altar-ing · 1 year
i think i’m starting to lose my faith. but i’m so numb nowadays that i don’t even really care anymore. 
there’s very little caring for things left. even for hermes. 
i’m just..trucking on, i suppose.
i’m tired.
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altar-ing · 1 year
Favorite/Lesser known or lesser focused on Hermes epithets, both historical and upg. There are a lot of epithets that are easily applicable to Hermes and his roles/associations/domains for his endless reach. If it's one that I've given him as there is nothing there for that part of him it will have an asterisk (*) by it. Also, if you're expecting anything alphabetical you will be sorely disappointed.
Hermes Psithyristes - Whispering or The Whisperer. It highlights Hermes as the god who whispers his advice to the ear of those who ask him. It doesn't take much to look at this epithet and connect it to his oracle connected to Hermes Agoraios. Those that look to learn the knowledge of the future will tell him personally and hear his answer through the people that resonates with the one asking.
*Hermes Xenios - Of the Stranger/Guest or Of Hospitality. It goes without saying considering he is a god of the home, one that protects it (and any in the home) by every entrance as well as the god of travelers and friend of man.
Hermes Agroter - Of the Field.
Hermes Epikthonios - Dwelling on Earth/Earthly.
*Hermes Nyktelios - Of the Night, Nocturnal. I personally heavily connect him to the night and he has many historical domains in connection to it. Zeus and Maia met in the night and Hermes has lovers meet in the night, delights in it, and travels through it.
Hermes Pyledokos - The Door Watcher. Important to the divine pairing of Hestia and Hermes especially prominent as two gods of the home. Hestia dwelled inside, found at the very heart and in every room while Hermes was the one protecting every entrance to keep out what isn't wanted.
Atlantiades - In relation to his mother as a daughter of Atlas, signifying his status as the Titan's grandson.
Hermes Epiklopios/Klepsiphronos - The Stealthy-minded.
*Hermes Troglodýtis - One who crawls in holes or caves, such as a snake or fox, Cave Dweller/Dwelling, plus it also relates to wrens under the genus name. Contextually this is highly specific to his domain over mountains and caves and animals like snakes and those in the Canidae family, as well as my upg connection to Hermes and wrens (and birds in general).
Hermes Pantokrátōr - Ruler of the World/Ruler of All or All-powerful. It might have only been used once or twice as far as documentation goes but it's definitely earned a spot here. It's more on a personal basis for the worshipper and holds importance to me.
Hermes Koryphaîos - Leader of the Chorus. In relation to his position with the many Nymphai (Nymphs), he was the deity most associated with them and stood between man and the Nymphai for their worship.
*Hermes Aîtos - Something given: allotment, share. Easily applicable to his position in regard to life and death as well as luck. I also connect it to his relation to the Moirai as someone that works with them in a similar manner to Tykhe. Could be ambiguous as to whether it is positive or negative (or somewhere in between).
*Hermes Oîtos - Fate, Doom. In a similar vein to Hermes Aîtos but no longer ambiguous as it has a more negative meaning to it. More specifically in relation to Hermes Psykhopompos and Hermes Khthonios who works with the Moirai, Thanatos, and Kharon. The epithet in relation to death and the afterlife, one part of the cog that keeps the world in order that waits for us all at the end of our thread of life weaved by the Fates.
Hermes Areiās - Warlike, Curser, or Defender/Protector, possibly He who succors Ares. Outside of Mycenaean times could easily apply in relation to Hermes Kriophoros and Hermes Keryx (a mix of the two), as well as his domain over diplomacy and heralds that all play a part in war.
Hermes Dendrites - Of the Trees.
Hermes Kedrites - Of the Cedar Trees. The source of this epithet comes from Syme (Crete) where he is a god of vegetation and initiation into adulthood with Aphrodite.
Hermes Dromios - Of the Stadium.
*Hermes Klazo - To make a sharp piercing sound.
Hermes Syskopos - Sharp Sighted.
*Hermes Kosmâs (Hermes Kósmos also works) - Derived from kosméô (κοσμέω) kósmos (κόσμος), meaning order, lawful, government, ornament, decoration, honor, credit, world, universe, earth. It's an epithet that I hold close to me and hold with great importance for my special interest and adoration of space and everything in it. As Hermes is a god of astronomy, astrology, and constellations (making them in conjunction with Hera as well as teaching others about them), as well as his relation with his blue supergiant star immediate family and another epithet of mine Star-Born. The god that is both really ancient (as far as historical records and appearance(middle-aged)) and super young with so much life and energy with many eras to live through. A god of galaxies, their death, and birth in a cycle that is wide-reaching and covers the infinite and sometimes just a figurative coverage of how much he does. From the universe(s) back is his reach and everything he has hands in, as well as everything yet to connect to him for the past and future.
Hermes Deilakrion - Poor fellow. God of the greedy, lions, the devourer, the starving, the hungry, one that can't be contained or restrained. The one god I personally associate with driving those looking to learn no matter what to feel insatiable in the hunt for it. Also akin to a bringer of knowledge for the forbidden, what might drive one mad but make one enlightened.
Hermes Oneiropompos - Bringer of Dreams. For all the people that struggle to sleep and to remember dreams (like me), he ensures it. I have never slept so soundly and dreamed so vividly as I have with him.
*Hermes Episteme - Knowledge, Understanding (Science basically). He is the drive that spurns others on for the sake of creation, to find out the intricacies of life and what's good and bad. The god that fucks around and finds out regardless of the outcome with good intentions to know what to continue and stay away from.
Pontios Theron - Master of Animals.
*Hermes Tríbō - To Rub, Friction. A double meaning both as the creator of fire without reliance on nature that can be done by anyone with the right tools/knowledge. It also relates to Hermes' domain and part to play with marriage, the consummation, and unity during the first night. In the company of Aphrodite, Hermes makes this pass and for the modern day can easily represent a passionate night between two people that love each other.
*Hermes Astronómos - Pertaining to his domain over astrology and astronomy (especially as the one that teaches it), but especially with space and the stars as a whole. If it exists out there beyond the blue sky we are familiar with it's deeply connected to him.
*Mercurius Arieto/Arietare - To strike violently like a ram, batter, or to disturb, harass, or disquiet. A hundred percent a UPG/SPG epithet but one that stands out, especially with the person he becomes under the name of Mercurius/Mercury. A god more tightly wound with an intensity barely restrained behind an air of calm and indifference. It appropriately covers the change to fit the new culture and people that worshipped him under this name, a wolf-like god with sharp teeth and horns to show his wild nature.
Hermes Katokhos - To bind or restrain.
Hermes Kranaios - Of the Fountain? Of Springs.
*Hermes Keleasma - A shout implying authority and urgency. The idea is of a loud, authoritative cry, often uttered in the thick of great excitement. He is the deity whose voice is louder than anyone else's by a wide berth. Stentor(ians) will quiver before him as he has no match.
Hermes Kandaules - The Dog-Throttler or Throttler of the Beast. A Lydian god, an epithet denoting religious syncretism. Akin to an extension of Potnios Theron especially as one that tames animals especially predators and monsters like the Khimaira.
*Hermes Bromos/Bromios - For any sudden, loud noise, the crackling fire, and the roaring of the storm (the tearing or whistling wind).
*Hermes Anemos - To breathe, blow, wind, a violent agitation and stream of air.
*Hermes Philósophos - Loving wisdom, lover of knowledge/wisdom, educated, learned person, professor, philosopher, scientific, philosophic.
Hermes Kataibatês - Descending, in relation to Hermes being a conductor of souls and in his function as an underworld deity.
Hermes a-re-ja: a new interpretation by José Marcos Macedo
Hermes Epithets
"Candaules, whom the Greeks name Myrsilus … " by J. A. S. Evans
Miller, John F., and Jenny Strauss Clay (eds), Tracking Hermes, Pursuing Mercury (Oxford, 2019; online edn, Oxford Academic, 21 Mar. 2019), https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198777342.001.0001
Bolling, George Melville. “Kandaules.” Language, vol. 3, no. 1, 1927, pp. 15–18. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/409642.
Lebessi, Angeliki. “Hermes as Master of Lions at the Syme Sanctuary, Crete.” British School at Athens Studies, vol. 18, 2010, pp. 195–202. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23276776
Chittenden, Jacqueline. “The Master of Animals.” Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, vol. 16, no. 2, 1947, pp. 89–114. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/146954
Keleasma Definition
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altar-ing · 2 years
idky but i really like that marble veining on his chest. idk. makes me think of bloodstreams or something.
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Mercury inventing the caduceus by Henri - Michel Chapu 1860-1862.
Ο Ερμής εφεύρει το κηρύκειο από τον Henri - Michel Chapu 1860-1862.
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altar-ing · 2 years
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WALLACE STEVENS (2022), 12 ½" x 18"
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altar-ing · 2 years
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altar-ing · 2 years
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The planet Mercury and its influence on the world
Johann Sadeler (I) (1550–1600)
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altar-ing · 2 years
this is so flipping cute. goo goo gaga widdle bebbie.
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That time Hermes stole some of Apollo's cattle.
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altar-ing · 2 years
i love how apollo worhsippers have the most poetic, beautiful names here about him and then theres hermes worshippers who's like "flyingmansfan"
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altar-ing · 2 years
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Happy Hermes Wednesday ft. a lovely art piece by Romeyn de Hooghe
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altar-ing · 2 years
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o, hermes — luck-bringer with the  sly smile, joy-touched & ever-swift  god. my heart leaps, springing out  of the snares of this world in order to follow your fleet-footed ways. you drive away the troubles, bounding like the hare out of the tightening wire.   & hidden in the corner of your wily  smile, i discover my own laughter — 
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altar-ing · 2 years
Praise be to Hermes giver of all good things
Sweet meadow grass honey gold words, a silvery guise– Oh, to catch your eyes in this life
we roll our dice,
and wonder, what is our lot?
What is our fortune?
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altar-ing · 3 years
“In the cluster of stories involving Hermes passed down in Greek tradition and literature, a distinct type of human character shines through: a young man of ideal physical build, extroverted, swift in physical movement and rhetorically gifted, enchanting and seductive, ready to serve but not to be taken advantage of, friendly but independent, inventive, intelligent, generally benign and having a ready sense of humor, athletic, stealthy. In mythic tales he is not at the center of politics, decision-making or narrative action, but on the periphery. Hermes stands at the edge, an edge-person, located essentially in liminality.”
— Murray Stein, Hermes and the Creation of Space
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altar-ing · 3 years
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altar-ing · 3 years
bringing this back because it’s still true.
i’ve had a really bad day and i cannot stop crying.
hermes pls
i am so sad today. i wish hermes would/could physically manifest himself and give me a hug.
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altar-ing · 3 years
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Mercury, Anonymous, 18th century, Cleveland Museum of Art: Drawings
Size: Sheet: 22.2 x 13.8 cm (8 ¾ x 5 7/16 in.); Secondary Support: 27.2 x 18.1 cm (10 11/16 x 7 1/8 in.) Medium: pen and brown ink and brush and gray wash over graphite
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altar-ing · 3 years
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Oval gem with Hermes playing lyre
Greek; Hellenistic Period, 3rd–1st century BC
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
(Facebook: Hermes & Mercury)
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altar-ing · 3 years
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Detail of the Farnese Hermes, a 1st century CE Roman copy of a 4th century BCE Greek original. Marble. Source: The British Museum.
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