7 posts
she/her art, books & writing
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
i guess I never really introduced myself lol
So here that scary part goes:
Im alina ( she/her) a German artist and I love everything about art, books and writing 🕺
I mainly draw people either digitally ( via procreate with an iPad ), in pencil or with oils, but im also trying to expand my horizon by studying different drawing techniques/ methods
I mostly write in the fantasy genre as it also is one of my favorite genres to read ( besides contemporary romance) but I dipped into the coming-of age stories when I was younger
Fav books ( a very short list because that is always changing lol)
The folk of air series
The poppy war
The hunger games
Percy Jackson
Six of crows duology
And my current read is a german high fantasy book called „ Im Reich des Todesdrachen“ by the author I.B. Zimmermann
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
2022 has been a wild year, that even though I wouldn’t like to repeat for a multitude of reason, still had some positive aspects ( somehow lol)
One of them being:
I finished the very first draft of my first book !!
( actually crazy, cause I don’t know how I did it💀 I don’t know how I wrote almost 200,000 words while struggling with school and mental health, but I did it, sometimes you need to pat yourself on the back)
Writing, as any art form, isn’t easy when you first try it. And it definitely wasn’t easy for me lol
My story had been in my head years before I realized that I wanted to write it down, so wouldn’t just experience it in my daydreams ( and also because I couldn’t envision it through my art as my skills back then weren’t ready for that yet ( and still isn’t!)). I struggled a lot with how I want to express my self or how I could tell my story. I didn’t know if I liked first person narration or third, if I wanted multiple pov’s or just the one of that character of the story that came to me first. ( her names is nova, you can see her multiple times on insta and also here, and I love her a lot HAHHA) I also didn’t know *what* and * how* to write; I didn’t know if it was any good and I still don’t know lol
But I have learned to let that go and try to write just for myself. The added pressure of that invisible audience was not doing my creative progress ( and that of the story) any good.
Unhealthy perfectionism can be so harming during any creative progress and did not only put me in multiple writers block but also Art blocks. Seriously, perfectionism can kiss my a*s sometimes
Maybe I’ll share the story with others one day tho, maybe one day I’ll be ready for that. Maybe one day I’ll indulge in that secret little dream of mine to be a published author and to let my work into the world for everyone to see … but until then? I have a lot of work ahead. Not only I’m trying to develop my skills but also in gaining a bit more confident in my creative work ( i think a lot of people with mental health issues - especially self-esteem issues - can relate to that problem … but we‘ll overcome it!!)
I have to say tho, that the writing community helped a lot with the motivation that I was struggling with in the last two years, whether it was on twitter, insta or ( surprisingly) twitch ( there a wonderful german authors who do co-working in stream and talk about their processes when writing but also give tips )
All in all, 2022 was a wild year and this post is just for motivations sake so I keep writing the second one and to further develop my writing skills lol
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Happy new year people
( i also did not proofread this, so I’m sorry, my brain is tired and I’m also too lazy to check if my english grammar is correct - the struggle of someone whose native language is not english … so goodnight)
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
god you’re telling me I have to actually work on my wips
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
Fanfic writers be like: goddamnit, this idea is so fucking sad it’s making me cry just thinking about it. Let me write it down so I can inflict it on others.
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
sometimes, you have to do some promotion for yourself lol 
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alinabinaa · 2 years ago
uhm, first time *actually* being on tumblr and using it, so hello :D
if u like art check out my insta hehehe
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