alwavsthiinking · 7 years
Angst Starters:
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you..”
“Why did I ever even love you in the first place?” 
“Where have you been?!”
“I don’t like the way he’s/she’s been treating you.”
“You could have died!”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?!”
“Why do you let people treat you that way?”
“God, get off my back! It was one time.”
“Are you leaving me?”
“I feel so useless.”
“Be honest, do you still love me?”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop it…”
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am for the way I treated you.”
“This is all my fault.”
“I’m sorry I hurt you like that.” 
“This is all your fault.”
“Put the bat down!”
“Where did you get those bruises?” 
“I’d better leave before I do something I regret.”
“You better leave before you do something you regret.”
“How could you do this to me?!”
“You know all along and you didn’t tell me?”
“So this is the girl/guy you’ve been seeing behind my back?”
“I never want to speak to you ever again.”
“This life isn’t worth living.” 
“How can you say your life isn’t worth living?”
“Get out of my face before I punch you in yours.”
“I’m such a terrible person.”
“You’re such a terrible person.” 
“You’ll tell no one about what you just saw, understand?”
“Why can’t you understand no one will come to help you?” 
“You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“How can you still love me after knowing what I’ve done?”
“I’m so ashamed of myself.”
“I wish you’d never been born.”
“I need to distance myself from you.”
“I’m no good for you.” 
“Don’t worry about the bruises.” 
“I wish I’d never been born.”
“Touch me again and I’ll kill you.” 
“Your sacrifice will be necessary.”
“Tell me you remember me..”
“I just can’t stop the nightmares.”
“I didn’t have a choice!”
“Go on without me.”
“You’re taking his/her/their side over mine?”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“How do you not realize how annoying you are?”
“You disgust me.”
“Help me.. I’m scared.”
“Make another move, and the girl/boy dies.”
“I wish there was another way.”
“It’s best if you forget about me.”
“We can’t be together.”
“How could you have forgotten me?” 
“Stop pushing me away!”
“I wish I could forget you.” 
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
like as much as i love icons and a good psd, sometimes its just tasking to do. and not everyone has great resources. so if you’re okay with having threads with no icons, please reblog this so that people know you’re okay with it. i feel like roleplayers today are too focused on the aesthetics and won’t follow people who use base icons or even none at all. it’s not about icons, but about the writing !!
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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Jenna Coleman  at  the  Doctor  Who  Festival  in  London,  England:  November  14,  2015
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
nightmare starters
“Wake up! Wake up! It’s just a dream!” “What were you dreaming about…? You were shouting…” “I woke up because you were screaming so loudly.” “Shh– No, no, don’t panic, love. You’re safe now.” “It was so real! I swear! He/she was here!” “I don’t ever want to sleep again. What if– what if I dream about that again?” “If you tell me, it’ll go away. That’s what my mum/dad always told me and it’s never failed me.” “Do you want to go back to sleep, or shall I make you a cup of tea?” “I don’t want to go back to sleep…” “I’m so scared… I can’t stop seeing what I just saw. It was so vivid!” “There’s really nobody here, okay? Do you need me to show you around to prove that to you?” “How do I know I’m not still dreaming? You’re acting really strangely.” “Let’s get you to the shower, you’re covered in sweat.” “There’s really nobody else here.” “You’ve got a really bad fever. That must have caused those weird dreams.” “I don’t even know what a peaceful night’s sleep is like anymore.” “I can’t do this anymore. These nightmares have to stop…” “Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real.” “I can’t go back to sleep after that. I need coffee– no, I need a drink, a stiff one.” “How long have you been having these nightmares?” “I’ve had nightmares all my life, but they’ve been really bad recently.” “You get so worked up before you go to sleep, maybe you should try to relax a bit more. Maybe then you’ll get some rest?” “I’d kill for a peaceful night’s sleep.” “A dream catcher? Honestly? I’m not a child.” “Nothing’s ever helped this. I just need to learn to live with the fact that sleeping will always be a nightmare, literally.” “I’m so tired… but there’s no way I’m going back to sleep after that.”
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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I've been believing in something so distant, as if I was human, && I've been denying this feeling of hopelessness in me, in me. All the promises I made, just to let you down. You believed in me, but I'm broken. I have nothing left && all I feel is this cruel wanting. 
                      Independent Marionette / Puppet from Five Nights At Freddy’s                                             Headcanon-Based // Spoilers Present                                                               Inked by Yang
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
someone: you dont actually believe those conspiracies right :/
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
Rage is addictive, you know. I guess it’s sorta like a drug. Anger and hatred get you high. They get you high, but like any addiction, they hollow you out and tear you down and eat you alive.
Marco, Book #10: The Android, pg. 45 (by K.A. Applegate)
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
Christmasy/Wintery Starters:
“Do you think if I turn on the fire place Christmas Eve, I’ll set Santa on fire?”
“Can your Christmas present to me be shutting the fuck up?”
“What a sexy runny nose you have there.”
“Dashing through the snow GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY-“
“Did you just stuff snow down my coat?!”
“Let’s go play in the snow.”
“Imaginary mistletoe! That’s code for make out with me.”
“Why is my gingerbread man so much uglier than your gingerbread man?”
“The mall Santa came down with the flu so I signed you up to be the new one.”  
“The mall Santa came down with the flu, so say hello to the new Santa!”
“I made a snowman replica of you, but his/her/their head fell off.”
“Will you help me hang up the Christmas lights?”
“Thanks for the gift. I hate it.”
“Aren’t the decorations a little much?”
“Hey, can you help me reach the higher up ornaments?”
“Will you decorate the tree with me?”
“I know you don’t like Christmas, but I wanted you to have a nice one anyway.”
“I tried regifting [NAME]’s shitty gift, but the person I gave it to regifted it back to them, so now I’m busted.”
“Thanks for forgetting to include a receipt, jackass.”
“How did you know exactly what I wanted?”
“HEY, those cookies are for Santa, not you!”
“Let’s make a gingerbread house together.”
“Why is it that every year, I don’t get any presents, I only get socks?”
“Can you help me pick out a gift for [NAME]?”
“Oh my god, my toes feel like they’re about to fall off.”
“Where do you think all the holiday cheer goes after Christmas?”
“Listen, the ugly Christmas sweater’s got to go. I can’t take another year of that.”
“I hope my wallet grows three sizes like the Grinch’s heart.”
“If you keep singing Rudolph, I’m gonna make you sound like him when I punch you in the nose.”
“You look cold. Take my jacket.” 
“I may or may not be stuck in the Christmas lights.”
“Doesn’t Frosty the snowman, like, die at the end of this movie?”
“If you think YOU got a bad Christmas gift, just remember that I once got a used toothbrush.”
“Let’s go sledding!”
“Bet I can catch more snowflakes on my tongue than you.”
“There’s a zero percent chance I’m going caroling with you.”
“Don’t forget to leave food out for the reindeer!”
“If you think about it, Christmas is really about a baby being born in a stinky barn.”
“I’m not wearing your homemade sweater from Hell.”
“How can Santa deliver all those toys in one night? Is he a time traveler?”
“The Grinch only decided not to steal Christmas because he knew he would get the shit beat out of him if he did.”
“The last time I went to see a mall Santa, he got arrested for possession of meth when I was sitting on his lap.”
“I brought presents and a couple of smelly things.”
“Christmas is about giving… so give me $100.”
“You can’t go out in the snow like that! You’ll catch a cold.”
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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Security Puppet is good.
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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@capitalofficial: .@taylorswift13 is ICONIC 😍
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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cr. shichan06x
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alwavsthiinking · 7 years
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butter pecan frosted fudge brownies | half baked harvest
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