*stays home* i should’ve gone out *goes out* i should’ve stayed home
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do you ever just fucking hate yourself for not working hard enough to reach your full potential?? cuz same.
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“To her I was ordinary, but to me ,she was the New York City skyline on Christmas day, lightly dusted with snow; breathtaking.”
— Kodie Johnson (via all-dreams-aside)
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You’ll know
You’ll know it’s her when she smiles at you and your breath catches in your throat, like you’re afraid that if you exhale the moment will pass to quickly. You’ll know it’s her, when the first time your fingers touch, during the exchange of a lighter, you’ll roll your thumb over your index finger just to remember, and you will suddenly never keep a lighter in your pocket. You’ll know it’s her because the first night that she lays her head on your arm and you watch her fall asleep, you’ll realize you’re counting her freckles and you’re etching every detail of her face into your head, so you can never forget the mole to the left of her nose or the way she pouts in her sleep, You’ll know it’s her because she knows it’s you. It’s as simple and complex as that.
- Kodie Johnson (via all-dreams-aside)
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Love isn’t flowers and kissing in the rain
Its brown eyes you wake up to in the morning
Love isn’t choclates and teddy bears
Its soft lips with a beautiful smile
Love isn’t what I thought it would be
It turned out to be her
And even when I didnt know her
I knew this is what it would feel like
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really want to go sit in the middle of nature and not think for a while
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No one will fuck you better than someone who gets pleasure from making you cum
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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
— Lao Tzu - (hatin)
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I hope you all find someone who gives you cute names and tells you it’s adorable when you do embarrassing things and hugs you when it’s early in the morning and makes you feel like you have a whole disneyland fireworks show going off inside your body and never ever lets you go
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