alienorajt · 3 months
Alien Aura Within: Aspects of Autism in Women
This post is about my most recent book - published in March 2024 - which deals with women and ASD.
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alienorajt · 3 months
Surgery: blind as a bat!
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alienorajt · 3 months
Surgery: blind as a bat!
Have you ever had surgery? What for? Dailyprompt 1984 Oh, my goodness gracious me! Surgery? Yes, indeedy – and eye-wateringly gruesome too, though fortunately I was off my head (as the saying goes) on some drug or another, and lurched into theatre on the arm of a friendly nurse… A year ago (almost to the day), and having been squeezing droplets into my right seeing orb all night, I was driven…
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alienorajt · 3 months
'Booby gets Stuck', Part 2!
In yesterday’s episode, we left Booby and her son-of-the-soil amour reclining upon a chair in the garden. Read on! This decrepit leviathan of a seat has been in the shed for donkey’s years – and Kevin obligingly heaves it out into our little trysting spot(a sheltered area, near the sundial) each time he visits. The weather being exceptionally clement – and all thoughts of Ecclesiastical…
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alienorajt · 3 months
Booby gets Stuck!
Booby Fellatio – aka Lady Berengaria Hermione Agnes Horton-cum-Studley – is a fictional character, who has appeared in my sixth book, entitled ‘Booby Fellatio’s Lockdown Diary’. She is, as the late Sir Terry Pratchett put it, a lady of negotiable affection – and, though well past the first flush of youth (and the second!), manages to attract a bevy of beauteous youths… This is an extract from a…
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alienorajt · 3 months
Eleven Pipers Piping!
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alienorajt · 3 months
Eleven Pipers Piping!
And so it is, three years on, that I leap back into the world of blogging, music trilling from a previous stint upon the treble recorder – and the eleven books I have now written jostling for attention: pushing and shoving one another, like naughty children, and squawking to be noticed. For my eleventh book a ‘writing, I plunged deep into the world of women with autism – having long suspected…
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alienorajt · 3 years
'Under Cader Idris' and 'Booby Fellatio's Lockdown Diary'
Two books written during Lockdown: 'Booby Fellatio's Lockdown Diary' and 'Under Cader Idris.'
Astonishingly, I wrote two books during Lockdown. The first one was ‘dictated’, in part at least, by an old character, Booby Fellatio (a woman of negotiable affection with a penchant for young men): she first appeared in 2014, had her say in a previous book and then rode off into the metaphorical sunset, never (or so I assumed) to be seen again. In this, I was wrong! Those weeks, and then…
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alienorajt · 6 years
Bosom Bolsters and Me!
Bosom Bolsters and Me!
I loathe clothes shopping – find it tedious in the extreme; as a result of this, the few items I have bought – since arriving in Glastonbury twenty-six months ago – have mostly come from one of our many splendid charity shops.
I do, however, draw the line at wearing someone else’s mammary hammocks/tit holsters (not to put too fine a point upon it) – and have been in search of suitable containers…
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alienorajt · 6 years
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(via Ghost Weed: Goin' up the country!)
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alienorajt · 6 years
Ghost Weed: Goin' up the country!
Ghost Weed: Goin’ up the country!
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Ghost Weed performing at the Cider Barn, Draycott, Summer 2018. From left to right: John Arnold, Matthew Peach, Neil Phillips and Mark Halper.
It promises to be a busy few weeks for Wrington-based band, Ghost Weed, as they juggle stoups of hilariously-named ale (Pump and Grind -Whooaarr! – being but one example!) with an action-packed set (or two) of groovy music – this all happening at…
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alienorajt · 6 years
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(via Dead Poets and Me!)
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alienorajt · 6 years
Dead Poets and Me!
Dead Poets and Me!
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Quince bush!
I detest most meetings. They tend to encourage the sanctimonious, self-important and slitheringly upwardly-mobile to grab any available space for tedious dramatic monologues and sleep-inducing soliloquies! Many such speakers need – with a fair degree of urgency – to learn two important skills: The Art of Summary and the Craft of Grabbing an Audience by the Balls!
When bored,…
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alienorajt · 6 years
Moos, Mates and Mayhem!
Moos, Mates and Mayhem!
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Thanks to Beef2Live for this image.
So there we were, my friend and I, driving up Burrington Combe, towards Velvet Bottom (as you do!), when…stap me vitals and Lord love a duck, there, in the centre of the road, ambling aimlessly…
…was a damn gurt moo! Yes indeedy! I kid you not! I had a quick, though necessarily distant, kit inspection – and saw evidence suggestive of the male gender! Horns you…
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alienorajt · 6 years
'Hansel and Gretel': A Review
‘Hansel and Gretel’: A Review
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This year’s Glastonbury pantomime – a great local institution, if ever there was one! –  turned put to be a classic example of the Curate’s Egg.
Glastonbury-based Shadow of the Tor (a Production Company) created and put on their own version of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ – and I was a member of the audience last night.
The ideas were great; the characters well-developed; the technical side excellent:…
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alienorajt · 6 years
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This morning, I have been gifted with contrasts in nature: Woke to spiders’ webs, pearled in misty dew, taut against a sullenly grey sky – then, moments later (or so it seemed), an abundance of sun jewels, in every colour, displayed upon walls, ceiling and floor, while a bloom of birds hung ripe and ready in a neighbour’s tree. The calligraphy of dullness is just as fine as brightness upon a white page!
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Sun and Spider Webs: Early Gifts This morning, I have been gifted with contrasts in nature: Woke to spiders' webs, pearled in misty dew, taut against a sullenly grey sky - then, moments later (or so it seemed), an abundance of sun jewels, in every colour, displayed upon walls, ceiling and floor, while a bloom of birds hung ripe and ready in a neighbour's tree. The calligraphy of dullness is just as fine as brightness upon a white page!
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alienorajt · 6 years
Toxic Silence and Triggers
Toxic Silence and Triggers
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This is a difficult, and painful, subject for me to write about – but, since I know I am not alone in struggling with certain types of silence, I am opening this up to a wider audience than my own, at times troubled, mind.
Silence can be golden: A soft and gentle radiance which lightens the heart and provides wings of peace for the soul’s ascension.
By contrast, silence used punitively can break…
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