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" Within a thousand moon cycles, will you still be around ? "
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
alta1red · 1 year ago
EDEN. | 𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑬 II. Your very presence,
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 : ( None that I'm aware of, although do inform me if I missed something ! )
" Well.. Uh, Eden ! I can happily say you've got the job ! " Charlie happily announced, seemingly overflowing with excitement, observing the pep in her step as she walked towards you —she took your hands in hers as she shook it with vigorous energy.
" I'm so happy you joined us, here at Hazbin Hotel ! "
— Bingo, just what you needed to hear from the 'Little Morningstar' Herself. After all, your resume was damn near flawless, ( although erasing abit of your lore, like, you being an important figure up in the clouds ! ) Denying such a resume would be an utter loss the hotel of course !
— The hard part, however, is pretending to be a Sinner —And while sure you're not exactly a Saint, you've been drilled with proper manners, and overly kiss-ass behavior from Michael's, " How to be a proper Angel 101, " Lessons.
— Working as a gardener was easy in the long run, you've been taking care of plants for millennia — Although you could say a little One-Eyed Darling is abit iffy with the soil you had staining and dirtying your uniform, and well.. the dirt in general, but ! You were of course polite, being a dirty slob was incredibly embarrassing !
— So, just to ease Niffty you kept the dirt, soil, and grime all In the outside. ( Exception is the dirt, soil, and grime in the flower pots.. ) You often lead her to bug species that were harmful to your plants, finding amusement as she ruthlessly, and painstakingly kills their mother's. Maybe Charlie should say that she's only 75% percent harmless ?
— Your relationship with the Daughter of the Morningstar was, peaceful, maybe? You often let her rant to you about mundane stuff, finding her little shows and musicals, ballad's and all the such abit endearing, often leading you to follow the rhythm, and tapping your finger along to the beat as she sings, ( although you never joined such activities, ) You notice alot of her quirks, like her using hand gestures, her mushing out on a few words, ( and how she's abit naïve to how some of the residences -sinners, ehem, if not most of them were rather unredeemable. )
— She often reminded you of a certain Seraphim from up there, their resemblance being uncanny, but nostalgic. And due to you getting used to the Seraphim's personality you found it relatively easy to get along with Charlie, your day to day chats, and her suggestions for flowers were a delight, ( Let's hope she doesn't find out a few of the flowers she suggested, and you planted, don't belong in Hell. )
— She thinks that you're reliable, and a very comforting person to be around —She truly believes you deserve to be redeemed with how righteous and charitable you act, she considers you a sister, a person she can rely on when things go south, someone to have sibling conversation's with !
— Although, her girlfriend —Angel in disguise, hehe. You noticed Vaggie held a tense atmosphere around you, not that you minded, you were new, and 'Sinners' aren't exactly to be trusted, but you both kept a respectful and polite attitude towards eachother, in respect of Charlie.
— As time passed however Vaggie found you oddly nostalgic, your behavior.. and your mannerisms were too 'pristine' and 'polished' almost as if you'd been drilled with lessons for so long, or, maybe Vaggie was just imagining it, you held an aura which screamed 'Noble' in some way, but with the way you carried yourself..
— Vaggie had to just be imagining when she saw Blue Blood drip down from your finger, right?
— Now, moving on to Alastor; he was polite to all the ladies in the Hotel ( Including you, ) however you always notice how his shadows linger longer than they're supposed to, ( Is he watching ? ) He held a dignified aura within him, his voice —Static, that's what you could hear, and if you didn't pay much attention maybe you would've missed how there was a laughing track, only heard if you payed more attention than you should.
— Your first meeting with him, was.. well, eerie.
— " Alastor'— He grabbed your hand and shook it, the action causing you to tumble abit, before gaining composure —' Pleasure to be meeting you dear, quite a pleasure ! " He greeted, giving you his all too famous never ending smile. You smiled back politely, and then said, " Eden.. Although you could call m— nevermind, I'm the new gardener, honor to meet you Sir ! " You gave back the same energy, it's impolite to not too after all.
— Alastor enjoys your modest fashion, and how polite you are, quite a darling ! ( He doesn't like you. )
— For Angel Dust's opinion however.. A prude, with a clean streak ( how'd ya even end up in hell with such a goody-goody personality ? ) Sure Toot's, everyone has their own secrets but being so mysterious in a place like Hell ? Might aswell just be open with your crimes and all, not like anyone has the ability to judge ( Hell is Hell, )
— Although your company ain't too bad, after all —You give 'hella good advice, however he recognizes that look on your face —You're hidin' something big-time, and even then with your reckless and ditzy actions he KNOWS you aren't tryna' hide it at all.
— Husk.. He pays zero mind to you, often having chats some nights when you go for a swig- or -two, you were cryptic —In a different way, unlike a certain Smiles for Day's. You weren't eerie, neither creepy, just too secretive, everyone's knows it.
— Husk knows how Alastor feels about you, and to be honest, it ain't pretty. Consider how he knows about Alastor's certain feelings about someone being far more powerful, being petty, and all.
— But how much longer until everyone knows how deep of an entity you actually are?
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alta1red · 1 year ago
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— 𝑷𝑻 : I
— YOU, were once a radiant Angel, now — With your punishment, you've been reduced to a mere Gardener.
— Why weren't you sent plummetting down to Hell, why weren't you in Exile? Everything to you had it's question, and that was your flaw. You were curious, adventurous, and naive —Well, before. With how long you've been in the Garden of Eden, it gave you more than enough time to reflect on who, on what you used to be.
— Your wings were reduced -clasped together tightly, and your chains have been doubled —Freedom was a dream you received in fractions. And even now, sometimes you still dream on rebelling.
— However, you were monitored closely, to ensure you were doing your duty ( punishment ) and to add unto that you were often placed in " How to be an Obedient Angel 101. " Lessons directly from Micheal, his words — " Such a precious asset shouldn't be punished too harshly ! Let's just make sure she goes through every lesson again. " He suggested to the other Archangel's.
— Maybe if you weren't listening to closely that time ( guilty, still. ) You wouldn't have noticed how his voice turned cold, and stern —Still keeping it's authoritarian tone, maybe you wouldn't have noticed how his gaze to you changed: from fondness to disappointment.
— Even then, as you planted and nurtured the plants in the Garden, you still felt numb to the past —Sure you felt guilty, but it wasn't like you exactly regretted ever doing it in the first place.
— Maybe a fresh start would do you some good?
— There's only one more month until your punishment ends once and for all.
_______________________⠀⠀༺ ✤ ༻⠀⠀________________________
— AA, I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, I've been really busy with school work, and I was hit with a massive creativity wall + Writer's block, but don't worry content will probably be pushed out at a normal pace soon, maybe,
— I've been trying to get back into my old writing style so if it's a abit off I'm truly sorry for that,
— The reason why Michael is included ( and soon to be others, ) and not following Hellaverse canon is because well I think I want to explore it myself, don't worry I'm not gonna go unto the whole religious route many of the characters that I will, add or imply to exist will have different roles and such.
— I might post my design of him, and his refrence sheet soon ( no promises 💪‼️ )
— The " Darling Artisan, " will have another imagine soon.
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alta1red · 1 year ago
HAZBIN HOTEL . IMAGINE . II 'The Darling Artisan from the Clouds'.
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 : [ NAME. ] Is exploring Pentagram City, and runs into a certain Radio Demon..
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 : [ NAME. ]'s luck might either be the worst, or the best no in-between . Alastor being a creep . OOC Alastor . Small amount of dialogue .
𝑷𝑻. : II.
— Well, congrats ! You somehow managed to avoid probably all the wrong kinds of people in Hell ( that being certainly 99% of its total population.. ) , was it due to sheer luck? Or by some stupid twist of fate something else awaits you in your path? Maybe, maybe not.
• As you wandered the streets of Hell and witnessed around One.. Hundred incidents of violence, abuse, prostitution, people getting mugged and drug dealing —You remained peaceful (?), ( you held your art matierials closer to your figure. ) although your inspiration did take abit of a dark turn in its source. Your cloak, and subtle presence helped you alot in hiding your angelic features .
• But your presence certainly didn't manage to slip by a certain .. Shadow Minion of a Radio Demon.
• 'It', 'He'? Observed you with careful precision, you certainly didn't think you'd be able to just waltz around in Hell unnoticed, did you? As you wandered mindlessly through Pentagram City blissfully and ignorantly prancing around as you gazed at horrid theatrics.
• How interesting ! Oh how 'His' smile got even wider ,
• As you accidentally bumped into people left and right in the Enertainment District, you always muttered small apologies —As if the reciever was even sober to hear it.
• Your manners were impeccable, how kind of you ! It's almost as if you don't belong here.
• 'He' knows you don't.
• You feel it, the feelings been gnawing at your back for awhile now.. Someone has been following you, and so that's why you were practically near a sprint as you ran through Districts, and Border zones —Fully debating on using your wings to get away from 'It' entirely, but weighing the pro's and con's were obviously needed before taking such a drastic option and life threatening decision.
• And since you didn't want to be hunted down, or even worse —Reported to the King of Hell, you took alleyways and random directions hoping to run away and have its sight's lose you. ( Dumb Decision. )
• Now DEAR. You didn't think you'd run away so easily now do you? After all, the site of an angel after the extermination was worrying ! How he wanted to try Angel Meat —However, he must introduce himself to you first !
• As you ran into another alleyway —" Shit! Dead end — "
• A dark murky shadow formed behind you, your instincts caused you to turn into fight or flight mode — Your halo glowed violently reacting potently from your panicked emotions,
" No need to act so —violently, My Dear ! " The Demon's voice had a static filter —possibly done on purpose, he donned a transatlantic accent —He felt powerful, yes —but you've been enhancing your ability, even when Heaven was probably the most peaceful place in the entire universe, despite the fact Adam caused a ruckus every now and then —but he's already dead, so peaceful it was once more;
The Demon found your panicked expression comedic, hilarious, fun.
Like Prey facing Predator.
Could it be you felt fear? Panic? Whatever it was, it was certainly messing with your train of thought— you needed to rationalize yourself !
Talking a sharp breath and sucking it up, you then inquired — " I'm so sorry Sir, I was just rather startled .. " Your tone was geniune, yes —But your actions certainly told what you actually felt —Your hands quivered and beads of sweat started to form under the hood of your cloak.
" What a frightened Swan ! What's an Angel like you doing here ? " 'He' mused, relishing within your frightened presence. Your gaze turned cold as you felt your sweat turn freezing, your jaw slightly agape—
You looked at him before saying, " —
• Your encounter with the Radio Demon was far from pleasant, but you wouldn't admit it. It's not nice to do so,
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alta1red · 1 year ago
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—Hazbin Hotel: IMAGINE . " / The Darling Artisan from the Clouds .
Sypnosis : [ NAME. ] is an artist from Heaven, desperate to get away from her admirers —Sadly, plans don't always go accordingly, and Heaven's feathers are quite ruffled up by your sudden disappearance...
↺——————————「 ✭  ✝  ✭ 」——————————↻
「  Imagine reader, [ NAME. ]. Being one of the most prized possession's of Heaven itself —Bringing, Soul and the Arts to it as every peacefully ( boring ) day goes by, even gaining the title "Heaven's sweet Artisan." Nice ! She also garnered the loving attention of the citizens of Heaven.. Nice ! Many people adore her.. Nice ! Many people don't realize it's not love, it's obsession... Nice?
Although, you could suppose it's well.. better than most conditions —It just felt awfully suffocating, that's all ! You weren't trying to be ungrateful right ? Right.
But as each day go by, the same routine is what you were always face to face with —It felt robotic to you in a sense, in a sense of you trying not to lose what little sanity and patience you had left that is. And while, yes. You did try, key word in 'try.' to explain it to probably every higher up in Heaven, they all brushed you off saying it was a trick of the mind, it's Heaven after all ! Nothing's bad.
And maybe.. maybe you got a spark of inspiration, from a certain tale —to go down.. and maybe..
So, after taking precautions you were in Hell —Nice ! The color scheme here was much more harsh and violent than the one you were used to.. But it's a change of scenery, and a change of people !
How down hill can things go?
It's chaos in Heaven,
A certain Seraphim Angel tried to keep the citizens of Heaven under high hopes that their precious Artist was just out and about, although —with the Archangel's not being able to find her..
T̸̰̹̟̦̳̰̿̿̀̿h̴̢̼͚̝̯̓͐̄̈́͂̓̽̑͑ͅì̷̧͇̭̫̆̈́s̵̨̛̹̤͆̆̌̾̒̕͘ ̸̹̩̦̞͍̖͊̂ỉ̴̢͎̦͚̻̱͒͆s̵͇͍͎̙͖̪̯̜̝̝̒̀̎̈́͛̽̅̈̒ ̵͕̟̫̣̹͇͖̅̃̾̇͊͋̅̅̍͠w̷͙̪̣̹̐̇̕h̷̡͍̪̩̘͓̤͇̮͒̊à̸͇͔̣̹̱̣͖͔̳̱̊͌̔̀͗t̷̙̥͓̼̩͗̊̌͗̂ ̸̖͊͊̂̓͛̚͠͠y̴̼̼̱̮̹͙̦̥̕o̵̟̝̲͉͚͎̩̗̔̔̄́̋͐̏͐́ư̷̢̰̖̩̲̞̭̘̲̩̈́̑͒͌͋̉̋̀͠ ̴̡̦̞̃̊͗̐w̴̤̙̳̽̌͌̿͒̀̾̒á̵̟̫̩͓̦̠̭͊̅̓́̒̐͑͝͝n̴̖̹̯̯͊̾̐̾̔t̸̯͖͉̺̑̿̈́̏̈͜e̷̳̓̌̚̕d̵̩̜͐̃̀̇̎͐̚,̸̺͍͍̄͋̑̈́ ̸̧̧̥͍͔͚̣̭͔͗̔͑͋͝í̵̛̥̙̬͚͙̗̺̈́̏ș̶͍̝͍̳͎̈́̑̈́̅ņ̷͓͈̟̮͇̣̠͉̿̓̄̌'̸̟͓͐̍̈́̉̿̈́̚ţ̶̖̟̱̜͚͕̰̮̍́̾͝ ̴̣͉̦̫̣̠̼̥̰͈̾̀̐ì̸̗̗̦̟̞͍̠̟̋̃̚͜t̷͓̗̰̥͙̭̻̥̅̌̔̀̒͊̎͋̿͋͜͜ ̸̜͇͂̄̑͒̀͂̐͘͝[̵̨̡͖̥̻̣͙̈́͘̕͜ ̵̛̲̃̓͘N̶̟͈̫̙̈́͌A̷̦͎̘͎̙͕̎͌͆͝M̸̛̭͙̮̳͘Ě̷̫̰͆̍̋̀.̷̮̺͙̖̞̻̃́́ ̷̥̲̉]̴͕̗̳̘̜͚̔͌ ̷̨̺̼̗̻͛͛͝?̸͇͚̅̓̿̔͋̅̉ ̵͔̩̼̒͐͐̉̐̓́͆̚Ā̴̳̞͈̤̺̺̀̄̎̄̏̃̓̇l̵̲͖̒̀̌̀̿̕͝w̷͎͂̓̎̓̀̒̅̊͘͠ͅã̸̛̟͙͈̤̗̱͐͊̿̿̈́͂͆̈́ý̴͚̹̪̝s̴̗̼͇̾̆́̾̑͆ ̶̭̪̲͇̺̔̀̍̅̋̂͗͝ͅs̷̠̜̙̎͊͋͊̉̔̀̽̕͠o̸̜͐̆ ̷̞̘̝̺͚͂̃́̃̓̔̂̊́̔r̵͈̱̤͕̀͛̒͂͊̂ͅe̴̼͚͗̐̽̏̚͝b̴̮̜̎͗̒̿͜ȩ̵̖͐̌l̶̨̡̧͎̜͙͑̌̊̽̕l̸̨͎̞̞̈́̚i̸̛̼̭̮̔͐̃̆̚ͅo̸̱̖͕̐͐̀u̵͓̖̭͉̟̱̙̲͕͆̔s̴̖̜̻̥̩̏̈́̀͂̑ ̸̛̝̞͚̫̌̚͜i̴͓̬͓̱͔͓̥͊͆̓̆ņ̵̧̧̫̫̺̥̈́̌̓́͗̎̐͊̚ ̷̨̙̞̩̻̺̱͛̊̒͆̐̔y̴̮̼̬̗͇͎̻̒̏͒ͅỡ̵̗͠ų̶̻͎̭̈́̑̑r̵̼̺̬̮̆͊͘ ̵͕̤͖̱͇̟̪͚̈̔̃͘͝͝ͅs̸̖̮̣̯͙͍̻̙̈́̿́͗͌̚̕͜c̶̨̢̘͚̩̩̉̇͊͜ẖ̴̨̥̻̳̘̩̬̥́͒̓̍͆͘͝ẹ̴̛̳͈͚̈́̇͜m̵͓̻̩͎̤̞̻̂̆͐ȩ̵̛̻̈̂̐̃̍͆̈́͝s̷̞̮͔̼̞̮͎̻̲̀̋̽̌͘,̶̡͓͇͙͋͒̋̾̉̕̕ ̴̬͓̼̆͆̉̓̆́͝ẏ̴̡̢̛̱̮̉̈́ǫ̵̝̜̺͖̦̮̿̈́̎͋͝ŭ̷̘̺̞͋̇͂̓̓'̶̝̙̓̔̽̈̋̍̉̀͘l̷͚̦̥̠̞̭̙͉̫̎͌̎̓͆̕ĺ̵̞͚̳͑̌̄̎ͅ ̵̋̍��̡͇͂̅b̴̹͓̞̹͔̦̯̣̆͊̃̂̓̾e̵̢̛͓͇̬͖̺̜̺͗̎̌͐̕ ̴̫͊͂̀̇̓͐̓̂p̶͚̤̘̲͝u̴̜̹̟̥͑̈́͌̽̋̀͝͠͝ṅ̴̠̘̻̑̽͆į̵̧̘͕͚̣̖̼̟̮͒̊̓s̶̞̰͚͛̒̔̌̈́h̸̛͔͈̱͚̝̱̱̼̞͙͝͠e̴̡̳͔̦̝͖̊̉͗̊̾̄͘d̸̨̰̺͍̓͌͒̔̔͌͠ ̴̛̗̫̈́̅́͋͒̏̾̚a̴͎̹̮͔̮͕̩͊̃c̶̮̻̉̈́̀̓̈́̕͝ͅc̶̜̣͇͋̐͜ọ̸̥̽̊͑̌͋̎̔̾̑̚r̴̫̰͉͇̺͉̺̐ḋ̸̲̭̙̤̝̗͇͂̄͌͌̊́̓͒͠i̷̼̗̠̣̳̓ň̶̨͔͚̦̱̳̱̟͎͌͌́̓̔͝ͅg̸̛̖̔̀̋͐͒͛̓̚͝ḻ̴̨̡͙̣̹̻̄ỳ̷̞̺̖̑͊̎̀̉̑̚͠ ̸̼͉̱̱̲̱̮̓̒͜ō̵̼̤̜̈́̕͝͠n̵̢̛͛͗͛̓̏̀̂͌̕c̸̛͕̟͉̹̝̩̹̙̓e̵͐̅̐͜ ̵̩̼̩̹͖̀̀̽͆͜y̵̗̮̼̱͉͌͜ͅͅo̶̢͖̽͒ͅǘ̶͕̦̲̣͒͂̋̅̅͛̎ ̶̛͕̬̻̹̤̄͛g̴̨̈́͒̏́̊́ẽ̶̝͇̆͠͝t̷̹̺͎͕̙̳̜̣̫̎̽̋̓̎ͅ ̷̨̞̯̺̔͆b̵̢̟͔̬̓́̉́̓̚͝a̶̡͓̰̥̓͗͂͆̾̍̒̈́͝ĉ̸͕k̵̮͙̙͈̗̤̝̙̏̈̅͋̿̈́̿̚̚ ̴͍̘̮͒̒́͌̽͌̆̍̋̚—̸̖͈̄̔͋̔̕͜à̵̱̐̆̏̉͌͝n̵̜̠̆͐̈̌d̵̰͙̦͍͕̖͎͍̣̜̋̑͝ ̶͉̼̱̝̝̥̾͛̌̏̏̂́̆͊͊͜d̶̢̪̹͇͐͆̅̍̀̃͋̀̓o̷̤̠̞̻̍n̵̛͎̜̤̾͆̈̓̑͝'̴̘̯̱͍́̉̐̽̇͝͠t̸̡̗̖̎ ̷̹͓̬̮̏̒̈́̒͐̆̑͠͝y̴̡̗̯̞͗̇̍̚ͅo̷̪̰̔̓͛̀̍͌͝͝u̵̞͉̹͐ ̸̭̬͕̩͈͉̭̑̌̈́͛̔ͅt̶̬̭̪̎̿͆̾̌̌h̵̡͙͉̳̝̤̣́͑̐̎̈́̇͋̽͝͝i̷̛͍̼͚̟̳̪̣̟̯͌̄̀̎̿͂͝͠͝n̸̬͇͍̆̑͘k̵̩̝̜͎̭̼̆̈́̀̉̀̕ ̶͉̒̍̀͆̋͝͠ÿ̴̧̢̲̱͇̥̪͓́̆͝o̵̞̲̗̘̾͑̉̃͋̃͐͐u̴̻̙̤̞͙͎̘͚̝̾̄̎́̈́̕ ̴̡̞͉̙̮͚͂͆̓̉͛̃̐͑̈́̕ͅĉ̶̢̱̺͕̀̅̃̋̓a̶͉̽͆̉̌̍̉̈ͅn̴͖͇̩͍̉̓͊̉ ̶̧̭̲̼͓͙̈́̄̽̂͜ͅe̵̡̧̤̗̗̳̞̥̼̼͠s̷̨̗͈̺̫͔̾͋̒c̷̨̛̯̣̳̠̜̻̈́̀̀̂̆̋͘͜͝a̶̛̼̰̜̬̝͔̤͑͒̈̿ͅp̴̟͉̬͔͈̝̞̮̻͑̌̍͛̓́͗͂̓̚ȩ̴̭̥̺̼̭̇̔̿͐̌ ̸͓̋̏͂t̶̗̃̓͐̑̀̽̈̄̾͝h̴̨̲̮̖͇͓͍̖̓͌͊̏̈́̃̾̕͜͜͝ȋ̶̛̪̼̤̊̔̽̕ş̶̟̙̞̈̈̐͠ ̵̢͍̹̖̤̼̚ẗ̸͔̣̳̈̒i̸̝͉̬̪͈̔͋͊̓̍̓̎͜m̷̗̰̥͔̬̮̙͎͂e̸̮͍̳̭̱̱̫̔̊̃͌͛̀̾́̅.̷̻̮͖̝̜̹͓̰̊̔̃̓̂͝ͅ ̸̼̜̻̯̞͐̈́̿̐͌̾̂̌͝͝
The possibility of her going somewhere.. South, seems very probable.
Please.. come back [ NAME. ]
↺——————————「 ✭  ✝  ✭ 」——————————↻
— The Hazbin Hotel franchise belongs to Viziepop, this is just a turn from canon ♡
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