aloofxlancer · 3 years
Send "Can I kiss you?" to see how my muse responds.
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
Starter Call!
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(Starter Call if anyone would like a starter with Macha! Multimuses will get a character chosen unless you want to use a specific character then either hit me up or leave a comment!)
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
Send me a 📷 and I’ll respond with an icon/gif that sums up my muse.
Send me 📷📷 and I’ll do it for the muse and the mun!
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
Send me 🍽 for my muse to bring yours breakfast in bed after their first night spent together.
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
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Please read before interacting with
Rules Bio
Independent, Semi-Selective Fire Emblem Three Houses Original Character RP blog. Former Knight of Holy Kingdom of Faerghus turned mercenary.
{art credit goes to Koyama Hirokazu the artist of Scáthach from FGO}
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
springtime starters! 🌸
send me  ‘ green thumb ‘  for our muses to start a garden together
send me  ‘ blooming ‘  for our muses to enjoy smelling flowers together 
send me  ‘ caretaker ‘  for our muses to find a baby bird fallen out of its nest 
send me  ‘ sniffles ‘  for one muse to help the other deal with spring allergies 
send me  ‘ i’ll bring the sandwiches ‘  for our muses to have a picnic together
send me  ‘ squeaky clean ‘  for one muse to help the other with spring cleaning
send me  ‘ muddy boots ‘  for our muses to go splashing in rain puddles together
send me  ‘ april showers ‘  for our muses to hide from a sudden rain shower together
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
send me “DUMB FACE” if you want to ship with me
alt if you are shy send “NOTICE OUR SHIP” and the mun won’t post that ask but discuss it in private for the shy followers out there
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aloofxlancer · 3 years
*: ・゚✧   perrier’s bounty.
feel free to change pronouns, wording, etc. as needed!
“ the ocean, huh? never fails to provoke a person to musing on philosophical shit.”
“ but are we insignificant?”
“ very peaceful in repose, there.”
“ you know your deadline’s ten tonight?”
“ so what are you doing in bed?”
“ were you out last night?”
“ i call that a gross abuse of your time. what little you have, and getting less.”
“ two bones to be broke. your decision which. and digits don’t count, you understand? finger, toes… they don’t count at all.”
“ you wouldn’t happen to have it, would you?”
“ suggest you get out and get looking then. beg, borrow, steal, only get it, and bring it.”
“ wow. flowers for me?”
“ what an idiot!”
“ oh, god! how are you?”
“ are you sure, ‘cause i just got paid, i can give you, like… two hundred?”
“ yeah, he wants to fuck you!”
“ you missed him, man.”
“ see the evidence.”
“ what’s the other stain?”
“ so, can i help you in any other way?”
“ any idea where he went?”
“ what the fuck are you doing?!”
“ get that away from me, man.”
“ go for it. come on, go for it.”
“ you are under surveillance, big style.”
“ what the fuck are you doing here?”
“ we need to have a chat.”
“ why the fuck would i want to have a chat with you?”
“ ‘cause i’m dying, [name].”
“ you’re fucking dying?!”
“ you gonna talk?”
“ i hate to appear like this right outta the fucking blue, but… you know the shit between you and me is unresolved.”
“ and i just thought the situation now being what it is, that we could talk.”
“ i’m working on it!”
“ if i was you i’d work harder, man.”
“ either that, or just resign yourself. try and find a state of zen, of acceptance, yeah?”
“ all i owe is a grand, man. might as well be a mill, chance of me getting it by tonight.”
“ are you off the drink?”
“ so, what other options have you?”
“ that’s right, you know the fuck?”
“ what about our talk?”
“  ‘we’ll see?’ i’m only fucking dying, [name].”
“ how am i? i’m sick of fucking seeing you.”
“ are you gonna take that shit?”
“ do i know you?”
“ i heard tale that you give the occasional loan?”
“ are you serious?”
“ that shit you were saying back there, man, i didn’t like it.”
“ well, i want an apology, fuckhead!”
“ well done, man. the fuck was that about?”
“ well, i wouldn’t like to hear you say, ‘cause that’d mean you’d had a big fucking mouth.”
“ financial reward’s pretty much assured, and that’s pretty much the extent of my peddle. question is, do you want to purchase?”
“ will you pay attention?!”
“ the thing is, we need an extra man.”
“ we could blackmail this fuck.”
“ hey, why didn’t we look for any cash?”
“ you’re not gonna fuck me, are you?”
“ never doubt that i’m a man of my word, all right? and that my fucking word is my fucking bond, understand?”
“ you just ended yourself. another broken bone, that’s three now.”
“ man, you nearly killed me! i’ll have it tomorrow, all right?”
“ you’re illegally parked.”
“ look, you didn’t take my gun, did you?”
“ my gun is gone.”
“ you’re the only one with the fucking key.”
“ what’s wrong?”
“ he called, he said it was over.”
“ no. no, wait a minute, open the fucking door! [name]!”
“ so predictable, man. the last place you wanna go is home, cause that’s the first place the fuck who’s after you look.”
“ i didn’t hear it break. go again, man, just to be sure.”
“ i knew you had it!”
“ what the fuck were you thinking?!”
“ i saved your life.”
“ no. you saved me my legs. you’re gonna cost me my life.”
“ fucking crying again… all right, i’m sorry, i’m sorry.”
“ you did what you thought was right.”
“ that was a long fucking hour.”
“ is he dead?”
“ what do i think? i think you need to dispose of the body.”
“ the wise man advises. are you gonna help?”
“ you know i’m dying?”
“ in case you hadn’t noticed, man, we’re in deepest, fucking peril.”
“ what, in case i miss the f– i know the fucking way, man!”
“ still, it’s something we never did, you know?”
“ you’re wasting your fucking time, man.”
“ you wanna talk now?”
“ i never knew.”
“ now, that saddens me, now.”
“ i want you to know, it doesn’t bother me.”
“ man, i’m hip to all that shit.”
“ just wish you would’ve told me, though, you know?”
“ hey, forgiven, forgotten. you know what i���m saying?”
“ it’s so fucking sad.”
“ are you sad?”
“ are you vengeful?”
“ i’m devastated.”
“ you been here all fucking night?”
“ why would you wanna do that?”
“ if i tell you something, do you promise not to go bananas?”
“ now, don’t be going bananas, now.”
“ you’re not fucking dying?!”
“ the night before last, death came to me.”
“ it wasn’t a dream. i can still differentiate, it was real!”
“ man, there i was feeling sorry for you!”
“ you and me have shit we need to resolve, fucking tout suite!”
“ tout what?”
“ we’re gonna have to burn your car, do you mind?”
“ all right, fucking burn it, i don’t give a fuck!”
“ was it awkward at all?”
“ i don’t get it, how could you be dying?”
“ forget it, you don’t want to know.”
“ ah, it requires a leap of faith he wasn’t willing to make, and you more than likely won’t be either.”
“ try me. i’m willing to at least make the effort.”
“ the room got cold. really quick, like really cold.”
“ now, why did he choose you?”
“ oh, he left that ambiguous too, did he? pretty convenient.”
“ well, i’m sober now, for one…”
“ i’m kinda convinced there still might be hope.”
“ i’ll only be there half an hour! or say, an hour.”
“ maybe you’re the wanker!”
“ i’m not the wanker has you pulling your hair out every other night, i’m me, having to suffer it out.”
“ he’s been blowing hot and cold on you, man, the last two fucking years!”
“ i’m just saying, give her a fucking break, man.”
“ what you said was fairly fucking insensitive.”
“ yeah, you know, tough love and all.”
“ shit fucking had to be said.”
“ any coke on you? cocaine.”
“ am i under arrest?”
“ what we’ll do, is, we’ll talk to them.”
“ freeze, motherfucker. move and i’ll blow your fucking brains out.”
“ now, get down on the ground, man. down on the ground. tout fucking suite.”
“ go on, man, i got your back.”
“ don’t even fucking breathe.”
“ you’re not talking to me… all right, i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”
“ how sorry are you?”
“ make it up to me.”
“ no, fuck that. ring him, if you want.”
“ shut the fuck up man. shut. the fuck. up.”
“ what’s the story? do you want your money?”
“ and since you shared in the schemes and ‘ception, it’s only fitting you shared the loot.”
“ relax, we’re not the cops.”
“ are you sure about this?”
“ no, it’s fine. it’s fine. just don’t blame me, you know? just don’t blame me.”
“ are you getting out or what?”
“ what occurred in the past, is in the past.”
“ what’s wrong with me? what was i lacking?”
“ no. don’t start going down that road, now, you hear me?”
“ you’re lacking nothing. you’re funny, for one.”
“ let’s not forget the fella i shot last night.”
“ you’re right. night after night, my fucking bullshit. how did you put up with me?”
“ idunno. maybe i’m the bigger idiot.”
“ yeah, you are an idiot.”
“ listen, i really appreciate this.”
“ this is beyond the fucking beyond, man…!”
“ what the fuck did you do to him?”
“ what the fuck are you doing? that’s spit.”
“ that’s what he gets for trying to get you killed.”
“ and thanks, you know, for saving my bacon, and shit.”
“ you’re welcome. so will you get me some coke now?”
“ fucking shut you up. i said yeah, didn’t i?”
“ the coke procurement is as far as my obligation extends.”
“ none of your business.”
“ it wasn’t your fault though.”
“ i’ve only done what anyone would’ve.”
“ oh, you know? fucking four years later.”
“ because you blamed me.”
“ i understand you were hurt. but weren’t we all? weren’t we all?”
“ but fuck it, you’re right, it’s more than your obligation extends, so… anyway, can we get my coke now?”
“ fuck man, you’re flush.”
“ circumstances can change really quick, man. all you need is a bit of luck.”
“ i’m just saying, you’re fairly enigmatic.”
“ fucking reaper… tell me you don’t believe that shit.”
“ get over myself? pfff…”
“ oh, fuck, get down!”
“ wait, i have to go back… i have to go back for [person/thing].”
“ they’re gone.”
“ now, do you want to mourn them, or do you want to join them?”
“ i made a mistake! i was confused.”
“ shut the fuck up, and try and take it like a man, you prick, you.”
“ they left me no alternative, you know?”
“ hey, fuckhead. stay. the fuck. awake.”
“ i- i fucked it all up.”
“ i’ll kill him now if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
“ listen to me! don’t go there! they’re gonna kill him anyway!”
“ if you go, you’ll both be dead! you fucking know that! don’t go!”
“ it is never ‘just putting up with you’, understand? i love every minute of it.”
“ how the fuck are you gonna make a trade, if you’ve nothing to make a trade fucking with?”
“ i have myself.”
“ get the fuck off me!!”
“ i beg you! please, please don’t!”
“ you nearly fucking killed me!”
“ mind my valuables, yeah?”
“ take your gun out and drop it.”
“ now! move it!”
“ we’ll track you down.”
“ get down on your knees.”
“ i’m calling this screwhead’s bluff, man.”
“ you’re a dildo.”
“ it’s just me. we’re getting out of here, all right?”
“ i swear to fuck! i’m fucking warning you.”
“ i need a doctor.”
“ i’m alive! i’m alive, sweet fuck!”
“ never has anyone given me so much grief, man.”
“ any last words before i do you?”
“ yeah, well, if it wasn’t for him, you’d be in jail.”
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
Sothis hadn't noticed how close she was getting to the Lancer, assorted gems in one hand as she held up one at a time in the other. She's currently trying to distinguish which red gem mostly matched Macha's eyes. Red pyrope garnet? Cinnabar gemstone? Malaya garnet? Rubellite tourmaline, zircon? The Goddess often did this with people when she found interest in the color of their eyes.
Macha was quite confused about what the girl was doing with those gem stones. “Excuse me? What are you doing?” She asked in a confused tone not knowing what to do about it. She was not sure of how to react to something like this as she didn’t know this person. Who was this lost child? Her attire was definitely very strange which added to the confusion. 
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
Sentence Starters
“I’ve never seen one of these completely to my taste so i decided to make my own!
“I can’t do anything right.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Why are you awake right now?”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“Wake up! Please wake up.”
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Is that blood?” “…..No?”
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.”
“Do you even still love me?”
“Nobody’s seen you in days.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I’m worried about you.”
“Can you shut up for once in your life?”
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
“Leave! Me! Alone!”
“Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
“OH you’re jealous!”
“Can we stay like this forever?”
“Please just kiss me already.”
“I think you might be my soulmate.”
“Sleep over? Please?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
“I’m here for you.”
“I wish we could live together already.”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
“I think I just ripped my pants.”
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?”
“Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” “Maybe.”
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“But I’ve never told you that before.” 
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
“So, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no?
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
“Give me attention.”
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
The Seventh Seal (1957) Sentence Starters
Aka, that one really famous movie where a knight plays chess with Death himself. Change wording, pronouns, etc as necessary. Specify muse when sending to or from a multimuse. Content warning for mentions of death, the black plague, and religion.
"I've long been at your side."
"My body is afraid, but I am not."
"You're a skilled chess player, are you not?"
"Quite fitting, don't you think?"
"Which way to the inn?"
"He was most eloquent, though what he had to say was very depressing."
"Good morning. Have you had your breakfast?"
"Can you teach me how?"
"Wake up! I saw something!"
"I had a vision! No, it wasn't a vision, it was quite real."
"Who did you see?"
"You don't believe me, but it's true!"
"I've asked you politely, but nothing helps, so now I'm telling you: shut up!"
"I wrote a song as I lay awake the whole night. Do you want to hear it?"
"The priests pay well, so I perform."
"Why not something bawdry? People prefer it and it's more fun."
"They say the plague stalks the land."
"What parts are we playing?"
"Will the ladies fancy me in this getup?"
"I still love you."
"What's that supposed to be?"
"Why do you paint such nonsense?"
"Why try to cheer them up? Why not scare them a bit?"
"The more they think, the more scared they'll be, and run into the arms of the priests."
"I paint things as they are. People can do what they like."
"A person's got to live. At least until death takes them."
"Give me some gin."
"I want to confess the best I can, but my heart is empty."
"What will become of us who want to believe but cannot? And what if this who neither will not can believe?"
"I want knowledge. Not faith or conjecture, but knowledge."
"Death visited me this morning."
"How will you outwit him?"
"You're a traitor and you tricked me."
"It was so stupid that only an idealist could have thought it up."
"We must keep the devil away."
"Must you sing?"
"Why are you so surprised I steal from the dead? It's a profitable trade nowadays."
"It's everyone for himself. It's as simple as that."
"I know you, though it's been a long time."
"You look uncomfortable. Do you have a stomachache?"
"I've grown tired of that kind of love."
"Well, don't stand there gaping! I saved your life, you know!"
"Stop that, you scoundrel!"
"Don't you know this could be your final hour?"
"Death is at your back. I see his crown glistening in the sun. His scythe flashes above your head."
"Don't you fools know you're going to die?! You're all doomed!"
"All this raving about doom. Do they really expect modern people to take that drivel seriously?"
"So you haven't seen her?"
"No one dares say it aloud, but this is the end."
"Me? Lying?"
"Pale, aren't you? Got a bad conscience?"
"Suppose we mark you up a bit, like we do with scoundrels."
"Do you mean to hurt me? Why?"
"I won't. I can't."
"I can't go on."
"You remember what I said we'd do it we met again?!"
"Where have you been?"
"I'd advise you not to go that way."
"You can come with me through the forest and stay in my home."
"There's nothing strange about that."
"Why so pleased?"
"You fell right into my trap."
"Why are you sitting here crying all alone?"
"If everything is imperfect in this imperfect world, then love is perfect in its perfect imperfection."
"Who says I believe it? But ask for a word of advice and I'll give you two."
"I'm sorry if I hurt you."
"Why do you laugh? This is serious."
"Wait a minute. I didn't mean any harm."
"Your time is up."
"No loopholes? No exceptions?"
"Where are you going?"
"I thought of killing the soldiers, but she's already nearly dead."
"I must ask the Devil about God. He must know, or nobody does."
"Well, what do you see? Do you see it?"
"Why have you crushed her hands?"
"What have you done to the child?"
"Do you never stop asking questions?"
"I told you to be careful! Don't go near her!"
"What does she see? Can you answer that?"
"Who's watching over that child?"
"Look at her eyes. Her poor brain has just made a discovery. There's emptiness in the moonlight."
"I'm afraid of dying! I don't want to die!!"
"Have pity on me. Help me."
"What will happen to me? Won't you console me? Have you no compassion?!"
"We must try to escape. They're so engrossed in their game they won't notice if we leave quietly."
"Have you lost interest in our game?"
"You look anxious. Are you hiding something?"
"Nothing escapes me."
"No one escapes me."
"You can't get escape that easily."
"You'll be checkmated in the next move."
"When we next meet, the hour will strike for you and your companions."
"I have no secrets."
"So you know nothing?"
"I have nothing to tell."
"He saw us! He's chasing us!"
"I heard you were coming, so I waited. All the others have fled."
"Don't you know me anymore?"
"O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we are small and frightened and ignorant...!"
"Even in this final moment, feel the triumph of being alive!"
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
→      roleplay prompts | HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE
“Well, the nice thing about being old is you’ve got nothing much to lose.”
“What a dump. When I think of castles, it’s not what I picture.”
“You’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave.”
“Why’d you make me come here if you were coming yourself?”
“It’s all so familiar yet I know I’ve never been here before.”
“It’s so strange. I’ve never felt so peaceful before.”
“I give up. I see not point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“I feel terrible, like there’s a weight on my chest.”
“I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t torment my friend.”
“Seems everyone in this family’s got problems.”
“What possessed you to let them in my house.”
“Don’t be alarmed but I’m being followed. Act normal.
“Alright then, you’d better take good care of it.”
“I’m sorry did I come too late?, I didn’t mean to make you wait this long.”
“Don’t look at me, I don’t have it, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Where to? I’ll be your escort for this evening.”
“Please, I don’t care if you’re a monster.”
“I think we ought to live happily ever after.”
“I hope your bacon burns.”
“I’m going up to my room now, where I may die.”
“You’ve no right to walk into people’s castles and take their guitars.”
“I assure you, my friends, I am cone sold stober.”
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
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Well well, who was this? Their attire definitely made them look like they were a noble which meant they might have something for her to do. She was visiting the Monastery hoping to find a job to send to her parents. The Pegasus Knight was looking for work and was curious what she could find some work for her. Wait, she should stop staring at him. “Oh sorry, didn’t mean to stare.” She said blushing a bit.
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
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He smirks. 
 “Having a stable base of operations is a good place to start. Somewhere to return to after a long day of work. You won’t have to keep paying people to stable your pegasus too. And just so you know, I got a place nearby. Got a few wyvern riders too as well. You see, I”m making my own kingdom but I don’t have the people…yet. You don’t have to join officially, but like any kingdom, having good man power is a requirement.”
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Oh there it was. “So you wanted to see if I am willing to join or help you out?” She thought about it as he did honestly have some really good points so what if she did do it? If she did join him, then what would her pay be like? This meant no more having to use gold to stable her pegasus. “If I do decide to do it then, I have a very important question.” She placed her hands on her hips and smirked a bit, “What is the pay like?”
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
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(I definitely want to try drawing Macha some new icons. I’m not the best artist but, its something I want to try.)
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
Questions for the mun!
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
🎂 - When’s your birthday?
🎊 - What’s your zodiac sign?
💞 - How old are you?
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
🌅 - What’s your favorite season/weather?
🎥 - What’s your favorite tv show/movie?
🎼 - What’s your favorite song?
🎶 - Who’s your favorite singer/band/music producer?
🎲 - Do you have a favorite board game?
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
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aloofxlancer · 4 years
Starter Call!
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(Starter Call if anyone would like a starter with Macha! Multimuses will get a character chosen unless you want to use a specific character then either hit me up or leave a comment!)
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