almightysupreme · 6 years
A Quirk That Makes the Signs Odder Than They Already Are (in my experience)
Aries: Always seems confused about whatever they’re talking about, even if they know a vast amount of information on whatever they’re talking about.
Taurus:  Seems to find small places to fit themselves into(kind of like a cat, I know)and then proceeds to comfortably do whatever they were doing just in a different part of the house. Usually these are places that are dim and alone.
Gemini: Got sort of traumatized by a novel they once read in class for a grade, and to this day will always be aware of the moon when it is a full moon. Then they will proceed to tell anyone who has ears and is in the general vicinity.
Virgo: While speaking they seem to get lost on the topic they’re speaking about, and then finishes talking about it. But not before starting another topic, and then finishing. (honestly though, this is actually adorable)
Leo: Makes weird expressions to themselves without them knowing, that can range from looking disgusted at something normal, and then smiling oddly at nothing at particular.
Libra: Sometimes likes to sit in a completely darkened room, doing absolutely nothing.
Cancer: Might get lost in their own thoughts to the point where they’re staring at nothing and have a glazed over stare. Creepy, and for the most part something you take time to get accustomed to.
Sagittarius: Falls asleep in almost all areas, almost being the clue word because some places take effort that they would rather not exert. But has been found sleeping in some odd places.
Capricorn: They don’t do internal thoughts, so you might wander in on them talking to themselves and actually responding to questions they ask themselves. Sometimes they might have arguments with themselves too, not noticing if another person walks in on them.
Scorpio: Makes a habit of referencing memes, movies, and TV shows. The if you do not notice it will point it out to you and then call you out for being uncultured. (Note: Will be extremely pleased if you do get the reference)
Aquarius: Can sometimes be found talking to inanimate objects, and if someone asks them about it, they say that they “don’t know what you’re talking about” even though you clearly saw them doing it.
Pisces: Sometimes will lay on the ground in the center of an empty room, with nothing but earbuds and a phone playing music. They won’t use their phone, they’ll just lay there quietly, and staring at the ceiling. (It’s peaceful)
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almightysupreme · 7 years
Quotes for the Signs
Aries: I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” ― William Ernest Henley
Taurus: “That which does not kill you makes you stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Gemini: A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ― Charlie Chaplin
Cancer: In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”― Buddha
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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almightysupreme · 7 years
He’s me, he’s you , he’s god, he’s EVERYONE AS SOON AS WE HEAR AGUSTD
© to KingtanTae on twt for the clip
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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More of the town that inspired Spirited Away.
Rain and Lights - Jiufen, Taiwan - February, 2015
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almightysupreme · 7 years
My soul has left my body
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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I’m a Pisces. It’s true I’m sorry I can’t help it 😭
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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almightysupreme · 7 years
SAME i love this guy
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almightysupreme · 7 years
just got L.A.I.D
Launched Into A Depressive spiral
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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Suga’s hands
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almightysupreme · 7 years
how do you handle pain?
Physical pain: Moon Mars, Saturn, 6th house Emotional pain: Moon, Mars, 8th house, 12th house Psychological pain: Moon, Mercury, 6th/8th/12th house Spiritual pain: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, 9th/12th house General pain: The placements you struggle with most
You can also interpret these as descriptions of how you handle pain in the area of life related to a planet or house in a certain sign (so pain related to identity for the Ascendant & sun sign, love for the Venus sign, and so on).
ARIES: Your survival instincts are hyper-activated, and it’s a decision between “fight or flight.” There’s a need to express or release the pain through physical activity. Tumultuous emotions erupt as a result of or in response to pain, which can be displayed as anger and hostility. You handle it like a child, with instant explosive reaction, so much noise and feeling, but you don’t dwell on it.
TAURUS: You have incredible endurance; your threshold for what is “too much to bear” is quite high. Self-indulgence and material comfort are used to relieve pain or cope with it; there may be an immature view of pain where everything that ‘feels good’ (or at least better) is confused for healing, even if it makes it worse. Rest and relaxation increase pain tolerance and bring healing.
GEMINI: You search for distractions from your pain; you’ll attach to anything that takes your mind off it. It can become all you think about, or it can slow/mute your mental activity in general, so you desperately need stimulation that separates you from it every now and then. Communicating what hurts & why can help you cope. When others understand what you’re going through, you feel better.
CANCER: You can fall into a downward spiral, thinking that you are all on your own or that the pain will last forever. You need others to validate and comfort you. Being alone can help you heal, or hurt you more. Nostalgia and reflecting on ‘better times’ is a coping mechanism. There may be a return to old (usually bad) habits or the formation of new habits to relieve & cope with the pain.
LEO: You may doubt or inflate the importance of your pain; you may put it on display in order to better understand it. When others pay attention to your pain, you feel validated and relieved, perhaps comforted. You express & cope with pain creatively, through art or other meaningful manifestations. You draw inspiration from your pain. You may identify with it & “wear it on your sleeve.”
VIRGO: You wish to understand your pain rationally, objectively; you want to know its source and purpose, the events that led up to it, and how to heal or get rid of it. You prefer to handle it on your own so as not to be a burden for anyone else, but it can help you to communicate your pain to others. There can be a fixation on healing/coping, possibly an obsessively perfectionistic approach to it.
LIBRA: Having someone to experience your pain with eases it immensely, or helps you cope with it. Even just the company of another person can make it easier to handle. You may inadvertently avoid healing by distracting yourself with social pleasures. You can be prone to “beautify” your pain or romanticize it somehow, so expression of it is often dishonest & dissatisfying.
SCORPIO: You feel pain so deeply that it can consume you. Pain tends to have power over you until you learn to take control of it; you become self-isolating and self-destructive, but also have the power to be incredibly self-healing if you learn to release/express the pain in healthy ways. Pain changes you, and influences other areas of your life. It shapes your will and your soul, and thus your behavior.
SAGITTARIUS: To you, pain feels like a cage; you can’t bear to be limited by the burden it creates, so you run from it and avoid the problem altogether. It scares you, and you have extreme difficulty facing it. You lack adequate coping mechanisms. There may be a false philosophy of “being mature and freeing yourself through positivity” but that is actually recklessly immature escapism.
CAPRICORN: Your endurance surpasses everyone else’s; you can suffer so much and show nothing, never letting your facade of stoicism falter. You handle almost every problem entirely on your own. You are strong, but you can confuse self-sabotage, self-destruction, immaturity, and masochism for strength. You see expression of pain as weakness & imperfection, which is untrue and unhealthy.
AQUARIUS: You are prone to self-erasure and self-neglect; you pour all your energy into issues that are ‘bigger’ than yourself, so you tend to downplay your pain to the point of believing it’s insignificant. You keep it to yourself. Pain can make you resent yourself. You repress your issues and refuse to open them up to anyone due to the idea that it makes you weak, selfish, or attention-seeking.
PISCES: You easily get lost in, drown in, and submit to your pain. It is difficult for you to understand; your own wounds can be a mystery to you. You also tend to romanticize your pain, and can be very masochistic & self-victimizing, often choosing to suffer (perhaps without knowing it). You try to use your difficult experiences to help/heal other people. Pain may enlighten or inspire you.
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almightysupreme · 7 years
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The signs as fall aesthetics 🍁 // (info)
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almightysupreme · 7 years
Scorpio anatomy
Mind: Calculative and observant, natural psychologist, obsessive, strategic, highly intelligent, curious, fixated, secretive
Eyes: Hypnotic, mesmerising, a misty glass lake that can see into souls, cannot be deceived
Heart: Passionate and psychic, highly sensitive, protective, seeks true love of the soul, beats into rapture and dark melancholy
Reproductive Zone: Facilitates tremendous transformation, constant rebirth to someone new. Gives energy to create perforation. May have debilitating period pain
Scorpion Tail: Contains the poison but also the ingrediants of the antidote
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almightysupreme · 7 years
The Signs as Latin Quotes
Aries: Forest fortuna adiuvat. // Fortune favors the brave.
Taurus: Ex nihilo nihil fit. // Nothing comes from nothing.
Gemini: Mutantur omnia nos et mutamur in illis. // All things change and we change with them.
Cancer: Si vis amari, ama. // If you wish to be loved, love.
Leo: Vincit qui se vincit. // He conquers who conquers himself.
Virgo: Timendi causa est nescire. // Ignorance is the cause of fear.
Libra: Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori. // Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love.
Scorpio: Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. // If I can not bend the will of Heaven, I shall move Hell.
Sagittarius: Veritas vos liberabit. // The truth will set you free.
Capricorn: Vitanda est improba siren desidia. // One must avoid that wicked temptress, laziness.
Aquarius: Astra inclinant, sed non obligant. // The stars incline us, they do not bind us.
Pisces: Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem. // As long as we are among humans, let us be humane.
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