alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
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Jane Bennet in green || requested by nolanthorne
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
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“Do you ever feel like you’re a secondary character in someone else’s story?”
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
goddessofday replied to your post: We get the feeling that you all think we look like...
Giggles. “I know exactly what my sisters look like sweetie.”
Aww, thanks!
Atropos looked at her sister then said, "What do you think we look like?"
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
kaisethelo replied to your post: We get the feeling that you all think we look like...
How did you three feel about that movie in the first place?
We feel like it didn't portray us as well as it could have, but it Disney-ed up Hercules alright.
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
side note::
My personal blog is imaginationnerd.tumblr.com
feel free to check it out and all that jazz.
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
We get the feeling that you all think we look like this...
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and that is why you don't talk to us.
Please feel free to talk to us. We can be friendly. It might help your life's course a bit. ;)
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
Well I am the one who decides how long your life is. Every now and then I like to check in and see how things are. How are things in your life? Are they all sorts of fun?
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alwaysfateful started following you
Oh, why thank you for the information, Clotho. Is there any reason why you decided to pay me a visit?
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
The Fates looked at each other and the older two pointed at the younger one.
Hey there! Let me direct you to our introduction post. I think it does a fantastic job of introducing us.
Oh, visitors~
The three goddesses looked the newcomers over. 
God. Fates. God.
They stepped forward to introduce themselves. 
“I am Tisiphone, the Avenger.”
“Megaera, the begrudging.”
“Alecto, the angry.”
Then they waited politely for the newcomers to do the same. 
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
Hello! Let me refer you to this post. Hope you're enjoying your life!
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alwaysfateful started following you
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Hi there, care tell me who you three are?
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
fieryhalfdemon started following you
"Zoe," said Atropos. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"
"Atropos," said Lachesis, "you should know who she is. You're a fate."
"Everyone loves to talk about themselves, Lach," said Atropos. 'I'm just giving her that opportunity."
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
whitesingedwings started following you
"Hello, Icarus, darling," said Lachesis. "My sisters are asleep at the moment, but I'm sure they would say hello to you as well if they were awake."
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
Welcome New Followers!!!!!!!!
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alwaysfateful-blog · 12 years
"If by 'dull' you mean 'completely ready to scatter your children all over the place' then sure I am the dull one."
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ofwarandlove started following you
His smile grew into a shit-eating grin at the three sisters. A hate of being controlled steamed far into Ares, hence the hate for the Fates. “I didn’t know you were the dull one, Atropos.” Ares chuckled.
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