allthekristinas · 4 years
There’s no sky like a Texas Sky! This is beautiful. The clouds look so perfectly placed. The color change from the lower darker clouds is almost a pattern on its own. I would love to see this on a large wall or ceiling. It would make a great piece of wall art. 
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dynamic symmetry
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allthekristinas · 4 years
I’m a pet person so your post caught my eye. I love the contract of the black cat and the green trees of the first two photos. He/she has such an intense set of eyes. They instantly grab my attention. In the third photo I like the symmetry of the photo. The last thing I noticed what the cat! Then I couldnt stop focusing on him. His eyes again steal the shot! love these. Love animal photos! 
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Assignment 3
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allthekristinas · 4 years
I think your second photo is my favorite.
Your explanation of its content is very deep and meaningful. It gives me the feel of staying up all night studying. The stacks of books in the background gives me the feeling of anxiety because there’s multiple things due in a short amount of time.
I also like your first photo. It can be interpreted many ways. I like to picture it as kids are zest pools of germs and we should be cautious of them. Just kidding.
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shooting assignment #3
for this, I wanted to make a story about not only growing, but also about feeling like the youthful versions of our self, slip away, over time, either you our daily routines, or work-life getting in the way.
1.Photo one was taken in Alton park, of a closed down playground, due to COVID-19, it seems like a perfect time to take a photo of the playground, usually is filled with children, now with no one near insight. Being an abandoned.
2.The Second photo, while not much is to it. It’s about overworking our self, staying up late nights, feeling restless all the time, from a lack of sleep. this is a very common practice, everyone has experienced at least once in their life. due to a current job or project, pushing them self over the limit, were it could not only leave an impact on the individual health, but also mental harm them.
3.The third photo is an Xbox one controller, buried into the dirt, only showing the facing buttons. This about abandons the thing you love doing, the very thing, that makes you at ease, buried by daily life and unfortunate events, where you can no longer, feel like the only thing that makes you feel happy, no longer exist.
4.The Fourth photo as a batman mask, which also doubles as a cape, hanging on a handle of a shovel. As kids on T.V. are usually shown with capes running around like their favorite superhero and imagining going against criminals. but as time goes on, most people feel like their imagination slips away as they get older.
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allthekristinas · 4 years
I love this. The circle of life is an amazing thing. Sometimes I wish I was a plant and could draw my energy from the sun. It reminds me of  one of the things i learned in organic chemistry; almost everything is made up of carbon hydrogen nitrogen and oxygen. The difference is how the atoms are arraigned. 
I like the natural colors of your photos. I definitely see your message in this series. 
Beautiful art!
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Send a BB course message with a short written proposal outlining how many shots (4- 5) your series will consist of, the subject matter, the general concept,  helping me to envision what is in your mind’s eye.  This is not a narrative assignment.  The photographs just need to visually communicate your idea/concept. The communication aspect is the most critical part of the assignment.  Does the series visually communicate (clearly) what you say it does?
Shooting Assignment 4 
In these photos I want to communicate the cycle of the Photosynthesis. As we know photosynthesis is the cycle in which they become strong plants and this repeats itself throughout life. 
In the first photo, I emphasized the sun because it is the main source of survival for all plants. I had to close my aperture of the brightness of light from the sun. 
The second photo is soil. Soil in which the the seed begins to grow to become a plant. I loved this photo in particular because it has a variety of colors that calls the photo out a lot more than usual. 
The third photo I am using water to show that water is also part of the photosynthesis of a plant. Without water a plant is not fully living. With water the plant is able to receive all it’s oxygen to continue surviving in this life. 
The fourth photo is a leaf. I loved this photo because you could see the color and it’s complete content. The leafs of a plant are where the plant receives most of it’s source. 
At last, we have the plant, surviving in life, living the photosynthesis cycle. 
I believe that my photos do convey a good communication as they all have the directions to the plant cycle known as photosynthesis.  
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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Assignment 4: closer look
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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Assignment 4. closer look
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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Assignment #2 Photo that uses my likeness.
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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Assignment #4 Unrelated photos with a theme
The four photos I selected tell a story about the every day struggle of living with PTSD.
1 Kevlar. The first photo was one of the still life’s I did not use. This photo has quite a bit of content and each item tells a story. To fully appreciate this photo you have to use your “thousand yard stare,” (term frequently used by soldiers referencing a time when one is lost in thought). Focus on the black screw and everything else in the photo melts away. This photo is meant to emphasize that death had his hands on my head.
2. Yoga. I took this photo one evening after a yoga session. I use yoga to physically release chronic stress. I like how my hand is aligned with the setting sun. I like the lines of the fence and the curve of the slide. This was an alternative shot for another assignment.
3. Blood on my hands. This photo has triggering material.  I like the curve of the knife’s blade against the straight lines of the wood log. This photo was taken after we prepared a duck for dinner. I raise some of my own food because I know its healthy and processed free. It always hits me hard to have to take a life and I always pause to take a moment of silence.
4. I was just a number. This is the veterans cemetery where I will one day reside. It’s morbid to think about, I know. I wanted to get the lines and angles of the tombstones to both have a line, and look chaotic as if they never end. After I took the photo I noticed that everyone was given a plot number. In the army, there was a saying that we were all expendable, and could/will be easily replaced if anything happened to you. This echoes, “I’m just a number, expendable, one each.”
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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Assignment #3: series of non-related photographs
The message I tried to convey is self-awareness, vulnerability and a sense of mutual understanding. One of the thing I enjoy is playing the role of the mother and protector to anyone who will let me mom them. Because of this I have managed to fill my life with meaningful relationships with those things I protect. I love to maintain eye contact with my pets for as long as they let me. I wonder what they think of the things around them, and what they think of me.
1.       Sitting chicken. My domestic chickens are very social ladies. we have handheld them since they were a week old, so they have bonded to me and my family. They have learned basic tricks like jumping on command and jumping for a snack. This particular photo stood out to me because of the depth of “Lil Mamas” eyes. You can tell she is focusing on me. Her perched posture is very calm. There are several lines in the photo; the fence, two small parallel tree trunks, the duck legs. The colors are very organic. I tried to make the chickens waffle a more saturated/vibrant red.
2.       Cat, Rascal Catterson. Catterson is the offspring of a random stray cat. I fed him a few times and he never left. This photo I set up a spot to try and capture a few photos of my wild birds, but Catterson decided to photobomb and scare the birds away. His posture suggests he’s sizing me up and his tail is slightly curved in a playful way. Shortly after this photo he pounced on me. I love the symmetry of his face and his coat color. the orange looks good against the green slide behind it. The colors of the rest of the photo is also natural.
3.       Mr. Quiggly is my domestic pet duck/guard dog. I have a special bond with him. I would say we have a love hate relationship where I love him and he wants nothing to do with me. On this sunny morning We introduced him to his new pool. I was hoping to get an action shot of him. This particular photo makes me feel happy/positive/hopeful. The colors are bright and vibrant. I love the color of the blue pool against Mr. Q’s white feathers.  
4.       Dove hatchlings. I have a total of 7 different bird species that live in my backyard. I’m sort of that crazy lady who talks to/feeds the birds. This spring one of my doves had two hatchlings. These are about two weeks old. They are tiny little reminders that life goes on. I wanted the bird to be the focal point but I kept focusing on the twigs to the right of him. I like the lines and pattern of this photo. The blue sky and green leaves compliment each other. The most special thing of feeding birds is that eventually you become a part of their environment and they learn that you have food and are not a threat. I am slowly developing a relationship with the offspring, when they become adults they will be domestic.
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allthekristinas · 4 years
There is so much content in this photo. The items all give us a collective story of you. This photo brings the scents of old books, one of my favorite scents. I like how the items are placed in the photo. There are many lines guiding my eye in multiple directions. The has circular lines and nice shadows. The colors of the photo further show the antiquates of the photo. This photo tells a good story and I like the elements in it. 
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This is my still life self portrait. It’s all about me, what I enjoy doing the most. I’m that type of person who loves collecting antique stuff, the radio and the music box are my precious treasures. The instant camera represent the love I have of taking photos to capture every memory. Believe it or not I’m a reader, I love reading romantic books especially if they are Nicholas Sparks books. Another thing I love to do is paint and draw. I also enjoy making puzzles, once I start I don’t got to sleep until I finish it. Out of all the pictures I took, this was my favorite.
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allthekristinas · 4 years
I love this photo. Its dark and bright. I like the peacefulness. The line of the pole leads my eye back to the light. The trees in the background make this look eerie. The space seems to go on forever. 
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lone light
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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Vanitas Still Life
Me in one picture. Combat ready and never taking anything serious. Coping mechanism: humor. On one hand I’m (or maybe was) a serious skilled fighter trained in hand to hand combat, and on the other hand this is a play on the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. Things that I value: toilet paper, combat boots, and weapons.
There are several lines in this composition from the Afghanistan hand made quilt, to the fake bones I had (leftover Halloween prop). I muted the colors quite a bit. Iraq and Afghanistan are both very dusty (similar to here) and in my memory of that time, there are no vibrant colors, which is why i chose to mute this photo. I must have taken over forty pictures, but none of them came out clear. There is lots of noise and the picture is very fuzzy. I think maybe there is too much going on in this photo, but it is interesting so I decided to post anyway. 
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allthekristinas · 4 years
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I’m an introvert so social distancing to me is like a long vacation from peopling. What do I do all day? Eat, sleep, drink, and play with my girls. These are my fav shots.
1. My husband taught the girls a trick. He has all their attention in anticipation for food, but the ducks are not amused. They’re looking straight at me holding the camera. I thought their faces were comical. 
2. I decided to get down on the chickens level and take a pic from their favorite nesting spot. I had quite a few intense eye shots. They will hold eye contact with me and not turn away. It’s a game of don’t blink. 
3 & 4.  I cope through humor so I had to have a toilet paper photo shoot.
5. The last pic was taken before we had to bunker at home. I live near the mission veteran cemetery and periodically I like to pay my respects. Morbidly, I know I will one day lay six feet under here next to my own. 
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allthekristinas · 5 years
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Dynamic Symmetry
There are multiple lines in this composition. Lines can be traced to form several triangles both coming and going.  There is an open endless depth and space present. Colors are muted and natural. 
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allthekristinas · 5 years
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Digital darkroom assignment: black and white and split tone.
For the black and white assignment I wanted to photo to feel dark and empty. To me it is cold and full of death.
The split tone assignment I chose to go with a red shadow and yellow highlights. This color scheme reminds me of what PTSD feels like, Its the color of impeding doom.
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allthekristinas · 5 years
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Digital darkroom assignment: cropping 
The original is at the top and the strip has the three assignments. 
1. Similar aspect ratio
2. Square
3. Tilt 
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allthekristinas · 5 years
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Shallow depth of field
The lines in this composition run parallel and diagonal. The tree line in the background provide parallel lines and the fallen wooden post draws the eye diagonally away from the center of the photograph. The focal point is the cement cylinder cement (form) in the center. The photograph has a grand sense of space. The Texas sky in the background looks as if it can go on forever. The colors are organic and natural, non man made.
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