aliceamethyste · 12 days
As an aromantic person, I've often found myself questionning if I was feeling love. And it always ended up like "if this is love, i don't get why people are making a big deal about it. It's not that good". I then discovered what aromantism is, so End of the debate you think ?
Well, it's not that easy.
I've always not been interested in love, not really caring about it, like it was just some problems I was happy not to deel with. But this year, I'm really feeling like something is missing. It just looks so incredible. I feel left out of something, and it's not a great feeling at all.
I have a friend, and I know if I wasn't aro, I would have had a crush on them. But I don't. At the same time, I'm wishing I could love them this way. I just want to love them this way. But I can't. And it just feels so weird, so strange. I'm left out of something that looks so easy while not be able to have it.
I don't know if I'm the only one that feels the same, and I would love to hear you about your experiences as not straight person and particularly aro.
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aliceamethyste · 13 days
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Don’t have time for new Pride art this month because of deadlines so have some old gay journal comics!
Happy Pride and End the Genocide!
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aliceamethyste · 14 days
Hey, wait! Please stop scrolling for a sec!
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Please bear with me and read to the end! I promise it'll be worth it.
My name is Nexys, and I am queer and disabled. For years I have been striving to create the most tight-knit safe space (that's ACTUALLY safe) on the internet, using content creation as common ground. And we're really starting to take off!
But I need your help. Please reblog this post so that I may meet new people and make new friends! My community has been lifechanging, both to myself and to the people within it. I really feel like my Twitch, YouTube, and Discord communities have been making a difference in the lives of some of the most disadvantaged and marginalized people in the LGBT and neurodiverse communities.
We often play games like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, and Pokémon, with the occasional challenges and other genres thrown in. Sometimes we even invite our chat to play the games with us! So if this sounds like the sort of community you'd be interested in, please join our Discord Server so you don't miss out!
I'm a small creator, and due to my disabilities cannot hold down a normal 9-5 job, so any support and engagement from you—time or money—is a lifechanging opportunity that could potentially alter the course of my life and the lives of my loved ones. Even just dropping in to say hello would mean the world to me!
But I know time is a precious resource, so if you're too busy to sit in with us but still want to support the cause, for as little as $1/month you can become a Patron! And depending on the tier you choose, there may even be some free artwork and other fun perks in it for you!
Thank you so much for your time! Me and my community really hope to meet you, and we hope that you, dear reader, have a fantastic rest of your day/night! Happy Pride!
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aliceamethyste · 2 months
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happy tdov my loves. don't let anyone else define your transness for you.
help trans women evacuate gaza
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aliceamethyste · 2 months
dnd jokes that will always be funny no matter what your dm tells you
"jesus christ" "who's that"
"this is just like (tv show/movie)" "that's my favorite play"
referring to famous musicians or actors from the real world as "bards"
adding the word "fantasy" in front of modern things (i pull out my Fantasy iPhone and open Fantasy Tinder)
"how hurt are you" "on a scale of one to twenty-eight i'd say i'm at about a nine."
feel free to add more
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