alynryder · 10 years
 [His voice was quiet, especially compared to the other room, and she liked that about him. He seemed like a nice person, which was something Alyn could really use in her life right then.]
Hi, Gabe. G-Gabriel. Which one? Both are g-good.
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[The nineteen year old thought that he was just lying when he said he didn't care, but she didn't mind. It was a pleasant lie, if that was what it was - the kind of lie meant to make her feel better.]
Thanks. Y-You're nice . . a-and I do care. Ab-bout that . . . 
{ He kept a distance between them, standing near a bookcase. The girl said something really weird and no-sense to Gabe, but he didn’t even try to question; he used to say weird and no-sense things too. With his best efforts of a smile, staring anything but her eyes, he tried to introduce himself and comment something about her introdution }
G-gabe.. ‘m Gabriel. And I don’t care.
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alynryder · 10 years
[The redhead shivered a little at the sudden breeze, but she didn't protest, heading over towards the origin of the cool air. It felt nice over there, and she was sure she could use the nice sensation to calm down a bit more. She felt like she might hurl, and she didn't want to do that - not in front of the nice man that had taken her away from the noisy, crowded place.]
Hi, Scott. That's a nice name. Y-You look like a Scott.
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[She gave a tiny smile after speaking, realizing why she thought his name sounded nice - his face looked nice, too. Should she tell him that? His question distracted her for a moment, but she took the opportunity to say what she was thinking, along with her response.]
Yes, p-please. You have a n-nice face, Scott-t.
{ He went to the room after the girl, closing the door behind them. He opened the curtains, letting the fresh air that he had promised get inside the room and then sighing. The breeze did well to him who was sweating a bit because of the heat of the club. His eyes moved to the redheaded as she spoke, and he frowned. Of course she was probably talking of her disease, but he couldn’t understand what exactly was it. Perhaps esquizofrimia or a personality disorder. Or she was just bubbling no-sense things }
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I’m Scott. { said, trying to hold back his mordbid humour and not allowing any stupid joke to get out of his mind. The girl was disturbed enough. } do you want a glass of water, Alyn? 
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alynryder · 10 years
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They don't nap . . . They never nap; they're always there, and now they're quiet. It's not right. I feel empty.
What do you mea- oh. 
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Well….maybe they’re napping.. You know, resting up. I’m sure they’ll be out sooner or later. 
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alynryder · 10 years
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alynryder · 10 years
Erm. Alyn is a character I may or may not be keeping. I really don't know. If you'd like, though, I'm open to plotting.
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alynryder · 10 years
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Th-They're the people in me.
[That was the only reply that she knew how to give; she'd been trained to say it, and it was the only proper response she knew to give.]
They're in me, b-but they aren't me.
Who are Alaina and Lainor? 
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Where did you last see them? If you want we can find a nurse or someone to help look for them, and maybe they can help calm you down a bit?
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alynryder · 10 years
[Alyn was relieved that he'd chosen to come with her. It would've been terrifying to walk into a quiet, empty place on her own, but the presence of the stranger calmed her.]
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Th-Thanks . . . I'm Alyn. Th-There are people in me that aren't-t me.
[The greeting that her father had trained her to give came out automatically; she couldn't help it. It had practically been beaten into her.]
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{ He was stuttering, nervously, trying to formulate words. It was so hard to him to do, specially with strangers.. but he was trying harder. Without gaving any answer to the girl but a nod, he walked to the door, opened it, and entered. Seemed like a quiet place, as he tried to say, and there was no one there. The door and the walls would block any sound from the party } 
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alynryder · 10 years
[She breathed a soft sigh of relief as he spoke again, standing up to follow him. Truly, Alyn had no idea where she was - when she'd been checked in, Alaina had been prominent, and the princess had no misgivings about being made to dance. It hadn't been a bad idea to her, especially since she knew nothing of her body's original personality.
Alyn followed the stranger into the room, only thinking of how he was helping her. She was too innocent to know of the evils in the world, after all.]
Th-Thanks . . .
[The room was practically empty; of course it was better than that other place, with all the noise and people.
She suddenly realized she'd forgotten to introduce herself as her father had always told her to do, mentally reprimanding herself as she spoke up again.]
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I'm A-Alyn . . There are people in me that aren't-t me.
{ All he could think, frowning, was in how absurd the situation was. A girl like her shouldn’t be there, even if she was working. Too young, innocent and obviously not mental well enough to deal with the ambient } I see.. Come here, I know where we can find some fresh air.
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{ he left his post of bartender, not thinking about the consequences, and then going to a door around there. He opened it. Behind it there was stairs and it would lead them to a confortable room with briefcases and a big window. } 
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alynryder · 10 years
[Was this what she was supposed to do here? Stay quiet? Alyn didn't know, but it seemed weird that this lady was being silent, when the rest of the cafeteria was so loud.
She took the help thankfully, standing slowly on shaking legs. The only question was, what should she do now?]
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C-Can you help me? [Alyn spoke in a whisper, not wanting to frighten the stranger again.]
{ Her eyes shone with confusion and fear as she looked down at the girl. She hadn’t been here very long and Blythe was still frightened by the outbursts that other patients when through, but did anybody get use to seeing sights like that? The girl pulled on her pant leg and she did it very softly. Swallowing thickly, Blythe tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously. Slowly, she then bent down and carefully took the girl by the arm to help her up. }
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alynryder · 10 years
I . . I don't-t know. It's loud and scary but I don't wanna be alone. C-Can we go somewhere that's not loud and scary?
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[He treated her like there really was something wrong, and she was surprised by that. The stranger wanted to help her, though, and that was all that mattered.]
{He raised his eyes right in the moment that he heard the voice.  There was concern in his tone as he spoke} How can I help?
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alynryder · 10 years
No! No, it's loud and sc-cary and I don't like it here! Alaina and Lainor are missing and I'm stuck here all alone!
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[Alyn had no idea what to do, but she clearly was anything but alright. She was scared and lost, and didn't know why she was here. All she knew was that she'd woken up here a few days ago, and that Alaina had probably been her last, since the princess' style of clothing was on her when she woke.]
[ Summer passes through a nearby hallway, and stops upon seeing the girl. She walks over, keeping her distance. ] 
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Are you alright there? 
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alynryder · 10 years
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[She was startled into submission by the panic she saw on the stranger's face, going completely silent. What was she supposed to do? Very hesitantly, she reached out and tugged on the lady's pants, hoping that she might get a slightly calmer response if she was more quiet.
{ Feeling a grip on her leg, Blythe jumped and looked down. Witnessing the girls outburst sent her into a panic and she let out a short yelp before tugging her leg away. Backing away, she looked at the girl with wide, shocked eyes. }
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alynryder · 10 years
It's quiet-t there?
[Was that what he meant? He looked like he'd been there a lot longer than her - he seemed to know what she wanted, just by listening to her. Maybe a lot of people asked for help . . but she didn't want to be alone. She wanted to be with one or two people, in a smaller place, where it wasn't as loud.]
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C-Come with me? [She was practically begging him with her question, crawling on all fours over the floor to tug on his sleeve.]
{ Her voice called Gabe’s attention, although he never looked at her eyes. He could understand what she was passing through, he often was in the same situation or similar. } T..there.. { he took some time to point to a door } silence.. silence place. 
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alynryder · 10 years
[Alyn didn't know what to do. She couldn't eat when she was so upset, and she was too scared to ask if she could go without eating. For now, she felt stuck - trapped, in fact.
Seeing someone look over at her, she practically fell out of her chair, crawling over the ground towards her and clinging to her leg.]
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P-Please? Don't-t leave me? I'm scared!
{ Blythe rubbed the back of her neck as she looked at the girl, then at her feet. She did this a few times, not knowing what to do. Biting her bottom lip, she pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands - then sat emotionlessly. }
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alynryder · 10 years
[The cafeteria is too loud for someone like Alyn. It's big, it's scary, and there are too many people. Alaina and Lainor aren't helping her right now, so she's alone in her head.]
H-Hello? Can someone help me? I'm scared.
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alynryder · 10 years
Being up high doesn't sound fun!
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Why would you want to go up there to eat? You might drop your cheese puffs, and then you wouldn't be able to pick them up!
I just want to get high and eat some damn cheese puffs.
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alynryder · 10 years
Are you alright, sir? The ache in your head that you speak of sounds quite unpleasant.
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It appears this headache won’t be leaving anytime soon. 
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