alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
Your home made dice look great! Would you consider making a post about your process?
Heck yeah! Lets do it now!
First I made my own silicone molds because buying molds is espensive …
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Pourable silicone, a bunch of stir sticks, a marker, a dice set, some clay of some sort, and some appropriate sized cups
First I mix the silicone according to instructions, slowly as to make as little bubbles possible but long enough to be thorough. Thump the silicone to get all the bubbles out.
Then I put a LITTLE bit of clay on the “1” side of a die. Very little is needed but it helps stick the die to the bottom of the cup when you pour in the silicone. I write the type of die, such as d6, on the outside of one of the cups so I know which mold is which when I’m done.
Then pour in the silicone super slowly and gently or it might knock the dice off the clay. Try to cover the dice completely without using too much otherwise it will be hard to get dice out. Wait for about 24 hours for the silicone to harden then gently cut down the side of the cup. A clean cut means you can put tape over it and use it again.
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Here is how my mold came out (in use as of now lol). You take the clay out then with scissors or an exacto knife or something, cut gently so you can get the die out. Then use your marker to write on the bottom of the mold what die it makes. Yes it will fade, I haven’t come up with a better way yet.
Then I bake the molds in my oven between 250 and 275 for 2 or three hours. If the silicone isn’t set right it can react with the resin and leave the dice sticky (if you have sticky dice just put them in the oven, same as the molds).
Now for actually making the dice!
(This part will differ as everyone’s process is a little different)
You will need:
A towel you don’t mind getting dirty, some resin, measuring cups (resin might come with them), stir sticks, anything you want to put in the resin, a heat element (a lighter, heat gun, hair dryer, matches, your breath etc.), possibly some tape, and your molds.
First I heat up my molds in the oven (same as above when I was curing them, 250 degrees for however long I need) I find heating them up helps pop bubbles when I pour in the resin but be sure to make them cool a bit or your resin will boil while in the mold!!!
While those are cooking I pour resin but first! to save money I take my two plastic measuring cups and label one A and the other B and I only use solution A in cup A and solution B in cup B. I do the same to two stirring sticks as well.
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(I got some really nice measuring cups when I ordered some molds once)
Measure out the same amount of A and B and mix in a separate plastic cup, make sure you use those A and B labeled stir sticks to scrape out almost every drop. Then stir agonizingly slow as to make the least amount of bubbles possible.
Some people like to add their “others” (beads, acrylic paint, glitter, etc.) to the resin before they mix but I like to do it after. You see, when you mix part A and B the resin looks SUPPPER cloudy and I like to make sure I’ve stirred it all completely before I add anything. Make stir you stir it til it looks like clear crystal water or your dice will turn out bad.
If there are a lot of bubbles you can use a “heat element” to get rid of them. I use a long lighter like this:
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And whole the resin won’t catch fire, be careful not to melt the plastic cups. And never heat the resin in the oven or microwave because it will get so hot it will melt the cups and stink up your house. (I’ve done this before)
I like to take out my molds from the oven before I add my paint or anything, so they can cool while I slowly stir in the extra. When they cool off, if you see any molds with some major gapped seams use tape to seal the sides together. You’ll have to be careful because most tape doesn’t stick to silicone so I tape it to it’s self.
Then I put all my molds in a box and wait at LEAST twelve hours. If they came out wrong you might have mixed the resin wrong, the resin reacted to your additive or molds badly, or even something I’ve never encountered.
When the dice are done I use a rotary tool to shave down the stumps and very fine grit sand paper to make it smooth. However this will make the dice matte and not shiny. I haven’t got it yet but I’m planning on using resin polish to shine them up but I’ve heard other things work too.
To number the dice I dab fingernail polish onto the numbers then use an old rag and fingernail polish remover to clean it up. And viola! Done!
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alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
Read more here:
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alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
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alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
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🌱 Casually Pretending Presents… 🌱
🌻 The Apothecarium’s Open Market Soiree 🌻
The Apothecarium is opening again, this Sunday, April 28th at 6PM EST/3PM PST.  For those who are new, the Apothecarium is an alchemist boutique and floral shop, offering a variety of alchemical goods, fresh cut flowers and herbs, as well as homemade oils, lotions, ointments, remedies and more!  We also provide a plethora of tools, tomes, inks, and paints.  Our other shops include J & J MagiTek Services and Doctor K'satria’s Clinic (open by appointment only).
💮 The Apothecarium welcomes cross-world visitors!  Stop by and say hello! 💮
🌺 Date: Sunday, April 28th, 6PM EST / 3PM PST
🌺 Location: The Mist; Ward 13 - Plot 2
Store helpers will be using the green ‘Looking for Party’ marker to make finding available associates easier.
@mateusrpcalendar @mooglemeet  @crystalxivrp
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alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
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Inspiration at making traditional furniture.  Not quite there but a good attempt. 
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alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
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12K notes · View notes
alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
i’m not against vaping, but man, vaping two inches from my face on the subway is a ridiculous asshole kind of move. this dude was billowing like he was auditioning for the role of haunted house fog machine. the humidity in the whole car changed, he was ruining haircuts. just jump starting the water cycle. condensation was dripping down my glasses. people were slipping off poles, it was chaos. it was like watching one man try to terraform the moon. a planet with one dense, root beer scented atmosphere blocking out the sun and choking all life. 
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alyeisia-ooc · 5 years
Anon Hate IS Illegal.
Guys, I’m not kidding.
Suicide-baiting, cyberharassmemt, cyberstalking, death/rape threats, and hate speech are illegal in all 50 states as well as Australia and the UK.
Some places include school suspension or expels. Some even include jail time for multiple years.
And yes, they can find someone by username or IP alone.
Also, yes. There are methods of catching someone’s IP. Even under a VPN.
Next time you get hit with anon hate?
Casually remind them you can very easily take this to the next level. And they can earn jail time while you lay back in your chair, having saved yourself and everyone else from a violent criminal.
Your online actions have real life consequences.
Make sure they learn that.
(Just in case there’s a “the police wouldn’t do that” - Yes. They absolutely would.
Or a “I can handle it.” No. That person will continue to harass others as well. And one of them may not be as strong as you. So do it for them and everyone else.
Or a “It’s not that severe.” Yes. It is. People have died because of this. It really is that severe.)
Take action. And make sure the lives of these bullies are truly wrecked.
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
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Lime & Coconut Cake
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
Listing upcoming events so I don’t feel as though there is an expanse of nothing between now and Shadowbringers
9th April: Hatching-tide
16th April: FFXV crossover event
23rd April: World Visit system & NA Data Centre expansion
May: Live Letter featuring further 5.0 info such as battle system updates, SHB benchmark, patch 4.58 (featuring “adjustments”)
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
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I made a mock bedroom concept. Just wanted to make something real quick and challenge myself to make a bed, create shades, and work more with open window concepts.
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
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I always loved drawing animals but I ended up drawing mostly people these days. Hoping to do more animal art in the future! I’m loving new SAI 2 scatter brushes and excited to test them more :D I’ll be sharing the brushes as part of the March Patreon.com/Yuumei rewards :)
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
Sally sells #kms by the sea shore.
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
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Komi-San Posts
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
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I wanna dance in the dark And never stop We’re gonna light up the night Like shooting stars ミ☆
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alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
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183K notes · View notes
alyeisia-ooc · 6 years
You ever just hear someone's voice and become an anxious wreck?
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