am-i-even-human · 3 months
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I asked ChatGPT to describe the cast of Dungeons & Daddies…safe to say I don’t think it knows the podcast too well…
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am-i-even-human · 5 months
Hello to anyone who may ever sees this!
I am currently in a position of saving up for the opportunity to go study an archaeology course at Oxford University, UK! I have been so fortunate to have been given an offer by the university. I have worked so hard and tackled so many obstacles to get this far.
It would mean a LOT to me if anyone would take the time to donate, read the biography in the link, or even repost this - anything may help!
Thank you :P
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am-i-even-human · 10 months
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glenn close trial arc jumpscare (im still not over it)
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
My favourite moment with Dionysus is when I finally sit down, have my glass of red wine and simply relax and enjoy it.
My favourite moment with Apollo is when I listen to my favourite songs and find comfort in them.
My favourite moment with Hermes is when I am travelling to somewhere new and I feel as excited as a kid.
My favourite moment with Athena is when I take my time to study and to read so I can learn something new.
My favourite moments with Ares are when I stop crying and I realise I have the strength to go on, and when I finish a workout and I feel proud of myself for doing it.
My favourite moment with Artemis is when I sit down on the grass, surrounded by the beauty of Nature and her magic and I feel as I need nothing more.
My favourite moment with Aphrodite is when I look at myself in the mirror and I realise that maybe I am not as ugly as I thought when I was in a bad mood.
My favourite moment with Hephaestus is when I manage to craft something cute with my own hands.
My favourite moment with Zeus is when it's raining outside and I stare at the window admiring the power of the storm and the thunders as I sip my coffee and read a book.
My favourite moment with Poseidon is when I take care of my aquarium so my pet fish can be happy. I am too scared of the sea and of deep waters so I try to do as much as I can from the comfort of my room.
My favourite moment with Hades is when I take a peaceful walk at the cemetery and take some time to honour and pay respect to the dead.
My favourite moment with Demeter and Persephone is when I pick flowers and fruits from my garden and I feel grateful and proud for what I grew.
My favourite moments with Hestia are when I bake a cake and my friends and family enjoy it and when I sit by the fire to relax and read a book while I sip a hot drink.
My favourite moment with Hera is when I realise I know my worth as a woman and that I don't have to let anyone disrespect me.
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, Greece, 1956. People gather to watch Anna Synodinou in Sophocles’ Antigone, directed by Alexis Minotis. 
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
“they’re faking” I dont care. id rather give help and support and resources to people who dont need them than not give those things to those who do.
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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New fear *unlocked*
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
Do you have any Tips for Academic Success?
Have You Considered A Deal With The Devil 
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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Yesterday the 12th of May was Fibromyalgia awareness day. I'm a little late uploading it, but spreading awareness is being done nonetheless. Lots of love for my chronic pain people!! <3
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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Shared in a public post on FB three years ago, my FB memories just brought this up;
This guy was 67 years old when he started his transition. On the right he is pictured 3 years on T and just recently after his top surgery, so about 70 years old.
It is never, ever, too late for you. I suspect that's why he shared it the way he did, to show others not to be afraid, if he can do it as a senior citizen it's okay if you can't do it as a teen. Live. Survive. And whenever you're ready, chase your happiness. You deserve it.
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky // Alanis Morissette
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
I'm still in awe that not even a decade ago (2014, a year before same-sex marriage was legalized in the US), queer representation in children's animation was at the point where The Legend of Korra ended with Korra and Asami holding hands in the very last seconds and the creator having to come onto tumblr to plead with us all to understand that these two characters are canonically queer, the crew just couldn't show anything more (and were heavily implied to face restrictions) and now, in April 2023, The Owl House ended with multiple episodes highlighting how the main character is openly bi, her love interest is a lesbian with whom multiple on-screen kisses were shared, her mother proudly wears a rainbow pin and has read multiple books on sexuality and gender, her mentor is openly bi, the mentor's love interest is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, the mentor's adopted son has a genderqueer 'dad', the mentor's sister is confirmed to be aro/ace, the main character's best friend has two dads who share an on-screen kiss, the main character's pseudo-sister blushes around a nonbinary teenager who also uses they/them pronouns, minor characters blush and react to others in ways that suggest that they are also queer, there are different flags everywhere, and the child-god of the cosmos who comes to visit them all from time to time uses he/they pronouns. That's on top of the Afro-Latina representation, the neurodivergence and disability representation, and so much more. Let's see how far we've come, indeed!
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
Why is adulting so hard
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
this might come across as anti capitalist but,,,,,, i want to enjoy life
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
Your least recently used emoji is how people feel when they see you
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am-i-even-human · 1 year
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