alsew01 · 4 months
Curated portfolio
1) sketchbook abstract Franz Klein 
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2)composition A
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3)Composition D
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4)Chaos A
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5)Order B
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6)Vibrating edges
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8)Final Assignment
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The art pieces I chose are to show the completion of this semester. How my choices reflect my growth from the beginning of the semester towards the end helped me progress in improving my ability to comprehend what was asked of me. It expressed my creativity by pushing past my limits and exploring things outside of my comfort zone, like colors. I still need to work on drawing straight lines with a ruler. My work expresses how long it would take me to process an idea that would work with other colors and the design of the art.
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alsew01 · 4 months
Museum assignment
I have not done it because there was no time after redoing the midterm from scratch and starting the final assignment.
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alsew01 · 4 months
Final Assignment
The album: Ordinary monsters
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Album: One-x by the three-day grace.
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Choosing the book Ordinary Monsters gave me a lot of ideas when I was reading it. The thrillers, the actions, and the fear for a character I like when they were in danger were terrific; it also shows how the monsters are hidden as ordinary people while hunting down the children. The Album One-x, I listened to it from time to time while creating stories and artworks; this Album is dark and emotional (I am not saying I'm depressed; I listened to this band as a kid) sometimes, but it helped me to understand some of the lyrics they sang like the song "Get Out Alive." It is saying not to trust people with your life because it will be stolen and because I like the beats they make. The way I approached this project was by listening to music (the band) to get in the habit of sketching out an idea, picking the one I liked more, and continuing with that idea. It took 4 sleepless nights to paint the book cover with a scared little girl with a crow flying in front of her left eye and the Album of a glass ball hitting the ground and cracking as it collides with the ground and blood splatters in the background. I decided to go with the same color as the Album because the music was giving the same vibes.
In the end, I am pleased with how both pieces came out; I am exhausted due to the difficulty of getting the skin tone I wanted for the girl, and it was the first time I had painted a full crow.
JUNE 9, 2024.
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alsew01 · 4 months
Final assignment
Album: One-X by three days graces
Book: Ordinary Monster by J.M. Miro.
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alsew01 · 4 months
Midterm resubmitted.
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June 3, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
Midterm Project Color Swatches in Sketchbook
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Update: I changed the last three to yellow, blueish green, and orange
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alsew01 · 4 months
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The way I approached this was by listening to music that gave off different vibes that you can imagine, the colors I chose were the feeling that came with the music. I used chaos and order with lines going in different directions. I'm proud of how it came out in the end; I just had to trust the process and go with the flow of it. The understanding of the principles is the most crucial part of art; it helped me develop different ideas when I imagined them.
May 28, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
Personal color wheel
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May 23, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
Vibrating edges
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May 22, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
3 colors become 4
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May 22, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
Two 6-inch squares with 2 inserts in an Analogous color schemes
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May 21, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
Homework 2- color swatch
May 20, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
Homework 1- color swatches
May 20, 2024
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alsew01 · 4 months
The seven-day drawing 05/18/2024
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Scale & proportions
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alsew01 · 5 months
A) black background with white shapes
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B) white background with black shapes
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alsew01 · 5 months
A) chaos- 05/13/2024
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alsew01 · 5 months
Franz Kline painting 05/12/2024
Looking at Franz Kline painting, I could tell how he painted the Mahoning (1956) and the Composition (1910 -1962). I decided to paint something similar but with the reverse colors, with the black background and using white paint to create the lines. I drew small and big shapes to make it look like a perspective type of abstract. I used thick and thin lines for the this.
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The second one, I also did something similar like the composition with the lines overlapping each other, using the thick brush to paint it.
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