amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
チルアニメビート / chillanimebeats サウンドクラウド / soundcloud ユーチューブ / youtube ツイッター / twitter ヴァイン / Vine 
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
The coolest bumblebee ever.
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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// Dark school.
source: http://www.funnyjunk.com/channel/darksoulstime/Dark+Souls+School/puDsGch/   //
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
idk how big it was but i miss chicken nugger, sweer potato
weird forgotten tumblr things
- don’t hug me i’m scared fandom with the humanoid notebook and clock - fluffy chicken day - those blue pictures that said ‘reblog if you’re in the ______ fandom!’ - all the tumblr island, tumblr university, etc. plans that eventually led to the planning of a tumblr convention which is what gave us the beautiful shitshow that was dashcon. the dashcon ballpit was overall tumblr’s best meme in my time on here imo, second only to sonic for real justice - tumblr trick or treating on halloween¿? - TUMBLR PROM - everyone remembers mishapocalypse but remember the all-out war that went down a year later when people couldn’t decide if there should be another one?? that was honestly almost as scary as the actual mishapocalypse - speaking of misha collins, when he posted his phone number online and this entire website collectively lost its shit. everyone had to post their text convos w/ misha - FRANCIEUM VS FORFUTUREFERENCEONLY - “the only adult supervision we have on tumblr is john green” (yikes) - the time everyone was gonna purposely not post anything the sunday after the guy who played uncle vernon in the harry potter movies died because of the quote “no post on sundays” but then everyone like……forgot and posted stuff anyway - the tumblr version of some nights by fun - moreos guy - when the 50th anniversary of doctor who fell on the same day as some one direction thing and everyone got really offended at this facebook post someone had screenshotted that said like “1d will be around way longer than ur shitty alien tv show” lmao - “swiggity swag, what’s in the bag” - when yahoo was buying tumblr and everyone was flipping shit and making posts saying shit like “yahoo better not go ToO fAR!!! they have an army, but we have a hulk!!!” honestly if i was yahoo and considering buying a website for more than a million dollars and then saw that that was what the userbase was like i would have backed the fuck out of that business deal - those “men of tumblr” posts, you know the ones i mean - when everyone hated miranda cosgrove?? was there a reason behind that or,, - back in 2013 everyone was planning to do this “tumblr day” on march 5th where you were supposed to write a big t on your hand and then if you saw anyone else with it you were supposed to “hug and exchange urls” lmao. im pretty sure no one actually did this but if that doesn’t describe the general social climate of tumblr back then idk what does
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
A demon that writes messages on your mirror with blood but they’re useful messages. Like “remember you have yoga at 6 tonight”
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
Someone went to far some where, and some one else didnt go far enough to stop these decisions 
How to Successfully Study in the Library
bring all of your materials with you
find a nice quiet spot void of distractions 
make sure to take little breaks every half hour or so
maybe bring a little snack
don’t look at the giant floating baby
just don’t 
try to forget about the giant floating baby in the library 
use different colors of highlighters to organize your notes  
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
This is fucking kick ass!
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The next day in that Pokemon challenge can wait because I had to draw this perfect devious little imp immediately
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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1. to howl, as a dog or a wolf; hoot, as an owl.
2. to utter howling sounds, as in shrill, wordless lamentation; wail.
3. to lament loudly and shrilly.
Etymology: from Latin ululātus, past participle of ululāreto, “howl; shriek”.
[Mila Losenko - Arcanum XVIII (18) - The Moon]
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amadeas-pyrehammer · 8 years
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