alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
I wonder how long it will take for me to stop dreaming of you. if I had known how long this love would stick to my skin, would I still have started it? yes. yes. a thousand times yes.
Fortesa Latifi (via madgirlf)
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
maybe these bodies were meant for these scars. maybe these hearts were meant to shatter from the first golden moment. maybe it was always going to be this way & all this fighting against it is for nothing.
F. Latifi (via madgirlf)
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
Your anger was the only one that could shake mine; Wrap it up in your barbaric arms and sing it to sleep. Come back. Crawl back. Since no one is ever really gone here, come back from the dead and hover in my doorway. Let me kiss your shadow. I don’t want to fight without you. Your memory is my broken fist. Your memory is the knife in my pocket, the match that burned the couch that I found you on. I will never mourn anyone as loudly as I have mourned you.
Caitlyn Siehl, Resurrect
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
When he died I opened myself to death, the way a fallen tree opens itself to the wild.
Kaveh Akbar, from “Portrait of the Alcoholic with Home Invader and Housefly,” Calling a Wolf a Wolf
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
If you could choose one person to come back from the dead, who would it be?
“ the dead CAN’T come back – why would i even bother contemplating that? “ and it’s the truth, really. alistaire lennard has no time for USELESS thoughts, useless things. 
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
Goodbye, my almost lover Goodbye, my hopeless dream
A Fine Frenzy, “Almost Lover”, One Cell in the Sea  (via wnq-music)
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
“No, I’m not praying..” Jack sighed, his hand folded in front of him. He was waiting for the moment to pass, could feel the pounding in his chest and the straining in his temples. The headache had hit hard after narrowly escaping the hoard and he could tell the dehydration was getting to him. “Just catching my breath. Don’t go far south from here, darlin’– shit ton of walkers.”  
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alistaire was a firm believer that, when it came to people, the LESS he knew, the better. while comprehending intentions and motives was certainly something he strove to do, getting comfortable with another person, understanding their quirks -- or RELIGIOUS beliefs in this case -- was not something he’d walk into willingly. that being said; NO, he did NOT ask anything nor question the not-praying man. he’d stared, and maybe something in his earthy gaze made the other believe that he was QUESTIONING him. he wasn’t. at least not consciously. “ what you do or don’t do is hardly any of my business, “ he responded, accent thick and ELEGANT. “ i appreciate the intel. “ alistaire paused, considered the situation for an instant, and then remembered his upbringing; his MANNERS. “ are you alright? unharmed? “
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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If I can’t have Captain James, as Molly’s already claimed him, can I have Ben for Christmas please? And who thinks he totally needs to do a 2015 Calendar?
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
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I don’t know how to forget you
sex // EDEN
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
{ @unfatcd​ }
his blood is made up of LOYALTY and honor, and each breath in this world he dedicates to serve; his QUEEN, his kingdom. lord allister , commander of imber’s military force, is certainly a RIGID man, but no soul alive dares to question his motives not the depth of his fidelity. there’s true passion for his calling and it shows, no matter how many stern expressions he adorns his features with. he cares for his men, for his people, for this HOMELAND, and though war and VIOLENCE are not things he celebrates he comprehends that aggressive measures are sometimes necessary. and he is the kind of man who will DO what is necessary for the greater good.
he examines scrolls with quantities written on them: numbers of the other kingdom’s forces within castus to help him properly PREPARE for any attacks on neutral territory. he trusts the enemy to remain being the enemy, no matter the circumstances, and he’s ready to jump into action when called upon. the door OPENS, and as it does it reveals the woman who keeps him worried during the night ( his queen nestled near the enemy? there’s PLENTY to worry about ). she’s regal and lovely, as any woman in her station would be. as she steps inside he bows, respectful and cordial. “ my queen, “ he begins, “ the enemy count is here. if you have the time, i would like to discuss safety measures. “
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
I like to imagine–     sometimes, in the dead of night     with only the stars left to act as witness I like to imagine a kinder world where we have never learned to swallow blood in our sleep. I know that they say make-believe is a game for children, but darling,                     lover,                             half of my heart,  none of us ever got to be children, really,  so play along with me for a little while. 
I know this world is not here, but maybe it exists somewhere��     somewhere past the last twinkling star     somewhere the moon cannot bear witness and the sun cannot reach     somewhere prayers go to live Maybe it’s real beyond the space between your breath and mine. And in this world, Sunlight is warm and gentle and welcome. There are no broken pieces of ourselves hidden in the shadows that scuttle away from daylight. There are no burial grounds in our chests tucked away like secrets where the sun cannot penetrate. The stars are just merry friends in the night, not a thousand eyes staring into our darkest corners. The wind does not whisper memories too faded to reach. The earth does not tremble with the weight of lives unlived. And in this world, Your fingers and mine fit together like a key in a lock, instead of bullets clicking into place in the chamber of a gun. Purple is the colour of violets, not bruises,     and the only red we know comes from sunrises on mountaintops. Can you imagine it? If you close your eyes and breathe real slow, Can you see it past the nightmares dancing behind your eyelids? Can you hear it beyond the pounding of your heart like a death knell?
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alistairelenncrd · 7 years
Your lungs are broken; they must be.(You cannot breathe.) Or maybe it’s just your heart.
does it matter? either way it feels like dying // p.s. (via dvoyd)
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