alts-alt · 11 months
i've been trying to learn the bass solo in bedroom community by glass beach for the better part of two weeks. here's where it's at so far. please chop off my fingers.
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alts-alt · 1 year
i've been having two problems:
1. i wanna make more creative stuff (and get better at making it) but i hate the idea of it just sitting on my hard drive.
2. i'm so so so scared of embarrassing myself by putting anything i do artistically out into the world that i work on something for so long that i get sick of it and stop.
so i'm gonna try to eat two grapes with one mouth by forcing myself to put whatever creative scraps i have sitting around on this blog where i'm praying nobody i know personally will find me
anyway, i've been trying to work on my singing more, so here's me doing that. (if anybody has tips, i will love you forever)
(the song's backburn by mustard service)
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