allineedisyoursoul · 10 years
(( hey so, I *MIGHT* come back but this is going to be in-frequent state so I REALLY APOLOGIZE. 
also i forgot my password and this was the only machine that remebered it soooo ;p ))
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
((  Sad to say life is hard and i can't keep up with his blog as much as I want to. So untill shit is better this blog will be on hiatus. I'm really sorry))
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
Oh absolutely wonderful and joyous.  No memory! whisking him a way seemed a bit to immediate, but there was a bit of excitement in getting to build him back the way he saw fit. A lot of excitement.  Still... 
"No I'm afraid not, see you killed several people, and obviously that has people spooked that you could hurt them too." 
Manhunt repost (open)
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
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Nick; The Vessel Forgotten 
Death would have been a kinder fate.
Read More
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
(via teamlockwood)
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
He can barely contain the smirk that appears on his lips.  Its almost precious! poor bobby with no real memory, chained to the hospital bed. Which really is fitting considering that he took out a few demons before ending up here. 
"Seems they thought you were danger still. Sorry about the chains." 
There's not a hint of honesty in his apology. He gives the chain a gentle pat. 
"Any recollections on your name? any at all? " 
Manhunt repost (open)
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
Its not hard work locating dear bobby. It helps that his face was broadcast and info asked for, not that Crowley felt like giving info of course. 
A quick appearance later and hes there, borrowing a temporary meat suit  as well, he was there. It was definitely not his usual, he was definitely going to let this guy.. 'go' after business was taken care of. He blended into his role effectively, checking information he didn't give a real fuck about before hovering over the patient. 
He gave unconscious bobby a sharp nudge to get his attention. 
Manhunt repost (open)
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Chicago police are looking for anyone with information on this man.  While he is lucid at an undisclosed hospital under police custody, he has been suffering from amnesia caused by the gunshot to the head in his stand off with police early this morning.
The John Doe was admitted to the hospital without ID and while lucid he does not remember his own name.  He is wanted for questioning in several deaths in chicago, and other states.  Chicago police are speaking with the FBI right now about those cases.  
It is believed that the man might have suffered a psychotic break witnesses say that he was brandishing a weapon, possibly this knife.  
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And screaming about them being ‘black-eyed sons of bitches.’ no further information is known about this man and anyone with any information is asked to call the Chicago police.
Once again, police are looking for any information on this John Doe in critical condition at an area Hospital.
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
(( Just in case it wasn't clear: I'm Dyslexic, so I fuck shit up writing wise pretty much 80% of the time. )) 
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
Reblog if your muse can sing.
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
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First off I have to thank you all for not just following me, but sticking with me too. I’ve come to love this account and all the people I’ve met so far from this community of indie roleplaying. You all are flawless in your own way and for those of you who roleplay with me I can’t thank you enough for putting up with my slowness and procrastination. So here’s my attempt in giving my thanks. Credits for the banner of this promo go to my lovely friend Liz. It’s not required to follow her in my rules, but 10/10 would recommend. 
R U L E S »
You must be following me. Don’t follow and unfollow right after because that’s not fair to me or the others following the rules [and thanks to the older version of xkit I will know if you unfollow.
Reblogs only. If you only like the post it won’t count, but feel free to reblog as many times as you want.
Must be an indie roleplay account.
Minimum of 30 notes (but more than this is welcome).
PROMO ENDS: One week from today, September 28th @12 AM EST.
P R I Z E S »
T W O will be featured BOTM links on my sidebar.
T W O will get drabbles of their choice and that can be anything their heart desires from a short song fic to their favorite pairing decorating a solstice pole on the holidays in their raincoats.
F I V E will receive graphic promos with reasons to follow them included.
T H R E E will receive link promos [also with reasons to follow].
T W O  will receive icon packs [ten icons].
E V E R Y O N E will have my undying love.
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
[ dude I can't even take Tyrande seriously anymore. ]
go d DNAGIT i really li ke kaelth as and what happene d 2 him (his backstory etc.) but i can t take him seriousl y anymore thanks to fuck ING AZEROTHIAN SUPER VILLAINS 
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
At least breakfast was good.
A perk to being a demon is I can eat as much bacon as I want. 
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
I'm not really one for..... 'true evil', I'm only a buisnessman afterall. 
but i can't stop giggling at the thought of releasing a tiger in a hospital.
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allineedisyoursoul · 11 years
[ some one come play wtih me ;.; [
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