sunday 19th january 2014; age 14
this post written 19.01.14 and is scheduled to be published 21.03.19 on my 20th birthday.by the time youre reading this it would have been 4 years and 51 days ago that this post was written, seems a bit mad right? as im writing this i am a 14 year old girl with long red(dyed) hair, i currently have no makeup on and am listening to 'pierce the veil-bulls in the bronx' its around 5pm and im in my room,on my own. im not even sure if this will get posted but hey. i probably wont be on tumblr when im 20 so i might never see this message again. 20 year old taya,if you're reading this then i just want to say well done, you made it through the rough years. im sure you regret cutting and always putting yourself down. i hope you found happiness and you never harm yourself ever again. (you promised yourself that you would never cut again, i hope you've been clean from January the 18th 2014) if you didnt make it to 20 then i guess you wont be reading this right now. if i have died anytime between when im writing this and when this is posed then i just want to say; im sorry to anyone i ever hurt or let down. im happy now,i miss you. but if youre still here then thats fucking amazing, i hope youve done all the things you wanted to.i hope youve been to america and met some amazing people. i hope youve cut your hair short and you lost weight. i hope youre happy and confident with yourself. im proud of you. i dont really know what to say, i just hope youre happy now. <3333
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