alwaysinmydil · 2 years
Collection of watercolor paintings done by me ❤️
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
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Recreated this still from falling mv in watercolors - Harry styles
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
one of the biggest problems of society nowadays is that i am so so sleepy 
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Louis Tomlinson- watercolor painting 🎨🖌️
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Twitter: Dharsh
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Intro / Part 3
Harry stood nervously with his rucksack at the walkway of Tomlinson Residence while Louis parked the car. In a minute, Louis was beside him with luggage of his own.
"Let's go?" He said, holding out his hand.
Harry was shocked but then he remembered what he was here as ; the boyfriend. He took Louis' hand and smiled down at him, "Yep."
They walked up to the door and as soon as Louis rang the bell, the door was opened by two 8 year olds who instantly flung themselves on Louis and screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Louis tackled them with practiced ease and lifted them both up in his arms. The girls put their arms around Louis as he hugged them.
"Hello girls how are you, I've missed you!" He cooed.
"You're late!" one of the twins, Daisy pouted.
Louis set them down and crouched down to their level, "late how?"
"We thought we'd wish you at 12 am," continued the other one, Phoebe, "but you were not he-- who's that!" she got distracted mid sentence, looking at Harry.
Louis stood up and put his arms around Harry's waist, "this is Harry, my boyfriend."
That seemed to satisfy them because the next moment they were hugging Harry with "Oh you're finally here" and "We've been dying to meet you!"
"What is this!" a woman in her forties appeared in the hallway inside. Her frown broke into a smile as soon as she spotted Louis, "Oh honey it's so good to see you after so long. Happy Birthday," she said as she made her way to the door and hugged Louis. Her eyes instantly found Harry and she approached him, "You must be The Boyfriend. I'm so sorry Louis never told me your name."
Harry put out his hand, "Harry Styles, Mrs. Tomlinson."
"Oh just call me Johanna," she said taking Harry's hand. Her smile radiate the same warmth as Louis and Harry automatically relaxed. She gestured Louis and Harry to come inside and turned her attention to the twins , "Daisy, Phoebe, how long did you make them wait here? You should have taken them inside."
"Sorry mum," they shouted in unison and bounded up the staircase, probably to inform the others of their brother's arrival.
Johanna led them to the sitting room. The fireplace was warm and crackling and a nicely decorated Christmas tree stood next to it.
"I'm finishing up cooking so why don't you kids freshen up--" Johanna couldn't finish because just then two more girls came in, each carrying a baby in their arms. Behind them, a black labradoodle came bounding inside and launched itself on Louis.
"Oh Cliffy boy," Louis squealed in delight. It's so good to meet you oh god." Clifford started panting and licking Louis' face and wagged his tail vigorously. Louis shook his head fondly, "Yes yes I missed you too now get off me you big sap."
After the round hugging and squealing was over Louis introduced Harry to Lottie aka Charlotte, Fizzy aka Felicite, and the twins Earnest and Doris.
Harry was in love. Louis' siblings were so adorable and all of them hugged him too once he was introduced as The Boyfriend™. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this warm during Christmas. His parents were always busy.
Lunch at the Tomlinsons' was chaotic. Johanna had prepared a huge assortment of dishes for the big family. And everybody was talking at the same time. All of them had so many questions to ask.
The twins wanted to know what shampoo he used for such curls. Grandpa Tomlinson wanted to know his favourite football team. Lottie wanted to know if Harry had crocheted the cardigan himself. It was going good until Johanna asked, "So how did you two meet?"
And shit.
They'd discussed families and excuses but forgot to discuss the very important question, the meet cute.
Before Louis could answer, Harry blurted out "Bakery!"
Apparently Louis had had the same idea because he blurted out the same thing at the same time as Harry. Phew. They locked eyes across the table and Harry blushed. They were so close to getting busted. But obviously the family members mistook the blush for something else and a wave of collective "Awww" went around the table which only made Harry blush more.
Louis' dad then cleared his throat, "So Harry, you're a student right, what are you studying?"
"Uh I'm doing English majors in Imperial College and I do morning shifts at a bakery near college which Louis happens to frequent." He finished with a wink in Louis' direction.
Louis choked on his food and started coughing and desperately tried to hide the surprise in his face. Harry thought that he had brought out this reaction from Louis, but then,
"What!" Johanna exclaimed. "Both of you go to the same college and Lou never told us! Unbelievable!" She sounded fond but a little exasperated. Harry's eyes got wide at Johanna's remark. Same college? Him and Louis. Same college! How had their paths never crossed.
"Geez mom calm down," Felicite interjected , "maybe they're taking the whole dating thing slow. It's okay bro," she turned to look at Louis, "you don't have to tell us everything."
"Look at that," Louis said, "you're quite smart for a twelve year old. Everybody take notes."
Felicite flushed with pride. Harry noticed that she was quiet but very perceptive. She was the only one who hadn't badgered Harry with questions. Harry made a mental note to talk to her later.
Over more conversations Louis told them what an amazing baker Harry was and that he was the one who had baked all the cupcakes for the kids at 'HOME' and how the kids had absolutely loved it. This was something Louis hadn't told Harry before and it made him blush. Louis seemed to be doing that a lot today.
In the evening Johanna produced a huge cake for Louis and everyone sang 'Happy Birthday'. Nobody was taking the argument that Louis was "too big for this" because Louis was still a kid for all of them and according to little Earnest, "Cake good."
After dinner, Johanna said, "Louis show Harry to your room."
Louis stopped in his way to the staircase, "My room?"
"Well yeah, he IS your boyfriend right? Ofcourse he'll stay in your room?"
"B-but mom since when are boyfriends allowed in the bedroom, shouldn't he be staying in the guest room?"
Johanna raised an eyebrow, "Where will your grandparents sleep then Lou?"
Louis facepalm, "Ah I forgot you turned their room into the babies' nursery."
"Yes, so now show Harry upstairs and go straight to sleep. Don't be naughty."
Louis was red in the face, "MOM! Stop. Goodnight. Come Harry, I'll show you the room."
Harry's face was burning too, but he bade Johanna goodnight and followed Louis upstairs.
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Louis led Harry into his room and turned on the lights. The room was the literal definition of cosy. Fairy lights hung along all the walls. A vinyl player sat on a rack next to the bed and on the lower shelf of the rack, a huge assortment of vinyls were organised.
On the other side of the room, a wardrobe and a huge bookshelf adorned the wall. Bookworm. Harry added that to his mental list. The glass windows were laden with snow. A baby blue rug spread across the floor, providing the room a warm look.
"Welcome to my room," Louis said in a nonchalant voice but Harry could sense the awkwardness in it.
"Harry I'm so sorry Mom made us come up here--"
"Hey, no don't apologise, it's okay."
"Don't worry, I have a sleeping bag some where here, I'll just find it and bunk on the floor." Louis said as he rummaged through the wardrobe trying to find said sleeping bag. "Where-- is-- it!" He grunted and turned towards Harry, "Someone must have taken it, and everyone's asleep now."
"Um, we could make a pillow barrier?" Harry suggested.
"A what?" Louis asked and double over with laughter. "I mean, yes-" je composed himself when Harry started pouting. "We can make a pillow barrier."
As they laughed, Harry's eyes wandered to a door to the side of the bed.
"Where does that lead to?" Harry asked.
"Wha- oh that. Come see for yourself."
A chilly wind hit Harry's face as he opened the door, sending him into shivers. Behind him Louis had started laughing.
"You did this intentionally!" Harry said, mock- offended.
"You wanted to know what's here."
"A little warning would have helped.
Harry took out his beanie from his rucksack and put it on before stepping into the balcony.
The balcony overlooked the side of the house. The street ahead was empty and dark except for the light from the street lamp which flickered every now and then. Snow covered everything Harry's eyes could see. The stars were not visible but the moon shone brightly, giving everything a silvery glow.
"You see that road," Louis pointed ahead, "it leads to this park with a lake. The lake is perfect for rowing in summer and skating in winter. We can go tomorrow."
"Uh, I can't skate," Harry said sheepishly.
"No worries," Louis nudged Harry's shoulder with his and smiled, "I'll teach you."
"That should be fun," Harry smiled back and immediately grimaced as another cold wind blew.
Louis laughed, "Come on in, you'll catch a cold in that cardigan. Change into something warm, meanwhile, I'll make the "pillow barrier"."
Harry waited for a few seconds before following Louis inside.
He changed into a pink warm hoodie and saw that Louis had already constructed a barrier in the middle of the bed with a LOT of pillows. Where all these pillows had come from, Louis had no idea. Louis was sitting on one side scrolling through his phone as Harry got in the bed from the other side.
"Louis," Harry mused.
"Yes?" Louis answered, attention still on the phone.
"I was thinking, what if we go skating now."
Louis turned to look at Harry, "You're kidding." He said, expression hard to read.
"No I'm serious."
Louis slowly smiled, "Harry I must say, I didn't consider you the adventure type but you've surprised me."
"Ha! What type did you consider me as? Nerd?"
"Yes? But nothing bad with nerd. I like nerds," Louis said, booping Harry's nose.
Harry's cheeks started to heat up again and he turned his face towards the balcony door. "So are you in or out?"
"Going out in the dead of the night to ice-skate in a park with no one around? Ofcourse I'm in! Lemme get the snow boots and skates, I think those are left in the balcony itself. You put on some more warm stuff."
Louis was back in a few seconds with two pair of snow boots and figure skates.
"Harry I might have another adventure in store for you." Louis said with a devious grin.
"Um, what?"
"What do you think about climbing down the pipes?"
"Oh don't be scared, I used to do this a lot in school. Go out the balcony without anyone knowing. We could do it again. It'd be fun!"
"It won't be if I slip and break my bones."
"You can slip and break your bones while skating too. But here we are."
"God you're persuasive! Fine let's go down the balcony.
Louis climbed down the pipes like a monkey. Harry, wasn't so fast. It took a lot of coaxing and repeated reassurances from Louis to finally get him down.
Louis was having a hard time controlling his laughter. He didn't want to wake his family or his neighbours. It would be difficult to explain the situation.
Once Harry was safely on ground, they made their way towards the park. A cold draft made Harry grab Louis' arm. He was almost afraid Louis would pull back, but he tightened the grip, pulling Harry closer for warmth. Harry didn't regret leaving the warmth of the bed at this hour if it meant he got to be with Louis like this. Plus the surroundings looked ethereal.
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Teaching Harry to skate turned out to be easy. He grasped the techniques easily. The difficulty seemed to be in keeping him from falling because he seemed to do that a lot. Maybe it was his long legs, Louis thought to himself but helped Harry nevertheless, holding his hand as they went round and round the frozen lake.
When they were finally tired and couldn't go on anymore, they crash landed on the snowy ground around the lake and started making snow angels. None of them noticed how much time had passed, they were too busy taking in the beautiful surroundings and well, each others company.
Moonlight washed over them as they lay sprawled on the snow staring up at the sky.
Louis glanced sideways towards Harry, who was still panting from all the skating and falling and he noticed for the first time that Harry was beautiful. Not that Louis has no taste. He knew Harry was handsome but lying there with him at that moment without a single soul but the moon watching over them, it was almost like seeing Harry in a new light. His beanie was freckled with snow and his dimples popped out as he smiled. Harry must have sensed Louis' gaze on him because he turned to face him and smiled widely.
"Nothing," Louis returned the smile and turned back towards the sky.
"Were you staring Louis Tomlinson?" Harry chuckled.
"Was not!" Louis scoffed.
"Aw you can tell I won't judge."
"I was not staring Harry. Merely looking."
"Sure," Harry said as he poked Louis in the ribs. Louis poked back and it soon turned into a tickle fight until they couldn't breathe.
As they lay panting, Harry asked,"Do your grandparents live here Louis?"
"No, they live in Bradford actually. They come over from time to time, which is why they have their own room here. Which has been turned to the nursery since the twins' birth, so they've taken the guest room. Apparently dad had suggested they convert my room, but mom refused. She wants my kids to see it," Louis laughed.
"Kids," Harry repeated. "You think about it?"
"I mean not exclusively, but someday why not."
"Yeah, you'd be good with kids."
"Yep, I've seen how you handle your siblings. You'll do great."
"I suppose. It's so weird for twenty year olds to talk about kids tho."
"Oh it is. Let's talk about something else then. Umm, yes how did we go to same college yet never cross paths?" Harry asked.
"Yes oh my god, I almost forgot. I had to stop myself from reacting in front of everyone back at lunch. I mean two years of going to the same college and not once did we see each other!"
"I know right! Anyway now that you know my subject, what are you studying?"
"That's impressive."
"Thanks. What are your future plans Harry?"
"I'd like to teach. Either kids or adults in uni, nothing in between."
"That's a weird specification."
"I don't know it's probably just a whim, but I'd like it."
"And your baking?" Louis enquired.
"I'd continue that. I love baking. Maybe once I have a job and enough money, I'll open my own bakery. Morning hours at bakery. Then daytime at school and then back to baking."
"Look at you, already planning a busy schedule for yourself."
"Well, what about you?"
"I think I'd like to be a therapist."
"Expensive job ha."
"That's the thing. I'll charge minimum rates. So many people nowadays need therapy but don't or rather can't get it because it's expensive. I want it to change a little. I like to help people Harry."
"I can see that."
"And who knows, if I'm free in the evening I'll help you out in your bakery." Louis smiled.
And Harry blushed. Like he always does.
"You? Baking? I heard Johanna saying you are a disaster at cooking so no thanks I won't be needing your help in the bakery."
"I'm offended Harry."
"Are you now?" Harry turned to look at Louis and saw that Louis had curled in on himself. He was cold.
"Oh god Louis. Are you cold? Oh ofcourse you are. Let's go back."
Harry got up and pulled Louis to his feet.
"Should've brought some alcohol to keep us warm," Louis said.
"Yeah, but it's very late anyway. Let's go home." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis to keep him warm as they trudged their way back to the house.
Getting up the pipes was lot more difficult now that they were both tired, but slowly and steadily they made their way up to Louis' balcony.
Once they were inside Louis immediately jumped under the comforter, his teeth clattering. Harry got in on the other side. Louis looked so adorable and tiny that his heart melted at once. He also had an uncontrollable urge to cuddle up to Louis just to keep him warm, but ofcourse he didn't know how to approach. But the way Louis was shivering even with so much warm stuff on, he had to try.
"Um Louis?" Harry asked cautiously.
"Uh, you're cold. Do you, umm want me to, you know" Harry didn't know how to finish and was already regretting asking.
"Want you t-to what?"
"I meant I could hold you, because you clearly need some warmth." Harry averted his gaze and Louis held back a smile.
"Yes, clearly. So what of the pillow barrier?"
"It can wait till tomorrow?" Harry still wasn't looking at Louis.
"Okay. You can hold me I suppose. But be decent Styles." Louis turned his back towards Harry and turned of the bedside lamp.
Harry turned to look at Louis so fast, he might have gotten a whiplash.
"Y-you sure?" Harry asked, grateful for the darkness that hid how red his face had gotten.
"Yep. Why are you stammering now?"
"No no reason."
"Then get in."
Harry removed the pillows and got under the comforter, next to Louis. He could feel the heat radiating off of Louis' body and the butterflies in his stomach were going feral. He gingerly placed his arm over Louis and Louis laced his hand with Harry's, pulling him closer. Harry said a silent prayer hoping his body wouldn't react to Louis' proximity and embarrass him. It was almost four in the morning and Harry's limbs screamed with tiredness, but his heart just wouldn't slow down. Things might have been better if Louis felt the same way about him. But that's the thing. He didn't. Louis wasn't Harry's. They were just pretending and Louis wasn't even aware of Harry's feelings towards him. Little did he know that Louis has actually started liking being in Harry's presence and he definitely planned to stay in touch even when the Holidays were over.
In a few minutes Louis was fast asleep, the only sound in the room being of his heavy breathing. They would have to get up soon and it would be very embarrassing if he was tired on Christmas. Harry focussed on Louis' breathing and slowly drifted to sleep.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Intro / Part 2
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In about 5 minutes Harry reemerged from the back of the shop, having changed from his work t-shirt to an oversized crocheted cardigan, carrying a few boxes which Louis assumed contained the cupcakes. Behind him, the manager Liam was also carrying out some boxes. Louis took them from Harry and went outside with Liam while Harry went inside again to get more boxes. After strapping all the boxes safely in the backseat of the car, Louis sat in the drivers seat. It had started to snow slowly. Harry came out in a minute carrying a rucksack, bits of snow sitting on his curly hair. He was cute. Louis' family would like him.
As Harry sat in the passengers seat, Louis shot him a smile.
"So Harold are you ready to be my fake boyfriend for the next 48 hours?"
Harry decided he would blame his blush on the cold weather and not on anything Louis was saying.
"Yep, I'm ready. Although I'm beginning to think, it might not have been a good idea."
Louis' smile faltered. "What- what do you mean?"
"I mean, for all I know you could be a very charming kidnapper and this was definitely an impressive way to lure me into your den."
That sent Louis into a fit of laughter and it pleased Harry incredibly to know that he could infact make Louis laugh.
"Lure you into my den," Louis said, trying to catch his breath. "Okay you're funny, keep it up in front of my family."
As they drove on Louis told Harry about who they were going to meet - his parents, his five sisters and one brother, his grandparents and his dog. Louis already knew about Harry's Christmas story but they decided on a different story to tell if asked. So now, Harry's family had gone on a vacation and Harry was supposed to go to but he couldn't refuse his adorable and persistent boyfriend Louis when he invited him over.
The drive was beautiful. As they left the roads and the bustle of the city, it only got better. Snow covered trees and rooftops, Christmas trees standing in people's garden, children decorating said trees, workers removing shovelling snow from the road - it lifted Harry's heart. A lot of it was because of Louis sitting next to him, but he obviously wouldn't admit that out loud.
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After driving for a while Louis suddenly left the main road and drove into an alley. There weren't many houses on either side of it, but a huge gate loomed ahead.
"Um," Harry cleared his throat, "I certainly meant the kidnapping thing as a joke but I don't think it's a joke anymore." He laughed uncertainly.
Louis only added with a smile, you'll see" and drove on.
Louis didn't look like the serial killer type, but the location felt very eerie to Harry. They were still a long way from Doncaster. The gates opened as they arrived and the gateman smiled at Louis. As Louis drove up the path to the big house, Harry took in the surrounding. The building stood in the middle of a huge compound with a park at one end and a frozen lake in another. The little windows of the house were lit up with Christmas decorations, even the main door had banners put up on it.
As he parked his car in front of the entrance, an old woman came outside, smiling.
"Oh Louis you're here, the kids have been expecting you. Happy Birthday my dear!" She said and hugged Louis as he got out of the car
And Harry's worry changed to embarassment. It was Louis' birthday and he hadn't known. He didn't even have a present for him and Louis on the other hand had generously brought him along to whatever this was.
"Thanks Miss Eyre. I've been waiting to meet them too. Would you gather them all in the hall? I brought cupcakes."
Miss Eyre patted Louis' cheek affectionately. "Always so kind. Come along." She smiled at Harry before turning to go inside again.
Harry and Louis got all the boxes from the backseat and made their way inside.
It all slowly started to make sense to Harry, but he didn't have much time to think about it because no sooner did they cross the threshold than they were greeted with raucous cheers. To their left, the door to the hall was open and it was filled with children.
Louis beamed at the sight and gestured for Harry to follow him.
Inside some 40 children were scattered around the hall along with some staff members. An enormous Christmas tree was set up in the middle of the room. The children were of varying ages from 4 year old to 16 year old. As soon as they saw Louis they broke into a loud happy birthday song. Louis was grinning ear to ear now. The staff took the boxes from Harry and Louis as Louis introduced Harry to the kids.
"Kids this is my friend Harry. Say hi."
"Hello Harry!" they chorused.
Louis turned to Louis, "I hope this little detour is not a problem. I've been coming here every year since I was a kid. During school mum used to drive me here. From the last 3 years I've been coming on my own.
"No no absolutely not. Louis I'm honoured you brought me along. Thank you." Harry smiled earnestly.
Harry didn't think it was possible but Louis' smile seemed to brighten.
" Cool then I-." Louis didn't get to finish because just then two girls came forward carrying a chocolate cake and said, "Happy Birthday Louis!"
Louis was stunned, " you, you made this for me?"
"Least we can do after what you do for us."
Throughout the cake cutting ceremony Louis kept sniffling. He was having a hard time keeping it together. Louis is sap, Harry noted with pleasure.
Harry was yet to be surprised more, because after cakes had been distributed, some of the younger kids almost dragged Louis into the next room which was apparently the music room and led him to the piano and Louis performed a beautiful rendition of 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman'. Harry couldn't like him more.
"He's a gem, this Louis," said a voice behind Harry and startled him. He hadn't noticed when Miss Eyre had come up behind him.
"Yes, yes he is," Harry smiled, eyes settling back on Louis.
"This place was previously called 'Children Of The God Residence' and then little Louis came along who couldn't pronounce the whole thing and demanded the place be called 'HOME' instead, that way the kids can say they have a home." She wiped a tear. "And that's it, this place became 'HOME'. He's been winning hearts a long time. Have you been friends for long?"
"Not really. Um, those girls back there said Louis had done something for them?"
Miss Eyre smiled, "Oh they were talking about him and his family. His family is among the ones who send presents for the kids on holidays. And young Louis decided to share his birthday cake with everyone here. That's how his visits started. The kids who stayed here back then have all grown up, just like him but new kids are always coming and Louis hasn't missed a single birthday."
Harry mentally ticked off his Louis list :
Beautiful? Check.
Can sing? Check.
Kind and has a big heart? Check check check.
Louis was the whole package.
After an hour or so, they were back in car. As Louis was driving out of the orphanage, Harry's hands brushed against a box shaped indentation in his rucksack and then he remembered. The special cupcake. He'd put it in his bag to take it back to dorms, but the cake was afterall destined for Louis. He brought it out and pushed the box towards Louis. Louis stopped the car in the alley right before it joined the highway again.
"What is this?" He asked taking the box.
"Happy Birthday."
"How did you-" Louis said as he opened the box, "aaa red velvet cupcake my favourite!! Thank you Harry! But you didn't know it's my birthday how did you get this?"
"Well I'd made it for you because of the holiday season and all and then thought I probably won't give it you but then I found out it's your birthday so now I feel it was destined for you."
"That's sweet," Louis said, breaking the cake in half and offering one half to Harry. "Share with me?"
Once again Harry hoped Louis would not see his cheeks turning red as he accepted the piece.
They drove on after that. There was some music, some beagles Harry had slipped in from the bakery and a packet of leftover lasagna from Louis' midnight birthday party.
Harry wasn't so worried about meeting Louis' family anymore. He felt like he knew Louis after this last detour. He could manage being Louis' fake boyfriend for two days.
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Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
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hello again
228 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
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(All the iconic objects he’s picked up or being attacked by)
Here are all the other outfits I didn’t draw:
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445 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Eyes ❤️
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Twitter: @baateinwithLou
9 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Recreated this picture in watercolors
📸 from Louis' IG // @hldailyupdate
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Twitter : Dharsh
63 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Louis fanart blogs/blogs that make fanart including Louis:
82 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
For every question why, you were my because ❤️
Recreated louis' PFP in watercolors b and w.
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12 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
fuck everyone who overworked one direction.
465 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
Think I tried.
Louis Tomlinson in watercolors ❤️
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Twitter -
Instagram -
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
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26 notes · View notes
alwaysinmydil · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 49
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The after-party was chaotic. Familiar faces all around, waving at Harry or congratulating him, but Harry couldn't be bothered. His eyes looked around for Louis, but he was nowhere to be seen. His heart sank and he sadly wondered if Louis had boarded the flight back home instead. Ten minutes later, to his utter joy, Louis arrived at the party with Liam and instantly struck up a conversation with a group of people who positively beamed at his presence. Louis really was everyone's favourite. Niall was right. People love him. Why had he not known him then before his interview? But that wasn't important now ; he had to talk to Louis.
He waited for a chance to corner Louis but with hardly any success. He always seemed to be talking with someone or the other.
But apparently his friends were upto something. Niall had texted Zayn the details of what had happened at the red carpet and they had a new plan at hand.
Niall had seen Louis walk towards the bathroom because "someone" spilled a bit of champagne on his shoes and asked Liam to execute the next part. Liam "accidentally" bumped into Harry and spilled some hot coffee on his hands and Zayn being the good friend that he was offered to show him the bathroom and led him exactly where Louis was.
"I'll wait outside Harry."
"Thanks Zayn."
No sooner did Harry enter the bathroom than Zayn closed it from outside. Harry quickly turned back, not understanding what had happened, and was about to call out to Zayn when his eyes fell on the mirror and on the reflection of a man on it who looked stunned.
"What the hell?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here."
"Well now you do, so could you just go outside?" Louis tried his best to keep his voice level, not willing to show the panic he was feeling.
"Yeah sorry."
Harry tried the knob, but it was no use.
"Zayn? Zayn I'm kinda stuck here. Could you just see if you can open it?" Harry shouted.
Behind him, Louis' brows furrowed, "Zayn? What's he doing outside?"
"Oh he is waiting for me. I didn't know where the bathroom was."
Realisation seemed to dawn on Louis and he pounded the door.
"Zayn you idiot! You did this intentionally! Open the door right fucking now."
"Only if you guys talk," Zayn replied, voice strained from trying not to laugh.
"What do you think this is Zayn? Some teen rom-com? We're not in high school! Open the damn door!"
"Harry you better start talking," shouted Zayn, ignoring Louis, "I'm already giving you a headstart."
Louis quickly turned to face Harry, "This was your idea?!"
"No! I came to wash my hands. Liam accidentally spilled some coffee."
"Accident? Sure," Louis said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm not lying!"
"Well that's news."
"Louis you can't go on being like this with me when you won't even let me explain what happened!"
"Save it."
"Louis please."
"Lou, you better listen, else I'm not opening the door," came Zayn's voice from the other side.
"I'll deal with you later Zayn," Louis shouted back, and turning to Harry said, "fine. You have five minutes."
"What? oh okay. This was a stunt."
Louis waited for Harry to say more but seeing that Harry wasn't going to, said, " that's it? That's your explanation for being a jerk?"
"No I mean, Louis I'm so sorry for behaving the way I did. But I had to keep myself away to do what the manager had asked of me. I had agreed to the stunt. I'm sorry. I should have told you."
"Yes, you should have. What did you think I'd go shouting about it like a child?"
"You wouldn't?"
"Of course not. Even though I don't like it, I have seen it happen. People date for movies. And you told me that previously too there were so many rumours about you."
"Oh thank g--"
"What I don't understand is why you lied to me?"
"You said you liked me and I thought like a fool, that what we had was something special, but you proved me wrong. What was I Harry? An experiment? You wanted to see what it is like to be with another man? Did you use me then?"
"Shut up Louis! You don't know what you're talking about," Harry said. His temper was rising at Louis' words. "How can you even think that? I'm not some monster Louis."
"Then why did you hide everything? Why did you agree to the stunt?"
"I didn't have an option," Harry replied slowly.
"Really Harry? You're a grown man and you didn't have an option? I'm supposed to believe that?"
"Why are you so intent on not believing a single word I say?"
"You've lost my trust Harry."
Harry took several deep breaths and started again, "look I'm sorry okay. I should have told you. And I've already been scolded about it, by multiple people. But you need to understand that I was scared and very new to these situations. Being with you was new and scary for me. You made everything easy Louis but I didn't have the heart to talk to you about it. Especially since I didn't have the option to back out."
"What do you mean?"
"My manager didn't give me an option, but I don't wanna go in the details." Harry knew very well that telling Louis what his manager had told him would only upset him more. Right now Louis didn't need to know that the stunt was initiated because of his and Louis' relation growing popular among the fans or about his manager threatening to get in the way of Louis' career. That was a conversation for when Louis would be calmer. "And he was the one who asked me to cut down my social interactions with you."
"And you listened?"
"I had to Louis. My career was at stake."
Getting no response from Louis, Harry said, "I get it if you're mad at me. But I just wanted you to know that I wouldn't ever hurt you intentionally. The situation I was in back then wasn't really in my control. I hope you can forgive me."
"Fine," Louis replied after a while.
"What?" Harry didn't dare to hope much but he could feel his spirits slowly rising at the prospect of Louis accepting his apology.
"You wanted to explain. You did. I listened. Now I want to go."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that."
Louis knocked the door a few times and called for Zayn, but getting no response, proceeded to call him.
Zayn came by in a minute, "Did you TALK?"
"Yes Zayn,open the door for fucks sake."
"Okay okay, I was talking to someone and guiding them away from this bathroom. Thank me later."
"How thoughtful," Louis scowled.
Zayn opened the door with a bright smile which faltered as soon as he saw Harry and Louis' face, "Uh I'm guessing that didn't go well."
Louis shoved past him and back into the party and Harry just nodded sadly at Zayn before walking away with him.
For the rest of the party, Harry sat in a corner with a dull expression, avoiding conversation whenever he could but talking politely when approached by someone. In the other side, Louis seemed to be having the time of his life with Taylor, Niall and some other artists. From what he could gather, Louis absolutely detested liars which is why he wasn't talking to him, and had absolutely no problem in hanging around with Taylor. He tried to catch Louis' eyes several times, but every time their eyes accidentally met, Louis diverted his gaze with such speed, that Harry was left to wonder whether or not Louis would ever talk to him. Anne's words rang in his ears, but he couldn't think of any way to soften Louis. He'd have to talk to Niall tomorrow.
As for Louis, his mind went back to how it was before he saw Harry with Taylor today, torn between wanting to stay mad at Harry and accepting his apology, giving him the benefit of doubt. Ultimately he decided on pushing all thoughts away for tonight and just enjoying the party. It's not everyday you attend the after-party with your favourite artists.
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At the other end of the party, a small distance from Harry, sat Zayn and Liam. Zayn was dead tired for having to work back to back these past few days and wasn't particularly in the mood to dance or socialize. Liam was only too happy to keep him company.
They talked about the party, about their respective works and about Louis and Harry. Both of them were growing considerably drunk and slowly their conversation was ceasing to make sense.
They sat in silence, Zayn glancing in the direction where Louis was dancing with the others. Liam followed his line of sight and felt his heart sink. Louis was huddled with Taylor and Niall for selfies. With a pang of sadness he remembered the first time the five of them had hung out and how Zayn and Niall had connected instantly.
"Are you in love Zayn?"
"Cool I guess."
"Nah. Nope. Not cool. What is the use if I'm not loved back?" Zayn slurred, still looking at their friends some distance away.
"What kind of moron wouldn't love you?"
Zayn raised his eyebrows and nodded in aforesaid direction.
"Niall?" Liam asked slowly.
Zayn whipped his head back to Liam with an incredulous expression on his face, "this isn't Escapade Liam?"
"Nothing. It's Taylor."
"Oh." That had completely slipped out of his head.
Liam continued to gloomily look at the drink in his hand and Zayn nudged him.
"What about you? Are you in love? Who is it?"
It was probably the drink, but before he could stop himself, Liam blurted out, "you."
Zayn was going to laugh because it obviously had to be a joke, but one look at Liam's face told him it wasn't.
He almost spluttered the champagne he was drinking and said, "wait for real?"
Liam's expression was a mix of horror and embarrasment and he just groaned and his his face behind his hands.
"Tell me Liam," Zayn squeaked, trying to pry away Liam's hands.
"Yes," came a muffled reply.
"Since when?"
"Probably college."
"What the fuck, that was ages ago! And wait you have dated a decent number of people in the past years."
"It didn't matter."
"Aw Liam look at me. You're one of my best friends okay. You could have talked to me about it."
"And what good would that have done."
"You could have moved on idiot."
"I didn't want to," Liam said, holding Zayn gaze, who smiled and kissed him.
Liam froze and for a moment couldn't react, but he quickly leaned in to Zayn's touch. It wasn't heated and neither were desperate, but it felt a bit intimate and just as suddenly Zayn had approached, he broke the kiss too. Liam should have felt elated, but he wasn't. There were no fireworks, as he had been dreaming for years. It wasn't magic.
Zayn was still smiling and he could tell that Zayn hadn't felt it either.
"So?" Zayn asked tentatively.
"You knew what you were doing-"
"And you don't regret it?"
"No Liam, but wait, that doesn't mean that this is gonna continue" Zayn hastily replied.
Liam laughed slowly, "No no I understood that. And I think I'm okay with it."
"Yeah, I think I had this idea of a perfect relationship with you in my head ans this-"
"Didn't rise to your expectations? Are you calling me a bad kisser Liam? How incredulous!"
"No I mean you were great, but this, us, it didn't feel right. We're probably better off as friends."
"I'm glad to hear you say that. Liam, you and I are quite different people, similar enough to be the best of friends, but quite unfit for anything more."
"I can see that."
"So you're not heartbroken or anything."
"No," Liam huffed a laugh, "if anything you've cleared my head."
"My pleasure. It's pretty late man, we have an early flight tomorrow, lets head back."
"Yeah, you wait, I'm getting Louis."
Owing to the early flight, Louis had made sure that he didn't drink at the party and therefore was surprised to find Zayn grumpy with a headache the next day.
"I'm just gonna sleep throughout the flight and I'll be fine," Zayn groaned.
On reaching the boarding gate, Louis saw, to his horror that Niall and Harry were boarding the same flight too. He felt weak. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about what Harry said last night. A part of him wanted to forget everything and make a fresh start, but the other part was really mad because he was tired of people treating him like he was some kid. Didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you. That's the excuse everyone gave and it upset him that Harry saw him like that too. If there's anything he hated more than being treated as a kid, that was lying, which Harry low-key did. Maybe he ought to continue the silent treatment. That ought to teach him.
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Harry parked his car a little distance away from Louis house, so as to give no hints to Louis about his presence.
He at once went to the backyard of the building and set to work with the fairly lights he'd bought.
Once he was satisfied with his work, he connected the lights to the portable battery and started looking around for stones to throw at Louis' balcony. It was past dinner time and Louis was likely to be in his room at the moment.
The second floor balcony seemed quite high from here, so he'd have to aim properly. He didn't wanna disturb the neighbours and certainly didn't wanna accidentally break something on Louis' balcony.
Soon he found a moderately sized pebble and threw it upwards. Luckily it did reach Louis' balcony, but made no sound. He attempted again with another pebble, and this time he could hear a distinct clunk of the pebble hitting the wall or the door.
He didn't have to wait for long, because Louis seemed to have run to his window clutching what looked like Theo's cricket bat, probably fearing a burglar. Louis was astonished to find Harry standing in the middle of the backyard all alone.
"What on earth are you doing here Harry? You gave me a scare."
"Well I wanted to talk."
"And this is how civilized people do that?"
"Well I would have called but you've blocked my number."
Louis sighed, "what did you wanna say?"
Truth be told, there was nothing more to say in his defence. Harry had already explained the entire situation to Louis. And now the only thing that remained was a confession.
Harry turned on the key to the battery and in an instant, the garden was illuminated with a golden glow coming from the fairy lights spread on the ground, set up in a manner that they read "I LOVE YOU 3000 ♡".
Louis' jaw dropped and Harry waited with bated breath. He'd expected Louis to say atleast something. What he hadn't expected was for Louis to turn around and go back inside, slamming the door behind him.
Dejected, he stood still for a while, wondering where he went wrong and then decided to pack everything up and leave. He'd only reached out to turn the battery off, when he heard fast footsteps approaching him and looked around to find Louis sprinting towards him. He barely had time to register what was happening, before Louis threw himself on Harry, resulting in Harry losing balance and both of them falling to the ground.
Harry's joy knew no bounds. Louis was here with him, in his arms and all was possibly forgotten and forgiven.
Harry started, "Louis I--"
But Louis stopped him with a kiss. Everything else could wait. Both Louis and Harry's face was completely flushed when they pulled back and in the silent night, when the only sound came from the rustling of leaves and the loud beating of their hearts, they started at each other.
Louis broke the silence,
"So, how about we complete the last movie we left unfinished?"
Harry blushed, "only if you're not too tired."
"For Marvel? Never." Both of them laughed and together, packed up all the fairy lights Harry had put up.
Back in the apartment, it was once again the familiar scene of projector, Clifford and cuddles on the couch.
They held each other close throughout the movie, neither willing to move away even for a second and during the heartbreaking scenes they couldn't control their tears, even Louis, who had watched the movie a dozen times. Maybe it was the fact that they were already emotional, that tears came so easily.
As they lay on the bed, side by side, Harry thought it'd be better to talk to Louis.
"Are you not mad anymore?"
"You wouldn't be here if I was."
"Hmm. So you've forgiven me?"
"Yeah," Louis turned on his side, to look at Harry, "And I would like to apologize too. I have been quite insensitive."
"It's natural. The way you reacted. You don't have to apologize for it."
"Still. You deserved an apology."
"It's okay Lou."
Louis smiled at the name. It had been a long time since Harry had used it and that made him feel immensely warm.
"There's something else I wanted to tell you too," said Harry
"Yeah sure."
"So the thing about the contract - my manager was of the view that our relationship was not good for my career."
"He WHAT?"
"Please calm down and listen to the whole thing first. So he basically initiated the stunt because fans were speculating too much about our relationship and he wanted to put a stop to that AND do some publicity work. Hence the stunt. He plainly told me I was not to tell anyone about us."
"Why did you not tell me Harry? All this time, you've been facing that ass of a manager alone."
"I couldn't, he kinda said that if I revealed the contract details to you, he'd sabotage both our careers."
"Like he has the power," Louis huffed in indignation.
"I know now. He doesn't have that power. But at that time I was really scared Lou, I didn't know what to do and I would have never been able to forgive myself if I became the reason of any problem you faced. So I agreed."
Tears welled up in Louis' eyes and he hugged Harry tightly, "I'm so sorry Haz, you had to face so much and I was being petty."
"Louis it's alright now. I'm with you and honestly, at the moment, I couldn't ask for anything more," Harry said, resting his head on Louis' chest and hugging him tighter.
"It's okay Lou. I was talking to someone at the party who was retiring from acting and we talked at length about managers and he told me about his last one. He said he'd arrange a meeting for us and if I like him, I can let go of my old one."
"That's better."
They lay in silence for a while and were slowly drifting off to sleep, when Harry said,
"There's another thing I wanna say."
"I love you."
Louis' eyes fluttered open and he smiled down at Harry, who was looking up at him and said, "and I, you."
Note : in case any of you didn't get the Escapade reference, it's one of my absolute favourite fics and I couldn't resist breaking the fourth wall.
Here's the link : Escapade by @haydolce
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alwaysinmydil · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 48
After Harry, Niall and Taylor arrived at LAX, they stopped for a little to take pictures with the excited fans who'd spotted them on the airport. The management had arranged for their transport to the hotel and soon enough, they were fetched by cars sent by their teams.
Louis arrived a few hours later, with Zayn and Liam. He was among the set of hosts for the red carpet of Academy Awards as was Niall, Zayn had an invitation from both Harry and Taylor's teams, having designed both their outfits for the evening and the movie for which Liam was the music producer was nominated. They were greeted by enthusiastic fans too but managed to get out of the airport quickly.
And thankfully for everyone, Harry and Louis were staying at different places.
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93rd Academy Awards
Situated at the heart of Hollywood, the red carpet is a very intricate program. The 500 feet long red carpet was adorned with artists, photographers and interviewers. Bleachers had been set up on one side of it which contained hundreds of enthusiastic fans who'd come across from different countries to have a glimpse of the glam event.
Stepping out of the limousine with Taylor, Harry tried ro calm his frantic heartbeats. It would be unwise to lose his cool in front of hundred cameras and so many highly esteemed artists and a certain someone.
He was clad in a striped red and dark blue suit and beside him, Taylor in a gorgeous body con dress. Zayn knew perfectly well what would suit the two of them. Harry nervously ran his fingers through his hair, which had grown out a bit and curled beautifully at the ends.
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Numerous flashes went off as they made their way across together and the fans cheered and waved. Soon they were led to separate section which was roped off from the entrance ; the nominees were to be interviewed before they entered the building. Harry's heart skipped a beat as the air carried a voice with heavy northern accent, a voice he knew so well. Taylor had heard it too and to his utter horror, started leading them towards the voice. As they made their way through the crowd of people, he spotted Louis, having an animated conversation with Robert Downey Jr. He'd been nominated for his movie Dolittle. Louis looked so happy that Harry stopped dead in his tracks. He was seeing Louis laugh after a long time and he certainly didn't want to go stand in front of him and wipe it away.
Much to his reluctance, Taylor held his arm and walked over to Louis. Louis smiled heartily at Taylor and as soon as he spotted Harry beside her, his smile vanished, just as Harry had feared. Little did Harry know, that it took everything in Louis' power to hold his ground and not stupidly smile at Harry. Louis had been wondering for the past few days if he had indeed been hard on Harry and whether or not it was just a misunderstanding, but seeing him with Taylor again, sort of brought him back to square one.
"Hi," Taylor beamed.
"Hey Taylor, good to see you," Louis replied, looking around, possibly for Roman or somebody else to rescue him.
"Looking good," Taylor said with a smirk.
"Haha thanks," Louis blushed, "you look gorgeous."
"Thank you Louis. Are we on camera yet?"
"No, just one moment, someone will be here."
Louis was obviously confused at Taylor and Harry being in front of him. Had the list been changed? Why didn't anyone tell him? And WHAT are the odds of him getting the interview he dreaded.
In a few seconds a cameraman arrived and just when Louis was supposed to start, Roman appeared out of nowhere.
"Good lord, where have you been?" Louis asked.
"Sorry, something urgent came up," Roman replied and then turning to Taylor he said, "So Taylor, we have a special fan who has journeyed for 32 hours to see you. Would you like to meet her?"
"Why of course! Lead the way."
Harry made to join Taylor, but she just turned around and said, "I'll be back," leaving Harry with Louis and the cameraman, who was ready to start recording.
Seeing no way out, Louis decided to get it over with as soon as possible.
"So Harry," he started with an unusually high pitched voice. He cleared his throat and resumed, "this is your first time at the Academy Awards. How does it feel?"
Harry hadn't spoken even once when Taylor and Louis were talking. His voice seemed to have died away in his throat. At that moment, he just wanted to hug Louis and apologize. With great difficulty he regained his composure and replied, "I'm nervous obviously and also very excited. It's not everyday that I get to be in the same room with so many special people."
"Speaking of special people, it's really wonderful that both you and Taylor got nominated and it would be double the celebration if both of you won tonight."
Harry could feel the edge in Louis' voice, and tried to push back the pang of sadness that was rising in his stomach.
"Yeah, definitely, I do hope both of us win."
"Well then good luck."
Harry smiled and stepped back from Louis, and instantly Taylor arrived again and took his arm as they made their way inside.
After an hour more of interviews, Louis found his way inside to where Zayn and Liam were sitting. They had arrived with him before the red carpet event began. Zayn noticed how flustered Louis looked and understood what the reason could have been.
"You okay Lou?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You don't look so good."
"It was very warm outside, I'm tired."
"Sure there isn't anything else?"
Before Zayn could press further, the lights dimmed out and the voice of the host boomed through the speakers,
"Welcome to the 93rd Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.."
Harry wasn't sitting that far and Louis had to force himself to look straight ahead. He wouldn't let his eyes stray to where Harry was sitting with his girlfriend. Harry on the other hand, couldn't help but steal glances every once in a while at Louis' direction.
The ceremony proceeded pleasantly, other than the prickling sensation Louis was having, a feeling of being watched, everything was good and soon it was time for Harry's category.
"The next award is for the Best Actor and I'd like to call Leonardo DiCaprio on the stage to present it."
Louis stiffened. He was sure Harry was super nervous. He'd wanted to win this so badly.
With as much subtlety he could muster, he looked at Harry's direction, hoping to catch his eyes and at that very moment, Harry looked at him too, brows slightly furrowed with anticipation. He gave a little nod in Harry's direction and hoped that Harry understood him ; that he was proud of Harry no matter what.
Both of them looked away at Leo DiCaprio's voice booming through the speakers, "and the Academy Award for best actor goes to-"
Silence filled the hall and Harry could only hear the sound of his heart hammering in his chest. Louis' acknowledgement had been a comfort, but nothing had prepared him for this moment.
"--Harry Styles!"
The hall erupted in a roar of applause and cheers and Harry nervously stood up. After hugging Taylor and Niall and glancing once at Louis' direction, he made his way to the stage.
Harry had always been a shy person and currently a hall full of people, looking at his direction didn't make it easy for him. His heart was racing, given the adrenaline rush and he couldn't stop smiling. He was given the microphone to give a speech, but he just couldn't think of anything proper to say.
As the applause subsided, he started,
"Thank you so so much for the award. When I was working on the movie, I certainly didn't realise that we would come this far. My Policeman is an important movie and I feel lucky that I was chosen for it. Thanks to my director and my entire team who guided me throughout. Thanks to my family, currently watching me from home, who always supported me in everything and thanks to my loved ones for always wishing the best for me."
He let his eyes linger on Louis as he said this and a second later, the hall echoed with claps again.
The next category was for Best Actress and as expected, Taylor Swift bagged it. Confidence radiated from every inch of her face as she took the microphone for her speech.
"Wow, I wasn't expecting this, and was really nervous about it, even though my friend told me that I ought not to because this is like my 100th Oscar."
She air quoted the last word and winked at Harry as the people around laughed. "But thanks to the people who supported me through out the years and got me where I am today. I would be nowhere without you guys. Love you all." The applause after her speech was deafening. She was truly an icon.
For the rest of the evening, it became increasingly difficult for Harry to sit still. He couldn't wait for it to get over so that he could talk to Louis. But these things are easier said than done. As soon as the ceremony was over, he was being dragged back to his limo, as they were supposed to go to the after party hosted by Jennifer Aniston. It was more like a get together really and if Harry tried, he could get away, but Taylor wouldn't let him.
"Louis is coming too," was all she had to say to make Harry voluntarily come with her. This time Zayn got in with them too and they stopped at Zayn's studio for the change of outfits.
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