aliensmoon · 4 years
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a small, brand new snippet from fairy lights! 
it was the color between green and blue, the one alice had heard being called the color of water - even if it’s not the color of the ocean they could see out of the window. alice didn’t want to snoop too much but will had rolled up his sleeves and it was difficult not to see the flash of whatever the color was that shined in will’s tattoo. alice had noticed the tattoo looked familiar, but they had shrugged it off. will had another tattoo nearby, that usually shined a darker shade of the same weird blue. but alice couldn’t stop thinking they had seen that design somewhere else. and it was somewhere that now they knew was linked to something will was hiding. because maybe alex could activate the tattoos he made when he was close but a flashing so quick and while will looked like he was going to faint probably meant it was about whatever alice didn’t know yet. and whatever alex obviously knew, if his expression was a clue.
alex who knew something. alex who made that tattoo and who, and now alice remembered perfectly, had a matching one in a similar spot of his arm. 
alice dragged him in the other room, their hand wrapped around his wrist. they didn’t release it until they asked, “what’s going on? no, wait,” they raised a hand, “let me tell you one thing: you wear short sleeves when you cook.”
alex tilted his head, not understanding. then, a second later, his eyes widened and he looked back, at will still in the living room looking at his phone. he pushed alice a bit further and whispered, “you’re too observing.”
“alex, will’s tattoo never flash unless it’s something about his past. and i know you two lived in the same city whenever happened what now is coming back.” a pause, then, “please note the massive lack of details i have about what is going on in my living room.”
“our living room.”
“because that’s the matter now.”
taglist: @crystallized-ink​ 
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aliensmoon · 4 years
love, love, love this!!! using colors names for the titles seems a wonderful idea and the project seems very interesting! taglist?? 
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Painter’s Palette | a WIP intro.
What is this?:  A collection of short stories exploring the lives of various LGBT+ youths at a summer camp throughout the years.
Genre: Varies. Each story is primarily Young Adult, Contemporary Drama but a few delve into Romance. Each story features an LGBT+ lead.
Status: Drafting.
Setting: Camp Wayward, a fictional summer camp in Michigan, USA.
Content Warnings: Homophobia, transphobia, classism.
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More of an informal project, and so thus requires more of an informal intro post. Painter’s Palette is what I work on when Love in Suburbia is at a stand-still.
Painter’s Palette features six short stories that analyze the human experience as an LGBT+ youth in the U.S. throughout the decades. The short stories are currently titled:
Ruby Red -> 1980s, featuring a trans-girl lead.
Sunrise Orange -> 1990s, featuring a mlm love story.
Cadmium Yellow -> 2000s, featuring a wlw love story.
Nurture Green -> 1970s, featuring a bi lead.
Cornflower Blue -> 1980s, featuring a trans-boy lead.
Velvet Purple -> 2010s, featuring a nb lead.
Each story is in various stages of development. Currently, Cadmium Yellow is being drafted.
And because it’s me, each story has a bit of whimsy and wonder to it, as Camp Wayward is no ordinary summer camp. Not to mention characters of color, disabled characters, and neurodivergent characters! Each story has a happy ending, because we all deserve it at this point, don’t you think?
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One-time Taglist: @chloeswords @bijouxs @piyawrites 
Permanent Taglist: @aetherwrites @spencers-tomes @teasenpaiwrites @bookphobe @svpphicwrites @analogued​
Want exclusive content of this project? Want to watch me draft it live? Want to yell at me to write it faster? Join my WIP Discord Server!
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aliensmoon · 4 years
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it starts from a tattoo, one that alice had designed a while ago. what they didn’t expect was getting a roommate, a job and potentially also metting her new favourite person in the world.
status: outlining, first draft, rewriting, a bit of all 
genre: long story/novel
themes: self discovery, finding your path, found family (is someone surprised?), neon, bit of sci-fi elements, gender identity issues, platonic love
characters: i’ll be making a proper introduction post for them, but for now
alice: aroace, nonbinary, constantly deciding the color to dye their hair with, a bit lost but trying not to think too much about it, coffee lover
alex: tattoo artist, also coffee lover, a man of few words but he knows how to make them count
will: if he wanted he could hack everything, but fortunately he’s also a gentleman, gay, rich, seriously don’t make him angry
theo: potentially a-spec, ghost hunting addicted, kind of a crossover character, art lover, knows the pizza place phone number by heart
adrian: trans boy, new in town, definitely not helping his aunt because he gets a supply of neon binders, cat dad
isabella: fashion designer and aunt, has the house full of paillettes, parenting books and now cat fur, lesbian, she’s better than you and she knows it
leo: actual dad and dog dad, how can he be always organized is a mystery to everyone, hosts the best dinner parties, bisexual
marley: nonbinary, adrian’s friend, works in a bookshop and spends there their free time too, wants to be loved by adrian’s cat
alice had noticed it, even before will could tell them. will had escorted them to the main room of the shop, where alex was finishing a tattoo on the forearm of a woman. at first alice thought they had seen wrong, maybe that the neon lights had played a trick on their eyes. but no. they looked again and again and by the time the woman walked out, her tattoo now safely wrapped, alice had little to no doubts. 
“you see,” will had said, “alex’s tattoos are peculiar, you can say.”
oh, alice had seen. they could have a confirmation now that alex had rolled up his sleeve a little bit more and what seemed a tattoo of brushes of different colors swirled, lighting up in an explicitly neon way.
“they move,” they said.
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aliensmoon · 4 years
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a short collections of poems about life, feeling alienated, lost and unseen (totally not relevant but the working title was the italian for “shrimps”)
status: completed for now, but i might add some more poems
genre: poetry
trigger warnings: the poems are taken mostly from my personal experiences, so there might be references to struggles with mental health, identity and student life.
look at the night sky, look at the stars
ask aloud if someone’s there
whisper in the night, even if no one can hear you
do aliens exist?
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aliensmoon · 4 years
short story announcement!
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when an alien lands mistakenly on earth, they think they’re prepared enough to take a trip to go back to the mother ship. surely a car is easier to drive, right? and surely a cat can be a good trip pal. good thing they speak cat tongue. 
status: completed (!)
genre: sci-fi, bonding with an animal, car trip, being lost on earth
trigger warnings: talks about abandonment of an animal 
the alien: listen, maybe, just maybe, they weren’t going to become the best pilot. and maybe, still maybe, the mothership had all the rights to be pissed at him. but the cat, the cat was a surprise for everyone.
mars: the cat. can communicate with the alien because they understand her meows and is definitely using this advantage to make them do whatever she wants. they’re not expecting she’ll make a whole trip without snack breaks, right?
I have seen one of these creatures when I hit the trash can, it jumped down from a window and started hissing to me. They called it a cat. This one is not as angry. I think I interrupted its sleep for it had its eyes barely open and was looking at me as if I had intrude his home.
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aliensmoon · 4 years
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What Lucy wanted was a holiday. What she got was a broken mirror, but instead of 7 years of bad luck she received a very unexpected visit. No, really unexpected. You could say she saw a ghost. 
status: complete (!)
genre: short story
themes: supernatural elements, found family, past events, family love, a tiny bit of aroace independance
trigger warnings: death (not graphic but there’s a ghost, so...), abuse, pregnancy
main characters
lucy: our heroine just wanted a relaxed vacation full of sightseeing and no plans. she got a slight different vacation, with a friendly ghost, mysteries to solve and the certainty that she could recognize a dress from the 20s thanks to tv show. read a flash fiction snippet on lucy here!
evelyn: the definition of a strong, independant woman who showed to the world she could also be a mother, a friend and dress well. all at the same time. all in the roaring 20s.  
 Lucy closed her eyes a second and opened them to find Evelyn still in front of her, waiting for an answer. But none of the paranormal shows she watched had ever explained how to react when a conscious ghost appears in your hotel room. She had a faint feeling that she should have been way more scared than she actually was right now, but looking at Evelyn, at her light blue dress, her smile and her useless try to pick up a notebook, she honestly couldn’t find it in herself a reason to be scared.
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aliensmoon · 4 years
written for a flash fiction friday on my old blog! a small snippet of lucy's future adventures with ghosts!
There’s a ghost inside the room, Lucy had seen her as soon as she walked in. It was an old lady, with long white hair falling on her shoulders and a long, colorful dress that covered her until the ankles. She could have been mistaken for a still living person, if walking toward Lucy she didn’t pass through a chair as if the wood was air.
“You see her!” A man yelled behind Lucy. The ghost stopped. Lucy took her eyes away from her to turn to the man. He was scared, it was more than obvious, and Lucy wondered if he
feared more the ghost or her own lack of reaction.
“Yeah, I see her,” she replied calmly. “What’s the problem?”
“The … she… ghost...” the man stammered, pointing toward said ghost. Yes, Lucy had already said she could see her.
“There’s a ghost,” the man yelled again. “Why is she here?”
Lucy sighed. “Why are you asking me? Ask her.”
The ghost lady took a step forward, feeling involved in the conversation Lucy guessed. She smiled at her, then asked the man, “Do you prefer if I talk to her?”
The man nodded, frantically. “Yes, yes, you do that!” He run out, closing the door behind him. Lucy heard him locking it too and yelled at him why would he do that.
“So she’s trapped in!”
Lucy breathed in and out. She never understood why people freaked out so much at the sight of a ghost that they even forgot how logic worked. For love’s sake, they were people once and basically they still behaved as such.
“You do know ghosts can walk through walls, right?” she yelled back at the man.
He didn’t answer, but a second later Lucy could hear his steps as he run away. She suppressed a small laugh, then said to the ghost lady, “I’ll call him to make me get out later.” She looked around and found a chair nearby. She sat down and took out from her jacket a small notebook and a pen. “Now, I’m guessing you’re here because you are looking for something.”
The ghost lady nodded.
Lucy opened the pen.“Tell me, then.”
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aliensmoon · 4 years
hello friends! i have randomly disappeared for months because my personal life and my mental health required my attention, but i’m back! i have a few projects i’m ready to post and a few more that i’m working on but i’m eager to make a moodboard to, so stay tuned (if you’re interested)!
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aliensmoon · 4 years
y'all will circlejerk yourself to the mysticisms of faeries and elves in european countries for centuries and take it as fact but the second native americans ask you to respect our spirituality and culture suddenly you're all aetheists
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aliensmoon · 4 years
Almost 200 people were murdered in Armenia in 3 days and y'all are still ignoring us.
This is not a war, this is a massacre Azerbaijan and Turkey are committing against the Armenian people.
Turkey's president literally admitted that he wants to finish what his ancestors started. He wants to commit another genocide, and this time he wants to kill us all.
Silence is violence
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aliensmoon · 4 years
things that should be completly normal:
not going to uni
taking as much time as needed before going to uni
changing your majors many times before finding what you like
changing your career path
not knowing what you want
attending a community college 
valuing your health over your grades
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aliensmoon · 4 years
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Jeremy Mann, Paintings.
Otherworldly portraits and cityscapes by Bay Area artist Jeremy Mann.
Be sure to check out SupersonicArt.Shop!
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aliensmoon · 4 years
Just as a PSA, I’ve never reblogged that “your mom will die” post. I’ve seen it half a dozen time so or more and I’ve ignored it every time. My mom’s doing great. 
You’re safe. I’ve done the test for you. You can safely ignore it. It is a failed curse. It doesn’t work. 
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aliensmoon · 4 years
You know what’s some crazy $hit?
This fabulous bitch
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She makes a shit ton of poses (like 16,000 or some crazy nonsense).  I used this lovely lady to draw so much as a teen.  Whether it was some nerdy pose for my Mary Sue as fuck OCs
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or for full on fight sequences
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or for tragic deaths of my OCs in the arms of a totally OOC main protagonist.  
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this bitch hooked me up.  
And with the wildest, craziest stuff that you could see in your head but had no way or resources to reasonably draw like
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or this
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or this
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DUDE!  INASNE SHIT!!  So I was using her for a pose reference and decided, you know what, I owe this bitch some cash.  Lemme dole it out for her.  BUT then, I looked and saw she only has 286 fucking patrons!!  This chick gives out free shit and spends countless hours arranging these shoots and setting this stuff up.  
I’ll fork up the cash, SenshiStock.  You’re worth it.  
Check out this amazing woman’s stuff, and get knowledged:  https://www.deviantart.com/senshistock
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aliensmoon · 4 years
writeblr intro
hello everyone! I’m artem and I’m new to writeblr! I’m a 23 y/o uni student and it has always been a dream of mine to write a book. Because of uni I’ve stopped reading books, but now that I’m almost done with my degree I can hopefully get back on track. 
I’ll read everything, but my favourite genres are historical books (fiction and non), essays (I had to read like. 5 essays a week for uni, and that’s what I usually read the most), fantasy and cosmic horror. 
Although I’m writing in English rn, I’d like to focus more on my native language - mostly because my English language repertoire is 99% political, and I have zero writing skills of the narrating kind. If I do end up posting something on here, I will for sure translate it in English (I like to put lots of pressure on myself 💖).
As of now I haven’t written anything, but I’d love to write a fantasy novel that is set in Italy/southern europe! 
I’m looking new people to follow, so please reblog or like this post and I’ll check out your blog!! 
Also, a huuuge thanks to @lovebenders because seeing her on my other blog’s dash all the time inspired me so much 🥺  I’m basically writing all this because of her! So please check out her blog 💗.
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aliensmoon · 4 years
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aliensmoon · 4 years
to anyone who needs to hear this
you are ENOUGH. you are LOVABLE. you deserve to be LOVED. you deserve KINDNESS and CARE.
be kind. be you ✨
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