allgoodboys · 3 years
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allgoodboys · 3 years
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allgoodboys · 5 years
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allgoodboys · 6 years
10 Reasons I am forbidden from cumming
I wrote the following 10 reasons at my former master’s request, however, the reasons are all still true.
1. Only real men are worthy of using their dicks for pleasure and I’m not a real man
2. I don’t deserve the instant relief from cumming, I am to be kept on edge, always eager and ready to satisfy my master
3. Cumming distracts me from focusing on serving my master
4. I shouldn’t be allowed to cum because it gives me pleasure that only real men deserve
5. My master gets to use me for his pleasure, this includes torturing me and my dick for his enjoyment
6. Cumming encourages me to be selfish and makes me feel like I’m worthy of being a man. This is not the case and I should be forbidden from this type of thinking
7. Giving the control of my useless dick to my master will make me useful in learning to focus only on his needs and never on my own
8. Being denied the basic ability to touch, let alone play with my own dick is extremely humiliating and over the long run will ensure that I am an acquiescent slave boy eager to please worthy men
9. My dick is a tool that my master can use to inflict pain on me and use to put and keep me in certain positions. My dicklet and balls are to be used like reins for a horse. Should my master want to slide his cock balls deep in me, he can simply yank my balls whichever direction he desires my ass to go
10. I should not be allowed to cum because it will give me the idea that my dick is worthy of providing me pleasure and will encourage me to think about my own dick. I should be kept from cumming to ensure my mind is always focused on my master’s dick and how I can pleasure him
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allgoodboys · 6 years
Sir, you mentioned in the question about breaking your slave and making and leaving him to suffer, though he knew he was in a safety net. May I ask what that means? How was he let to suffer? For instance, if in a cage for a day, what happens when released? etc?
Let me give you an example from many years ago. 
Like many slaves, he had told me his penis andhis orgasm were not that important.  He wasfocused on and concerned about mine.  I knewthis was slavetalk, but I took him at his word and placed a cage on hispenis.  Again, like many slaves, hethought this was “hot” and liked the control….for a couple of weeks.  Then he asked when I might remove it. I toldhim it was never coming off.  It took hima couple of more weeks to realize I was serious and then his emotional declinebegan.  He was depressed, sullen and attimes cried about his loss.  A couple oftimes he lashed out verbally at me in his frustration and anger and thisbrought immediate punishment. 
As he began to accept it and started to comeout of his upset, I gave him a prostate massaging vibrating dildo so he couldmilk himself.  This drove him back intohis depression knowing he would never have another orgasm.  I had him practice with it in front of me soI could critique and encourage the effectiveness of his milking technique. 
A while later, as he began to come out of thisupset, I placed a smaller cage on him, telling him it was my intent to shrink hispenis to as small a size as I could.  Hehandled this OK, but was not happy.  Buta little later when I placed an even smaller one on him because the one he hadwas leaving too much room, he again sank. 
Through this, I pushed him to keep himemotionally and psychologically unsettled and depressed.  Told him he was clearly not a man.  Could not be trusted to not pleasure himself.  He was no longer entitled to orgasms and, ofcourse, no longer needed a man’s penis, just one the size he had as a childwhen all he did with it was urinate, which was all he needed to do with it now. 
He also received praise and encouragement fromme (this is the safety net part).  I toldhim how proud I was of his efforts to accept what he was.  I told him how good he looked with his penisin a cage.  I told him how much pleasureit was giving me to see this change in him. Told him how pleased I was because he was clearly focusing better andbecoming more submissive and more of a slave. 
So, even as I drove him down, as I broke him asa man, I also made sure he knew I was there to support his efforts and toencourage him. 
Of course, here we are 12 years later and hefinds the cage as something that gives him comfort, is able to milk himself efficientlyand effectively to maintain his prostate health and finds his own orgasmsrepulsive even while he lusts after mine.
He is a good boy.
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allgoodboys · 6 years
There have been societies run by gay and bisexual Men, but fags are something else. I don't like it when people confuse gay Men for fags. We (fags) are just worthless fuckholes. Some of us are gay, some are bi, straight, some are trans FTM. The one thing we have in common is that we're all just faggot sluts. Fag does NOT mean "gay Man." A fag just a male who submits to Men and lets Them use it as a sex slave.
Very well said faggot fuckhole. It’s good to remind people that faggot is not synonymous with homosexual. There are plenty of gay men who would never do any of the stupid shit you fags do, like lock their dick in chastity, or lick disgusting public toilets and urinals to show their inferiority and pathetic nature, that’s definitely a trait only shared among you pitiful faggots.
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allgoodboys · 6 years
I don’t understand the point of locking up. What does this do? Why is this attractive? Not trying to judge but trying to understand why the gusto for “caging” a dick.
Fair question.
Everyone can love chastity for different reasons, of course, just like any other kink. Here’s why I do :Chastity takes away a boy’s ability to use his dick. He can’t jerk off, he can’t penetrate anything, he can’t stimulate it, he can’t get hard. To me (and to a lot of people) the dick is the ultimate symbol of masculinity. So when a boy doesn’t have access to it the feel of masculinity alters. He’s no longer in control of his dick, it is now controlled by the keyholder. The boy doesn’t get pleasure from it, the boy can’t get hard, depending on the device, the boy might not even be able to see it. It’s emasculating. Not being able to cum makes the boy very horny. You’d be surprised what males are ready/want to do after not being able to cum for a few days/weeks. That makes him look for pleasure in other places. He wants to be touched anywhere, he wants to touch. In gay boys’ cases they think about dick non stop. They start playing with their ass to get some release so their hole becomes their sex organ. And because their hole is being stimulated and they get pleasure from it, it’s not just a hole anymore. It’s a cunt. They may not want to call it that, but that’s what it is in their head. So we now got a boy who’s hungry all the time, he trembles from the slightest touch and gets lots of pleasure from his new sex organ. Chastity improves sex for the boy. Not only is he more sensitive, but without being able to cum he will always enjoy sex. If you bottom, you know that if you cum - it’s game over. Your top has to stop because you don’t enjoy being fucked anymore. That problem goes away with chastity. Boy is always ready and eager. That, of course, makes sex better for me. Not to mention the hands free orgasm the boy can achieve after enough time in chastity. Once a boy cums without stimulating his clit, he’s changed forever. Chastity also never lets a boy forget who he is. You may be a bottom, you may be a sub. But you don’t think about that part of you when you’re at work or visiting you family or going to parties with your friends. The chastity device is always there, you can always feel it. Horny or not, sad or happy, alone or surrounded by people. You can always feel it, it’s a constant reminder that your manhood was taken away. It keeps you in your place, it never lets you forget that you get pleasure from getting fucked. Every time you need to use the bathroom you are faced with the reality of who you are : male but not a man. That changes a boy. His behavior becomes that of a sub even outside of the bedroom. Chastity builds up a lot of frustration and tension. That’s why it’s also a great way to motivate the boy go to the gym or be more productive in general. I’ve had a boy with a barely average body transform into a beast after just 1 year of chastity. I’m no longer his keyholder, but he still keeps the cage. He doesn’t want it off, because it motivates him so much.
And most importantly, I love chastity because it sets clear roles. The boy is giving up his masculinity for me, he locks it up as a sign of surrender. My dick becomes the only dick in the room and he’s just holes. I’m his Man, he’s my bitch. Fucking a boy while watching his soft clit in his cage being ignored is just very, very hot. I never liked when my bottoms touched themselves during sex. I thought the chastity devices looked a little weird at first. But now I love them. If I see one on a boy it makes me hard instantly. Because that means that he embraced his role as someone who belongs underneath Men. And I love being on top!
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allgoodboys · 6 years
This faggot asked to be exposed. More good boys at http://allgoodboys.tumblr.com
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I need a much smaller cage!
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allgoodboys · 6 years
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allgoodboys · 6 years
Why Chastity?
Before listing some key reasons, let’s emphasize that chastity encompasses more than just caging a penis. Submissive men with great self-control can be perfectly chaste through obedience alone, a very impressive feat. Dominant men may also prefer a sub with an unusually small penis to have it fully visible. So with both options (caging and pure obedience) in mind, here goes:
Ownership: It reflects someone’s ownership over your body. He decides when it’s right for you to climax. Your orgasms are secondary. It is about the fact that you have ceded control over them to the man who owns your body. He can decide to have you beat off on a whim, or deny it for discipline.
Arousal: Chastity will make you unusually horny. Being unable to release that sexual tension makes you sexually charged. Your feelings of sexual attraction are revved up, and you become more open to new sexual experiences. Paradoxically, you feel more like a sexual person than when you were free. You are always in a state of readiness.
Realignment: Chastity leads to drastic changes in sexual behavior. Being unable to jerk off leads to exploring other forms of sexual activity, such as focusing on your ass, mouth, and nipples (and male breasts for those who have them). 
Self-Control: This is particularly true when chastity is achieved through pure obedience. For those unprepared for this leap, who cannot control their own urges, a cage is like a bike with training wheels. Your key-holder can help you learn the virtues of chastity, to the point where you are eventually able to exercise full self-control. Admittedly, some may never reach that point, and may need to remain caged.
Role Clarity: You enjoy being in a relationship characterized by well-defined and contrasting roles - Dominant and submissive, top and bottom. Sublimating a defining trait of masculine identity - seeing your penis small, limp, and useless except to pee - is psychologically potent. It helps you focus on serving your obviously more masculine partner, both in and out of bed. Especially when caged, it unmistakably signals no need for reciprocation. Your penis is clearly marked as not a sexual organ, focusing your partner’s attention on your ass, mouth, and nipples.
(Inspired by an illustrated post by @chastestories, but extensively rewritten to expand the concept beyond caging)
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allgoodboys · 6 years
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Show us what a good boy you are. See good boys @ http://allgoodboys.tumblr.com Submit your pic: http://allgoodboys.tumblr.com/submit
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allgoodboys · 6 years
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allgoodboys · 7 years
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allgoodboys · 7 years
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allgoodboys · 7 years
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allgoodboys · 8 years
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Check this chastity cage out fellas! Reblog if you like it!
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allgoodboys · 8 years
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