Alice Ramirez
75 posts
Alice Jane Ramirez is a 22 year old former Gryffindor and current Auror
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
@vet-subin @ncrcissy-black @eleonora-charles 
Charity Ball Sentence Starters 
❝ Let’s go explore! ❞
❝ I think someone spiked the punch ❞
❝ I swear, it wasn’t me! ❞
❝ Wow, you look different ❞
❝ What the hell are you wearing? ❞
❝ I’m only here for the pumpkin pasties ❞
❝ Why Hogwarts though? ❞
❝ Hide me! ❞
❝ Let’s dance! ❞
❝ How many tickets did you get for the raffle? ❞
❝ These heels are killing me ❞
❝ Where did you disappear off to? ❞
❝ Did you do your hair yourself? ❞
❝ Enough champagne, I want a real drink ❞
❝ Merlin, I’ve missed the elves cooking ❞
❝ I can’t believe you made me come to this ❞
❝ Well, don’t you look dapper ❞
❝ I really wish I was at home ❞
❝ How much do you reckon all this cost? ❞
❝ Did you bring a date? ❞
❝ Help me make someone jealous? ❞
❝ If you try a pickup line I will hex you ❞
❝ I only say I’m not dancing to avoid the creeps ❞
❝ I’ve been standing too long, let’s sit down ❞
❝ There’s no gossip like ball gossip ❞
❝ I wonder if the library is out of bounds ❞
❝ It’s too beautiful a night to be stuck indoors ❞
❝ Have you tried the appetisers? ❞
❝ Looks like the whole magical world came out tonight ❞
❝ Feel the fabric ❞
❝ I feel like royalty ❞
❝ Brings back memories, doesn’t it? ❞
❝ Just one dance ❞
❝ Follow my lead ❞
❝ I don’t think that’s food ❞
❝ Just where do you think you’re going? ❞
❝ You look happy ❞
❝ I’ve missed you ❞
❝ Let me buy you a drink ❞
❝ If I have to force one more smile, I’m going to start throwing hexes ❞
❝ I’ve never seen anything so beautiful ❞
❝ You scrub up well ❞
❝ One hell of a welcome back party ❞
❝ The only dance I know is the Chicken Dance ❞
❝ How do so many people know how to waltz? ❞
❝ Don’t leave me ❞
❝ What even is that? ❞
❝ Don’t suppose they have good old cups of tea? ❞
❝ Is it over yet? ❞
❝ I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun ❞
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
“Aren’t you an auror?” Pandora asked incredulously, her features morphing into a mixture of confusion and amusement at the statement. “Shouldn’t you be out there running around with excitement and drama practically dripping off you?” 
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“That’s what I hope for... Some day.” She said a little awkwardly, cringing. “I mostly just do clean up and the cases no one wants, like when non-important stuff goes missing. I’m just not very high up on the food chain yet.” 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Life had kept Sirius busy, between his traveling and Hope, it was impossible for it not to. He’d hardly had time to keep in contact with anyone before returning home, let alone letting James or any of the other Marauders know about his child. It was still something he’d neglected to tell Alice, especially given how he’d left things off. Not that he thought she’d hold a grudge, but because he wasn’t sure how to bring it up. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that, I haven’t been great at keeping up appearances, at least not in the way I used to be,” Sirius admitted, flashing an apologetic smile at Alice. “I’m staying on my toes, better than I was a month or so ago, now that I’ve managed to land a job that actually pays. How about you?” 
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She couldn’t help but to send him a smile at the mention of having a job, truly happy for him. When they’d first broken up she’d been a little angry at him, mostly because he’d just disappeared. She was also a little upset at herself since she knew that she hadn’t exactly been the worlds perfect girlfriend. Alice certainly had her own issues within the relationship that wasn’t his fault. Now she was truly just happy if he was happy, though she couldn’t help but to wonder how things would have turned out if they hadn’t of broken up like they did. 
“I’m working as an official auror now- which is way cooler but also way more paperwork then I thought it would be.” She laughed. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
“No, no, of course not,” Kingsley shook his head, flashing a small but kind smile at Alice as she sat. “At least nothing that I know of,” he joked, his expression hardening once again as he became serious once more.
Kingsley had to be careful in how he chose to go about moving forward with his project, he knew that Regulus had put their faith in him and he wasn’t going to blow the boy’s cover, but still he had to use the resources he had. One of which, were his fellow aurors and more importantly, those that he trusted that would raise little suspicion. “I need to do some digging into something, but with their being such a close watch on me, I can’t do more than I already have.” He began, taking another sip of his coffee before setting it to the side. 
“It’s nothing dangerous, I assure you, though I do think I’ve managed to tire out the resources we have here in the UK, so it may require some light travel…or at the very least, reaching out to other ministries, but I need you to look into something for me, if you’d be willing.” He chose his words very carefully as he scribbled something on a piece of parchment, pushing it across the table to her. “Eyes and ears, everywhere,” he mumbled under his breath, gesturing around them. 
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Once Alice knew that she wasn’t in trouble she was able to focus much better. The change in his demeanor caused her to sit up a little straighter. Whatever he’d called on her for was serious, though a part of her did want to grin in excitement at the thought. The girl was desperate to prove herself, prove that she could handle things all on her own. She wasn’t interested in proving herself to many people, though Kingsley was definitely at the top of her list currently. The thought of him trusting her enough with some top secret information was enough to make her want to throw a party. Obviously she could not do that and it took every last bit of self control to keep a straight face. 
“I completely understand.” She said whilst grabbing the parchment, putting it away in her pocket without even looking at it. Alice would read it over later, where wandering eyes wouldn’t see. “You know my cousins in the states have been bragging non-stop to my father about these big important jobs they got with MACUSA. I think it’s about time I gave them a call since we both work for ministries. Plus I’ve been thinking of going for a short visit since I have some time off coming up.” She raised a slight eyebrow at him. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
closed starter for @alie-ramirez​
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GROWING UP reginald had actually thought of becoming an auror, the way textbooks and stories described them growing up made them seem quite badass but now that he was actually forced into the profession, he was glad he hadn’t. there were far too many rules and protocols, not to mention, the awful paperwork they had to fill out and not nearly enough action. 
so, to have been called out on an actual mission, reginald ALASTOR couldn’t help but feel a tad giddy over it, desperately hoping to get his hands dirty. unfortunately, though, he was assigned a partner, which meant he had to proceed with caution. 
“Alice,” he called out, tossing a rag from their pocket her way with a nonchalant expression. “Wipe yourself off, you’re bleeding.”  
Looking over at the sound of her name being called, she instinctively caught the rag. “Oh! Thank you.” She smiled before wiping herself off. Truthfully Alice never gave much thought to minor injuries, them occurring so frequently on the job. Perhaps she also didn’t care much because it didn’t bother her that much. Most likely because she was half-vampire but small cuts and bruises never seemed to last very long. 
“Is there anything left for us to do?” She said, looking around at the scene. Alice couldn’t help but to wince a bit, only just now noticing that they had made a bit of a mess of things. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
“Got something secretive to tell me?” Pandora teased with a laugh. “Oh, to be young and filled with life and all its dramas!”
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“Oh please- as if!” She rolled her eyes, laughing. “I wish my life had more drama! The only thing somewhat interesting right now is work and that’s mostly paperwork.” 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Pixie & Kraken
pixie: how does your muse tend to get into trouble? 
Alice is too curious for her own good. Usually she asks something she shouldn’t have or starts looking into mysteries that she has no business knowing. 
In school she often got in trouble for being to outspoken at the wrong times. She’s always stood up for what she believes in and doesn’t know how to back down. 
kraken: what haunts your muse? 
The death of her mother, more specifically how her mother died. The thought that someday something terrible might happen to her as well just for being a vampire. She often has nightmares about it. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
“I may be an absolute idiot, but my memory isn’t that bad,” Sirius joked, an awkward chuckle escaping him as he ran a hand through his unkempt locks, glancing back. “But I didn’t think you’d have been interested in the festival aspect, it’s good you can enjoy it in all its glory though.” 
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Alice let out a quick laugh, trying to hide it since it probably seemed like she was laughing at him. “That’s fair I guess, there is a lot going on.” She told him. “It seems like it’s a good thing I came though- seeing how I ran into you for the first time in forever. How are you doing?” 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Though Kingsley knew it deep down, he was never one to outwardly speak of his skill and how good he was at his job. It just wasn’t who he was. Unlike most purebloods, he was humbled and raised in a much different setting, fortunately. But now with his new position as head auror, Kingsley knew he had to accept some of the inevitable changes that came with and one of them was people doing things for him. Not because he’d asked them, but just because. ‘Course, he didn’t mind it, but still it was an odd sentiment to him and something he was still adjusting to. 
“Alice!” He began, brows knitting together as he spotted the coffee in her hand, scratching at his head. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that, but I do appreciate it.” Kingsley assured her with a genuine smile, before gesturing to the seat adjacent to him. “Come, sit, I didn’t ask you in this morning for the coffee, though appreciated, I have something I want to discuss with you.” His voice was now in a low whisper as he peered over her shoulder briefly to make sure no one was looking in. 
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Alice stood frozen for a moment, staring at him before she actually realized he wanted her to sit down. His tone was serious, which made her excited. What did he want to talk about? She hoped that it would be a super cool, super secretive auror mission for her. Hopefully he wasn’t about to fire her, that would really ruin her day. “I am all ears sir.” She nodded, holding her breathe for a moment. “I didn’t do anything wrong- right?” She asked a little skeptical. The girl was playing back just about everything she’d done since becoming an official auror, trying to make sure that she’d never stepped out of line or broken the rules somehow. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
griffin, kraken & phoenix?
griffin: does your muse have any priceless possessions? 
Her mothers wedding ring. It’s one of the few possessions of her mothers that she still has. She keeps it on a necklace and wears it whenever she isn’t working. 
kraken: what haunts your muse? 
Loneliness. It’s a fear that she’s unable to get rid of after years of watching her father mourn for so long. Even though she knows that she has many people beside her, she often has nightmares that one day she’s going to be left all by herself. 
phoenix: who was your muse in their past life? 
In her past life, Alice was a muggle man who was a tailor! 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Mythical Creature Ask Meme
Send a mythical creatures & I will respond to the corresponding question!
Acromantula: Has your muse saved a life?
Banshee: Has your muse had a close call with death?
Basilisk: Has your muse been responsible for the death of another?
Centaur: Has your muse experienced a physical altercations?
Chimera: Does your muse tend to be aggressive?
Cyclops: Does your muse immerse them self in a single task?
Dragon: How does your muse connect to fire?
Elf: Does your muse value appearance?
Griffin: Does your muse have any priceless possessions?
Hippogriff: Does your muse have a high level of self worth?
Hydra: Does your muse have a reoccurring problem?
Kraken: What haunts your muse?
Manticorn: What does your muse fear?
Mermaid: How does your muse connect to water?
Minotaur: What secret does you muse keep hidden?
Niffler: Does your muse value wealth?
Nymph: How does your muse connect to earth?
Orcs: Does your muse tend to be protective?
Pegasus: How does your muse connection to air?
Phoenix: Who was your muse in their past life?
Pixie: How does your muse tend to get into trouble?
Siren: Does your muse often act in revenge?
Sphinx: How does your muse value loyalty?
Succubus: How does your muse view sexuality?
Thestral: Has your muse witnessed the death of another?
Thunderbird: Does your muse value honor?
Troll: Does your muse have a collection?
Unicorn: Which of the Seven Heavenly Virtues relates to your muse?
Vampire: Which of the Seven Deadly Sins relates to your muse?
Wendigo: What makes your muse gluttonous?
Werewolf: What makes your muse lose control?
Wraith: How does your muse connect to the afterlife?
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Alice was waiting at the entrance of the ministry for the other girl to exist, feeling like Adriana was taking forever, even though the younger girl had gotten there early. “Finally Adri! I was beginning to think I was getting stood up.” 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Alice had been an auror for a short time now and so there were still so many people in the office she looked up to. One of those included Kingsley Shacklebolt. It seemed obvious that she would admire him considering her was her boss and the head auror. It was more then that because during the few times she’s been able to actually see him work, it’s always been so flawlessly outstanding. “Sir! I brought you coffee!” She said excitedly, holding it out to him as soon as he walked through the door. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
Falmouth Fpcndorica​:
“Well, it’s certainly not too late to give it a go,” Lance offered with an amused chuckle, never ceasing to be amazed by just how much love some people had for the sport. Personally, he had never really cared for the game itself, there was far too much violence and hundreds of rules he could never be bothered to learn, but the atmosphere and excitement it brought with it? That was something he adored. “Go on, then. Give me your best Quidditch Announcer voice!”
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“Oh!” Alice let out a surprised gasp, definitely not expecting that sort of reaction. She wasn’t one to get embarrassed easily but she felt her face flush. Though thankfully she was fairly sure it didn’t get that red considering she always stayed fairly pale. “I couldn’t!” She laughed, hesitating for a moment as she looked around. Clearing her through before she began her best ‘announcer’ voice. “Witches and wizards- creatures of all ages! Thank you for joining us for the first game of the season! And now the teams everyone has been waiting for- The Montrose Magpies and The Falmouth Falcons!” She might’ve been slightly embarrassed but she wasn’t one to back down from a challenge. 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
“You are wise beyond your years,” Pandora hummed with a cheeky smile as she locked up, never once removing her arm from her friend’s. “How about the Leaky? Or is that too loud?”
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Alice just shrugged, having been told that before but not really believing it. Truthfully she could be very childish when she wanted to. “Oh that’s fine! It’s a little loud but that just means we can talk about whatever without anyone overhearing us.” 
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alie-ramirez · 5 years ago
❝ Didn’t think this would be your scene ❞ alice and Sirius, dunno just wanted something for them
I am the worst  here you go!! 
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