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alilmuseramblings · 3 months ago
LF Raksura brief backstory:
Where all those 'tainted' by the touch of Fell are sent by those courts they once belonged to. Long ago, the Court of Ruth was formed by Raksura that banded together when their old courts rejected them. With the grouping of many different bloodlines, the court is now both old enough and large enough to have a thriving daughter court, Umbral. In addition to their generous help scarring off fell flights, Ruth still accepts 'tainted' Raksura to this day. (Nearly all Raksura that end(ed) up here were either part Fell or directly interacted with a flight to such a degree that their courts were afraid and/or disgusted by them. Their diluted Fell ancestry marks many of them darker-scaled then average Raksura.)
The Sister Mountain-thorns Ruth(less) and Umbral.
Ruth is the mother court to Umbral, the comparatively younger court. The founding queen of Ruth may be gone, but it's current reigning queen has held power for some time.
Reigning Queens of the sister courts:
Vishnu - Ruth, mother-court -direct descendant of a Forerunner -eldest queen of the two courts, more or less rules both
Rancor (dead) - Umbral, daughter-court -consorts: Hallas, Dharma -descendants: Bromell (eldest son), Azlin (younger son)
First Consort/second consort:
Sri - Ruth, First Consort -she/her -forerunner genes, not directly descended
Hallas - Umbral, First Consort -they/them
Dharma - Umbral, Second Consort -she/her
Head Mentor:
Aleth - Ruth & Umbral -best healer by far, good enough augur -training Nigel to (ideally) be head mentor for Ruth -loves many royal Aeriet more than she should -pays special attention to clutches of Krishna, Tatiana -descendant of Dharma's clutch with an arbora; half-sibling to Azlin
Sister Queens:
Oberon - Ruth -head of security/protection/predator killing -first and only consort: Tatiana -best friends/grew up with Krishna
Bromell - Umbral -eldest son of Rancor and Hallas -eldest sister queen of Umbral; has seniority -consorts: Krishna (ignored after crippling), two others i guess ;p
Azlin - Umbral -eldest son of Rancor and Dharma
Rayna Blook (Dead) - Umbral
Sister Queen Consorts:
Krishna - Umbral, originally Ruth -queen: Bromell (alliance marriage basically)
Tatiana (dead) - Ruth
Daughter Queen(s):
Darius - Ruth
Kieran - Umbral
Milo - Umbral
Kali - Umbral
young, unclaimed Consorts:
Russet / Umbra - Umbral & Ruth
Shade - Ruth & Umbral
Hadrian / Adrian - Umbral
Nora - Ruth & Umbral
Persephone - Umbral
Nyx - Ruth
Delaney - Ruth
Brook ( Glimmer’s brother ) - Ruth
Leslie ** - Ruth
Huxley - Umbral
Nigel / Dr.Idris - Ruth -head mentor-healer of Ruth in-training
Amadea / Ame - Umbral
Glimmer - Ruth -mentor, terrifyingly gifted at auguring
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alilmuseramblings · 3 months ago
Brief background story:
In the process of moving to a different mountain-tree, due to a horrible fire decimating the last one, a Fell flight took advantage and attacked. Many of their warriors were killed/injured in the resulting fight. In the confusion two of their clutched sister queens and some arbora were stolen. After the grief and trauma of these series of unfortunate events, the entire court suffers from a difficulty to clutch, with still-birth being common.
Court name: The Court of Luxure
Reigning Queen:
⦁ Topaz -she/her -massive no matter the shift -pale gold (rose-gold?) scales with pinkish-red webbing; bright red eyes -kind and soft spoken -loves to let children play on her -clutchmates: Jewel, Citrine, Onyx, Tanza -Jewel is only sister queen -Onyx was a consort who moved on to a different court -Citrine and Tanza are senior female warriors
First Consort & Second Consort:
⦁ Raggos / Old Raggy -First Consort; he/him -BIG: clearly turning into a line Grandfather -has sired many different clutches throughout the tree & with the reigning queen -more or less retired from that nonsense -mane is thick with spines and frills to the point you cant see his ears -prefers raksura shift over groundling (which is darker complexion w/long grey hair) -almost always in the nurseries -has green undertone to scales -dark eyes no matter the shift
⦁ Holly -Second Consort; she/her -tall and bony; more delicate looking than Raggy no matter the shift -keeps track of the consorts well being and training -very honest and blunt- strong morals- a consort of honor -argues with Eden about young consort and queen compatibility sometimes -bright green eyes, deep red undertone to scales; long frills and spines that match longer hair that flows down her back, wavy -the consort actively trying to make another royal clutch happen
Head Mentor:
⦁ Robin -strongest mentor in the court (magic-wise) -young for the position -peppy and determined -eggshell blue eyes, somewhat short; raksura form: coppery-red hide with long spines & frills usually pinned back by a cloth, longer tail and naturally skinny; shifted form: reddish-brown hair and a pale complexion w/freckles -they/she
Sister Queens:
⦁ Eden -claimed consorts: Gale, Lunari -manages young raksura royalty; makes sure they pair up with good bloodlines -helps with diplomacy/alliances w/other courts
⦁ Bo -claimed consorts: Lunari, Gale -used to manage patrols/hunters/soldiers for protection; kept predator pop. down -blames himself for how bad the Fell attack hit them -has early onset dementia worsened by the loss of his first consort; often doesn't remember he has a daughter -scales/hide is greying early
⦁ Jewel -she/her -clutchmate of reigning queen Topaz -also old as hell -very kind to a fault, though that does not mean she is always nice -all her previous clutches have moved on to other courts (were all consorts/warriors) -bright green scales tinged with white from age, dark pink webbing
⦁ Fionn (Dead) -birthqueen of Fynn -captured by Fell as the court was trying to move to a different location; was clutched at the time of capture & weaker -only one of their clutch survived; named him after themself in the hopes that someone would recognize his bloodline in the future -eventually killed by Fell captors
⦁ Jacobi (Dead) -birthqueen of Benji & Josephine -was also clutched during move & captured -only two of his clutch survived; gave both of them a part of his name so that they would always carry a part of him with them, and know he loved them -used to manage trade between courts and w/groundlings
Sister Queen Consorts:
⦁ Gale -first consort of Eden -consumed with the need to try and regain their population after the tragedy -often distracted to the point of accidentally neglecting his children's emotional needs -also claimed by Bo
⦁ Lunari (Dead) -first consort of Bo -also claimed by Eden -best / lead singer of the court -died of infected wounds inflected by Fell during attack
⦁ Gentry -first consort of Jewel -very stubborn/unyielding; will keep going til he gets what he wants -just as old as Raggos and still running laps around him -actively trying to help w/regaining their population
⦁ Dale -second consort of Jewel -significantly younger than Gentry, slightly older than Gale -has a good sense of judgement; can be impartial in an argument -often settles disputes within the court before they can become a queen problem -actively trying to help w/regaining their population
⦁ Shimmer (Dead) -first consort of Fionn -eventually died of heartache -sired many Arbora clutches
⦁ Konan (Dead), -first consort of Jacobi -killed trying to defend Jacobi & Fionn
Daughter Queens:
⦁ Allura -daughter of birthqueen Bo and bloodline consort Lunari -magenta scales with silver webbing; wavy, delicate frills; spines size is thicker & long, not as many of them as normal going down spine; red/orange eyes
⦁ Regina -daughter of Jewel and Dale -light blue scales with a vibrant pink, swirling web; spines are both blue and pink all the way down spine; one blue eye, one pink
⦁ Fynn -birthqueen (Fionn) captured by Fell; bloodline consort died from heartache: has many half-clutchmates -change parents to Fell Rulers that he & Benji kill -raised by Arbora alongside Benji, Josephine, Coco, Lewy -experimented on by Carrion -mostly purple scales with hints of former green hue in spines/along stomach, golden webbing; green eyes that get more purple when aggitated
⦁ Benji -birthqueen Jacobi, bloodline consort Konan -raised by Arbora alongside Fynn, Coco, Lewy, and only surviving clutchmate Josephine -helped Fynn kill Fell Rulers -dark blue scales w/darker purple hued spines, white/cream colored web; bright blue eyes that get swirls of purple when aggitated
Unclaimed Consorts:
⦁ Rohan, son of Eden and Gale -raksuran shift: mismatched pink eyes; consort black w/shorter spines that get smaller as they go down spine; shorter tail than average -groundling shift: pink eyes, one of which is darker than the other; pale complection w/short cropped blonde hair; tall and skinny -clutchmates: Desi, Corbel
⦁ Desi, son of Eden and Gale -raksuran shift: surprisingly small for a consort; mane of frills rounds out face; spines are thin and long, dont go all the way down tail; tail is thin and long; pink eyes -groundling shift: fair complection; blonde hair that is longer, held in a pony at nap of neck -clutchmates: Rohan, Corbel
⦁ Josephine (Dead) -hatchmate of Benji -believed that she and Benji should procreate to start up their own colony -raksuran shift: consort black w/purple undertone; fully purple eyes -groundling shift: bronze skintone w/long dark hair (blue toned)
⦁ Corbel / Corbin / Corbi / Cor -warrior born from a royal clutch (Eden & Gale) -clutchmates: Desi, Rohan -raksuran shift: indigo scales that flare brighter violet in the light; light violet eyes -groundling shift: pale complection with shorter blonde hair; light violet eyes -they/he pronouns, trans
⦁ Penn / Penny / Penelope -scrawny female warrior -raksuran shift: slate blue scales, dull purple eyes -groundling shift: medium length hair in a tight pony w/longer bangs covering one eye
⦁ Esme -former Arbora that metamorphasized into warrior due to lack in mountain-tree -small and stocky for a warrior due to arbora roots -not that fast of a flyer, great at climbing & gliding -parented Tsuki before her metamorphasis -very awkward -pale pink eyes -raksura shift: yellow scales with orange undertone w/short frills and spines; -groundling shift: naturally round face w/bob of brown hair & pale complection
⦁ Hans -helpful warrior male -born a female warrior, identifies as male -big and strong -pale blue scales, soft round frills, very few but long spines -gives good hugs
⦁ Lewis -Katrina's Father's main fuckbuddy -eldest warrior male -leads the warriors that go with arbora hunters
⦁ Preston -clutchmates: Marrissa, three others -raksura shift: orange scales w/lighter belly, long tail -groundling shift: gangly and tall, red hair shaved short, bright green eyes
⦁ Allison -female warrior born from a royal clutch (Jewel) -thinks she's better than everyone else -bullys the other warriors
⦁ Tanza -clutchmate of Topaz, Citrine, Jewel -old as hell, to point of being faded scale color (grey purple) -used to be senior female warrior that greated other queens to the court -heavily scarred from fight against Fell attack -more or less retired; isn't allowed to fight, can still help train warriors -speaks for Topaz still; training younger female warriors to do so
⦁ Citrine (Dead) -former senior female warrior that spoke for Topaz -clutchmate of Topaz, Tanza, Jewel
⦁ Katrina; mentor, prefers work as agrarian -can augur with plants -only surviving fledgling of clutch, birthparent weak from childbirth & clutchmates (already small and weak) died of disease -when she learned of this, she blamed herself for the loss -maimed herself in nursery, lost most if not all of sight in one eye -preffers to stay in groundling shift; taller than normal Arbora in either shift -raksura shift: grey-blue scales, darker spines; pale-grey scarring around lame eye -groundling shift: bronze skin, black hair shaved in back, long in front (covers lame eye)
⦁ Katrina's Father; senior artisan
⦁ Katrina's Mother; senior agrarian, -dead of lung disease after clutching
⦁ Lucinda; mentor: hall manager -manages the guest hall for visting courts -raksura shift: blue-green scales, long spines -groundling shift: pale complection, LONG hair usually in an updo
⦁ Lucinda's parents; scholar/teacher & mentor
⦁ Oliver; teacher: head of the nurseries -daughter in Tsuki / Kiki - Oliver & Esme’s child before her metamorphosis
⦁ Oliver's parents; teacher, artisan
⦁ Leo; hunter / artisan ( cook / drink maker )
⦁ Wick; artisan ( tea crafter ) w/low level mentor abilities
⦁ Cocoa; hunter / soldier -daughters Arianna & Leah (half fell) -clutchmate: Lewy -considers Fynn & Benji her family
⦁ Marrissa; teacher (nursery caretaker) -clutchmates: Preston, three other unnamed people ugh -has a clutch with Marlene -Fledgling clutch: Mandy (arbora), Mint (warrior), Morrow (warrior), Magenta (arbora), Moss (arbora)
⦁ Marlene; scholar teacher -dating Marissa; has a clutch with her -doesn't like Preston
⦁ Preston and Marrissa's parents; artisans
Lost band:
Fynn & Benji (queens), Cocoa & Lewy (arbora), Josephine (consort), Arianna & Leah (half-fell warriors)
Kings Band: A group of Raksura that decided they wanted to make a new court "their own way" so they left/abandoned their original court. ⦁ King - Consort ⦁ Rita - Queen ⦁ Snipe - Warrior ⦁ Switch - Warrior ⦁ Penn / Penny - Warrior fledgling
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alilmuseramblings · 3 months ago
Ramblings masterpost
Raksuran things:
About Raksura About Fell About other species within the raksuran universe Fell!muse's names and info Luxure Court names and info Ruth and Umbral Courts name and info
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alilmuseramblings · 3 months ago
Fell Flight info/notes
The Fell:
In a world full of mindless predators, they are the most dangerous, seeing every other species- groundling, treeling, coastal, it doesn't matter- as prey. Fully carnivorous, they will eat fresh and rotting meat alike, and have no qualms about cannibalizing their own kind. They are shapeshifters who, like Raksura, have two forms: winged-reptilian-humanoid with dark exoskeleton-like armor and scales, and a hypnotic groundling form, used primarily to infiltrate groundling communities they intend to prey on. They're responsible for the general distrust of shapeshifters, which causes the Raksura considerable inconvenience. Fell have very little sense of morality, and any hunting tactic — mass-murder, infiltration, mind control, rape, and so on — as fair game. It is said that the fell don't create- only steal. It is also said that they constantly smell of rotten meat and blood. Excluding the kethel, the Fell are generally smaller than the Raksura Aeriat. All Fell have a bony crest on their head & horns sprouting from their sharp brows. Kethal crests are either smaller or not there, instead sporting massive horns and spikes all down their spine and tail. Unlike the feather-like scales of the Raksura, the Fells scales are broad and thick, sometimes acting more so like armor over leathery skin. Their wings span is smaller than the Raksura with very little to no scales over the wing's arms, the membrane itself leathery.
The Fell flights are divided into a much smaller caste system:
Progenitor: The 'queen' equivalent of the flight. They control their entire Fell Flight through mind control, their morality and will echoed by the entire flight, and are the only one capable of giving birth to more Fell. They mate with Rulers in order to do so. While they are not physically strong or as heavily armored as the rest of the Fell, they are able to use tricks of perception and psychic manipulation with ease.
Rulers: The 'consort' equivalent of the flight. They, too, can control the flight through mind control, to a more limited extent, always deferring to their progenitor. Two Rulers will form a psychic bond with each other for life, breeding with a progenitor until either it or they die. With their strong telepathy, they are capable of mentally communicating with rulers from other flights over long distances, even if decapitated.
Kethel: Giant, heavily armored fliers that rival a line-grandfather in size, strength, and speed. Much like the major in an ant colony, they are the muscle of the flight, capable of breaking through solid stone and carrying many smaller flight members at once. Outside of the control of a progenitor or ruler, they are just as intelligent as the average Raksura warrior, though it is rare to find one not connected to a flight.
Drakti: The grunts of the flight, they are the warrior equivalent Fell. They are smaller than a warrior, and weak minded, easily controlled by their Progenitor and Rulers. Born in great numbers, their purpose is to overrun and overwhelm with shear numbers. All to bring back meat for their Progenitor to continue to birth their numbers.
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alilmuseramblings · 3 months ago
Raksura info/notes
Raksura are shapeshifters who have two forms: groundling, which is a humanoid form and the one they’re often in, and Raksura, which is a winged or wingless reptilian-lion gargoyle-like form and the one they take when they fight or hunt. The raksuran form can come in an assortment of jewel like colors; they loose their color as they age, turning grey and white. While they are omnivorous, they require a lot of raw meat in their diet to stay healthy.
Raksura are polyamorous and raise their young communally. They tend to be named after nouns that follow a theme within lines of descent, (but for the sake of my sanity that will not always be the case). There are normally 5 babies/fledglings in a single clutch. It is common to choose a conception partner for non-romantic reasons, such as to produce young of a specific caste (like arbora mentors), or simply because bloodlines are free to mingle.
Winged Raksura, called Aeriats, are divided into three castes: queen, consort, and warrior.
Wingless Raksura, called Arbora, are divided into many different castes that all work together to make the court function (acting much like the worker ants/bees of the species): mentor, teacher/scholar, hunter, agrarian, artisan, and soldier.
Only female Arbora can feed raksuran babies for the first week or so until they switch to meat broth. All raksuran young are born soft scaled and bronze colored, with a full set of teeth and soft baby claws. They are unable to shift into another form until later in life.
Arbora as a species evolved to be naturally more in tune with the creative side of their brain than the aeriats. The aeriats were, long ago, a separate species that merged with the arbora forerunners, and are therefore less creatively minded.
Forerunners are what we're going to call the ancestors of the Arbora and Aeriet/Fell that merged together to form the Raksuran race. Because of the merger, Raksuran Queens evolved to have a shift between Arbora and Aeriat only.
The castes within the Aeriat:
Queens: the winged aeriat that can give birth to more winged aeriat- 'daughter' queens, consorts, and warriors; can only shift between aeriat form and arbora form.
Queens can suppress their fertility at will.
Queens are, physically, the strongest of the Aeriat
Queens have a strong protective/aggression instinct
Queens are the only raksura that have a secondary color over top their scales, referred to as a 'web'.
There are three different levels of power a queen can have in a court:
Reigning queen: the term for a queen that oversees the entire court; forms an innate mental/emotional link to the rest of the court Sister queen: the term for a queen that helps the reigning queen govern the court. Normally (cultural norm) can only become a sister after they have gained a consort. Daughter queens: the term for a young queen that is not actively helping to rule a court. commonly do not have a consort.
Consort: the winged aeriat that help sire more raksura.
Can only shift between Raksura and groundling form; can mate with an arbora to produce more arbora (in the hopes of that arbora having mentor abilities) or warriors, and with a queen to produce more royal warriors, consorts, and queens.
Physically, they are always black-scaled, with the occasional accent color along the underside of their scales.
Culturally, consorts are expected to not do things such as hunt or fight, and are expected to be refined, shy, and delicate.
While they start out weaker, the older they get the bigger- and stronger- they become, basically growing into their power with age
this power is similar to a queens presence- their ability to exert their will with their voice, whither that is to force a shift or to calm a raging queen
All consorts are expected to visit and help run the nurseries.
Within a court, a consort can have a few different specialty titles:
First Consort: the title for the reigning queens first consort. Oversees the younger consorts learning/growth, and eventual leaving to join another court. Keeps track of the bloodlines within their court. Is often a physical representation of the alliance between courts. Second Consort: the title for a reigning queens second consort. Similar responsibilities to the First, and acts as a support for the first, like a sister queen to the reigning queen. Not every court will have a first and second consort. Line Grandfather: an incredibly old, non-active consort that is (in older courts) commonly the first of their bloodline, if not certainly the eldest living one. Sometimes acts as a teacher of young consorts and keeps track of all the bloodlines within their court. Line-grandfathers are largely exempt from Raksuran etiquette. Not every court has a line grandfather.
Warriors: the winged aeriat that serve as the courts protection from predators, enemy courts, hostile groundlings, and Fell flights.
Commonly smaller than queens and consorts, and physically weaker/slower.
Warriors born from a queen are referred to as a warrior from a 'royal clutch'
Warriors from a royal clutch tend to be stronger than the average warrior
Female warriors are commonly stronger and bigger than male warriors. (For the sake of my sanity, this will sometimes be ignored as well)
Culturally, a female warrior (ideally from a royal clutch) acts as a queens voice when interacting/engaging with another court. This avoids the rival queens immediately pissing each other off and starting a fight.
Traditionally, warriors that are cluchmates with a queen will form and lead a warrior faction that protects and directly serves that queen. This will also happen with warriors and consorts.
The (broad) castes within the Arbora:
Mentor: The mentor caste of the Arbora have latent Psychic Powers that include auguring the future and sensing the attention of hostile forces, the ability to create light by infusing magic into inanimate objects, like rocks, shells, even plants, and delving into the minds of other raksura to cure them of fell influence or to put them into a healing trance for treatment from injury. Not every mentor is capable of doing all those things. Most all mentor's are involved with making sure the heartseed of the mountain-thorn is healthy.
Teacher/scholar: Arbora that teach, maintain the history of the court, keep track of court bloodlines. Teachers are commonly nursery attendants that focus on raising and teaching fledgling raksura. Some teach young arbora the ways of whatever specific craft they work with.
Hunter: Arbora that regularly manage the beasts within the courts territory via hunting or husbandry. On the mountain-thorn itself, they help maintain the trees health by killing pest species that, while harmless to raksurans, would be harmful to the tree or crops growing on it.
Agrarian: The farmer arbora. Arbora that cultivate the mountain-thorn and the mountain tree's that surround it. While the simplest sounding, it is one of the most important castes, as these arbora are responsible for all of the food and plant resources that the court needs to survive and thrive, in addition to maintaining the places of leisure within the court.
Artisans: Arbora that specialize in making things for the court. This can be textiles, ceramics, painters, jewellery crafters, weavers/leather-workers for clothing, sculptors, and artisanal food (cooks) of all kinds.
Soldier: Arbora that join the warriors to patrol the courts territory. They are more than likely to stay near the mountain thorn or reside in outposts at the edge of the courts territory in order to keep it safe from possible invaders.
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alilmuseramblings · 3 months ago
Fell!muse Raksura Notes
Brief background story summary:
The result of a prominent Fell flight completely overrunning a Raksuran court in an attempt to create a 'new breed' of Fell- stronger, faster, capable of Arbora mentor abilities- that mimics the distant Forerunner race both Raksuran Aeriet and Fell share. Most, if not all Raksura in this court are part Fell to various different degrees.
Moutain-thorn ___
Strife, Dissonant, Razor, Haven
Main characters:
Eventual Reigning Queen(s):
Bane - Queen / Ruler -ruby red scales with ivory webbing; shorter than average -spines are short, but densely clustered on back of head; mostly covered by frills -has progenitor bone-crest and heavy brow; broke crest -only surviving clutchmate Aleister -red eyes
Aleister - Queen / Progenitor -ivory scales with blood red webbing; got all the tall juice -spines are short & not very dense w/few frills -has ruler bone-crest on head & sharper features -only surviving clutchmate Bane -red eyes
Eventual first Consort(s):
Nerida - Consort -no surviving clutchmates -raksuran shift: black scales with blue undertone, long spines and frills (messy); red eyes -groundling shift: bronze skin, bright red hair that is long and often messy; red eyes -less fell blood than the rest, makes up for it by being FERAL -raised/cared for by bloodline consort before ultimately mercy killing him
Salem - Consort / Kethel -clutchmates: Cal, Agni, Brigid -racksuran shift: black with red undertone scales, the size of a kethel but less bulky, more sleek, and lacks the arching horns -groundling shift: black hair, pale skin, deep red eyes; right eye is a lazy eye -pretends to be more brainwashed/hypnotized than he actually is -only 'friend' in Minerva, clings to her after loss of clutchmates
Head Arbora Mentor:
Angel - Arbora Mentor / Drakti -raksuran shift: dark magenta scales, short messy spines -groundling shift: pale complection, dark brown & messy hair -red-brown eyes, one of which is blind/heavily scarred -arbora parent was direct descendant of an Arbora Forerunner who was the overrun courts head mentor -no surviving clutchmates -very small due to mixed drakti blood -best at dispelling Fell influence from the mind
Important side characters:
Minerva - Arbora Mentor / Drakti -already being 'hollowed out' by The Mother -taught by Carrion in the art of mentor powers -befriended Salem, emotionally manipulates him -eventually killed by the main four
Gerson - Arbora Mentor -oldest living arbora mentor in the overrun court -trained Pyre & Angel in mentor ways -fiercely protective of the fledglings; de-facto head of the nurseries -seen as the leader of the captured/stolen arbora after the head mentors mental breakdown and subsequent death -to tenacious to be killed off for his age
Pyre (Grilby) - Arbora Mentor -pure raksuran arbora, one of the last born in the overrun court -very good at auguring; strong enough to conjure fire -warrior clutchmates and arbora parents end up meals to the drakti
Mitzy / Madame Octa (Muffet) - Consort -pure raksuran consort, one of the last born in the overrun court -no surviving clutchmates (they were all warriors, deemed useless, and culled)
Holly (hand-monster) - Arbora, eventually head Teacher -clutchmates: Ilex (warrior), Gallberry (arbora), Ever (warrior), Tannin (warrior)
Trixie (catty) - Female Warrior, speaks for Bane -clutchmates: Evie (Warrior), Farah (Arbora), Bliss (Warrior), Abbie (Arbora)
Rafi (bratty) - Female Warrior, speaks for Aliester -clutchmates: Raise (Arbora), Athan (Arbora), Morning (Arbora), Earli (Arbora)
Lupine (NB) - Arbora, eventually head Soldier
Tessa (Shopkeep B) - Arbora, eventually head hallkeeper
Stone (BP) - Arbora, eventually head jeweler
When Bane and Aleister kill the Rulers, it triggers a massive uprising in the captured Raksura, led by Nerida. A small subsection of them (the younger Aeriet that are most likely to wing away to safety and whoever they can carry; older arbora that fight stay behind to protect the rest) escape the hive together before the flight can regroup. (The rest are only saved when Aleister is taken back to the hive by Minerva and Salem and plan Behead the Mother occurs.)
Named Fell Members: (All killed overtime)
The Mother, Lillith - Progenitor -singlemindedly focused on making/having children & making them 'one with the flight' -caring&gentle to fledglings, calous and cruel the minute they're old enough to fend for themselves/provide for the flight -incapable of understanding her subjects are capable of free will -has Raksuran queen blood in her
Lucifer / His Maleficence - Ruler -Lillith's most devoted ruler -has Raksuran queen blood in him, making him larger than normal -rapes both Aleister and Bane; sire of Aleister's first clutch
Carrion (Gaster) - Arbora Mentor / Drakti -allowed free will to the extent that he can still access his mentor abilities -makes simples (magical science potions) that are used on Raksura (experiments)
The Prominent Dead:
Strife, of the court of Aster - birthqueen of Aleister and Bane -a victim born of the fell flights first conquest -raised by The Mother and saved from her influence by the arbora Gerson -named herself -half fell, half raksuran queen
Calcifer/Cal - Warrior / Kethel -clutchmates to Salem, Ash, Brigid -kethel size/strength deemed useful enough to waste resources on raising -killed trying to bring food back for his family
Ash - Warrior / drakti -clutchmates to Salem, Calcifer, Brigid -died from illness when quite young
Brigid - Warrior / drakti -clutchmates to Salem, Calcifer, Ash -became sick, was culled to not waste resources on infertile warrior
CLUTCHES OVER TIME: (in order of age)
Aleister's First Clutch: (the amalgamates) -Salem more or less adopts them as his own.
Memoria (memoryhead) - Warrior -raksura shift: silver green scales, mane of spines a thorny mass all down spine to tip of tail, no frills; oversized teeth -groundling shift: no hair (would be black), pale complexion, inked designs on skin -pale golden eyes -she/her
Charon (endogeny) - Warrior Kethel -Raksura shift: dark matte red raksura feather-like scales are larger and more segmented like fell armor; mane of spines a thorny mass all down spine to tip of tail, no frills -groundling shift: tall and skinny, wavy dark red/black hair that reaches shoulders, usually half pulled up to keep out of eyes -BIG in both shifts -dark brown eyes -they/them
Obitus (reaper bird) - Queen -bluish purple scales with wavy orange webbing, small horn-like fell crests -angular facial features & fell forehead crest -dark blue eyes -he/him
Ankou (lemon bread) - Warrior -raksura shift: pale yellow scales, short tail, vestigial wings -groundling shift: long brown, wavy hair; teeth to big for her mouth=underbite; short, but still built aeriat lean -golden eyes -shortest of the clutch -she/her
Nex/Nexus (snowdrakes mother) - Queen -white/silver scales like birthqueen, multiple fell crests present on winged form instead of spines that are shorter in arbora form; long frills -purple webbing slowly turning black w/age -green eyes -she/her
Bane & Nerida's clutch:
Riley - Queen -pale blue scales, cream webbing that spikes around body, red eyes, short frills & spines like birthqueen -soft spoken boy, he/him -lean build
Asher - Warrior -raksuran shift: dark blue -groundling shift: -warrior male -often with Riley -
Brooke - Warrior -raksuran shift: dark red scales -groundling shift: -warrior female -will grow up to speak for Riley -
Blake - Consort -raksuran shift: -groundling shift: -
Miah - Warrior -raksuran shift: -groundling shift: -will grow up to
Aleister & Salem's clutch:
Amara - Queen, she/her -Raksuran shift: red/pink scales, thin/jagged white web w/white&red spines down back to tail tip; red eyes -often bugging her older half-siblings (dragging Zahara along)
Zahara - Warrior, she/her -raksuran shift: ivory like her birthqueen, yellow undertone -groundling shift: pale complexion like Salem w/freckles and strawberry blonde hair; pale red eyes -often with Amara
Meera - Warrior-Kethel, she/her -raksuran shift: deep blue scales, horn-crest, spines on head and tail-tip only -groundling shift: black, spiky hair, stout; red eyes -often with Khari
Khari - Consort, she/her -raksuran shift: consort black w/green undertone -groundling shift: black, long hair, lean build; pale red eyes
Sakura - Warrior, she/her -raksuran shift: pale pink scales, stout build -groundling shift: tall, pale complexion w/freckles & red hair, grey eyes -often with Khari
Addicus ( Annoying/Angry Dog ) -sentient quadruped banished from his pack for being born 'cursed' -is albino, long-furred, and about 200-some pounds of pure muscle -incapable of speaking other languages other than their native one -species is naturally telepathic, mainly communicating via impressing their emotions and intent on each other, growls/snarls/howls/body movements are secondary
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