Drunk!au | Jaebeom x Reader | 1k
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As a friend, it’s your job to make sure JB doesn’t get too drunk and do stupid things he will regret tomorrow, such as calling his ex-girlfriend or throwing his phone and complaining when it doesn’t fly because he definitely ‘put it on airplane mode’. But as his best friend, the person who has seen him even at times when the purpose of knocking is very well exhibited, you took it upon yourself to join him as he celebrates his first night of freedom.
“She just passed by me, can you believe that?” JB repeated for the fifth time in the span of ten minutes. You weren’t that sane to count.
“No way! That’s horrible!” you exclaimed as hurt as you had been the first time. Alcohol can give you unwavering emotions or maybe shitty memory allocation.
“She will regret this,” JB proclaimed, taking a swig from the bottle of soju. He was far gone to even wince. “Tomorrow, I’ll find another girl. Someone prettier and smarter and she’ll regret choosing that smartass Jinyoung over me!”
“That’s right! Let’s cheers to that!”
JB clinked his bottle with your glass. You both gulped your drinks to the last drop. There was silence as you let your bodies feel the effect of the alcohol. Drinking with each other had been normal during stressful times.
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
Def. 1/? vol.3 | Sometime
A Song Fic series collaboration with @got7-markjinson and @ijustwantacue! Hope you enjoy!
Genre: Best Friend to Lovers!AU
Pairing: Jaebum x You
Disclaimer: Edit courtesy of @got7-markjinson
Tagging: @jaesusbeom @lazypostfandomer @mylittlemozart
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
night twelve of midnight writings
just imagine the tickling sensation of fur brushing against your cheek. you’re eyes stay closed, however you can’t help but crack a smile. judging by the light hum of a purr, you conclude that it must be time to get up and so you open your eyes which immediately settle on jaebum’s face. you stifle a giggle with a hand over your mouth as you watch nora, jaebum’s cat resting just above your boyfriend’s head, almost tucked away in his mess of black hair. you smile, brushing his fringe out of his eyes before scooting closer to his body, your palm now resting on his warm cheek. “jaebum, it’s time to get up. i think nora’s hungry.” the man simply lets out a muffled groan before pouting, his eyes squeezed shut in hopes of savouring his last moments of sleep. jaebum has always been a difficult one to wake up, but the way he tried to put up a fight whilst half asleep never fails to amuse you. this time you laugh loudly as he mutters complaints about the cat which has now migrated to sit on his face. “okay, im up, im up. off of my face now, nora. i need to give someone a morning kiss.”
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amanecercreciente · 6 years
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he’s such a dork
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