Alice Tetch, shitposter extraordinaire. Jervis may be the brains of the operation, but Im the boss. Kind of. // Gothamverse Alice Tetch Roleplay + Q&A Blog. Breaks from canon--Alice can't stay dead, and has gone rather mad. Character development tag: does your garden grow//
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Please enjoy this shitpost of Alice yeeting Jervis
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we have a real motherfucker here, a true idiot child, someone please come collect your bastard
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“I mean...havent you noticed....the cameras?” She whispered, glancing over at one nervously. “And the fact that theres microphones everywhere, and sometimes when you walk out of a room it turns out that it was just a set in a warehouse?”
Alice shook the startled hatter by the shoulder vigourously, eyes wide and wild
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Alice sat on the edge of the roof, legs dangling as she mused on her next move. The woman was out of sight, but likely still in the house; to come out in the open would risk her position. Taking another bite out of her scone, she watched the traffic along the street below her, tucking away the rest of the pastry; satisfied with the level of congestion, she headed for the fire escape. Skittering and sliding down to the alley, Alice swapped coats and bags with her associate, giving the 10 year old a hefty bag of sweets and instructions to delay and divert. Pulling up her collar, she walked out to the street, slipping in with the flow of pedestrians as she made her way towards the tea shop
Gray sat watching the house, she owed Victor several favors and now he decided to collect on a few. Babysitting duty is not her strong suit, but when Zsasz calls in a favor you don't want to piss him off. Shit, she thought to herself when she realized the woman wasn't in the house, checking her phone, clicking to check all the cameras she had hacked into, Victor needs to upgrade his system... where is she, Victor will kill Gray if anything happens to his girlfriend on Gray's watch.
Armed with a large pair of binoculars (courtesy of Jervis) and a heavily modified Nerf gun (courtesy of the neighborhood children who viewed her as their benevolent trickster god) Alice watched the woman in her home from the rooftop of a neighboring apartment complex. Once she stopped in view of a window, distracted on her phone, Alice gave a warning shot, landing a single round of foam and rubber on the window pane with a satisfying ‘smack’
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“Oh...then why does it feel so much longer...?” She spoke mostly to herself, scratching her head and looking Jervis up and down to see what about him had made her feel so disjointed. She snapped her fingers in delight
“Oh! Its the new coat isnt it? I keep forgetting what season were in. Nevermind!” She smiled, brushing down his coat to unruffle it from her attack, walking down to the kitchen to get something to eat
Alice shook the startled hatter by the shoulder vigourously, eyes wide and wild
#thegreatjervistetch#alice being meta#is she the only one to see the cameras?#tune in next reblog to find out
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An abandoned house from @cvativk’s Instagram story (aka my dream house)
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Send “yin and yang” for my muse to be split into two people: their dark half and their light half.
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Exposing people for what they truly are is literally what I do—my entire life and plot development revolve around this.
You could say its.....
In my blood

You ever steal your brothers starbucks card and find out what a real weeb he is for his fandom?
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Alice couldnt help the grin that spread across her face, pattering her feet in excitement to keep herself otherwise in check. It was nice, to be wanted, to be useful. She shook his hand vigorously, smile still intact
“I promise I’ll be the best hired help you’ve ever had! I have weaponized blood, and a passing knowledge of computer hacking and...and I can fit in really small spaces for a pretty long time,” she finished, trying to convey a strong skill set.
“Im really good at destroying evidence, too!”
“Well, its been…strange, to say the least. Like knowing a secret that you cant talk about. Makes me antsy” She was still hesitant to even mention alternate dimensions for fear of the guardians other Jervis had talked about.
“My brother has been more occupied with his other friends now—he has a scarecrow of his own, you see—and so I’ve been left to my own devices, for the most part,” she rambled, suddenly unsure of herself. “And it just gets so boring, and I don’t want to be annoying and bother them, and the tweeds have run off, so currently I am on my own, and I was hoping that maybe..I you…?” She finally concluded, her voice meek as she realized how pathetic her explanation sounded
“I can be useful, as like a decoy or an intern or something,” she offered
Jervis gave a slow, knowing nod at the mention of secrets. His time spent prodding around in others’ heads had made him all too familiar with the feeling of holding knowledge beyond his station. “Or knowing that if you did say something, no one would believe you.”
He wasn’t quite sure what he’d expected for her explanation, but Jervis was still taken aback by her response. It was rare for people to willingly work for him, and even most of the Wonderland Gang were merely underlings of the Tweeds following their bosses’ boss. He supposed his brand of insanity didn’t pay as well as others’.
“Yes, of course, it would be lovely to have you!” His response may have been a tad overenthusiastic, but he didn’t really care to monitor himself. Besides, if she was going to work with him, she would likely be seeing much worse.
#c: the magic man (jervis)#alice just wants to be helpful#her resume isnt exactly impressive in the crime world
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Gray sat watching the house, she owed Victor several favors and now he decided to collect on a few. Babysitting duty is not her strong suit, but when Zsasz calls in a favor you don't want to piss him off. Shit, she thought to herself when she realized the woman wasn't in the house, checking her phone, clicking to check all the cameras she had hacked into, Victor needs to upgrade his system... where is she, Victor will kill Gray if anything happens to his girlfriend on Gray's watch.
Armed with a large pair of binoculars (courtesy of Jervis) and a heavily modified Nerf gun (courtesy of the neighborhood children who viewed her as their benevolent trickster god) Alice watched the woman in her home from the rooftop of a neighboring apartment complex. Once she stopped in view of a window, distracted on her phone, Alice gave a warning shot, landing a single round of foam and rubber on the window pane with a satisfying ‘smack’
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"Almost done with building the town for our bunnies," Victor announced cheerfully.
Alice looked up from the batch of jello shots, pipette of red liquid still poised above them. “Thats great! The bunny kingdom shall be complete, and peace will be secured,” she smiled, finishing the task at hand and beginning to secure lids to each of the small cups.“And with *this*, those college students from down the street will no longer pose a threat as intruders to the land”
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You ever steal your brothers starbucks card and find out what a real weeb he is for his fandom?
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