Two months on Tumblr, still new to dis...
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If someone could explain how to Tumblr and initiate friendships... Thanks in advance...
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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[[ Okay but….how could I not doodle them as animals… ]]
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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Smol heroes ♡
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
i don’t watch dang rope or know much about the characters but this
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is so fucking funny because the pigtailed girl was just fucking speared all over the place and the chick on the left reacts like an appropriate human being but paleface mcgee over there looks like she just noticed a slight dent in her car bumper and is wondering how it got there
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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my life
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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- “Looks cute but can kick your ass”
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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We had an interaction assignment, and GUESS WHAT I DID!!!
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
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~Usopp e Going Merry.
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
SHSL Cyclist
“An idiot once told me to imagine something creepy chasing me, so I’d go faster. I laughed in the f*cker’s face, saying it’s lame to look back. I look forward and imagine a cake at the end instead’’
There’s nothing much else (for now) to say about his looks besides that he has an athletic body, especially his legs, and that he’s wearing knee and elbow protectors all the time. The protectors are relatively small compared to his size and are worn out, almost to the point of breaking. Despite regularly breaking, he’ll always fix them up, considering them his lucky charm. He never lost a race in his own age group since these were gifted to him by his mother back when he was 12.
His personality on the other hand is quite something else. He’s loud, unruly and has muscles for brains, most people would consider him irritating. Not without reason, he’s the type of person that would come up to your door at 6 o’clock in the morning and ring the doorbell until you open. Even if the mood drops to the floor, he’s always the first to get up and get going again, which makes him look like someone who can’t read the atmosphere. He also doesn’t care about personal space, creeping up behind you as close as possible and asking questions, which are sometimes very personal.
But there’s more to his personality. He may look like a jerk at first, but he takes it upon himself to always keep up the morale. Despite that cycling doesn’t look like a team sport, it very much is, and he, as the best cyclist in his team, knows that if he starts to look down, everyone will lose hope. That’s why he has such an outgoing personality and wants to get close to people. He tries to cheer people up so they stop worrying about things that they can’t change and he wants to get to know everyone well enough to know how to make them happy as fast as possible. He also knows the importance of working together, if there’s a situation where people think about splitting up, he’ll be one of the first to stand up and keep everyone together.
He also just doesn’t give a f*ck about small, everyday worries, like ‘’What to eat?’’, ‘’What to wear?’’ or “What if he doesn’t love me?’’, calling people pathetic if they consider questions like these worth the trouble of worrying.
Despite his athletic looks, he has a sweet tooth, an incredibly large one. If he doesn’t consume enough sugar, he becomes timid and apathetic, often even more irritating than he already was. He constantly bothers everyone with his whining and he doesn’t want to do anything until he had his sugar.
As there’s not a lot that worries, bothers or angers him, you won’t often see him mad or serious. There are a few things that can infuriate him though, like him being accused of something he didn’t do, or when someone dear to him is insulted. Whenever he gets mad and/or serious, his behaviour changes. He becomes calm, collected and way more reasonable to talk with, though he doesn’t lose his broad vocabulary of swearwords. It’s almost terrifying to see the normally noisy and uncontrollable personality change into someone quiet and composed, which makes him seem all the more serious about it.
Now, confronted with this Killing Game, he takes it upon himself once more to keep up the morale. Despite his easy-going personality, he’s dead serious about the killings, although he doesn’t want to distrust his friends. Let’s hope there’s enough sugar around to keep up his own mood.
“You may call me a lot of things. Loudmouth. Bastard. Retarded. An overly competitive idiot. Hell, I might even let you call me a motherf*cker on a good day! But calling me a murderer of one of my friends, that’s way over the line, shithead!
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
SHSL Hypnotist
“Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… Ti-… Oh… Oh wait… He already fell over”
A little shorter than the average girl, clothed in a bit oversized sweater. Her physical appearance is nothing special, but incredibly huggable. Her most notable physical attribute is her extraordinarily soothing voice, which makes it possible for her to make even the most stressed people calm down within a minute by just talking.
She’s quite slow in both talking and thinking. The slow pace in which she articulates her sentences adds to the overall softness of her voice. But while she’s not at all simpleminded, she’s a bit slow on the uptake, it’ll take her a little time to notice she’s being fooled.
Her basic belongings consist of a pocket watch, which she says is necessary for hypnotising, and two chains with an iron ball at the end (in very much the same way as Kurapika has in Hunter x Hunter), which she also uses in conjunction with her hypnotising abilities, but she shows she’s able to use them in several ways for self-defence too.
She has a strange fascination with objects that dangle and tick, like yoyos and clocks. Those objects almost have a hypnotic effect on her.
Because her aspiration is to become a professional hypnotherapist able to break every fear, she’s very defendant about the uses of hypnosis. She doesn’t want to be associated with ordinary stage performers, because simple tricks discredit hypnosis in general. On the other hand, when faced with the connection hypnosis has with manipulation, she’ll say that that fear is natural and that she’s even scared of it herself.
Although she looks like the perfect, sweet little sister, she’s a bit more terrifying than you would say she is at first glance. Not the dangling objects she uses for hypnotising are the key to her talent, but her voice. The main objective for hypnotists is to make the subject feel at ease enough to bring them into trance, something she’s able to within seconds if she smooths down her voice even more than usual. Her parents soon came to notice they gave birth to a child with a terrifying ability. Although, after bringing the ability under control (she sometimes unconsciously used it on her parents, teachers, friends, etc. whenever strong emotions came into play), she vowed she would never use her ability on someone without permission, her parents stayed scared of manipulation, especially her father. Due to his fear, he denied her almost everything, sometimes even hugs, just to be sure he wasn’t being manipulated into agreeing. Luckily for her there was time for improvement of her ability at school behind her father’s back, and that’s how she was scouted as the SHSL Hypnotist.
But being denied her father’s love, she started to believe she wasn’t worth anything and needed her ability if she wanted something, otherwise it would be denied. Her personality became twisted, she started hypnotising people more often, even for small favours, just to not risk being turned down. People got suspicious of the way everyone always acted nice to her, but even though she is famous as the SHSL Hypnotist, she’s able to hide the truth behind the fact she isn’t using her attributes for hypnotising. Even when she started to use it on people so they would like to hang out with her and, going even further, love her, she was able to convince people she wasn’t using her ability.
However, she knows that what she’s doing isn’t right. Her telling people she’s scared of manipulation is not a lie, she’s completely aware it’s not morally justifiable. But on the other hand, she convinces herself she has no ill intentions, just to quiet her sense of guilt, so she can keep on satisfying her need for attention and finally feel happy being loved.
Thrown into this Killing Game, what will she do to survive? (Would be funny to see two guys defend her during the trial due to being hypnotised)
“I’m sorry that I have to do this to you, but it’s the only way I can make sure that you love me”
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am-i-visible-blog · 8 years ago
SHSL Storm Chaser
“Dammit, that scared me! Good job, I didn’t predict that to happen, I’m starting to like you already’’
A bit scruffy looking, quite tall, donning an open black raincoat with a white T-shirt underneath. This guy wouldn’t look out of place living out on the street. He stopped caring much about his looks after a while, as the storms he often got himself caught in made the effort put into it disappear within seconds.
The almost perfect way to describe him is ‘’an unpredictable entity’’, although he himself would laugh at that description. He wanders through his life without any specific goal in mind, besides trying to take ‘’the road less travelled’’. He wants to live life as original as possible, even if it means doing some rather unorthodox things like running away from home.
Ordinary life and ordinary people, he was sick of them. Born as the first son of a CEO of a large company, his life was arranged before it even began. The people around him all acted in the same manner. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Even in middle school he couldn’t avoid the unoriginality, looking at people all following the latest trends. He hated this kind of predictability 
Due to his strange obsession with (un)predictability, he read a lot about the chaos theory. He started to believe that if we know everything about the present we can predict the future. This also made him understand the predictability of humans a bit better, but he still despises those who don’t even try to break the chain of ordinary and overly predictable events. Together with the strange obsession for chaos, he also made the weather his hobby, deeming it ‘’one of the most unpredictable predictable patterns’’.
One day for a special exhibition a professional storm chaser came to his school. Immediately thrilled by the excitement of chasing one of the most unpredictable weather types, he decided to run away from his safe home and go with the guy. He got in with almost no trouble, as the guy also was the happy-go-lucky type and he liked the guts of the middle schooler. Together they travelled for three years, the boy learning everything about weather, weather prediction and, most of all, the destructive beauty of storms first hand.
He also developed some weird habits, like talking to himself, as they often took turns watching the monitors and he had to entertain himself while the other was sleeping, and being terribly disorganised. Putting two easy-going minds together results in quite the messy place.
Although he usually acts calm and collected, he can get really thrilled when something exciting and/or unusual is about to happen. Even the most pointless things can exhilarate him, as long as it keeps life from getting ordinary.
Giving him the title of Super High School Level Storm Chaser, the scouts accomplished something not even his father could when he found out where his son was hiding, bringing him back to society. He himself says it’s because he believes other talented people are just as unordinary as he is and he wants to give society another chance.
Confronted with the Killing Game, he doesn’t know what to feel. He barely is able to hide his excitement, thrown into a situation where everything is turned upside down. Where every night could be your last. Where every classmate could be your murderer! It’s so heavily unpredictable, he’s loving it! On the other hand, killing is heavily conflicting with his own morals. He may go in unorthodox ways to satisfy his need for the unusual, but so far he never broke the law. For now, he’s holding himself back, but will he give into it?
‘’Oi oi! I said I was bored of life and people, but this… this… Damn, I don’t know how to feel about this just yet…’’
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