alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Unfortunately in war sacrifices must be made and good people or, in this case, cake, must suffer. Suddenly I feel as if we're going to be owing the bakery quite a lot of money after our little war. - MH
All for the greater good, of course. Perhaps I'll push a few things around, schedule-wise. Sounds like this is going to take a bit more time than 90 minutes.
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
I'd like to think that I've been sticking to my diet close enough to warrant a piece of cake. Do remember that if there is any cake-face smashing I will be forced to retaliate. - MH
Is that so? You do realise that would be two pieces of wasted cake, sir. Three, considering I will not be defeated at facecake war. How far will you go for vengeance, Mr. Holmes?
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Suddenly I'm worried about eating cake in front of you. - MH
Oh, I wouldn't worry. Cake/face smashing is reserved for weddings and things like that. Besides, if you've got cake at all that means I've allowed it - I wouldn't ruin your rare chance at baked goods, sir. That'd be just inhumane.
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Sounds perfect, I'm looking forward to it. I doubt that the reception is going to go smoothly ( or perhaps happen at all ), but it is best to be prepared in case Sherlock surprises me. Personally I don't see that happening. - MH
Well, reception or not, smooth or rocky, cake is always fundamental for celebrations. I'm hoping they'll smash it in each others faces, like one of those awful romantic comedy films. About 5% chance of that, but a girl can dream.
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
They aren't for me, Anthea. I am simply trying to figure out what kinds to suggest to Sherlock and Dr. Watson. Perhaps you'd like to help me decide? So as not to ruin my diet, of course. - MH
Oh, I can tease, can't I?
Of course, sir. You've got an hour and a half free around 2 tomorrow, shall I dedicate that time to cake?
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
I am going to need several cakes. - MH
You're not going to need any cake for a long, long time sir.
Yes sir, preferred bakery, flavor, etc etc?
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
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What? What's all this about marriage and civil unions?....
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
I'm not sure I understand. They're both the same picture, aren't they?
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Anthea, why does Mycroft carry that umbrella with him all over?
Well, it does rain quite often, you know. But it's not as if he goes out in it.
Umbrellas are quite nice things though, aren't they? Keep you warm and dry when the sky decides to open up on you. Always right there if you need it, just happy to serve it's purpose. Never fails. With a bit of upkeeping, of course, which isn't much work at all.
I've noticed he tends to be a bit ill at ease without his umbrella, too. Doesn't quite know what to do with his hand if it's free.
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Oh dear, the most mysterious way possible? This means I get to take creative liberty. Now you've got me thinking. How do you feel about unmarked, white vans, John? A
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
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Where on Earth do you find these things...
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It's almost as convincing as the steak-cake.
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I found a solution, sir. Just have cakes made that look like your ties.
I think I shall be able to sneak this one past Anthea…
- MH
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Has anyone noticed that Sherlock does this thing with his neck that makes him look like a bird?
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I love it so much. He’s like a proud bird. GAH WHY
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
That wallpaper is pretty unfortunate, isn't it? Looks a bit like Sherlock's sporting some sparkly earrings.
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Caught in the act.
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
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Sorry, love. John can't always be the butt of the joke, now, can he?
Sherlock's turn? :)
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-Molly xx
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
Miss Anthea, if I help you to secret away Mr. Holmes' cakes, will I be allowed to see you in that special attire I saw earlier? You needn't even bring the gun. -Kate
Tempting, my dear, though I don't dress up special for just anyone. I'd have to go spelunking through my closet. Besides, not too sure that fiance of yours would approve.
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alwaysanthea-blog · 12 years
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I know you are sir. I know.
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If the rule is that I am allowed to make an exception to my diets for sweets that match my ties I shall have to buy more ties. - MH
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