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Bedtime smack down

Yeah sure she looks cute here but what you don’t see or hear is the screeching squealing wild banshee noise she’s making. Well she flings her legs about like a bedtime gymnast, trying to do a super fancy ungraceful floor routine. Or her off the head board WWE Monday night raw body slam straight onto my face. Yeah bedtime what a joyous time, knowing soon enough I’ll be more exhausted then I was going into all this. By the time she finally crashes or just gives into the fight I’ll be slapped right in the face with a second wind. Well I lay here wide awake, I’m left searching for the tv remote. I can only hope I don’t have to move my little wrestling gymnast I can only pray it’s not under her.
Damn it! Did it hit the floor during one of her fancy uncoordinated attempts at a flip. For the love of all my mommy sanity if I don’t find it soon to shut Daniel tiger off, I’m just going to throw something at the tv. I lay here knowing there’s not a snow balls chance in hell I am going to actually break my tv (you know you’ve been in a similar situation). Finally at last I find it, wedged between her pillows. As I do my signature ninja snatch to grab it she rolls over and wraps her sweet little arm around me. Aww my baby wants to cuddle ohh wait damn now I’m trapped.
Laying here in pure bliss that my not so little turdler wants to cuddle. I realize in that moment I probably look like a bad horror movie chalk outline. One hand trapped under her pillows, the other clingy to dear life of the PlayStation remote and both legs spread out, like I’m in the tail end of a 50 yard dash. While Thor our close to 100lb American Bulldog gives me look that I can only describe as “you’re taking up way to much room on my bed lady”.

I know at this moment my ninja-tasic mom move wasn’t truly at full speed, and I made a critical error. A sloth speed error that ended with a horrible cramp and both arms asleep. But guess what? Daniel tiger is finally shut off and my second wind is wearing off
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