alice-wade-blog · 11 years
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
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A tie between
Aspen Layton and Alice Wade (each with 23.1% of the votes)
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
Finally Okay | A Oneshot About Death
I’d like to say it all happened so fast. 
But it didn’t.
The pain in my side grew stronger as the blood soaked through my shirt and ran down my body.  The next thing I knew, I had a knife in my mouth.  It cut through my cheeks and my tongue, ripping my mouth open.  I screamed in pain.  I had gone through so much, but this was the worse pain I had ever felt.  I felt blood run down my face and neck, tears streaming down my face in absolute agony.  I pounded my fists against Nery’s body, which was all I was able to do, but of course, that didn’t stop her.
Please.  I begged in my head.  I couldn’t die.  Not now, not after I worked so hard to get this far.  I needed to go home.  I needed Max to live.  I needed Norah, and Maisy to live.  I cried even harder, as I felt death creep upon me.  Nery stopped cutting my mouth, and I thought, maybe it was over.  Just then, I felt the sharpest deepest pain in my back.  I was caught off gaurd, and I eye grew wide as I knew what had just happened.  I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t speak.  My vision went blurry, but I could barely make out a figure in the distance.  A figure I knew was Remy.  I reached my arm out to him as I slid down to the ground.  Nery pushed me to the side, and I knew, my time was up.  I used every last ounce of strength in me to say one last thing., hoping Max would hear me.
“I love you.”
Then it went black.
I woke up, I was safe, I was back to normal.  I felt my face, now free of cuts, and I sighed.  It was over.  I looked out in the distance, and saw someone coming towards me.  As it became more clear, I knew who it was.
I grinned, running forward and jumping in his arms.  Tears ran down my face as he twirled me.  He set me on back on the ground and cupped my face in his hands.  
“I am so, proud of you.”  He whispered, before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.  He stayed there for a moment, just glad to be back with each other.  “Someone wants to see you.”  He said.  I looked up at him, and he turned.  I gasped.  Tears welled in my eyes as I saw who stood before me.
“Mama?”  I asked.  She smiled.  I threw myself towards her, squeezing her tight, and never wanting to let you go.  I nuzzled my face in her neck.  I could hear her crying.  “I’m so sorry mama.  I’m so so sorry.”  I sobbed into her.  She rubbed my hair.  She pulled away, and looked into my eyes, wiping away my tears.
“Don’t be sorry Alice.”  She said.  “I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“But mama, I failed you.”  I wailed.  She shook her head.
“No, you could never fail me.”
“But Max-”
“Shh.”  She whispered, pulling me into her again.  “Max will be fine.  He’s a strong boy, you raised him right.  He can make it.”  She looked at me.  “And, if he doesn’t, he’ll be safe, here with us.”  She smiled, a tear running down my cheek.  “Thank you, for taking care of him Alice.”  She said.  More tears streamed down my face and I nodded.  Pason walked over and we all just hugged, standing there in each others arms, so happy to be together again.  I was so happy.  I had never felt so happy, so free, in my entire life.
I was with the people I loved the most, and I got to look over the one person I loved more than anybody, and watch him turn into a glorious young man.  But that’s when I realized, I was missing two very important people. 
“Will you excuse me, for one moment.”  I said, giving my mother’s hand a squeeze.  I went where I knew I would find them.  I walked across the water, spotting Em’s boat.  I looked around for Remy’s but it was Leo and Jasmine that inhabited the others.  I looked back at Em, and spotted a familiar face next to her.  I looked over at him and waved.  I smiled, I wanted him to know I was safe, and I was happy.  I wanted to wave to Emerson too, I wanted her to know I was okay, but I knew I couldn’t.  I walked over to her boat, sitting next to her.  I put my arm around her and laid my head on her shoulder.
“Good luck.”  I whispered, hoping that somehow, she would hear me.  I waved goodbye to Remy, and ran back to my family.
“I want to go see him.”  I said softly, and they nodded.  I grabbed my mother’s hand, and Pason slid his around my shoulders and we went to him.
And I knew, that somehow, he would be okay.
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
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The three remaining tributes float in an endless sea for what feels like hours. Finally the sun sets over the horizon and the stars come out. Emerson, Leo, and Jasmine can see the projection of the Fallen in the sky above them as they float in the open sea. As one mourns for two that have been lost, they all remain silent and still in their boats, set on a course for the Victor’s Crown. 
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
Such Great Sacrifice || Remy, Emerson, Alice, & Nery
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
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Weapons: Longbow & 12 Arrows, Marlinspike
Packs & Items: Pack C (Truncheon, 2 L canteen of pure water, 2 walkie talkies, stuffed-toy seagull wearing a Captain’s hat, 1 bag of jelly babies, 1 box of Cheez-Its) Lighter, Handful of Nails, Hammer, 1 Bottle of Water, tube of antibiotic cream and a Sweatshirt
Injuries: Cuts from glass (healing) 
Allies: Emerson and Remy
Location in arena: Snack Shop (Deck A)
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
Now or Never || Update Oneshot
I kept watch while Emerson and Remy rested up.  All of a sudden, there was another explosion.  I shielded myself from any debris with the sweatshirt in my lap.  Remy and Em popped up.  I looked at them in panic.  The Gamemakers always did something to push everyone together.  There was a chance we wouldn't all come out of this alive.  Remy turned to Em, clutching to her.  I bit my lip and turned, grabbing my pack.  I unzipped it, stuffing the nails and the lighter into my pocket.  I pulled my quiver across my body and grabbed my longbow.  I picked up my marlinspike and put it in my other pocket.  
I turned back to them as they shared a kiss.  He wrapped  his arms around her for a moment before turning to me.  He put his hand on my cheek, saying a simple goodbye.  A tear ran down my cheek.  I was never going to see him again.  
"I love you too."  I whispered.  I looked to Emerson, and slid my hand into hers.  I gave it a squeeze and she nodded before grabbing her weapons.
I had to let go of everything.  This was the time.  I had to face my greatest fears, and do what I needed to get home.  To make sure Max was safe.  
It was now or never.  
Items: Handfull of Nails, Lighter
Weapons: Longbow & 12 Arrows and Marlinspike
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
I nodded as they both looked my way.  
"I'm alright.  Thank you for letting me sleep."  I said, smiling softly.  Emerson looked like she was feeling a little better, and I was glad.  Her cut seemed to be healing fast, and I wondered if there wasn't something in the stitches that was helping. 
Remy started to cough and I did as well.  Smoke was pouring in more and more.  "Maybe we should try to find some fresh air."  I suggested, covering my mouth.  I tightened my grip on my bow, fearful of who, or what, my lie outside of the shop.
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
My eyes widened as I saw the dynamite. “Remy… this is insane. You could kill all of us with that!” I smiled though. “You have the coolest sponsor ever.” I was still jealous, but does that surprise anyone anymore? I nodded with Alice when she said to be careful.
“The morphling’s doing pretty well,” I replied, the throbbing in my leg slightly lessening with every passing minute. “I’ll be good as new soon enough. Ready to kick any asses that mess with us,” I added with a smile. “Remy’s sweet to have given it up to me.” I stepped closer to him and leaned on my tiptoes, giving him a quick kiss.
“How are you guys doing? Your leg and your cuts?” I turned to Remy, then Alice, with concern.
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
I rubbed my eyes and took Remy's hand as he helped my on my feet.  I pulled my quiver across my body and threw my pack on one of my shoulders.  A parachute swooped in through the window and found it's way to Remy's feet.  Emerson teased him as he reached down to pick it up.  He opened it and pulled out a stick of dynamite.  My eyes widened as I saw it.
"Just...be careful."  I said, giving him a look.  He had told me that he didn't plan on going home, I didn't want him doing something stupid.  He pocketed the dynamite along with a lighter.  I looked at both of them as they gathered their things.   "Did the morphling help?"  I asked Em as she rose to her feet.
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
II smiled up at Remy as I took the pull, swallowing it with some water. I’d need the pain to subside if I were going to have to defend myself and I hope it kicked in pretty quickly. I watched Remy wake Alice as I pulled myself shakily to my feet. 
I turned to Remy and smiled at him at her question, and he gave a small smile back. “No, not much happened. Just resting.” I sighed and sipped more water as I heard a faint beeping. A parachute drifted through the broken open window and landed at Remy’s feet.
“Somebody’s popular,” I teased. 
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
I saw Max.  He was happy and all smiles as he ran around his huge new house, eating little cakes and tracking mud on the carpet.  It was all so wonderful.  He was safe.  I did it, I won.
All of a sudden My shoulders shook and  I gently opened my eyes.  Remy was staring back at me.  No more house, no more Max.  It was just a dream.  I sighed, sitting up.  I nodded as he spoke, wiping my face, and reaching for my bow.  I looked over at Emerson, who swallowed a pill.  
"Anything happen while I was out?"  I asked.
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
I smiled at that. Forever sounded nice, especially having a forever with him always in my heart. We laid there still, Alice’s breathing and our beating hearts the only sounds in the room. 
Always. Forever and Always. That sounded nice. I blushed a little as he took my hand in his, kissing it gently. Even after all that, in the midst of this insane arena and in the circumstances we were in, Remy still knew how to make me feel like a princess. “I love you,” I whispered softly. “And I like Always too. Always is good.”
I nodded. “It doesn’t matter what part of you you bring up. I love every single part of you, because if even one of those parts was missing, you wouldn’t be my Remy.” I snuggled him closer to me. “Do you have any more morphling? The cut hurts and I want to sit up.”
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
We almost forgot the world around us, and it was probably a good thing no one jumped in and attacked us, because we wouldn't be prepared.  We all just relaxing and enjoyed the time we had together while we had it.
I nodded.  "Sounds like a plan."  I nodded.  God knows I could use a bit of rest.  I had decided to let the both of them sleep through the night and keep watch.  I was exhausted and I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.
"You're right.  As long as we're together, we'll be okay."  I smiled.
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
I smiled, moving from Remy’s shoulder to lay carefully with my head on his non-stitched leg. My stomach was still in pain but I knew Remy needed the other morphling more than I did. I tried to not touch the wound though my instincts drew me to it.
“I love you guys,” I said quietly, “And I’m happy I have you too. I have no sponsor, and it’s not like anyone would change their mind about me now,” I said with a little laugh, wincing at the pain of the laugh moving my stomach. “You guys are taking care of me, and even though I don’t like to depend on other people, I like this.”
I sighed happily, reaching up for Remy’s other hand and holding onto it. “I wish we could stay here for the rest of the Games.”
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
I laughed.  "You think I would have believed you if you told me I would be allied with two careers?  Let alone calling them my best friends."  I smiled, holding tight to Remy's hand. 
"I know what you mean.  I always wondered why people got so close to others in the arena, when they knew they would just be heartbroken.  But I understand it now.  If I wasn't with you guys, I would be probably be in tears, or dead."  I confessed.  I smiled softly, "I'm glad I have the two of you."  I knew that when this was over, it was possible we would be apart.  It was possible we'd be apart be tonight even, but I tried not to think about it.  All I wanted was right now.
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
I was confused at the beginning of Remy’s speech but I eventually scooted closer and laid my head on his shoulder as I spoke. We really were a family, and there was a chance we wouldn’t all be together by nightfall- I was happy that we had our little bonding moment.
I smiled at Alice as she spoke, tears in her eyes. I took a deep breath. “I’ve been waiting to be here for years. I could never figure out how I thought it would be in the Arena, who I’d be with. If you’d told me a year ago that my alliance would consist of my district partner who was my boyfriend and the girl from District 12 I would’ve probably laughed in your face… but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you both.” 
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
I took another sip of water as we had a moment of silence, all of us feeling a bit sorry for ourselves and enjoying our snacks.  Finally, Remy spoke up.
I watched him as he spoke.  I was a bit confused at first, but he kept going, and I understood what he meant.  A tear ran down my cheek, though I wiped it away as quick as I could.  I wanted to jump into his arms and hug him, but I knew Emerson would want to comfort him more, so I stayed put and just smiled.
"You guys are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."  I said, trying to hold back any more tears.  "When I got reaped, I thought my life was over.  I thought Max's life was over.  But now, I know it's not."  I grabbed Remy's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Thank you."
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
I smiled over at Remy as he gently stroked my leg. “I hope so,” I echoed Alice. I reached forward and squeezed his hand tight before going back to my meal. Never before had I had a picnic next to a burning building. Only in the Hunger Games, I guess. 
“I hope we’re okay. It’d be nice to have a drama free day but we all know the Gamemakers won’t allow it. Third day in the Arena now and twelve of us left- they’re going to want to keep the numbers dwindling.” I sighed, taking another bite of pineapple and wiping away the juice that dribbled down my chin.
“I’m happy I have this pineapple though,” I said with a laugh. “Kind of a random thing to have in a backpack but I’m not complaining.”
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
Remy managed to cut off a few chunks off the pineapple.  I gladly accepted the pieces, sucking as much of the juice out as I could and licking my lips.
"Thanks Remy."  I said with a smile, finishing off the last of my pineapple.  We snacked on the food in front of us, staying quiet for the most part, but talking a bit.
"I hope so."  I said as Remy comforted Em.  One of us going home was the only way I could ensure that Max would end up okay.  Both of them had promised to go see them if they won.  I looked over at Em and nodded.  "We're all doing the best we can.  We're a bit banged up, but we manage."  I smiled.  "We're gonna be okay.  I know it."
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
I laughed a little as Remy sawed through the pineapple. But his persistence paid off eventually and soon we had some very crudely sliced pineapple. I smiled and took a piece, the fruit sweet and delicious to my hungry stomach.
“I’m happy we’re all safe too… though I think our good days are over,” I laughed. It’d be a matter of time before we were all torn apart. But for now we were alive and safe and eating pineapple, trying to pretend that we weren’t here. “I hope someone from our little group goes home.
Though lately I doubted it’d be me.
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
Remy managed to find a swiss army knife.  He came over and sat back down.  I laughed as he attempted to slice through the pineapple.
"Is your leg okay?"  I asked him.  He looked like he was in pain.  I rubbed my head, hoping my headache would go away soon.  Em finished with the cream and I slid the tube into my pack along with the rest of the bandaids. I pulled out one of Mara's canteens of water and took a long sip.  I was desperate for a drink.  I felt bad since it was Mara's but I tried not to think about it.  
"I'm just glad we're all safe."  I said, licking my lips.  "Hopefully our day is a little better than yesterday."
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
Remy got up to look around.  All of a sudden, a parachute came flying through the window and plopped at my feet.  I smiled, grabbing it and opening up.  Alecander had chose me.  I grinned, pulling out the antibiotic and healing cream, and a box of bandaids.  "Thank you."  I said, looking up at the sky.  I opened the tube of antibiotic and started smoothing it on my cuts.  After I finished I handed it to Em. 
"You should use some." I said with a smile, nodding the the cuts on her arms.  I put a few dabs of healing cream on and covered the larger cuts with the bandaids.  
"Pineapple sounds great right now."  I said with a smile.  Pineapple was something I had never tasted until I got to the Capitol.  I couldn't wait to taste it again.
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship is on Fire || Emeryce
I sat quietly and watched while Remy pulled the glass shards from Alice’s arm, comforting her like he’d comforted me. I sipped a bit more water and waited until he was finished, wrapping the glass up and setting it aside. I watched Alice clean her own cuts off and instantly blushed upon my weakness the night before with my own stitches and wound.
Alice turned to me and I tried to smile back. “It’s okay,” I said simply, “It still hurts a bit but it didn’t get any worse, so that’s a good thing. Might even feel better already.” I touched the bandage and winced. “I’ll be alright. I had good doctors,” I teased.
“A sponsor would be great right now though. But we should be ready to defend, y’know, just in case.” I picked up my scimitar again. “I’ll be able to move and walk today though, I’m just a bit sore. How’s your leg doing, Remy?” I asked.
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alice-wade-blog · 11 years
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A parachute floats through the windows, past the broken glass, and lands at Alice’s feet. She opens it up to find a tube of antibiotic and healing cream and a box of band-aids.
You’re halfway there, stay strong. I hope this helps. - Alcander
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