alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
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I chose these photos by photographer Catalina Mas as inspiration for this projects. I knew I wanted to do something with portraits to portray the 7 deadly sins because the face and body can be very expressive. Also, people are the ones who commit these sins, so it just makes sense to me to have a person as the subject of my series. I like how in Catalina Mas’ photos, you can clearly tell which sin she is trying to capture. I also like how she used the same person throughout this project for consistencies sake. Her individual photos were also interesting enough, though some of them are very straightforward. 
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
Photo Equipment
BOIIII okay, I personally think equipment is way too expensive, especially for me and my family who go through rough patches with money. I went through all my high school photo classes without my own camera and had to save up just to buy the one I currently have. I want to get a tripod and a couple other lenses, but its something I'm going to have to save up for for a few years, and I hate that. I'm always on the lookout for deals, but again can you trust those? I just wish things weren't so costly, especially stuff I need for my college major.  
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
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I first chose Sugianto’s “Ballet Dancer” to represent my inspiration for shooting long exposure photographs. I absolutely love how he captured the trail in perfect focus.  The image I chose to represent my inspiration for fast shutter speed shooting was this unnamed photo by Stefan. HE has shot tons of photos like these in the past, and I love how he captures stuff we would never get to see usually. For something happening this fast, he really froze the motion and got a one in a lifetime image. The third photo I found was by Scott Martinez, I think its named “Ballet Arts”, but anyway I think this is a good photo to represent my inspiration for the series part of this project. It captures her movement throughout her ballet routine, it's in focus, but also has a bit of artful blur, and I like how it's in black and white. It's very elegant to me, and I wish I could do something like this. The last photo I found for this inspiration post was one by Jim Richardson that he took for National Geographic. I’ve seen this one once before, and I remembered it when we got this assignment sheet. This is an excellent example of panning because you see the motion but still can tell what's going on and what the subject is.
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
Lol Anthony I just realized you also posted the Ansel Adams photo on your tumblr. Not copying FYI but just my luck I picked the one thing already on your page. Ejdjdjrieidndkeoeoeidndksowoeudjxn
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
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The photos that inspired me for the narrower aperture portion of this project were two of Ansel Adams's photographs entitled Clearing Winter Storm and The Tetons and the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. I actually was introduced to his work during my second year of photography in highschool, but I now have a greater appreciation for his work after struggling to do somthing similar myself. I chose two of his landscape photos because not only is everything beautifully in focus, but there is also so much depth and detail overall. Therfore, these two photos are excellent examples of a narrower aperture. For the wider aperture part of the project, I actually was inspired by a few of my own photographs I took last year. They are both unnamed because ain't nobody got time for that when you're a senior. I know I should have picked photos that were actually well know, but I was just more motivated by my own. Honestly when I took these, I had no idea what aperture was, so I didnt know I had achieved a wide aperture shot (background is blurred but subject is in focus). However, if I could achieve that without knowing what the heck I was doing, then I should be able to do it now. That's why they inspired me.
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
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Photos that inspired me for The Cutting Edge project were some taken by photographer Peter Bartlett. He's shot many different types of things like nature, landscapes, and bugs. However, I favor his macro work (which for him is usually bugs) like the three above. I think they fit the assignment we were assigned well because there isnt much empty space, and they are shot so you can see what you usually wouldn't be able to. There is a ton of detail in all three photos, and thats why I love macro shots. The three above are titled "Tan Jumping Spider", "Hoverfly No. 1", and "Honeysuckle in Hoar Frost".
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
An artist that inspires me
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The artist that actually inspires me is not famous YET and it is Taylor Mccullough. Though it took me forever to figure out how to spell her last name, It didn't take me long at all to figure out that she has amazing talent. Her work is so creative and good to the point where I know she'll make it far with her art. She makes me want to try so hard to produce work as interesting and outstanding as hers. #tylerisamazing
Photo above by the girl herself titled "Red Nails"
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
A few of my photos
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These are some of my favorites that I've taken. A lot of these are portraits because I favor that type of photo. Others are things I've tried out, either editing techniques or messing with shutter speed. The silhouette photo is actual the first photo I was ever really proud of. I took it my junior year of highschool.
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alyssasimko-blog · 6 years
About me
I grew up in Madison and moved to Cazenovia in 8th grade. I went to Cazenovia Highschool then traveled REALLY far to Caz college. I started photography in 10th grade just because I didn't want to take a drawing or music course, but it turned out great because I'm here now for photo. I made it all the way to independent study my senior year along with Taylor McCullough who is my best friend and also who I call Tyler for no reason except for a substitute teacher in 8th grade who always read her name as Tyler. Btw she calls me Alicia for the same reason. It gets real confusing if we dont explain. Anyway I like photography, mainly portraits(studio and environmental).Tbh though I am terrible at deciding what I want to shoot. My entire senior AP portfolio consisted of photos I didn't decide I wanted to take until 2 weeks before they were due. Still got a 4 miraculously. Not even happy after the metal breakdowns of those 2 weeks. Omg I had to meet so many new people just to take their pictures. It was hell. But I did get really great experimental pieces throughout my year of procrastination. So yeah, that's a lot. Sorry. Probably so many grammatical errors. Good luck reading this. Also this is the most I'll probably ever say at once. I actually didn't talk to my photo teacher in highschool for 2 years. No real reason after the first month and I got over my shyness. After a while it was just funny. Anyway yeah. Byee.
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