A Love For Royalty
10 posts
A certain love for royalty - She/Her - Free mind - Write only fiction - Not absolutly historical accurate - Big warning : my writing 
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Odin's Daughter - Part 4 : All traitors go to Niflheim
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Hello my dear reader ! Thank you for the notes on the part 1 and 2 ! I saw that the Part 3 was not read a lot :( Anyways, I hope you will like this fiction, feel free to tell me what you think about it. I decided to end it with this part.
Reminder : This fiction is only a fiction ! It may not be historically accurate, al least not entierly. I just write because I love it. Moreover, the gif are here only to give animagine for the pairing, I don't want to impose anything.
Pairing : The King Erik of Norway "The North God" x Reader
Words count : 1 099
Era : Circa 800-810
Resume : Back to Norway, the time of healing as come. The traitor has been catched and his betrayal may not be as horrible as it seems. However, a punishment must be applied and he may pay with his life. A new page turns for the King and plans to choose a Queen for himself, the one he has wanted for longer than imagined.
Language check : Nope
Links : Masterlist - Teaser - Part 1 : Return to Norway - Part 2 : For the Gods - Part 3 : To Valhalla we go
A cold wind blows up to my bed and wakes me up while I am sweating. The room is plunged into darkness but I hear noise on the other side of the door. A voice in the twilight makes me jump as I look for my sword.
"I am your servant!"
She comes up to me with her hands up as a defence, but I recognize her immediately. I’m back in Norway. How long has it been? She quickly puts her hands on my wound before pushing me back to bed. I’m breathing deep as she re-bandages me.
"Where is he?"
- Who?
- Erik.
She quickly looked down and then turned around to get my clothes. I got up and walked towards her, determined.
"Tell me where."
- In the Grand Hall. He held a meeting.
I get my clothes back before I take my sword and axe. The cold and the snow hit my face, I feel like I am in an endless loop as I do not see where I am going. Finally, a soldier called me and took me to the Grand Hall. The heat and noise emanated from the outside. I come home wiping my boots full of snow but the silence suddenly falls.
I advance in the middle of the room until I arrive at Erik’s table, who stands up and reaches out to me.
"There you are at last."
- What do you mean "finally"?
I look around before I realize that there is snow on me. So it’s been 1 month since I fell asleep. He smiles at me sincerely this time and offers to sit on the empty chair to his right. How long has Varin’s chair been empty?
- What about Varin?
"Now that you are awake, we will be able to settle this matter."
The crowd gathered in this room heats up even more than it already was, the beer flows afloat but he does not drink. I let myself fall apart when he turns to me.
"How are you feeling?"
"Let’s say... Pierced?"
He emits a short laugh, is he softening? But he takes back his serious air very quickly.
- We have to deal with this treaty.
"But what happened?"
"You will understand tonight, we will organize a trial."
I raise an eyebrow as this proposal seems amazing coming from him.
- But he has already acknowledged his crimes.
"Wait, there are several?"
He looks at me before he gets up and wields his sword. The whole crowd gets up too.
- Let the trial begin! Take the prisoner out and bring him to the square!
Everyone comes out in droves at the idea of witnessing the certain killing of Varin. I follow the others because I want to understand why he did this.
He is brought before us, in a simple outfit far from his clothes of the king’s right arm. His eyes have changed a lot since I first saw him.
"Varin, you are in this position to answer for your crimes."
"And I accept them."
Erik’s blood starts to boil, I can feel it from here as his hand squeezes on the guard of his sword.
"You admit to stabbing in order to kill the Queen?"
- Yes.
The Queen? But I didn’t- He looked at me and told me to shut up. He starts to turn around while he is on his knees, his hands tied behind his back.
"So you admit to having betrayed the King by this gesture?"
"Yes, and I would do it again! She is not Odin’s daughter but Loki’s!"
He spits on the ground. Since when does he keep this hatred towards me?
"If you had a problem, Varin, just come and fix it with me."
"You are evil, you are the one Loki sent to ruin us! She deserves to die, and you know that I am right."
I remain stoic in the face of his anger that I did not imagine but it is not me that annoys the most. He eventually drew his sword and pointed it at his neck by clenching his teeth.
"You deserve to die."
"So what are you waiting for? Odin will welcome me."
- Certainly not.
The latter brushes against my shoulder in a fluid movement when I had not even seen him arrive, he comes straight out of the shadows. Had he taken the form of my servant all this time to watch over me? It would not shock me coming from him.
"Odin! She is a traitor and you know it!"
"She is my daughter. I will not allow such an affront!"
He grabs the sword from Erik’s hand to shoot it violently on his neck, cutting it completely. His head rolls in the snow, coming to touch it with blood as his body collapses on the ground.
"All the traitors go to Nilfheim, that’s what awaits you. You will never have access to my hall."
The crowd remains silent and even aloof in a startle when its head has detached from its body.
- Impale his head and leave it here so that everyone can see the price of the Treaty.
I come out of this gathering of people to go and post myself on the hill overlooking where I had seen Varin for the first time since the massacre of the colony.
"Are you going to leave?"
"Where do you want me to go?"
"You are the daughter of a God, everyone would want you."
I sit on the fallen trunk. He stands in front of me.
- Stay with us.
"You see what my presence has engendered."
"Precisely. You have brought us victory! Glory!"
- Traitors too.
- We will always have some, and I am willing to take that risk.
Her feelings mix with my decisions. Do I want to leave? No. Should I leave and not interfere? Yes.
- Stay.
Never had that look on his face since I came back. But, in the past, I saw him the day before I left for England when I was in his bed and I was going to marry his brother.
- Okay.
He seems surprised for a moment and then regains control of his expressions before shaking his head with a smile.
"Good, good. Let’s celebrate!"
"We just beheaded your former warlord anyway."
"Precisely, I do not want to let his death spoil the rest."
He reaches out to me and I catch him. Eventually the end of the colony will have signed my new beginning.
"Marry me."
"By Odin, you never stop!"
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Sorry !
Once again, I am sorry for the lack of writing this week !
But I will try to publish :
- The (maybe last) part of Odin's Daughter.
- The first of The Bear and the dove.
Wishing that you will love it !
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Odin's daughter - Part 3 : To Valhalla we go
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Hello my dear reader ! Thank you for the notes on the part 1 and 2 ! Anyways, I hope you will like this fiction, feel free to tell me what you think about it. Does anyone wants a taglist ?
Reminder : This fiction is only a fiction ! It may not be historically accurate, al least not entierly. I just write because I love it. Moreover, the gif are here only to give animagine for the pairing, I don't want to impose anything.
Pairing : The King Erik of Norway "The North God" x Reader
Words count : 1 750
Era : Circa 800-810
Resume : The war is at the door of the Saxon king. Every soldier, every man and every woman is ready to die to avenge himself on the one who slaughtered part of the clan and the king’s brothers. A bloodbath is being prepared but it does not matter, Odin will welcome them in his hall. Nevertheless, does Erik really doubt the loyalty of his warlord or does he have an idea behind his head? Why is he getting closer to her? But they do not know that the war is not over and that betrayal may well come later than expected and not where it is expected.
Language check : I doubt I will do it one day, sorry for any mistake
Links : Masterlist - Teaser - Part 1 : Return to Norway - Part 2 : For the Gods
The journey lasted a long time, long enough for the salt of the sea to dry my skin, wet clothes and patience. But when we let go of the crows and they didn’t come back, I haven’t seen the men so happy since we left the land. Everyone is fed up and ready to fight with the Saxons but I feel a ferocious hatred in Erik’s gaze. He wants revenge and he wants blood. I sharpen my blade in the main tent we set up as he repeats the attack plan with his generals. - You will pass by to open the door that guards the castle. Then we will enter in force. - Do not kill civilians. He turns towards me slowly and stares at me silently. His generals look at each other without a word before they recover, waiting for a storm that is coming, strangely, not. - And why? They killed ours after all. - Yes, but they died at the decision of a war leader, not because of the bloodthirst of poor soldiers. Well, maybe they’re not poor soldiers because they killed them anyway, but I’m trying to stop him from killing innocent people. - Okay, but they killed them. I was expecting that. The blade goes back into its sheath as I walk towards it with my arms folded. But Varin approaches before me trying to defuse the situation before it explodes. - My king, she is right. We should only kill the leaders. - Are you on his side now? Varin’s been having a hard time with me since I got back from England, but he gets used to the idea. - Only the leaders? No. Kill everyone who confronts us. But try not to kill the civilians anyway. - You are full of contradictions, my dear.
I try my blackest and most reprehensible look I can but it looks at me sideways with its little smile. I love him and I hate him but, by Odin, he must not know. Generals accept orders without argument and go out. It’s just the three of us now. - Tell me, Varin, have you tasted English beer? - Yes, and I can tell you that ours is much better! But why this question? We will go to war, he never has this before... Does he have any doubt about his loyalty? - Go get me some while I’m judging. He leaves quickly without asking anything else. Erik looks at me for a long time from the other side of the table. - Be more clear, I don’t understand your silence. - What do you think of him? - What do you mean? You doubt him? - I saw a spy last night lurking at the edge of the wood. - We are not very far from a religious place, which it necessarily attracts. He falls back into silence, but I know he means something else. - Well, tell me what you really have! I had just slapped my fist on the table and frowned, but he just smiled at me. With a quick gesture, I grabbed the knife that was planted in the table to symbolize the attack on the castle and threw it right under his ear. The blade cuts his lobe as he loses his smile and quickly reduces the distance between us by squeezing his hand around my throat. - Who do you think you are? It’s not because you’re the girl- - Yes. You know you can’t do anything. His fingers are tightening as I smile. He will crack before he even goes to the assault but I like it. - Marry me. - Sorry? Is he sick? Would going to war make him so mad?
- You heard me. "I see above all that we are going to attack a highly guarded castle and that you have your hand squeezed around my throat." This is really not the time! I hear the horn of war ringing, giving the start of the assault. While everyone is waiting for him to leave, he stoops down and hugs me furiously, passing his hands under my tunic to tighten my skin and leave marks. I feel all his fury and desire in his actions as I pass my hands through his hair to pull them back. He steps back from everything holding me by the belt to take me with him. - Think about it. - Do you love me or do you love what I represent? Think about it too. He lets me go before he goes out laughing. What pisses me off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The screams are heard at the door as the ram tries to knock it down. The crowd gathered behind seems to be on the brink of implosion and ready to throw themselves at us. Eventually, she gave in and collapsed on several soldiers who tried to hold her. A massive crowd rushed outside, preventing us from entering. - Wait! - If we let the civilians out, the others will have time to flee! - That’s why I posted detachments all around! He looks surprised from the top of his horse. I simply turn my head towards the entrance while a young child falls to the hooves of my stallion. Her tearful eyes look at me as she beggs us. - Leave, we won’t hurt you. As I watch her leave, I see a soldier chasing her. I grab my bow and shoot an arrow at her thigh, causing it to fall. - I said, do not touch civilians! - But what a force of persuasion!
I hit him with my arm before I forced myself into the castle yard. A real battle scene stands before my eyes with bodies piling up on the ground, swords covered with blood and heads cut off. A lancer runs towards me as he jumps off my horse, grabs the tip of his spear to hit him with it, making him fall to the ground before turning it against him to pierce him. He remains on his knees, held by the spear planted in the ground. I advance to the drawbridge that the men are trying to shoot down. They manage to break the chains that hold him and we hear him coming down in a big crash. He suddenly joined me, rising from behind me. We launched the second assault. Several men enter the castle, but I stay ahead. - You’re gonna give me all the glory? - No, because he is no longer in the castle. - How do you know? I shrug my shoulders and went in the other direction before going down into the pit that serves as a void for the bridge. He follows me, in his legendary discretion, with several men before I pass the secret door. It’s a good thing my men did a preliminary scout. As expected, our men stationed on the outside are holding him and his inner circle together. - I am the - - We know who you are and we know what you did, so we’ll kill you. The 2 soldiers threw themselves on me while I had come closer. My sword manages to touch the first at the waist but the second cuts my arm deeply, my hand almost drops my weapon. I pull myself together and take advantage of the moment when they turn my back to cut the back of the knees of the first one who collapses on the ground without too much resistance but the second one makes a quick about-face before restarting an attack.
I barely dodged him, but he pulled the edge of his sword out of my back, the sharp edge. Around me, the fight persists, each one fights against a member of the guard, the leader remains well behind. I’m having a hard time standing when he’s charging again. That’s enough this time. - Go to hell, pagan! I concentrate all my energy in my arms and deflect his shots before trying to push the sword into his chest but he pushes me against the tree, forcing me to let go. Immediately, I push him back and pull out my axe to cut his neck tightly before pulling it out, ripping off his head in the process. It rolls up to the feet of the chief who suddenly seems to liquefy before our eyes. An arrow almost crosses my shoulder as I stoop, I turn around ready to fight but I see the soldier I thought I had with his bow in my hand. Erik stands just above him and slowly stabs his sword into his throat, watching life leave his body as he chokes in his blood. He picks up his bow and shoots an arrow at the leader behind me. Taking advantage of the fact that he is protecting himself, I run towards him to try to put my hip between his ribs but he pulls out a short blade while I thought he was unarmed. Erik grabs my ankles with his foot, I fall to the ground as he manages to counter it. I raise my arm and send the axe to his stomach. Suddenly, he stops and looks down at me before collapsing to the ground. I find myself under his body.
- Don’t you want to help me instead of laughing? He finally pushes his corpse and helps me to get up. Varin comes running. - My king! The assault is over? - Yes, he is. Cries of joy and pride are heard as the smell of blood begins to rise. We survived but how many died for it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The soldiers begin to pick up the bodies of our dead while others put them on the pyre. We stand slightly aside as Varin throws several torches to light it. I am deeply inspired as he delivers a speech. A crow comes to rest on my shoulder, I know he is with me. - Welcome them to the hall, they fought with honour and courage. The bird is croaking. - Did he see us? - Yes. He smiled before he hit me in the shoulder as if to thank me. - They will go to Valhalla. - And Odin will welcome them. - Have you thought about it? - But fuck you! We just had a war ! I push him and go to get my horse while I hear him laughing while following me. What should I do? But before I can even think of an answer, my body feels numb and I fall on the ground, everything is black around me and the coldness envelops me. The last thing I saw was Varin with a bloddy blade in his hands and a look of hate in the eyes.
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Thank you for all the notes !
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I wanted to thank you for the notes you gave on the posts !
I will publish soon (I hope) the chapter 3 of Odin's Daughter ! Maybe even The Bear and the Dove chapter 1 if I can (you know work and studies).
Another question : do you want a taglist ? To be tags on all my stories or just specifics ones ?
Please let me know !
Thank you agaaaain. Love on u ❤
(I love Supernatural fuck I will rewatch it)
0 notes
aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Odin's Daughter - Part 2 : For the Gods
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Hello my dear reader ! Thank you for the notes on the part 1, woah I didn't expect so much notes ! Anyways, I hope you will like this fiction, feel free to tell me what you think about it.
Reminder : This fiction is only a fiction ! It may not be historically accurate, al least not entierly. I just write because I love it. Moreover, the gif are here only to give animagine for the pairing, I don't want to impose anything.
Pairing : The King Erik of Norway "The North God" x Reader
Words count : 1 413 (shorter sorry)
Era : Circa 800-810
Resume : Odin, the All Father, comes on earth to confront the man who wants to take his daughter’s life. Defying the Gods, he plays with fire by standing up to Odin and not reconciling him as God. Not letting himself be disrespected, he intends to make him listen to reason by force. After being put in his place and encouraged by Odin, he decides to prepare his revenge. Now aware of the value of his ally, he decides to launch a plan of attack against King Saxon Maelfred. Assured in his victory, he does not take into account the consequences of his decision which could prove fatal for some.
Language check : Not at all, sorry for any mistake
Links : Masterlist - Teaser - Part 1 : Return to Norway
For once, he had nothing to say. Odin, God among the Gods, stood before him while the silence was deafening and the darkness blinding. Varin was almost invisible as he was enveloped by the darkness but I manage to distinguish his look frightened of being in front of him. Slowly, leaning on his stick, he advances towards Erik while his hand is still hanging on the guard of his sword, ready to wave it, as if he were going to fight. He can never win this fight. - Erik, King of Norway... I have watched you for a long time and I thought I saw an intelligence in you... He puts his hand on his shoulder while Erik remains stunned and as if unable to believe that he has before his eyes. - But I was wrong... You disappoint me very much... Perhaps you are not meant to be king. He passes behind the king as he hastens to make an about-face to wield his sword.
- I am king and I am worthy ! - Some have fallen for less arrogance. - Erik, please.
At last I manage to articulate something. I move slowly towards them as they seem ready to jump at each other’s throats. Suddenly, I see Erik regaining his sullen and angry air. - I am not arrogant, I am the legitimate king of Norway! The Gods made me king!
- The plague that came upon your kingdom 10 years ago made you a king, certainly not me. But it can make and defeat kings. His look colder and more calculating than ever. I know he doubts me and doesn’t believe me, but did he ever know me? I was meant for his brother and not him after all.
- How do I know she’s telling me the truth? How do I know this isn’t a lie?
Vexed and almost as proud as Odin, Erik pushes always further but I know that he worships the Gods and to the horror of people who dare to laugh. My father looks neutral in appearance, but I know that look that is anything but neutral. The sky darkens even more, as if it were possible. Suddenly, his staff hits the ground violently and lightning illuminates the sky. He puts his arm in front of his eyes.
- Dare you doubt the Gods? He drops to the ground but draws his sword before rising. But Odin starts over and over again, screams, crowd movements are heard from the city below. It has to stop. I approach the two men, Varin does the same, arms extended forward in case of attack. - Father, I think he understood. - Do you understand? Answer! He stands up looking at him and nods his head. - Odin, the All father, I recognize you. My father comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder to whisper in my ear. - Go see the volva, it will show you the future. - Father! - My child, your place is at his side, I know you will go far. He stops just before disappearing and turns to Erik. - Don’t make the mistake of turning your back on her, she alone will allow you to maintain your throne and avenge yourself. Oh no, why does he have to encourage him on this path? He nods his head and straightens himself up. I feel we’re going into a bloody war...
The night is not yet up as all the soldiers are already on the port, ready to go to war against the Anglo-Saxons. In the longhouse, Erik stands at the end of the table playing with his knife. Varin details the plan of attack against the Saxon king who exterminated our colony. - We will land on the northeast side and go down to the castle. Then, when the night has come, your soldiers Varin, you will take them to circle the King. Me and my soldiers will enter by the door - How can you be sure that they won’t see us coming? They will sound the horn and it will bring all the garrisons around. - The Gods will be with us, won’t they? I cast a reprobate look at him, but after consulting the Gods, he is right. We will win this battle. He declares the hour of war and vengeance, pushing his blade into the map, blocking it in the table. All the men leave, but as I prepare to do the same, he reminds me. I approach him now that he has sat down in his chair. - Yes, my king? - Tell me. What do the gods say? - I am not a volva, Erik. - No, just Odin’s daughter, almost nothing after all. I see his smile widening and I want to make him swallow but I like to see him smile. - We will win. - Perfect! - But I do not know the price of this victory. I read in his eyes that he knows he will not die, but it is not impossible for him to be near death. Father told me that although he knows he will be a great man, he will have to be put back in his place. I hope he never takes him to his hall, or when he’s old.
- Just sat down. - Where? On your legs? - Why not? - Let’s win this war and we’ll discuss it. I get his knife stuck on his table but it turns me over and locks me between his arms. - What are you going to do now? - Maybe slit your throat? I press the blade down his throat without cutting it. He laughs and grabs my wrist to keep it away from his face. He grabs my hips to lift me up on the table before kissing me violently. The adrenaline rises in his veins and I feel it. My hands grip her hair, specially braided for war, as I tighten my legs around her hips. He’s starting to get lost in my neck when all I want is for him to take me here and there. - Erik! We’re waiting for you! Varin knocks on the heavy door. I push him back and get off the table before joining the drakkar. He quickly reached the port and brandished his sword, shouting loud and clear. - Soldiers! 3 months ago, King Saxon Maelfred killed my brothers and our colony! They murdered your fathers, brothers and sons! Today we will avenge them! For our families, for Norway and for the Gods!
He climbed into the drakkar before giving the order to leave. Many men and women remained in the port and beckoned to the soldiers. The crossing will be long but I hope it will be worth it. ------------------- The sea rages under us as the drakkar is shaken in all directions. The wind pushes the sail as I feel as if I am agitated from top to bottom to the point where we begin to feel bad. Erik feels good, certainly the only one among the ships, and stands by the ma to cling to it. I walk towards him, he stretches out his arm and brings me back against him to avoid falling, even if I do not doubt that he has an idea behind his head. - Are you ready? - Yes, I feel ready - We know the outcome. - People are going to die, you know that. Any victory has a price. - They will go to Valhalla. I hit him with an elbow which makes him smile even if I see that it hurt. The ravens we sent to make sure we were going in the right direction are not coming back as the land begins to be visible from where we are, bringing morale back to all. - Let’s dock! - No! Let’s go further south. - We will be too close to the castle to wait until the night. - Look over there, a monastery. If they see us coming, they will ring the bells and the whole castle will be on alert because they will wait for an attack. Let’s go south! The soldiers respond, accepting my order. I feel his gaze on me but I do not know if he is surprised, satisfied or angry. I don’t really want to know, I have a war to win and powers to reveal...
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
The Bear and the Dove - Teaser
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Disclaimer : This fiction is only a fiction ! It may not be historically accurate, al least not entierly. I just write because I love it.
Warnings : My english, poison, death, mariage and pregnancy (not of the reader)
Pairing : The Prince Vili of Sueden "The Berserker" x Reader
Words count : Coming soon...
Era : Circa 930
Resume : Arriving in Iceland, he builds a colony and quickly enter in the Althing, soon taking the lead. The richest clan offers his daughter but, even if it's against his belief, he accepts it anyways because he felt in love at first sight. Contrary of father, she is soft, delicate and discreet girl. She care fondly for him even when he marries concubines to please the Althing's chief. He makes her his wife, giving her all the rights of the house. But one of the concubine doesn't agree with that and decides to take action.
Language check : Not yet
To the chapter ! - Coming soon...
Credit to the rightful owner of the gifs.
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Odin's daughter - Part 1 : Return to Norway
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Hello my dear reader ! Thank you for the notes on the teaser, it means a lot to me ! Anyways, I hope you will like this fiction, feel free to tell me what you think about it.
Reminder : This fiction is only a fiction ! It may not be historically accurate, al least not entierly. I just write because I love it. Moreover, the gif are here only to give animagine for the pairing, I don't want to impose anything.
Pairing : The King Erik of Norway "The North God" x Reader
Words count : 1 602
Era : Circa 800-810
Resume : After the death of his 2 brothers in England during a raid against their colony, the King decided to call back all his citizens. Hurt in his feelings and his pride, he seeks revenge. What he didn't expect is his unexpected ally : the maid of his late brother. He saw her leave Norway 5 years ago and didn't expect to meet, not the fragile maid to who he broke the heart, but a true and fierce warrior. But some rumours start to spread : some have seen her die during the raid, defending his brother, but she is right in front of some warriors who fled the battle, some say she is goddess. The revenge will be bloody.
Language check : Not yet
Links : Masterlist - Teaser
The night has fallen on Norway and the evening is the feast for the 2 years of the English colony. The streets of the capital are lit by torches while the taverns are always full to crack. The people are joyful and nothing seems to be able to stop this night of celebration.
However, at the port, the atmosphere is radically different. A drakkar in the king’s colours arrived with 5 men on board, all covered with dried blood, salt and mud. Their faces were marked by fatigue, defeat and shame. What could have happened?
A servant of the royal house runs up the street, jostling the revelers scattered in front of the houses. Her dress gets caught in her feet several times but she continues as she glances behind her. Her husband, the only survivor of the guard, is hanging on the advisor’s arm and struggling to move forward with his wounds.
Every man, woman and child is silent as they pass by. Music is cut, laughter is silenced and smiles are erased. Everyone understood that the feast was no longer allowed, that something terrible had happened beyond the sea, that the war had just rung at their door.
She pushes the door under the reprimands of the guards and enters quickly in the middle of the assembly. All the men present turned to her, but the king, sitting in his high-backed chair, only looked up to fix her. A sudden silence takes place when they notice her blood-stained dress, her hairy hair and her frightened look.
One of the men gets up to approach her, but she moves almost to the king’s table before babbling a few words.
- How dare you enter without permission?
- My Lord, I...
Erik is content to watch her in silence with her usual cold air.
- Are you gonna talk?
- Your brother’s drakkar. he’s back
A cold laugh escapes him as he grabs his knife, ready to defend himself if she is a spy.
- My brothers are in England. You’re lying.
- She’s not lying, my king.
The closest Royal Councillor, Varin Olegsson, followed the surviving soldiers. He approaches and looks at the king seriously before announcing the news.
- The princes died in an attack on our colony.
For once, the king remained silent, his hands grasped on his chair, the pain slowly creeping into his heart and mind.
- Where are the others?
- Dead. Only five of us survived. The wives of your brothers were also killed.
- What about their kids?
- Burned in front of the long house under the cries of their mothers and soldiers.
The tension’s in the lobby. Some men are stunned, others look at each other feverishly but everyone fears the reaction of the king, little known to be calm in the face of an attack on his clan and especially his family.
- What are you doing here then? Why are you still alive?!
- We defended them, we were ready to die-
- Not enough! You broke your word. You swore to protect them. Take him away!
The king, standing and his face deformed by anger and pain, remains static before taking his sword, his beast skin and going out in the cold.
I end up opening my eyes to realize that someone is approaching. From the mountain overlooking the city, I see that the party has stopped and that a chapter will be written. The steps stop a few meters from me but I don’t turn around.
- I knew you’d come here. Put down your sword, I’m your ally.
- Did you come back with them?
- How else can I come back?
- You have changed.
- The war changes you, my king.
Sitting next to him, a woman who thought she’d never see him again, not for a long time and not like that. His brother’s young servant, who wanted to make him his wife and the mother of his heirs, came back armed and with her face closed. How he would like to take her in his arms, she who has always been his faithful friend and the only woman he loves, but she was not destined for him and she no longer seems willing to open his heart.
- I lost my brothers and my colony.
- Don’t feel sorry for yourself. You’re alive.
- Maybe, but we can’t grow anything here, it’s a jewel but it’s sterile.
I look at him. His beauty has always been striking but now I want to slap him.
- Your brothers are dead, their families and the clan of England is decimated. Maybe we’re cowards to be gone, but there’s no honor in dying without a cause.
- You would have defended the clan to the death. That was the promise made.
- Death is a right common to all men. The essential thing is to give it meaning. Staying while everything was lost would not have changed anything! You know it, my king!
- Erik, you used to call me that.
I can’t help but clench my jaw. What happened to his anger?
- When you want revenge, appeal to your reason.
- By Odin, by Odin!
The king turned around at the same time as I did. Varin followed him.
- What is it, Varin? An attack?
- Not my king but... you... you died there! I saw you die protecting... so how...
I knew that one day I would face my lie. Deeply inspiring, I’m about to answer. Erik stands up and puts distance between us. He has never been versatile but the death of his two brothers seems to have affected him more than I think. After all, I haven’t seen him for five years.
- The men were right...
- What do men say?
- My king, there is a rumor... concerning... well...
- Speak up. Hurry up!
- Some men say they saw him fight with your brother to the death. When the fight ended, we had time to burn the remains, and I remember yours. You had a tattoo on your chest... a crow...
- War makes you lose your mind, old friend.
- No, I’m sure. I’m the one who’s burning the pyre.
- What are you implying, Varin?
My smile fades quickly as the looks become heavier and heavier. The time has come, I take off my fur and undo the top of my tunic, revealing a crow. Varin goes through all the colors before turning white and sitting slowly on the tree trunk. The king remains silent, which is rare and ominous.
- Erik-
- Silence. I’ve known Varin since my childhood, I know he doesn’t lie to me, so who are you?
- You know who I am. your friend.
He suddenly reduces the distance between us to put the wire of his axe against my throat. A few minutes before we were talking peacefully, he doubts me to the point of killing me. Sadness has given way to anger and I will pay the price.
- Who the hell are you?
- Erik-
- I don’t know what happened in England to make you change so much, but I obviously don’t know you anymore. These stories about you... It’s not the first time I’ve heard them. If they’re true, then what are the chances of me cutting your throat?
- The fury of the Gods. That’s what you risk, King Erik of Norway.
- I’ll take that risk.
I would never have imagined that he had heard these rumours. How did they get here so quickly? I feel the blade go down my throat, cutting the air out of my lungs. I fall to my knees in the snow that sparkles under the moonlight as if I were falling into an icy paradise. Slowly, the snow turns red under me as I feel my body struggling.
The night turns dark in an instant as the wind rises suddenly. Crows invade the sky as I shudder. I only see their feet and Odin’s feet. He puts his hand on my shoulder to straighten me up.
- Daughter, your body is tired, you fought hard. You have to rest. But you will not, I know.
A rictus contracts my lips but my wound heats and then burns me. I want to scream, scream my pain but I have no air so I grab his stick in my hands to rise to his height. The snow shines again like the moon, the fallen blood rises and encircles my neck before the wound closes. My head remains down, but I look up to the king.
Odin approaches Erik who remains motionless, either out of fear or surprise. He raises his staff before he comes to strike the stone, lightning illuminating the sky revealing, for a moment, the terror on his face as well as the anger on that of my father. A second lightning bolt falls, this time just behind him. I come out of the darkness revealing my cape and my crow feather collar, my tattoos in honor of the Gods and my sword. My hand rests on the arm holding his neck, begging him to let go, which he does. Erik steps back a few steps as he looks at me.
- She warned you... yet you wanted to test the gods.
Feel free to give me feedback and to tell me if there is any writing error in the text because I didn't check yet.
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Masterlist #2
And since Tumblr won't let me put more than 10 pictures, theeeen I make a second one for the rest ! Thank you Tumblr.
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Coming soon...
Obviously, credit to the rightful owner of the picture
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Bonjour ! Or hello !
I hope you are well and I'm happy to see you here !
Since I love the theme of my account but I can't put links on it, I decided to make a post to regroup all my writing by era.
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Coming soon...
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❧ Odin's Daughter
The King of Norway lost his two brothers in England because of a raid leaded by the King of Northumbria. Seeking for revenge, we find an unexpected ally in his late brother's maid. Five years ago she was a soft and discreet girl but, in front of him, she becomes a true and fierce warrior. But some rumours start to spread : some have seen her die during the raid by the sword of an Saxon man, some say she is goddess. One thing is sure : the revenge will be bloody.
This story is over !
Teaser - Part 1 : Return to Norway - Part 2 : For the Gods - Part 3 : To Valhalla we go - Part 4 : All traitors go to Nilfhem
❧ The Bear and the dove
Arriving in Iceland, he builds a colony and quickly enter in the Althing, soon taking the lead. The richest clan offers his daughter but, even if it's against his belief, he accepts it anyways because he felt in love at first sight. Contrary of father, she is soft, delicate and discreet girl. She care fondly for him even when he marries concubines to please the Althing's chief. He makes her his wife, giving her all the rights of the house. But one of the concubine doesn't agree with that and decides to take action.
This story is on going !
Teaser - Part 1 coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
Obviously, credit to the rightful owner of the picture
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aloveforroyalty · 3 years ago
Odin's Daughter - Teaser
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Disclaimers : this is only fictionnal ! Maybe one or two historically true events but mostly fiction. I know, this is Ivar (love him btw) buuut here it is not him.
Warnings : My english, war, death and some more because vikings.
Words count : Coming soon...
Era : 800 - 810
Pairing : The King Erik of Norway "The North God" x Reader
Resume : After the death of his 2 brothers in England during a raid against their colony, the King decided to call back all his citizens. Hurt in his feelings and his pride, he seeks revenge. What he didn't expect is his unexpected ally : the maid of his late brother. He saw her leave Norway 5 years ago and didn't expect to meet, not the fragile maid to who he broke the heart, but a true and fierce warrior. But some rumours start to spread : some have seen her die during the raid, defending his brother, but she is right in front of some warriors who fled the battle, some say she is goddess. The revenge will be bloody.
Language check : Not yet
Part 1 - Return to Norway - Coming soon...
Part 2 - Coming soon...
Credit to the rightful owner of the gif
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