Wings and Dings
282 posts
RP/ASK BLOG FOR ALTERTALE GASTER PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE INTERACTING ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ ICON MADE BY @Friisans CURRENT M!A: None {Accepting} ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ "Hi i'm Gaster! Or you can just call me Alter so there's no confusion. I'm the prince of the Underground but I would like it alot if you'd just treat me as if I were just a normal kid. I hope we can become good friends!"
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
altergaster · 7 years ago
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{Like or reblog this post if you wouldn’t mind interacting with a semi-selective Gaster and Alphys blog.}
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altergaster · 7 years ago
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((Like or reblog this post if you wouldn’t mind interacting with a pacifist run Flowey the Flower.))
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altergaster · 7 years ago
"Oh! My name's Gaster! Nice to meet you Alex!Hey it's alright. I know some people don't feel comfortable sharing information like that. But ya know, I guess if we're gonna be friends it would make sense. I guess i'll try to share as much info as I can with you! Without giving away anything too personal of course."
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“ you have a name?..I’m Alex, well if you want to know a bit about me since I..don’t want to leave you out in the dark.”
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altergaster · 7 years ago
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{Like or Reblog this post if you wouldn’t mind interacting with a semi-selective Fresh!Sans}
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altergaster · 7 years ago
“Temmies are adorable!” (Rule check!)
"Oh gosh, I know right? Lately though, i've noticed a shortage in Temmies around Waterfall. It's strange."((Thanks for reading the rules!))
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altergaster · 7 years ago
Snagged from: @hsheaddogs
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it
Bold what bad habits apply to your muse; strikethrough habits they’ve kicked; italicizehabits they cant stand in others
repost, not reblog
Swearing | Fingernail chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse decisions | Obsessive phone checking | Bad time management | Slang | Poor grammar | Overworking | Slacking off | Over sleeping | Under sleeping | Skin picking | Poor eye contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping breakfast | Junk food | Self criticism | Procrastinating | Day dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama | Secret teller | Skipping class | Spitting | Lip licking | Lip chewing | Drinking from the carton | Yelling | Too much internet | Poor hygiene | Impatient | Hot headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab picking | Buzzfeed | Cheek biting | Teeth gnashing/grinding | Shoplifting | Scamming | Speeding | Hair pulling | Large ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free loading | Littering | One-Upping | Whining | Borrowing without returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking during movies | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out | Ignoring | Over critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful
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altergaster · 7 years ago
"Oh, well that's okay, I already have enough candy anyways. But...I can't help but feel bad for you. No one should miss out on a holiday like this! Free candy are two great words ya know! O-of course if you aren't feeling well you don't half to celebrate, you should probably get some rest."
Since most monsters in Snowdin didn't know about Halloween he didn't have any candy. Buy he felt sympathy for the othet and cared more about his health.
"Um...maybe next year will be better? I would give you some candy but I don't...uh...have any with me at the moment."
“Not feeling very talkative today? T-that’s okay. I just just wanted to know if you were gonna dress up for the holiday! I assumed you were celebrating since you’re so…scary…”
Horror is frightening the child a tiny bit.
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* head hurts. every word takes an immense amount of effort. the kinda effort a kid like you couldn’t understand. shouldn’t understand. i appreciate the well wishes… but i don’t have anything to celebrate.
He closes his eye sockets with a deep, steadying breath inward. It looks like he might fall asleep mid-conversation.
* besides. i already said i was gonna be the scariest thing i could think of to be. myself. there was a second part to that, but it’s not the sorta thing you should hear. i’d offer you some candy instead before i run you off, but i don’t have any.
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altergaster · 7 years ago
"Not feeling very talkative today? T-that's okay. I just just wanted to know if you were gonna dress up for the holiday! I assumed you were celebrating since you're so...scary..."
Horror is frightening the child a tiny bit.
"Hi, Horror! Happy Halloween!"
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* -ween.
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altergaster · 8 years ago
“Temmies are adorable!” (Read the rules.)
"Woah! Another skeleton? You like Temmies too? That's awesome! You should come with me to visit Temmie Village sometime!"//Thanks for reading the rules!//
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altergaster · 8 years ago
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“oxygen went on a date with potassium. it went OK!”
[These go around fairly quickly so if you wouldn’t mind interacting with this lazy bones give this a like or reblog.]
|| Rules || || About ||
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altergaster · 8 years ago
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[If you wouldn’t mind interacting with a semi-selective Underswap Sans can you give this a like or reblog?]
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altergaster · 8 years ago
Dear future me,
Dear future me...I'm not sure if you are reading this but it's me...past you. I hope by now you've found Sans and Papyrus, I wish I knew how they were doing...take care of them for me, I know they argued quite a bit when they were still here...take care of yourself too, and make sure Frisk's soul stays safe. Well, thank you for reading this.~Younger you
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altergaster · 8 years ago
Do it.
I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.
Dear person I hate,
Dear person I like,
Dear ex boyfriend,
Dear ex girlfriend,
Dear ex bestfriend,
Dear bestfriend,
Dear *anyone*,
Dear Santa,
Dear mom,
Dear dad,
Dear future me,
Dear past me,
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Dear person I had a crush on,
Dear girlfriend,
Dear boyfriend,
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altergaster · 8 years ago
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🖋 OOC: What’s this? Another lame text promo? Yeah man, but here’s the deal. This ain’t like any old normal text promo’s. I’m here from Sillyvision to invite you to a brand new, never before seen BENDY blog from the new hit horror game cartoon BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE. Think that’s nifty, well friendo I have more to say. If youLIKE or REBLOG this now you will get a new, never before seen ink creation checking your very own blog! That’s right! This right here is a limited time offer, while supplies last. Come and check out this new BENDY THE DANCING DEVIL with your very own eyes! Sillyvision is not responsible for any injuries that may come to you or loved ones. 🖋
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altergaster · 8 years ago
Welcome To My Playground
[The human stood before a small pile of dust, snickering, brushing off the remaining dust off of his letteman jacket, his back turned to you. Oh! Seems that he heard your feet shuffling behind him. He turned around slowly, and met your gaze, beaming]
* Oh, didn’t see ya there, pal. [Alpha cleared his throat, giving a bright smile] * Howdy! I’m Alpha! Alpha, the human! [His expression grew thoughtfull as he tapped on his chin, looking to the side, his grin never leaving his face] * Hmm… You’re new to the underground, arent’cha? [Alpha clapped his hands together, giving a bigger, brighter grin. Just how far can his mouth stretch? His human form seemed… Broken, unnatural] * GOLLY! You must be SO confused! * Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! [With a nod, Alpha spread his arms to his side, as if welcoming you] * …Guess little old me would have to do!
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altergaster · 8 years ago
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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altergaster · 8 years ago
"Well...i'm 11 years old but if we wanna get into scientific stuff i'm like older than 20 probably, it's a little confusing and sorta personal so i'd rather not get too deep into that. But i'm more concerned about why everyone is gone. What happened here?"
"H-hi! What's your name?" *The small child poked Cookie's leg through his extra long sleeves hiding his hands.*
Cookie blinked and looked down at the child. “Oh hello there! My name is Cookie. Whats yours?”
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