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&nbsp Alkalife is a natural, dietary supplement that plays an important part in keeping your body free from acid waste buildup. Alkalife pH boosters are the foundation of an alkaline diet lifestyle. Just a few drops of Alkalife turns ordinary drinking water into high pH alkaline water. What does this mean for your body? In short, you give your body what it needs to achieve optimum health and longevity. Profile Links YouTube Blogger Wordpress Gravatar Tumblr Twitter Diigo Evernote Getpocket GDrive OneNote Facebook Instagram AboutMe Instapaper Disqus PaperLi
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
Six Ways To Make Alkaline Water
There are numerous ways about how to make alkaline water, in this post we will cover six of the most popular ways that people go about making alkaline water to help reduce acidity within their bodies.  
The primary reason people want to drink alkaline water is because it can greatly reduce the level of acidity within the body.  High levels of acidity have been linked to a slew of health problems such as inflammation, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even the growth of damaging free radicals that can turn cancerous.  So it’s no wonder so many people are now exploring what a better state of alkalinity can do for the human body.  
Below are six ways in which people alkalize their drinking water:
pH Booster Drops - By far the easiest and most convenient way to make water alkaline is by using pH drops that already have the correct formulation to raise the water’s pH level to 10 which is optimal to see the effects of an alkaline diet. 
Baking Soda - An easy way to create alkaline water with readily homemade ingredients is with baking soda, however be sure to first understand how much baking soda is needed, you don’t want to overdo it. 
Lemon Juice - This one is a bit controversial, as citrus is acidic, however lemon juice seems to increase urine pH.  However blood pH levels are not confirmed yet. 
Water Filter Pitcher - While a water filter pitcher's primary function is not to alkalize water but rather to filter impurities out some of them do by default of the impurities being removed increases the pH level of the water. 
Whole House Filtration Systems - This is basically the same idea as a water filter pitcher just for the entire home. 
Water Ionizer - These machines are designed to increase the water’s pH and do a good job of it, the only downfall here is the cost of these machines is quite substantial. 
All of the above mentioned six methods to alkalize water are effective, however for most people the best bet is to use 10pH booster drops.  These drops are formulated with the best level of alkalinity for the body and also are very convenient and easy to use pretty much anywhere you are since the dropper can fit in a purse or even a pocket.  
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
How Alkaline Water Effects Your Digestive Health & Ability To Absorb Nutrients
A well functioning digestive tract also known as the Gastrointestinal tract, or GI tract, is essential to remain healthy.  And there is benefit to every part of the GI tract when drinking alkaline water. The digestive tract encompasses all of the organs involved with eating and eliminating waste from the body.  This includes your stomach, colon, small & large intestines and even your duodenum.
The reason alkaline water has an effect on digestion is that the digestive tract is pH sensitive. The way this works is food triggers the GI tract to release hormones, which in turn release the needed enzymes for proper digestion. The pH in the food you eat is a factor used to trigger these hormones. 
An important distinction needs to be made that pH alone does not trigger digestion enzymes. Due to this, alkaline water alone will not trigger the release of stomach acid, on an empty stomach alkaline water passes right through the intestines. 
It’s when you eat, that pH is a key factor in telling your stomach which hormones need activation. Sluggish digestion with poor nutrient absorption, happens when the stomach isn’t getting triggered to release the correct enzymes. Poor digestion can lead to a slew of health problems such as ulcers, gas, acid reflux and more! 
The thing is your stomach and intestines are both pH sensitive, so when your pH level is healthy and balanced what you eat triggers the correct hormones, releasing the correct enzymes, therefore leading to healthy digestion and more nutrients being absorbed into your body.  However the opposite happens when your pH level is off, slowing and disrupting digestion and resulting in a poor amount of absorption of key nutrients. 
For people interested in incorporating alkaline water into their diet the original patented 10pH booster drops Alkalife are one of the best options on the market.
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
How Alkaline Water Can Boost Your Immune System
If you go to the doctor and get diagnosed with a fever it’s always recommended to drink plenty of fluids and remain hydrated. Reason being, water allows our bodies to maintain healthy functions allowing us to stave off sickness and disease more effectively. 
However staying hydrated shouldn’t just be something you do when the doctor tells you to because you’ve fallen ill. It should be something that becomes a normal habit, and to take it to the next level and really boost your immune system, drinking alkaline water should be incorporated into your diet. 
Alkaline water is water that has a higher pH level than usual, when water is above the neutral point it is considered alkaline. Alkaline water is only slightly higher than the neutral point. 
Fighting off toxic chemicals is difficult work for the body to do while trying to maintain healthy functions, often this leads to people feeling lazy and weak while the body is attempting to fight off toxic chemicals. 
When the body is in an acidic state it produces more toxins, this is where alkaline water comes into play. When introduced to the body, alkaline water, often administered into a cup of water as pH booster drops, works to neutralize the acids present. 
In addition to neutralizing acid, alkaline water is absorbed into the body quite easily. Thus allowing the water you drink to be used in the body more effectively. The function water plays in your body to help flush out harmful chemicals and toxins becomes much more efficient when drinking alkaline water regularly. 
Another often unspoken about benefit is that drinking alkaline water can improve the performance of your circulatory system.  The quality of your blood is altered with higher pH levels allowing it to carry more oxygen to your vital organs. 
When you combine neutralizing harmful acid, increasing the body's hydration levels and ability to more easily flush out toxins with increased circulatory performance your immune system gets a significant boost and is more ready to fend off foreign pathogens and ward off infections.
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
Alkaline Water’s Role in Removing Acid From Bloodstream & Lactic Acid Build Up
Alkaline water has shown to be very helpful in aiding the body to remove acid from the bloodstream and also to decrease lactic acid build up.  The pH increase from drinking alkaline water helps greatly neutralize the acid in our bodies.  
While there are other lifestyle choices such as exercise, proper diet, not drinking or smoking that all contribute greatly towards the body enjoying a less acidic environment the body is greatly assisted by adding pH drops to drinking water. The body remaining in a highly acidic state over time accumulates a lot more toxins, therefore further accelerating the potential for deadly diseases to take hold. 
Another problem that drinking alkaline water helps with is lowering the lactic acid build up often associated with intense exercise. Lactic acidosis is the phrase associated when lactic acid is present in the body and lactate in the muscles. This lactic acid build up is what is responsible for when weight lifters and athletes get sore muscles.  
A major benefit of the high alkaline state your body is in when taking pH drops is that it can help quickly get rid of this lactic acid build up, therefore limiting the recovery time needed for athletes to continue training rigorously. 
For people looking to greatly neutralize the acid build up in your bloodstream and also in your muscles look no further than Alkalife, the original patented pH booster drops.
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
Does Drinking Alkaline Water Help Detox Our Bodies?
One of the major underlying causes to many health problems and areas of toxic build up is an acidic environment. When we metabolize food and produce waste this adds to the body's acidity, along with other lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise and smoking.  
Years of accumulation of toxins can lead to poor blood and lymph circulation and poor cell activity which results in preventing proper nutrients from entering cells, thus weakening cells making them unable to perform their duties.  This toxic accumulation can eventually lead to a litany of diseases. 
Our bodies pH level plays a vital role in keeping this acidic environment in check, oxygen deprivation occurs in a highly acidic state. The combination of acid plus a lack of oxygen is a perfect environment for cancer cells.  The ideal blood pH level for an adult is 7.35. Anything lower begins to help promote acidity. 
There are numerous ways in which we can avoid the highly acidic state that leads to poor health and disease.  But paramount to this effort is to increase our bodies alkalinity and pH level.  This can be done via: proper alkaline diet, exercise, and taking alkaline water supplements.  
The three biggest contributors to illness and health issues are: dehydration, over-acidification & oxidation (free-radical damage) of cells.  Ionized, alkaline water addresses all three of those issues.  Our job is to help keep our body clean, meaning to: no eat processed foods, consume soft drinks and power drinks, limit alcohol, don’t smoke, eat less meat and more fruits/vegetables and lower stress levels where possible. 
So while there's more to detoxing the body than simply just drinking alkaline water, it does go a long way to helping maintain the body's healthy pH level, which in turn removes the body from being in such an acidic state.  Combine drinking alkaline water with proper diet and exercise and the body will go a long way towards healthy detoxification. 
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
Does Alkaline Water Increase Hydration and Energy In Athletes?
The purpose of drinking alkaline water is to help the body maintain a more alkaline state as opposed to being in a more acidic state which is unhealthy for our bodies. The “alkaline” in alkaline water is referring to the pH level.  The pH level ranges from 0-14, with 1 being extremely acidic and 13 being very alkaline. 
Normal drinking water is a neutral pH of 7, typically alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9, sometimes even 10. One of many benefits to regularly drinking alkaline water is that it helps maintain hydration, which is key to athletic performance and maintaining good energy levels. 
For this reason many athletes are now incorporating into their diets pH booster drops that will help the water they drink maintain a higher pH level and increase the overall alkalinity in their system. A good hydration state provides a higher opportunity to achieve an optimal physical and mental state in which to compete or train with higher intensity. 
This isn’t just speculation either in 2017 there was a study done taking 36 well trained male soccer players to see if alkaline water supplements helped maintain hydration after intense exercise.  That study can be found here as well as here.
The study concluded with saying, “It can be concluded that the habitual consumption of highly alkaline mineralized water can significantly improve hydration status. Alkaline water with a pH as high as 9.3 can improve resting and exercise acid-base balance and thus improve both, aerobic and anaerobic performance. Daily recommendations for alkaline water intake should be strictly individualized, and in case of competitive athletes depend on their age, sex, body mass, BMR, training volume and intensity, diet, type of sport discipline and the environment in which the training or competition takes place. ”
The top company providing alkaline water supplements is the original patented pH booster Alkalife. With just a few drops a normal glass of water can be turned into alkaline drinking water with a pH of 10.  
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alkalifeblog · 5 years ago
What Is Alkaline Water And Why Is It Good For You?
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What is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water, described as water with a value on the pH scale higher than 7 (7 is neutral), has increased in popularity in recent years due to rising awareness about its potential health benefits. Advocates of alkaline water tout its ability to help the body deal with chronic metabolic acidosis, a root cause of many adult degenerative bodily conditions. Acidosis is a result of a number of factors including poor diet, stress and environmental conditions.
How is Alkaline Water Made?
There are several different ways to make water alkaline, but not all of them are simple, convenient or necessarily good for you. But there are other popular methods for making alkaline water as well, which we will explore briefly here.
Minerals may be used to increase the pH level of water. An alkaline pH booster such as Alkalife pH Booster Drops can be very convenient and might make the most sense for your wallet. Critical alkaline minerals, such as potassium and sodium, are often missing in municipal water sources. These can be added to create alkaline water with electrolytes. The minerals are typically stable and hold their pH for months and even years, depending on the mineral form and method of production.
Read More: What Is Alkaline Water And Why Is It Good For You?
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