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Discover with me my dissertation's subject! training- adult training- enhance -social work representations- career change -training manager
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alixbadaud · 4 years ago
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Welcom on my blog !
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alixbadaud · 4 years ago
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Training session in a company.
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alixbadaud · 4 years ago
Summary of my research
Hi, I’m Alix, a student who studies science of education and training. In that purpose I want to talk more about the subject of my dissertation which is « social work representations of trainers who followed a career change ».
I’m interested in this topic because I want to become a training manager so I think that’s important to know more about people who will work with me.
My dissertation presents in a first part the different theories of social representation. We talk about the founding father Moscovici, then J.C Abric and many others. Then, we analyse sociological explanations about career change such as age, gender or geographical area which explain the profile of trainers.  
In the second part, I interview ten people who have taken this career change training!
In the third part, I conduct a content analysis with excerpts from my transcript. I learned a lot about theses trainers whose recognition by their learners is also signifiant, it’s the pleasure of giving knowledge to others.
Finally, in the final part, I answer  my question which is to identify the different elements that explain why future trainers go into this profession. In order to argue my last part, I must validate or not my hypothesis which is that the social representation of work does not change after this type of career change. In this way, I will demontrate that future trainers have the same or a different profile than current trainers.
Thank you for reading !
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alixbadaud · 4 years ago
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Jean Claude Abric is one of my favorite autor and I base a lot of my research on is work.
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alixbadaud · 4 years ago
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Me in the future with my trainee
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