All Allergic
17 posts
DNI minors and nonkinksters l Hiccup kink blog l he/they
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allergical · 1 month ago
Saw an old trans guy on insta and actually started bawling. We get to grow old?
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allergical · 1 month ago
Saur I've been pretty depressed lately cause my country's gonna be adding some supposedly pro trans laws soon but all it's gonna do is severely fuck over anyone who doesnt want to do the full transition. Like all i wasnt is top surgery and possibly T but they'll force you to get the full deal if you want to change your name/official documents and be allowed the same rights as cis people. Like when do we just get to be happy instead of having to prove to cis people that we're not doing it for attention?
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allergical · 1 month ago
I was the kid who cracked his head after swinging back his chair. I was in a high chair though for maximum damage. Needless to say the other kids had a real life demonstration of what not to do.
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allergical · 2 months ago
Today's hicvember prompt is public and i have a setting. ( medical stuff yay! :D)
A doctor is late to work and forgets to eat breakfast. They get hunger hiccups but still have to see their patients so they're forced to do all their examinations and consultations while hiccuping. The doctor is usually very calm and collected so theyre particularly embarrassed to have to face their patients with loud hiccups. Because that day they have an abnormal influx of patients, they don't have time to eat lunch, and so their hiccups progressively worsen by the hour till the doctor has the hiccups so fast they can't speak so they have to let someone else take over their patients for them. Cue nurse they have a flirtatious relationship with, who brings them food and helps their hiccups settle down with tummy rubs.
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allergical · 2 months ago
Same. The super fast ones are what do it the most for me and im always torn between horniness, hoping the person has good healthcare, and feeling like terrible person for enjoying it. But I also only watch the ones who do have the kink to some extent so I've rationalized it to be similar to how doms feel towards their subs in bdsm.
Random kink/sex positive thought
It's okay to be attracted to experiences and scenarios that you'd never wish for yourself or anyone in real life, and exploring those concepts is what fiction is for. I really enjoy shonen anime/manga, but that doesn't mean that I actually want to get the shit beat out of me once a week.
Even in the case of things that resemble stuff in reality that genuinely hurts people, as long as you keep fact and fantasy separate in your mind and treat them accordingly in the actions you take, then you're perfectly fine.
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allergical · 2 months ago
Anyone's else hiccup kink origin story come from a severe phobia? Cause I remember being 3/4 and wanting to claw my eyes out when I heard my siblings hiccuping. I still feel that way actually. When my siblings, really old people, animals and children get the hiccups around me it's like nails on a chalkboard. My brain starts buzzing and I start panicking. Genuinely the worst sound in the world but if it's anyone else the attraction is back on and it's music to my ears.
My siblings think I grew out of my phobia but it's still alive and well and I can just control my adverse reactions to it. I purposefully make it seem like it doesn't bother me anymore cause one of my siblings knows about the phobia-> kink pipeline and I don't want there to even be an inkling that I may be attracted to their hiccups. Not just cause I would get teased to hell and back but also cause their hiccups are pure auditory torture for me and I don't want them to think that I enjoy their hiccups in anyway shape or form ( naturally, that's my blood sibling lol). Also if they think I still have a hiccup phobia, they'd probably tell my bf to tease him and me and he's gonna think that I have the same adverse reaction to his hiccups.
It makes me wonder which came first, the phobia or the attraction. Like my brain knew that I liked hiccups and said "ABSOLUTELY NOT !" to illegal and morally reprehensible attraction. Which I'm very much happy about even though having a hiccup phobia is downright horrendous.
OR I had the phobia and to cope my brain was like "Actually, so you don't fall to pieces every time you hear someone hiccup, you get to feel arousal in specific situations with specific non-familial adults".
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allergical · 2 months ago
I woke up from a 4 hour nap and thought I entered another dimension cause how the fuck did trump win?! A literal sex offender. Idk why I'm surprised but by god do I feel so bad for poc, lgbtq and women americans
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allergical · 2 months ago
I think I'm very lucky to have a boyfriend who (according to him) gets hiccups multiple times in a year, but also cursed cause I've never witnessed it myself, even thought we've been together for nearly a year lol. I've only ever seen him get one or two hiccups at a time but never a full case and theyre really random without any specific trigger. His hiccups don't make much noise, just the sound of air being quickly sucked in or a small long squeak. His stomach doesn't really bounce much either, but his head and neck jerk back pretty fast. He always gets really shy afterwards and quickly drinks water or holds his breath after the first hiccup. I'll probably never tell him that I think his hiccups are hot cause he's very embarrassed by them so I will instead gush about him on here.
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allergical · 2 months ago
For south east asia, where we mostly get around on motor scooter, I've been thinking of the first setting for a while but with a motor scooter instead of a car.
When you're on a motorscooter, even if you're not holding onto the driver, your thighs still touch the back of their thighs so imagine the driver getting hiccups and you can feel the spasms each time with your thighs. Ntm optimal ability to stare at the back of the hiccuper's head without it getting weird.
Top two settings I love dreaming about but would probably hate irl.
1. Hiccups in a car. Love it because there's no way to escape or get water. It's an even better thought when the hiccupper is the driver and has to concentrate on his driving. But also, irl I'd probably be over stimulated and terrified because I wouldn't have the option to leave.
2. Hiccups on the phone. Well. Love it because there would be lots of talking and no way to hide it. Hate it because I'd have to engage in conversation and could not just hang up without being weird.
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allergical · 2 months ago
This is actually so interesting. I wonder what it is about hiccups that draws so many non-allos in. Maybe because it's not conventionally sexual? What happened in our little monkey brains that decided we were gonna go crazy over spasms of the diaphragm? I could sit through hours of porn and not even flinch but I hear one hiccup and nearly give myself a heart attack.
this is probably redundant to even ask but it'll be funny trust
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allergical · 2 months ago
Crack fic idea. Character is a tattoo artist and gets the hiccups mid tattooing session and accidentally fucks up the tattoo. I just texted my bf this ( he wants to get a tattooing apprenticeship soon), and he said if that ever happened to him he'd crawl into a hole and die.
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allergical · 2 months ago
Today's hicvember is tummy so I shall use this opportunity to declare my love for the soft tum. Although I love a good set of abs, nothing's cuter than a chubby tummy bouncing around with the hiccups. Especially when it's full and sloshes with each hiccup.
My s/o is a built like a noodle, just short and thin and he's insecure about not being able to build up muscle like guys on social media BUT I DON'T CAREEE. I will take his scrawny, soft tummy self over a jacked dude any day. It's cause of him that I love the small body + big tummy combo. After he eats a big meal his stomach puffs up and I can't help but imagine how soft and jiggly his stomach would be with the hiccups.
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allergical · 2 months ago
so.... you guys know how november is like 'no nut november' or some shit? and yk how most of this community is ace? yeah it gave me an idea
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daily prompts for november!
no pressure to do all of them or anything, pick and choose and have fun! (i probably wont be able to do all of them tbh)
all prompts are up for interpretation however and wherever the inspiration takes you!
the only rule? tag it with #hicvember2024 so i can look at all of it (:
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allergical · 2 months ago
I've just started posting on here and already notice how freeing it is to not have to worry about the word limit like on tw!tter. I can just write a whole lot of nonsense and never see the words turn the dreaded red color
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allergical · 2 months ago
I speak two languages and the word for hiccups in my native language is so cute. Cause it's a tonal language, it sounds similar to an actual fouble syllable hiccup sound. Going up and down
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allergical · 2 months ago
Fandoms, subkinks, stuff i'll write about, and things about me!
I started this blog to heal my relationship with sex and sexuality, so besides general horniness I'll reference my childhood SA, religious trauma,(with the appropriate warnings and tags) and other things that made me the weird little fucker I am now.
DNI: minors, zionists, terfs, kinksters who kinkshame others kinksters ( for whatever reason I've seen this alot on tw#tter, like we all aren't cut from the same kinky cloth)
I'm in my early twenties, ace, nonbinary and very very gay. I learned english from really old white people and through being on tw!tter, so if I stop making sense, that's why.
<Things I'm into>
My main kink (or i guess fetish) are hiccups, but I also got yoinked into having sub kinks like light burping, medical stuff, tummy issues, and whump. Though pretty much only in the context of hiccups.
I usually write male centric and male presenting characters as the bearers of my kinks, though I write women from time to time. I'm hoping to add to the art faction of our kinkdom but I currently share my drawing tablet with my sibling and I would actually die if they ever found out.
<Fandoms and characters>
@tla's zuk0 (only his adult self, there will never be a minor in any of my fics or headcanons)
L@g@nds of T0m0rr0w's Le0n@rd Sn@rt
W!tch h@t @telier's Q!frey and 0lrugg!0
Sp# x F@m!ly
Pet sh0p 0f h0rr0rs
Kur0s@g! C0rpse del!very serv!ce
Pr!son bre@k
I mostly read mang@ and books so I'm sorry that there are not many shows lol. I'm into quite abit of kp0p but I'm not comfortable publicly kinkifying real life people so I will keep that shit to myself. :D
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allergical · 2 months ago
I've been lurking on hiccup kink tumblr for a while now and I've noticed the recent resurgence of what I thought was a long dead kinkdom. So I decided to give it a go and try my hand at kink account. I'm ace and queer so this'll be also be an account to talk about sexual urges and attraction while being as sinful as I so choose. I may or may not chicken out and go back to anonymous lurking but I'm to put some of my diabolical kink fics and headcanons on here for others viewing pleasure :D
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