alicedehorner · 1 month
I woke up because of the uncomfortable rays of sunlight on my face. I sat up instinctively grabbing my bag to check that it was still there and that the crystal sphere was still inside. I carefully climbed down from the tree where I had spent the night and began to walk parallel to the river without any direction. I stopped a few hours later to rest, eat, and do everything else. For hours, I saw nothing but the same forest, everything the same, until near a hill, I managed to see a column of smoke, I walked until I found the origin of this, there, in the first streets outside a beautiful town I saw a beautifully decorated store, full of flowers outside and the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, and as if by instinct I looked up seeing the wooden sign with the name of the establishment, finding the initials "JH" with the image of a pie and a hand with the thumb up and a plum, I smiled sarcastically to enter the establishment and buy a cake, leaving with it in my hands while I walked to what seemed to be the center of town, it was a nice place, Spanish style, and as I saw it was called "Del mar" looking at the buildings, I quickly realized that something had happened in that place, since many parts of them were under reconstruction, especially a mansion that was in the distance, which was missing practically the entire roof.
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"What could have happened here?" I said to myself, sitting on a plate where I could eat the cake, taking a large slice of it, and when it made contact with my mouth, the rich texture and sweet flavor was better than I remembered, nostalgia made into food, it was curious how the smell or taste of a simple cake could evoke so many sensations and memories, I couldn't do anything against the wave of memories that unfolded in me.
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I remember how if it were yesterday the first day I arrived there, I had my reference sheet from my old jobs and I was wearing the best clothes I had, standing outside the huge doors with gold letters "JH", waiting for them to open, passing Escorted by some guards, I entered the huge factory. I expected to meet the owner and boss of the company first, but no, the head baker greeted me, looking at my sheet with a serious expression and then looking at me, as if she didn't believe what she saw. on the resume and with me.
"Mr. Horner will receive you, go to those doors and knock on the door," he indicated, reluctantly giving me my sheet and instructions and leaving to continue with his work.
I watched as the woman with black braid left, and I calmly walked to where they indicated to me. The doors were as colossal as the entrance, almost so that a giant could pass through there. I did not personally know the now called "Great Jack Horner" but like everyone, I had heard the rumors regarding his appearance, his intimidating presence and his criminal history not at all subtle, his very name caused a strange sensation in the spine, he was someone who you definitely shouldn't mess with, I guess the police themselves were afraid to arrest him or charge him with something. I touched my knuckles on the dark wood to wait for confirmation, hearing a "pass" from the other side. And honestly when I entered I had never felt so strange in my life, the truth is that the rumors did not do the owner of Lil' Jack's Horner Pie Co one bit of justice. Even though he was sitting and still not paying attention to me, he could Seeing his enormous figure, sitting in that chair watching some papers, he was gigantic, he was easily eight feet tall, dressed in purple and purple colors, including his hair which was violet, I didn't dare to look at his face, so I My eyes wandered around the room, full of magical objects and fairy tales, to a huge stained glass window of himself that dimly illuminated the room behind him. "So there's the company's money," I thought. "If you're done snooping, you can sit down." When I looked at him, he was looking directly at me, with a bored face. "I'm sorry," I apologized, sitting in the chair in front of his desk at his direction. "Give me your resume," he ordered, extending his hand. I passed it to him and, practically tearing it out of my hand, he read it quickly. "Wow, it seems like you have a great work history," he said, putting the sheet on the desk. her belly After a few short seconds of thinking about what to say and building up courage I spoke. "Well, Mr. Great Jack Horner, as you will see my most notable jobs are as a main employee in a cafe and as personal assistant to the fairy godmother, especially in her potions factory," I said. "Tell me something, why don't you work with the Fairy Godmother anymore?" He asked standing with the blade in one hand and the other behind his back, looking at the fireplace. "All the employees were unemployed when the Fairy Godmother died," I answered simply remembering that day.
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―I understand― he said without further ado before turning to look at me again. ―Now I want you to tell me everything you said face to face― he snapped, placing a hand on the chair where I was sitting to lean, looking directly at me while he was quite close to me. Many things were going through my mind at that moment, I had the feeling that he, like the head baker, didn't believe me capable of what I was saying, and in a way I did too, despite the fact that I had the abilities I described to him, this man's way of being made me feel like I was a novice at what I did, I felt tiny physically and mentally. ―As I told you, Mr. Great Jack Horner, I am an excellent employee, I am committed to my work and have confidence in my ability, and if you hire me, I will be one of your most loyal and trustworthy employees― I said, looking him in the face, still somewhat nervous, but I was able to say everything I wanted. ―Very well― she said, walking away until she reached her chair again. ―In that case, tomorrow you will have the opportunity to demonstrate everything you say so much―
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It took me a while to understand that he had hired me, but when the sense came to my head I jumped up from my chair, looked him in the face and said, "You won't regret it, Mr. Jack Horner," I said as I walked to the door. "I hope so, employee," he said as he returned to his original position behind his desk. That's how I left his office, and before closing the door completely I dared to look at him. He saw me too. I had the feeling of being prey about to be devoured.
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I finished the pie I was eating and stood up to continue on my way, it was there that I remembered a small detail, I touched my small bag tied to my pastry chef pants and noticed that I only had two coins, I needed money. I walked until I was alone and entered an alley in the town and took the crystal sphere out of my bag. "Show me where there is money in this town," I asked her, who showed the house I saw in the distance, it seemed to belong to someone important, I could get enough money to travel a while longer. I put the ball back in my bag and walked towards the mansion, before arriving I hid my things in a tree and advanced with my hood on, armed with my bow and arrows. I entered from the broken roof, seeing the house inside it did not look as bad as I expected, it was almost intact. ―There must be a safe somewhere― and so, I went through every room in the house, checking behind every painting and in every piece of furniture we found, until I found the main living room, in which there was a huge painting, dressed in fine clothes but with the face of a cat painted over the original face, I laughed softly, it seems that it had been a very good party, I walked up to the painting and finally, the safe. Seeing the model of this box, I put my ear to it and turned the knob until I found the combination. ―All that gold is for me― and when I opened it, I found the bags full of coins, I loaded what I could and walked to an exit ―For being the house of someone so important, it has terrible security― I said sarcastically to leave through a window, once outside I ran with the money to the tree with my bag and walked with everything carefully so as not to be seen by anyone in town, but everything went to hell when trying to cross a wall something ripped a bag causing the coins to fall and produce a loud noise ―! Hey, where did you get that money!?― A man who was with more people shouted at me ―It's the governor's money― a woman shouted seeing the logo on the bags. ―Damn―
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After that I found myself running from a small crowd of people with torches and pitchforks, it was the first time I had been chased by a real angry mob, and if it weren't for the fact that they were practically following me on my heels, this would seem funny to me, I smiled with satisfaction as I slowly began to gain the upper hand and get away from them, finding myself almost out of the town, as I watched them fall behind I laughed to myself, satisfied, but it took me too long to realize that when I looked ahead a huge cart had crossed my path and I was basically run over (or rather pushed) until I fell to the ground, unconscious.
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alicedehorner · 2 months
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Vampire and Witch ♡
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alicedehorner · 2 months
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alicedehorner · 2 months
La Bruja de Eltingville ha vuelto... más fuerte que nunca 💙🖤
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alicedehorner · 3 months
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alicedehorner · 3 months
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Do you see that this scene is in Shrek 2? where Geronimo says that he does not have social security, since in my lore (Chapter 2) I work for the Fairy Godmother among my selfship friends in my city the joke started that I did have social security because he kissed me (among other things haha ) with my boss's son, so he convinced his mother very subtly haha, and that's it, from there it came out, so I invented this little adventure with Encantador where we both do it but not for love, nonono. He does it because well, we all know that his mother has arranged his life, so that he gets married and is the king of Far Far Away, so he wants to enjoy life before that happens and I, well, I didn't go out much. for work and Charming well, it was close at hand, two boring people hanging out, and well, they liked each other.
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alicedehorner · 3 months
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It's good to come back even if it's just for a little while... with something super soft✨
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alicedehorner · 3 months
I wanted to make a special drawing of Jack and I so I made one that summarized my dynamic with him, so basically we are ✨️Evil boss x employee madly in love✨️
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alicedehorner · 3 months
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alicedehorner · 3 months
the full set (re8 swap au)
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alicedehorner · 3 months
IT'S FINALLY HERE ⭐️💜💙CHAPTER 2 OF BETTER THAN A WISH!💙💜⭐️ I hope you like it, I think it's my most chaotic chapter because I had to do a lot of things but hey, it's here, it's finally here ♡. I hope you like it, comment, share, I really want to know your opinion on this.
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I don't remember much about my childhood, honestly I didn't know many people as I moved from place to place, I was just a background character in the enormous kingdom of "Far Far Away", I never knew who my parents were, so I had a great time of my childhood and youth in an orphanage, I know what you may think, being an orphan in a world like this I would be a bandit or thief, someone derailed from life perhaps, but I never felt the need, I preferred to look for some small job when I had old enough to give me honest money to eat, I was lucky to meet kind people. And once I became a young adult, I had to find my own path, it was there that I found what would be anyone's dream job, "personal assistant to the fairy godmother", top-level public figure, owner and businesswoman. from the most prestigious potion factory in the entire kingdom, she found me by accident when she saw me working at Farbuk's Coffee and realized I could work under pressure, the rest is history.
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Getting off the carriage I found myself outside the fairy godmother's potion factory, I walked to the entrance while talking about the fairy godmother's appointment for that night through a floating bubble, once inside I met Geronimo who replaced me On my day off, once I arrived I went directly to the factory to report to my boss, finding a complete disaster, the whole place full of broken potions on the floor and all the employees turned into other creatures. Quickly searching with my eyes I found her, talking to some employees, that's when she turned to see me. -Ms. Fairy godmother, what happened? - I asked alarmed - We had a very serious security problem and everything is chaos! - she shouted, spreading her hands in annoyance as she flew near me - I want you to take an inventory of all the potions and if Something is missing, also bring me something to eat, soon," he ordered, maintaining his composure. "Right away, Fairy Godmother," I responded to do my task.
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"I'm not interested in who did it, the only thing that interests me is that they clean," he ordered a group of his employees transformed into doves, while I arrived with the inventory and their food in my hands. "Yes, fairy godmother," they responded to leave. "And please someone bring me something fried and covered in chocolate," he asked into the air. "Mother." He spoke as soon as his son arrived. "Charming," he said flying in his direction. "What happened here?" she asked, seeing the state of the place. "The ogre, that happened," she answered, annoyed. "What? Where is mommy, I'll cut her head off, I'll cut her body into little pieces, she's going to regret the day she "He dared to strip me of my kingdom," he said while posing with his sword so that pigeon dirt fell on him at the end. "Oh, don't exaggerate, my son," he said, calming him down. "Excuse me fairy godmother, I have already inventoried everything, and there is only one potion left," I said, handing her the table with the inventory I had made. "What?" She took the table in her hands to see it. "Oh, I think we can take advantage of this." - She said to herself, immersed in her thoughts.
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“I also brought you your food,” drawing your attention with the plate in my hands. “Ah, excellent Alice,” he said, taking it in his hands and handing me the board again. “I'm going to be in my office, I don't want anyone to bother me.” “Yes. godmother - I nodded to go and help with the cleaning of the factory, once done I went to my desk in reception and later my boss came out with her son - Alice I'm going out, I want you here early tomorrow - she said announcing that she was leaving - "Yes, fairy godmother," I responded, standing up to say goodbye to her. "This morning, her entrance for the royal ball tomorrow night was ready and organized." "Excellent," she said, looking at Charming with complicity. Alice― Charming said mockingly, watching me as I walked behind his mother, blowing me a kiss in the air while I rolled my eyes with a somewhat sarcastic but kind smile. And so they left, at night I along with the other employees already transformed into their normal form We left the factory, in the end I closed and went home. The next morning was a normal day, except that the fairy godmother and her son were not there, that day the production ended early and we all went home on time, when I arrived I turned on the television just in time for the red carpet and to see my boss on television, making her triumphant entrance with the dress she had ordered in the most exclusive store in Very Very Far as she asked me. Once the broadcast was over, I turned off the television and went to sleep in my large bed. I had been able to buy a house with my salary and I was living peacefully. I felt good in my job and I hoped to be able to continue doing so for much longer. But all that changed the next morning, I arrived by carriage to the factory while trying to contact my superior without success while there was the factory door, the noise of the employees in chaos made me divert my attention from the bubble to see everyone In a panic, in the crowd I found Geronimo, walking towards him as fast as my high heels and the crowd would allow me. "What's going on here?" I asked, completely confused.
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And just like that, my comfortable life that I had had for a few months was gone, the fairy godmother had died and the company went bankrupt, everyone was unemployed, including me of course, I sold everything I had and with that money I left very, very far away. , I didn't have to say goodbye to anyone, my boss was dead and I never heard from her son again, I traveled for a long time, until I arrived at a rather gloomy town, with red, black and gray tones, and without much money I arrived to the doors of Lil' Jack's Horner Pie Co. Not knowing that what awaited me here was much worse.
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alicedehorner · 3 months
silly little simp life
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i actually don't remember the data when i become like this, but i watched pib2 somewhere in may so i think it's already passed a year to me ._.
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alicedehorner · 4 months
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Yum yum ♡
(Full on Twitter)
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alicedehorner · 4 months
Mr. Horner...
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alicedehorner · 5 months
Lo terminé
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alicedehorner · 5 months
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Tenía que hacer esto
Espero les guste hahaha, yo la más fan de Jack cantando claro que si
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alicedehorner · 5 months
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Do you know why Mr. Horner always wears a coat?
Because if not, he distracts employees.
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