35 posts
i left my girl back home, i don't love her no more. but she'll never fucking know that, these fucking eyes that i'm staring at. let me see that ass, look at all this cash. and i emptied out my cards too, now i'm fucking lean on that. bring your love, baby, i could bring my shame. bring the drugs, baby, i could bring my pain. i got my heart right here. i got my scars right here. bring the cups, baby, i could bring the drink. bring your body, baby, i could bring you fame. and that's my mother-fucking words too. just let me motherfucking love you.wicked games -- the weeknd
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
naomi opened the cupboard he pointed to, taking a glass out before shutting it again. she set the glass and the bottle on the table. “i prefer alcohol always. i’ve never done any drugs. there’s a long tragic backstory behind that as well.” she mimicked as she twisted the cap off of the bottle of whisky, pouring a little into the glass. 
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“i’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” alistair offered in a teasing manner, playing on the usual provocative saying with a wiggle of his brows. leaning forward, he folded his arms to rest against the table. “there’s cola in the fridge if you want something to mix it with. or if that’s not your fancy, help yourself to anything else.”
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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curiously, she had began to examine the label attached to a can propped against the counter next to where she’d previously placed the pancakes; eyes squinted as she attempts to read it despite the fact it was mostly worn off and parts of it covered in smears of colored paint. though, alistair regains her attention as he begins to protest against what she had very clearly witnessed, brows perking upward in the process of his denial. “i seen you,” she emphasizes once more, breathy laughs still escaping her between words. “you can’t fool me, it’s too late i watched you almost whack your head off that cupboard and you cannot convince me of otherwise.” playfully her eyes roll as she shakes her head. “i think out of both of us i’m the more awake one, therefore more accurate.”
   “you saw nothing. you have no proof,” he shrugged his shoulders, as though his logic was irrefutable. his tone also took on a playful sound, different to the usual flirty voice he was used to using. “i still don’t know what you’re talking about. i’m awake, and i didn’t hit my head. you should see a doctor.” he drawled, waving his hand before it dropped down to rub against his jaw. “did bring me food just so you could spend the whole time making fun of me, or are we actually going to eat?” the smug smile he usually wore had faded into something that was almost a pout, and he tilted his head to look up at hunter, blinking wide eyes. “because if it’s the first one then maybe you should leave. i didn’t wake up just to be attacked like this.” 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“social expectations are a real bitch, huh ??” jasmina mused, “i’d be careful, though. you don’t want to be evicted for being a shitty neighbour or something.”
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“i’m not sure you can get evicted from this place. it’s been a year and i’m still here, and never once have i heard about someone getting kicked out. as far as i know, the landlord left us to fend for ourselves.” 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep at night, babe.” she rolled her eyes before making her way to the cupboard he was gesturing at, opening it up and taking out the bottle of whiskey. “cups? also, why don’t you drink? i try not to drink as much just because i’m around alcohol all the time, but eh.” she shrugged.
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alistair pulled out one of the chair at his tiny table, taking a seat, “that one,” he raised his hand to point at the cupboards across from the one she just dug through. “a long, tragic backstory,” he replied with a dramatic sigh, tone light and teasing as he avoided the question. “drugs are better anyway. less vomiting. surely you know the shitty side effects of alcohol.” 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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dropping her gaze to her shoes, momentarily his words quieten her. “sorry— i’m, it’s just habit.” hands fumble with the material of her blouse as she speaks. albeit, hazel eyes meet his when he mentions she should stay, something that the brunette had decided that she probably should out of politeness. after all, she had woken him up and leaving now would likely only enhance the guilt she already felt. plus, maybe she was curious about the appearance of the male’s apartment— curious to the little things that might’ve made it his rather than just any old room. at his insisting tone he didn’t hit his head, it warranted a small laugh from the lanky female, raising both her brows in disbelief. “okay, maybe you didn’t hit your head, but you very almost did.” raising a single finger she gestures toward the cupboard he’d almost hurt himself on. “i seen it with my own eyes, alistair.”
“mm,” he shrugged tiredly, glancing up onto the counter and resting his arm over his knees. there were dishes somewhat piled up beside the sink, and a couple destroyed dog toys beside the garbage, and cans of spray paint and pencils littered over almost every surface. maybe if it was someone else, they would’ve been nervous about the state of their apartment, but alistair really didn’t care. he was slowly coming too, less tired than before, and so when he looked towards hunter again, there was more emotion written across his features than before. “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he vowed, shaking his head as he tried to redeem himself. he was supposed to be the one that made sly comments and smooth talk, but hunter had caught him off guard, and the more awake he got the more he scrambled to implement that again. he couldn’t go around tarnishing his reputation. “i didn’t almost hit aything. you’re seeing things. did you get enough sleep, sunshine?” 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“i mean–you’re right.” she muttered. “don’t mind if i do, i wasn’t planning on sleeping anytime soon anyway.” she grinned as she stepped into the apartment. “you got anything to drink? preferably vodka, but anything will do, i suppose.”
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“not a surprise. i usually am,” his tone took on an arrogance that wasn’t uncommon for him, before he nudged the door shut with his foot. “i think there might be a full bottle of whiskey in the cupboard that i got as a gift last christmas. or there might not. i don’t drink, really, but if there’s anything it’d be in there,” he gestured to the cupboard above his fridge, picking up a water bottle of the counter. 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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“well, thank you for inviting me in.” again a single slender hand raises to gesture animatedly with her words, keeping her tone polite all the while. lips part and her features crease as the male hauls himself onto the counter, and in the process almost his his head. however, somehow he just about manages not to and she settles down from nearly calling out a warning to him. he offers for her to come and visit anytime, a sheepish smile twitching on her features. “i still have some at my apartment which i’m kind of hoping my dog doesn’t get a whiff of, because if that’s the case they certainly won’t be there when i get back. but, if you want me to stay and eat with you-” shoulders hunching upward, they drop moments later in a shrug as that same smile remains upon her lips. “and i think i’m fine on the floor, because unlike you i probably will hit my head if i even try to climb up there.”
“you know you don’t have to do the whole goody-goody polite thing with me, right? i dont give a shit-” a yawn, “-how nice you are.” something he had picked up even in the short period of time he knew her was that hunter always had this correctness about her, and it was something that got under his skin. alistair didn’t do politeness, because he thought it was ridiculous and he would rather someone told him how they really felt then played the ‘civil’ card.  he’d almost come to accept that hunter wasn’t going to accept his offer to stay, she hadn’t before, so it caught him off guard when she did. “hm? oh, yeah you should stay,” he drawled in a tired tone, slowly pulling himself from the tired state he was in so he could properly hold conversation. an indignant look passed over his features. “i didn’t hit my head!” he tried to play off the small mistake, because honestly, he’d been hoping she didn’t catch on. instead, he slid off the counter and to the floor, the movements kind of sluggish as he patted the floor near him. 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“says a lot of people actually. i have, but that doesn’t mean anything.” she shook her head. “there are other ways to let out aggression, you know that right? i got home early, thank god.”
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“there’s like three people with normal sleeping schedules here. i’m not going to re-work my life around them.” a soft snicker escaped him, “believe me, i know. this one just happens to be the most convenient at three in the morning. great, you can keep me company then,” stepping back from the door frame, he gestured vaguely inside.
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“as someone who doesn’t get home until about four in the morning, i totally get it. but this is the normal time to be sleeping.” naomi rolled her eyes at the male. “which brings me to my next point–why aren’t you sleeping?”
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“normal time says who? have you seen how many people are up at this time in this place?” he shrugged, “a shit sleep schedule, therapy,” alistair held up his hand, wrapped in athletic tape, “and a lot of pent up aggression. did you get home early or did i actually wake you?” 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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“Because if you complained, it’d be… absolutely absurd! You’re the one who chooses to sleep in until noon.” Emilie shook her head. “I have work in the morning and I can’t sleep with all of the noise you’re making!”
“that sounds like your problem, princess, not mine,” his arms came up to fold over his chest, “life’s not fair, so quit being so butthurt and jut deal with the fact that some people are awake at 3 am and have a different schedule to you.”
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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upon examining his features, along with the yawns that passed from his lips over the period of time she spent rambling at him; it was clear to hunter that as she feared she may have, it was likely she woke the male with her knocking. her own lips part as she’s about to apologize, when he begins to insist it’s fine. sheepishly, one hand removes itself from the plate to reach up and tuck a stray curl behind her ear, lips softly twitching upward. though, there’s a perk in her brows when he gestures toward her, something the brunette attributes to it being entirely directed toward the food in her hands. “oh, thank you,” allowing herself entrance to the male’s apartment, a timid smile graces her lips as she peers around the unfamiliar territory in curiosity. “i’ll just put these down and i can get out of your hair,” she’s quick to promise, a small feeling of guilt lingering in the pit of her stomach at the idea of having woken him.
   he pressed the door shut as hunter stepped into the apartment, turning to glare at the loud noise it unexpectedly made. he was admittedly still half asleep, and everything was a little foggy as he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes. “huh?” he hummed stupidly at first, blinking sleep from his eyes as she came into focus. “you don’t have to leave. it’s fine. you brought food,” his hand waved through the air once more as he paced across the tiny kitchen settled just in the door. he pulled himself up onto the counter almost hitting his head off the cupboards above him, “you can come visit anytime, sunshine. shouldn’t you have some anyway?” he pointed to the plate she had placed, and then patted the counter beside him. he’d been trying to get hunter in his apartment for weeks now, and he had invited her in the handful of times he had walked her back from the florist when she was working late. if he had more energy, he probably would’ve gloated. but for now, he was just tired and a tad hungry.
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“yeah, okay, i know it’s three in the morning,” alistair let out a small huff under his breath. “but i’m awake, and keeping the noise at a daytime level. they don’t have to keep their noise down when i’m sleeping at noon, and you don’t see me complaining.” 
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“I hate you and you are a crap friend,” Laila teased, shaking her head. “But I owe you, okay?” She then moved to run her fingers through her hair, pulling the hair tie out that was holding her brunette locks up into a messy bun before finally pulling out a bobby pin and handing it to him. “let’s see you work your magic.”
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a playful scoff broke free on his face. “laila, quit flirting with me!” he teased. when he took the bobby pin from her hand, there was a smug look of victory splayed across his face that he didn’t even try to hide. silently, he twisted himself so he could kneel in front of the door and, after bending the bobby pin until it was almost straight, jammed it inside the keyhole. “do you know how many times i’ve done this to my door?” he mumbled, focus intent on wiggling it in the door.
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alistairpetersx-blog ¡ 8 years ago
rubbing at one of his eyes, alistair let out a long yawn as he rested himself against the doorway of his apartment. sure, it was 10 in the morning, and sure, society dictated he probably should’ve already been awake, but to him? it still felt like an ungodly hour to be knocking on someone’s door. if it had been anyone but the cute florist that he saw everyday on his way into the parlor, he probably would’ve been very ignored. but he could always make an exception for a cute girl- especially one bearing food. turning to press his yawn into the back of his hand, he waved off her rambling tiredly. “nah, nah, s’okay,” his voice cracked from sleep as he pressed off of the door with a tired half-smile. “i don’t mind being woken up for this,” he gestured to the pancakes, and then hunter’s entire figure, before stepping back into the apartment and resting his hand on the top of the door. “you can come in, if y’what.” 
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stood before a door of one of her neighbors, the lanky female curls her skinny fingers into a small fist, before rapping it upon the wood in a knock. patiently, hunter awaited for a face to appear before her instead, and once there was one her lips found themselves lighting up into a sheepish smile. “morning, i hope i wasn’t bothering you, or that i didn’t wake you—” which is the exact moment she realizes she may have done exactly that, warranting her already nervous smile to falter somewhat. “i just, i made too much pancake batter and well.. my dog.. i already fed him some but i really don’t think he should have anymore unless i want him to weigh like.. three hundred pounds..” raising a plate coated in aluminum foil, she gestures it toward her neighbor. “i figured i could save someone from making themselves breakfast so, here.”
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