allywolf45 · 4 months
Working on a Demon!Bob Velseb AU! A part 2 is coming soon!!!
CW: Mentions of light gore, implied cannibalism, mentions of hell, mentions of death, implied partial nudity, mention of scars and stitches.
The sound of sirens filled the morgue. Three bodies lay scattered across the floor, two of them dismembered. A low groan came out of the largest figure as he opened bloodshot eyes. This one had been dead the longest, but was now clearly the most lively. His eyes darted around in confusion at the sight of the morgue ceiling and walls. Just moments before, he'd been burning in hell.
Bob glanced around more and more, startled from having been shot and run over multiple times, as if no time had passed, as if his time in hell had only been a bad dream. Still he could tell by his surroundings he was no longer on the street he'd been killed on. In the flashing light, he saw the other bodies, or at least what was left of them. Familiar looking red cloaks torn to shreds around the remains.
His body ached with unimaginable pain, but his stomach, though riddled with sewn up bullet wounds, felt very bloated. This gave him an idea as to what happened to the other two bodies. He licked the stickiness from his lips, the metallic taste on them confirming his suspicion. He supposed it was time to do what he always did when he heard sirens.
He sat up, roaring in pain, the sound inhuman. He panted, but he was aware their was no time to sit and wait for it to subside. He growled like an animal as he forced himself up through the pain, and stumbled out of the room and down the hall. He limped as quickly as he could only stopping when something caught his eye, shimmering in the fluttering security lights. Through an office window, on a desk sat a very abnormal looking necklace, his abnormal looking necklace. A healing pair of blue eyes widened, as a hand went to his chest, feeling the stitches from the autopsy.
"I'm free. . . I'm free?" He thought. "Holy crap! I'm free!" A wicked grin spread over sharp white teeth. It was unfortunately short lived though, when a white hot, blinding pain shot through his head. He heard men running down the hall in his direction. That was definitely his cue, if ever there was one, to leave.
He stumbled faster down the hall, hardly able to see from the pouning pain in his head. He managed to catch a glance of a window ahead. His body suddenly ducked, a reflex faster than he'd ever moved before, yet the movement seemed a familiar on to make. The window ahead of him shattered much to his luck, and he wasted no time running at full speed.
He jumped up into the frame and out on the otherside slicing his arm open on a bit of the remaining glass in the sill. No time to worry about it now, the pain in his head was far worse. He lumbered down a hill and into the woods. The pain grew in intensity as he pressed on through the trees. The night air chilled his bare body, and yet he once again felt his flesh burning. Eventually, he was overcome, and was forced onto his hands and knees, certain he was about to lose the meat he'd apparently had earlier. A thunderous voice echoed loudly all around him, shaking the earth violently.
Bob cried out in pain griping the damp leaves and dirt on the ground beneath him, a pain he'd never felt before blazed through his every cell, he couldn't see anything but a bright blue light. His body shook violently, almost convulsing. Then suddenly, as if waking from a nightmare, everything stopped.
He panted, feeling the chill of the November night air against his skin, no longer aflame. The thunderous voice had silence, only the sounds of frogs and crickets chirping remained. There was no blue light, but for the few rays of moonlight that fell through the trees of the woods he'd run into.
Bob sat up, dusting his hands off on his knees. Remembering he'd sliced open his arm he observed both to check the damages. He'd been to full of adrenaline and was in far to much agony elsewhere to know which arm he'd actually cut. While they were covered in sticky, drying blood, he was shocked to find no actual cuts on his arms. He checked his legs supposing he maybe had his extremities mixed up: nothing. He was very confused now, he was sure he'd cut himself open somewhere. He moved his arm again and felt the sting of the open wound. He winced looking over both arms again.
There they were, bloody, and a little bruised but there wasn't a visible cut on either arm. His arm waved again, and again came the sting. He growled in frustration looking once more when it dawned on him that he hadn't been waving either of his arms. Pehaps the more shocking realization was that people, himself included, do not have a third arm sticking out of their lower back. He turned to see a red, fleshy cord whip suddenly behind him, the painful sting surging again. Along that cord was a deepish cut that was bleeding, the injury stinging when it moved. The cord was part of him. He looked down the new extremity finding a point like the head of an arrow on the end.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" The demon tail shot up behind him. "OW!" He brushed the sweatsoaked hair from his face to get a better look, but stopped when his hand hit something hard on his head. He raised a brow, moving his hand along the bent, cylindrical, tapering object. His eye widened, as he free hand found another on the opposite side.
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allywolf45 · 6 months
Could use it right about now
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allywolf45 · 7 months
Aaaahhh!!! So cute!!!!
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Dewey Finn my man. ~
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allywolf45 · 7 months
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allywolf45 · 11 months
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allywolf45 · 2 years
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allywolf45 · 2 years
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allywolf45 · 2 years
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allywolf45 · 2 years
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allywolf45 · 2 years
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allywolf45 · 3 years
Excited to see it together!
Beetlejuice Smashup - Class of 2021
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Thank you so much for being patient as this collab project came together. To all the participants: it's been an honor to create something with you! This is so fun to look at. Each Beetlejuice has their own style, their own fun little details. It's truly a feast for the eyes that illustrates "all stripes are welcome here." I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! <3
Art by
@mimiscappini, @the-barefoot-hatter, @jenniferstolzer, @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog, @werwulfy, @clairjohnson, @beetlebitties, @tropicalfreckles, @dramajuiced, @jesterfestivle, @blue-star-charmer-art, @fingerteeths, @theserpentsnight, @friendshaped10, escape-your-grape, @marquisedemasque, @go-commander-kim, @allywolf45, @dennyseblueroses, @thespacehatter, @turtlepated, @verna-hops, @cthaehbutwithafrog, @kreauxlighe, @crownorclover with special guest sandworm by @heresathreebee
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allywolf45 · 3 years
I saw Holes, I'm not chancing it.
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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allywolf45 · 3 years
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allywolf45 · 3 years
As someone who is Christian, I want to apologize for the action of others who claim to be. We are supposed to be spreading a message of love, not creating some a religion and gatekeeping heaven. A persons entrance into heaven is not for other people to decide. It is my belief that God and Jesus loves everyone that has been put on this earth, and I mean EVERYONE. All races, all generations, all regardless of there polical leaning, all regardless of their sexuality, and all regardless of anything they have done. EVERYONE. And I want to quote Brennan Manning here because the "Christians" or I should say those who claim to be are so hell bent on judging every sin that isn't their own. Here is the reality: "God loves us as we are, not as we should be. Because NONE OF US are as we should be." So the next time some idiot tells you you're going to hell for something you did or you're sexuality, disregard them. Whatever they say is a lie, and they'll probably have to answer for it later. This is probably getting a little long and uncomfortable for some, but I'll end with this: God loves all all, no matter who we are, what we've done, and what we are yet to do. Each and every one of us is so treasured by him, that if had been any single one of us he had to die for, he would still have done it if it were you and only you.
Christians hate when a gay man goes “fuck it, I’ll gladly go to Hell if you want me to so bad” because it takes the edge away from their tools of fear. If they can’t scare you with threats of eternal damnation then one of their main weapons is taken away.
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allywolf45 · 4 years
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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allywolf45 · 4 years
I do like to think part of it took place in February. Specifically Girl scout and That beautiful sound. Though the whole of act two probably took place in a day. Girl Scouts typically sell cookies in February or at least my memories of selling them are in February (Google says January to April so likely winter, possibly early spring), which would make Sky's "it's so cold" line accurate. We don't actually know how long the time span between some parts go. At the beggining of the play they burry Lydia's mother. We know from her conversation with the Maitlands there is a six month span of time between that scene and when the Deetz move in. We also know that "Time moves differently when your dead, but boy does it move." We don't actually know the span of time it was between the Maitland's death and the day the Deetz moved in since with the implications of that particular line might suggest it was several, but definitely somewhere within that six month span. We also don't actually know how much time passes between the end of act one and the beginning of act two. Likely a few days at most, enough time for Lydia to be comfortable with the idea of having Beetlejuice around as well as enough time to foolishly convince herself that she could control him. I'll say probably three days to a week. So to sum up:
Emily's Death/Funeral - Deetz Moving in: 6 months
Deetz Moving in - End of Act One: 2 days
End of act one - Beginning of act two: 2 or 3 days to a week (possibly) Likely from January to April due to the usual time of selling girl scout cookies.
That beautiful sound to - the end of the musical: 1 day (possibly the entire night too.)
It's safer to say that the musical actually took place over the span of several seasons. There's a chance Adam and Barbara died in the Fall (Ha! irony!) In which case a the light jacket Adam takes off would make sense. Since most of the play take place inside the house there may not be a need to bundle up as much either. I still say most of it took place in the winter.
Ok this is a post I’ve been meaning to make for a while and I’m ready to fight God so here goes:
I know a lot of people in the fandom think that the events of the musical took place in fall/winter but all evidence I have suggests sometime in the spring. 
I mean look at what everyone is wearing. All the ladies are in short sleeved/light dresses and Adam is in his sick ass lil flannel with the sleeves rolled up and Charles doesn’t count because he’s a fancy boi. And Adam comes into the house in the beginning with a light jacket. If it was fall/winter he would be BUNDLED UP in a thick ass coat. And they didn’t just do this for costuming/actor comfort reasons because look at Beetlejuice’s whole ass THREE PIECE SUIT and he’s arguably the most active character in the show.
And I know Skye is like “It’s so cold…” during Girl Scout but I live in Northern New Jersey which is even further south than Connecticut (not by much but still) and we still have some decently cold days in early/mid spring.
So yeah literally no one will care but I needed to just scream into the void about this and unless someone can present with me canonical evidence disproving this then, just like the Maitlands, this is a hill I will DIE ON.
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allywolf45 · 4 years
After this year.... I'm not taking any chances.
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